List of Arab members of the Knesset

There have been Israeli Arab members of the Knesset ever since the first Knesset elections in 1949. The following is a list of the 100 past and present members. Some Israeli Druze dispute the label "Arab" and consider Druze to be a separate ethnic group. However, because they speak Arabic as their first language they are still included in this list.

Current members (10)

Past members (90)

See also


  1. ^ Israeli Arab sportscaster to get into game from inside Knesset Times of Israel, 5 December 2014
  2. ^ International Holocaust Remembrance Day Marked by 54 Knesset Members at Auschwitz The Algemeiner, 27 January 2014
  3. ^ Jason Koutsoukis (16 May 2009). "Voice of equality". The Age. My parents are Muslims. They pray, they fast, they have been to Mecca, but they raised their children to think and feel as liberal, open-minded people.

External links