La Congolaise

"La Congolaise" (English: "The Congolese", Kongo: "Besi Kôngo") is the national anthem of the Republic of the Congo. It was adopted upon independence from France in 1959,[1] replaced in 1969 by "Les Trois Glorieuses" but reinstated in 1991. The lyrics were written by Jacques Tondra and Georges Kibanghi, and the music was composed by Jean Royer and Joseph Spadilière.[1][2]


The first verse and chorus constitute as the official national anthem and are most commonly played during events.


  1. ^ a b c "Hymne, Drapeau & armoiries". Ambassade de la République du Congo au Canada. Retrieved 11 January 2022.
  2. ^ La Semaine africaine 378, 29 November 1959, cited by Silvère NGOUNDOS IDOURAH and Nicole DOCKES-LALLEMENT, Justice et pouvoir au Congo-Brazzaville, 1958–1992, la confusion des rôles, L'Harmattan, Paris, 2001, ISBN 2-7475-1319-X, 9782747513197
  3. ^ a b Shaw, Martin (1975). National Anthems of the World. Blandford Press. p. 103. ISBN 978-0-7137-0679-6.

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