Discusión de Wikipedia:Manual de estilo

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Específico de la capitalización:

Solicitudes de movimiento :

Otras discusiones:

Bastante rancio pero no "concluido":


RfC: Uso de verbos en descripciones biográficas

La siguiente discusión es un registro archivado de una solicitud de comentarios . No la modifique. No se deben realizar más modificaciones a esta discusión. A continuación se incluye un resumen de las conclusiones a las que se llegó.
Existe consenso en que "servir", "servido como", etc. es aceptable en muchos contextos sin tener en cuenta la neutralidad, y si bien en otros contextos puede ser una mala redacción o una mala redacción, estas preguntas quedan reemplazadas por el consenso abrumador de que la MOS no debería tener una regla sobre este lenguaje . —  HTGS  ( discusión ) 03:35 17 ago 2024 (UTC) [ responder ]

En muchos artículos sobre personas vivas , y particularmente sobre personas en posiciones de autoridad, por ejemplo, miembros del parlamento, directores ejecutivos de corporaciones, concejales de la ciudad, etc., el párrafo principal a menudo usa el verbo "servir" para denotar el trabajo de la persona. Por ejemplo, "La Sra. Smith sirve/ha estado sirviendo/ha servido como miembro de la Junta Directiva de XYZ". En esta discusión relacionada, se planteó la cuestión sobre el potencial de exceso sin sentido en el uso de ese término. (Aquí hay un ensayo útil sobre eso.) Esto, por supuesto, se aplica a las biografías sobre personas que ya no están vivas.

Se invita a enviar comentarios sobre las siguientes opciones:

- El Gnomo ( discusión ) 17:37 12 ago 2024 (UTC) [ responder ]

Así que, decirle a alguien «Gracias por su servicio» , por ejemplo a un soldado veterano, no denota nada positivo en absoluto; es una expresión abyecta de agradecimiento por llevar uniforme, y nada más . Y, lógicamente, podría expresar el mismo sentimiento de agradecimiento a un soldado traidor. - El Gnomo ( discusión ) 14:41 14 ago 2024 (UTC) [ responder ]
A un traidor no se le debe dar las gracias, pero ¿qué tiene esto que ver con esta discusión? Gawaon ( discusión ) 15:21 14 ago 2024 (UTC) [ responder ]
En realidad, estás demostrando mi punto de vista. La frase que citaste lo hace, pero no porque incluya la palabra "servicio". Es positiva por el "gracias". Si hubieras dicho "Confirmo tu servicio" o "Tomo nota de tu servicio", tu comentario no se habría recibido como positivo a pesar de la palabra "servicio". En cambio, si hubieras dicho "Gracias por tu tiempo en el ejército" o "Gracias por tu trabajo", eso se habría recibido como un comentario positivo sin necesidad de hacer referencia al servicio. MapReader ( discusión ) 17:12 14 ago 2024 (UTC) [ responder ]
La discusión anterior está cerrada. No la modifique. Los comentarios posteriores deben realizarse en la página de discusión correspondiente. No se deben realizar más modificaciones a esta discusión.

Posesivos y figuras premodernas

Perdónenme por abordar uno de los temas con docenas de discusiones previas vinculadas en el encabezado, pero esto me ha estado molestando y parece lo suficientemente importante como para ser una fuente de constante confusión y discrepancia. En general, los artículos sobre figuras clásicas (o al menos ese es el alcance más útil que puedo determinar) con nombres grecolatinos que terminan en S como Arquímedes parecen divergir conscientemente de MOS:'S . Parece ser un problema real, ya que estos son algunos de los ejemplos más destacados de lo que la directriz antes mencionada pretende cubrir. Como parece bastante improbable que nos encontremos con una excepción bien definida para el MOS, ¿qué se supone que debemos hacer aquí? Remsense  ‥ 12:15, 14 de septiembre de 2024 (UTC) [ responder ]

