
Cinchocaine (INN/BAN) or dibucaine (USAN) is an amide local anesthetic. Among the most potent and toxic of the long-acting local anesthetics, current use of cinchocaine is generally restricted to spinal and topical anesthesia.[1][2] It is sold under the brand names Cincain, Nupercainal, Nupercaine and Sovcaine.

Medical use

Cinchocaine is the active ingredient in some topical hemorrhoid creams such as Proctosedyl.[3] It is also a component of the veterinary drug Somulose, used for euthanasia of horses and cattle.

Physical properties

Cinchocaine is relatively insoluble in alkaline aqueous solutions.

See also


  1. ^ Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th ed, p1006
  2. ^ "Dibucaine". MeSH Browser. U.S. National Library of Medicine.
  3. ^ Henderson R (29 November 2020). "Proctosedyl ointment/suppositories (cinchocaine, hydrocortisone)". Netdoctor. Retrieved 25 December 2019.

Further reading