Talk:Social intelligence

Duplicated passages

Psychologist and professor at the London School of Economics Nicholas Humphrey believes it is social intelligence or the richness of our qualitative life, rather than our quantitative intelligence, that truly makes humans what they are – for example what it's like to be a human being living at the centre of the conscious present, surrounded by smells and tastes and feels and the sense of being an extraordinary metaphysical entity with properties which hardly seem to belong to the physical world

This passage from the lead is duplicated in the section How is Intelligence Different to Social Intelligence. --Open 2 (talk) 10:09, 9 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]

The social intelligence quotient or SQ is a statistical abstraction similar to the ‘standard score’ approach used in IQ tests with a mean of 100.
This sentence from Social Intelligence Quotient (SQ) is repeated in Measuring social intelligence.--Open 2 (talk) 10:20, 9 October 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Duplication of language is not a problem per se so long as the lead summarizes clearly and concisely. I'm of the opinion that leads should evolve on their own merit, to be the best lead possible, as viewed relative to the content and scope of the rest of the article, and not its specific language. — MaxEnt 18:02, 25 July 2018 (UTC)[reply]


I think this page is misleading.

Social Intelligence (or sometimes Machiavellian Intelligence) is commonly used as a term for the major evolutionary theory that explains why (for example) primates are intelligent in the way that they are. The explanation is that the social environment is a major source of selection pressure.

This concept is widely used by evolutionary psychologists, and is the basis of many thousands of publications.

The original reference is The Social Function of Intellect by Nicholas Humphrey from 1976 - it can be found at: —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs)

Low quality post

Low quality post, not very clean information, and lacking in sited sources. I came to this wiki article to consider the book on the subject, this didn't help at all. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs)

Different uses of "social intelligence"

I suggest the article should at least distinguish artificial social intelligence and other uses of social intelligence. A disambiguation page may be in order. --Fasten 11:29, 14 March 2007 (UTC)[reply]

not English

I know the native language of the original writer of the article is not English, but the caveman reference previously on this page was uncalled-for. Keeno 21:10, 29 April 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Social IQ tests

Is there an article about social IQ tests? --Shultz IV 21:57, 3 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

No but you try an article about Theory of Mind Flynneffects (talk) 18:36, 8 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Incorrect Classification!

"This test could also be used to assess people that might have some sort of a personality disorder such as Schizophrenia or ADHD." Schizophrenia and ADHD are NOT classified as personality disorders! Schizophrenia is a psychotic mental disorder (ie, relating to perception), and ADHD is a developmental disorder (ie, relating to cognition.)Guinevere34 (talk) 12:34, 11 July 2008 (UTC)[reply]


Isn't it talking about diplomacy and force someone to lie for the situation? Then what is the moral here? --Rrjanbiah (talk) 05:33, 25 July 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Two halves of the coin: one half psychology; the other half social. Unfortunately, most references to social intelligence relate to an individual's social skills. Not mentioned, and more important, is how social intelligence (speaking of a group or assembly of groups) processes information about the world and shares it with participants in the group(s). Are there social structures or can they be designed to accumulate and reveal information to the individual or to other groups. Some social structures are obviously pathological: recently I came across a statement that describes a government as a pathocracy, run by sociopaths.

The bigger question is how groups and societies map the environment (both ecological, social, and personal) into a social structure. How is that structure able to contain a world view and to reveal that view to the participants? How are decisions made?

What is mentioned here is no less that a formal syntax and grammar for articulating (talking and communicating) in a language of statements as social structure or as theorems -- however you want to look at it. A formal structure can be designed so as to contain chromosome analogous information sets that mutate, evolve, and, for the first time, put social forms on a deliberately designed path towards "intelligent" social structure. We're talking about an evolving "social" organism. Can you dig it?

Many people shy from talk of "structure" or of conceptual hierarchy -- but the mind, brain, and body are systems that classify the world into genus and species, into the one and the many (as the Greeks would say.) No structure means no starting point and means a subconscious repetition of personal experience, as opposed to a "user friendly" system that operationally defines "truth, freedom, and justice."

Bubinish (talk) 22:51, 15 August 2011 (UTC)[reply]

Opposing arguments?