¿Te refieres a agregar una S después del apóstrofe o a usar U+0027 ' APÓSTROFE ' en lugar de U+2019 ' COMILLA SIMPLE DERECHA ? -- Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz Nombre de usuario:Chatul ( discusión ) 15:15 15 sep 2024 (UTC) [ responder ]
El primero, perdón. Arquímedes contra Arquímedes . Remsense  ‥ 02:09, 16 de septiembre de 2024 (UTC) [ responder ]
¿Por qué debería tener algo que ver con la fecha del tema? No cambiamos nuestro idioma al griego clásico para hablar de Arquímedes; ¿por qué deberíamos cambiarlo de otras maneras?
Pero ahora me pregunto sobre un tema diferente. Un posesivo 's' o 's', al menos de la manera en que yo lo diría, se expresa de forma sonora, más como una z. Así es como normalmente pronunciaría la s al final del nombre Arquímedes. Si fuera más estricto con la pronunciación griega (recordando esa escena de Bill y Ted) podría ser diferente. Pero por alguna razón, algunos otros nombres que terminan en vocal-s (incluidos Moisés y Jesús) terminan con una s sorda para mí. Si deletreo el posesivo "Moses'" y lo pronuncio "Mozəz", estoy sustituyendo la consonante final en lugar de simplemente eliminar una consonante repetida. Pero si lo deletreo "Moses's" y lo pronuncio "Mozəsəz", me parece más lógico porque sigo pronunciando tanto el nombre como el posesivo de la manera que esperaría.
Es decir, creo que el uso de s' vs s's podría basarse razonablemente en la pronunciación en lugar de en la ortografía o la cronología. — David Eppstein ( discusión ) 07:17 16 sep 2024 (UTC) [ responder ]
En esos contextos, parece que no se usa la S final, lo que se ha mencionado recientemente en el rayo de calor de Arquímedes como una razón por la que es convencional en este caso. No estoy de acuerdo en absoluto con eso, pero es un argumento que parece contradecirse directamente con el consenso existente, por lo que estoy un poco desconcertado.
Tampoco estoy de acuerdo con el argumento de la fonología, ya que seguramente es algo que varía según el acento y probablemente no se pueda distinguir claramente en muchos casos. Remsense  ‥ 07:21, 16 de septiembre de 2024 (UTC) [ responder ]
Hay dos cuestiones distintas. La gramática correcta exige eliminar la S sólo después de una terminación plural en S. Una terminación singular en S tiene una forma posesiva ' s'.
La otra cuestión es cuál es o debería ser la política de Wikipedia. Esto, presumiblemente, está determinado por WP:RS . -- Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz Nombre de usuario:Chatul ( discusión ) 09:14 16 sep 2024 (UTC) [ responder ]
En realidad no, ya que citar o citar no es lo mismo que transcribir: somos totalmente capaces de divergir en estilo de nuestras fuentes (en muchos casos se espera que lo hagamos) porque obviamente no afecta el significado de las afirmaciones. Remsense  ‥ 09:16, 16 de septiembre de 2024 (UTC) [ responder ]
En general, se observa que Jesús y Moisés no usan el apóstrofe s para evitar el sonido ziz ziz: así que son Jesús y Moisés. (Tangente: supongamos que hay varias personas llamadas Jesús, que colectivamente poseen algo: sería el de los Jesús). Sin embargo, en general no se considera categóricamente incorrecto. Olvidé lo que dice MoS. Todo lo mejor: Rich Farmbrough 20:26, 28 de septiembre de 2024 (UTC).[ responder ]
Suena demasiado a Azazel . ¿MÁS QUE UNA COINCIDENCIA? E Eng 17:44, 16 de octubre de 2024 (UTC)[ responder ]

Columna de texto de un carácter

¿Tenemos una política que cubra el texto que se muestra en una columna estrecha como una serie de líneas de un carácter? Por ejemplo, consulte [1]GhostInTheMachine háblame 13:13, 17 de septiembre de 2024 (UTC) [ responder ]

Estoy bastante seguro de que no. Si bien todo ese color y esas cosas en esa página en particular parecen inútiles, el texto "vertical" tiene sus usos: consulte la columna izquierda de WP:MOSNUM#Specific_units . E Eng 13:56, 17 de septiembre de 2024 (UTC) [ responder ]
Ambas versiones (la que está vinculada y la actual) son incorrectas. Simplemente use la fecha actual, con la clasificación de fecha correcta. Gonnym ( discusión ) 14:25 17 sep 2024 (UTC) [ responder ]
Es una violación de las prácticas adecuadas de accesibilidad. Hace que cualquiera que use un lector de pantalla tenga que aguantar "jay ay en yoo ay ar wy", etc. Aparte de eso, no hay justificación para el estilo de mayúsculas o el uso de colores. Es como algo de 1998. Largoplazo ( discusión ) 14:31 17 sep 2024 (UTC) [ responder ]
Felicitaciones a alguien por hacer el esfuerzo, pero no fue una buena idea. Todo lo mejor: Rich Farmbrough 20:28, 28 de septiembre de 2024 (UTC).[ responder ]

Cita en bloque traducida

Escribí la plantilla:Translated blockquote para estandarizar la implementación de Wikipedia:Manual de estilo § Citas en idiomas distintos del inglés . Me pregunto si hay comentarios sobre la apariencia. La guía no es muy específica. En particular, me pregunto dónde se debe colocar el idioma de la cita, si se proporciona. También agradecería que me confirmaran si los corchetes alrededor de la traducción son apropiados. No se incluyeron en la mayoría de los ejemplos existentes que encontré, pero pensé que ayudarían a aclarar que son una traducción y no parte de la cita. Una vez que se resuelvan estos problemas, propongo que se mencione la plantilla en la propia guía. Daask ( discusión ) 20:33, 18 de septiembre de 2024 (UTC) [ responder ]

Preferiría que el original y su traducción se mostraran uno al lado del otro, pero eso es una cuestión de gustos. Si se muestra un idioma, normalmente no debería estar vinculado. En mi opinión, el uso de corchetes es coherente con las plantillas de citas. -- Michael Bednarek ( discusión ) 03:59, 19 de septiembre de 2024 (UTC) [ responder ]
Agradecería la posibilidad de especificar el tamaño de la sangría de párrafo: en Zhuangzi (libro) , he establecido manualmente la sangría para dichas comillas en 1ic, lo que coincide efectivamente con el ancho de un carácter. Remsense  ‥ 04:34, 19 de septiembre de 2024 (UTC) [ responder ]

Formato de subtítulos

Propongo esta regla:

Debería complementarse con esto:

Véase el ejemplo de John Vivian, 4.º barón de Swansea . Me parece extraño que aparezcan todos los demás signos de puntuación, pero no el último. HandsomeFella ( discusión ) 19:14 23 sep 2024 (UTC) [ responder ]

Esa no es la oración del artículo; elimine la palabra o . La propuesta suena razonable a primera vista, pero podría necesitar una justificación sólida. -- Shmuel (Seymour J.) Metz Nombre de usuario:Chatul ( discusión ) 19:39, 23 de septiembre de 2024 (UTC) [ responder ]
Entonces, si un título incluye una coma o un guión inofensivos, ¿debe terminar con un punto? No creo que eso suponga una mejora. Nuestra regla actual es simple y coherente y no veo una buena razón para un cambio de ese tipo. Gawaon ( discusión ) 08:39 26 sep 2024 (UTC) [ responder ]
Una forma segura de molestar a los lectores y editores sería marcar con puntos los títulos que no son oraciones, como si fueran oraciones. Eso sería muy extraño y daría lugar a reversiones de inserciones de puntos o a expansiones de títulos en oraciones importantes, que luego se revertirían, y la interrupción continuaría hasta que se revirtiera el cambio de MOS. NebY ( discusión ) 15:20 26 sep 2024 (UTC) [ responder ]

Caso de prueba para títulos de artículos con puntos suspensivos iniciales

 Estás invitado a unirte a la discusión en Talk:...Baby One More Time § Solicitud de traslado el 24 de septiembre de 2024. Shhhnotsoloud ( discusión ) 13:12 24 sep 2024 (UTC) [ responder ]

Propuesta de astronomía MoS

Hemos elaborado una propuesta de artículo de MoS para el tema de astronomía, que se encuentra aquí: MOS:ASTRO . ¿Existe un proceso de aprobación que se deba seguir para que se incluya en la plantilla {{ Style }} ? Es decir, que se agregue a 'Por área temática' en 'Ciencia'. Solo quiero entender los pasos. Gracias. Praemonitus ( discusión ) 17:32 24 sep 2024 (UTC) [ responder ]

Hmmm... Abarca algunas cuestiones que no son realmente cuestiones de estilo . Tal vez debería titularse WP:ASTRO y no MOS:ASTRO. Blueboar ( discusión ) 20:28 27 sep 2024 (UTC) [ responder ]
Oh, okay. Well I suppose it's more of a guideline then. Thanks. Praemonitus (talk) 02:04, 28 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Quick question..... this is being presented by a Wikiproject? I assume there's more than just four people at the project and that this is currently the norm for these type of pages? Moxy🍁 02:34, 28 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]
All I was asking for was the procedure. It is in regards to WP:AST. Thanks. Praemonitus (talk) 04:51, 28 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]