There needs to be some reference to ideas that identify social intelligence as something that does not need seperate identification apart from IQ as it simply refers to knowledge gathered relating to other people... —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 18:23, 23 November 2008 (UTC)[reply]

Picture Arrangement subtest

This used to be part of the Wechsler intelligence scales and was sometimes thought to measure social intelligence. Should be mentioned in the article. Flynneffects (talk) 08:22, 5 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Intelligence Citations Bibliography for Articles Related to IQ Testing

I have posted a bibliography of Intelligence Citations for the use of all Wikipedians who have occasion to edit articles on human intelligence and related issues. I happen to have circulating access to a huge academic research library at a university with an active research program in those issues (and to another library that is one of the ten largest public library systems in the United States) and have been researching these issues since 1989. You are welcome to use these citations for your own research and to suggest new sources to me by comments on that page. -- WeijiBaikeBianji (talk) 19:50, 30 June 2010 (UTC)[reply]

Trimmed material from § Additional views

I cut the part below out of the section "Additional views" because it is not written in an encyclopedic way and I don't know how to edit this. Only Babu's definition is kept. Lova Falk talk 18:38, 1 October 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Babu M (2013) defines social intelligence as "the ability to deal efficiently and thoughtfully, keeping one’s own identity, employing apposite social inputs with a wider understanding of social environment; considering empathetic co-operation as a base of social acquaintance." He has modeled social intelligence in an indigenous way. The model is as shown below:

The identified dimension of social intelligence are named as- Web-ironment, Me-identity, Social Inputting and Empathetic Co-operation. The dimensions of proposed social intelligence model are expanded below.

- Web-ironment: It means the awareness and acceptance of the social world including social man, social situations, social gatherings, social norms and social behavior as a whole. This is a possible only after the fashioned co-ordination of perception and thought patterns.

- Web ironment is individualistic in nature. It will be affected and diverted by situational factors. It is the power supply on which the social brain forms connections and association. -

Me-identity: It denotes the acceptance and awareness on self as a social being, knowledge on what are the skill sets of me and how others perceive me as a social organism. To have a clear me identity it required a definite level of web ironment. Though both web ironment and me- identity are mutually related the later has a more personal connotation.

- Social Inputting: It is the SR mechanism of social situation, the social involvement by an individual and the ways in which he/she approaches in the multitude of social happenings. Those who are very good in social inputting occupy a good level of me identity and web ironment. Empathetic Co-operation: It is being formed out of a shared feeling and wireless bonds between individuals in social dealings, enhances the overall social success. This is just like empathy mentioned by Albrecht in his SPACE Model. Empathetic co-operation develops in an individual through his experiences. It gradually forms and develops as concerns towards the related person/ being in the scene.

The model as developed by the researcher is mathematically shown below:

SQ = f [(W+M) +(K+E)]

Where; SQ = Social Intelligence Quotient W = Web-ironment M = Me-identity K = A+S A = Effect of E (Empathetic Co-operation) which cannot be separated S = Social Inputting, and E = Empathetic Co-operation

(Source: Babu M, Sameer. (2013). Social Intelligence and Aggressive Behaviour in relation to Classroom Climate in relation to Classroom Climate among Upper Primary School Students of Delhi and Kerala. Unpublished Ph D Thesis. Faculty of Education, Jamia Millia Islamia, India

Lead rewrite flagged October 2017

I hereby confirm that this lead requires a rework. It reads like five authorial blurbs scraped off the back of best-selling popular science tome then shovelled into a waffle iron. In the spirit of GTD's next step mantra: the obvious next step is to insert a new sentence #2 between the first, defining sentence and the community survey. — MaxEnt 18:08, 25 July 2018 (UTC)[reply]

Wiki Education assignment: Industry Theory and Practice

This article was the subject of a Wiki Education Foundation-supported course assignment, between 13 September 2022 and 19 December 2022. Further details are available on the course page. Student editor(s): Fluffpups (article contribs). Peer reviewers: Autumn1297, Taty1999.

— Assignment last updated by MammothSunflower (talk) 17:44, 3 November 2022 (UTC)[reply]