It is relatively uncontroversial for WikiProjects to develop suggestions for article content and to label it as an essay, and does not require a formal RfC and encyclopedia-wide consensus; for a recent example see Wikipedia:WikiProject Numbers/Guidelines. Making something a binding guideline on the whole encyclopedia is a much bigger thing, and probably would require buy-in from a much wider pool of editors through a formal RfC advertised at the Village Pump etc. If you are going to call it a Manual of Style it should be limited purely to style and not content or referencing, and be more phrased as clear formatting rules than as vague "you should consider this kind of source for this kind of content" suggestions. Also, I tend to think that suggestions like "The accuracy of the image should be confirmed by an astronomy expert" go far beyond usual Wikipedia norms where we rely on verifiability through sourcing rather than credentials and personal expertise. —David Eppstein (talk) 06:09, 28 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Thank you, David. Praemonitus (talk) 14:38, 28 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]

9×19mm Parabellum

Should this be capped? All the best: Rich Farmbrough 20:12, 28 September 2024 (UTC).[reply]

It was apparently registered as a trade mark (not an RS but see here) which would be good reason to cap. Ngrams indicate some mixed usage but not enough to argue lowercase, even though it is probably passing into lowercase usage. Cinderella157 (talk) 00:50, 29 September 2024 (UTC)[reply]

The insert box beneath the edit window

In the Common mathematical symbols section, we suggest using the insert box beneath the edit window, the edit toolbox under the edit window, in the "Math and logic" section of the edit toolbox, and in the "Insert" section of the edit toolbox, which many editors no longer have, or not usually. Assuming it's still present for enough editors to be worth mentioning, can we qualify that briefly so as not to leave many editors lost and confused? NebY (talk) 19:54, 7 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

@NebY: This is the "charinsert" gadget, which is enabled by default for all users and all skins, and if people no longer have it, they've been to Preferences → Gadgets and disabled the "(D) CharInsert: add a toolbar under the edit window for quickly inserting wiki markup and special characters (troubles?)" option. --Redrose64 🌹 (talk) 21:02, 7 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I have that gadget enabled. NebY (talk) 21:22, 7 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Subject about Amazigh-related articles.

I have been encountering ongoing issues with User:Skitash, while I respect some of the work they have done on certain pages, they appear to have a significant bias when it comes to articles related to the Amazigh/Berber ethnic group.The first issue involves multiple pages specific to Berber history, such as Maghrawa and Banu Ifran. When I added the language tag in the lead per WP:LEADLANG for Tamazight/Berber, my edits were reverted by User I made sure to retain the foreign language , which shouldnt even be done, WP:FORLANG, in Arabic, even though it was uncited. User:Skitash justified their reversion of the Tamazight language inclusion by citing Wikipedia:No original research, despite the fact that the word "Banu Ifran" was cited twice for its tamazigh translation. The reason given was that the writing system (Neo-Tifinagh) "wasn’t used back then." However, the uncited Arabic text was allowed to remain. I need clarification: Are we prohibited from adding the lead language just because the writing system was different at the time, while keeping uncited Arabic text even though it falls under WP:FORLANG? Or should both be removed entirely? Im reaching out as i would prefer to avoid an edit war.

The second issue pertains to Wikipedia:Neutral point of view and Wikipedia:Manual of Style. On the page for Berberism, User introduced language that seemed biased, stating that the movement is closely tied to Anti-Arab racism. This was presented in a way that gave it undue weight, appearing twice on the page—once within the larger text and once in the first section on Algeria—without proper citation for the upper part. I removed the uper part, even though i believe both fully break Wikipedia:Neutral point of view , but removed the upper one as it not only breaks such but also Wikipedia:No original research, Wikipedia:Verifiability but it was reverted by him. I want to better understand the situation, whether I made an error in removing it or if Skitash’s edits were indeed problematic.

The third issue relates to Karima Gouit and broader pages about Berbers. My understanding of Wikipedia:LEADLANG, particularly for ethnic groups with their own language and script, supports the inclusion of Neo-Tifinagh for Tamazight. However, Arabic text is used twice on these pages, while the Latinized form of Amazigh appears only once and Neo-Tifinagh is entirely absent. I need confirmation: Is it permissible to add Neo-Tifinagh, even if cited? And what about the use of Arabic, which is not the ethnic language of these ethnic groups? Returning to the issue of Karima Gouit, she is an Amazigh singer, as indicated by her public profiles outside of her wikipedia page that is fully outdated, songs, interviews, and her latest acting role. She is also a famous activist for the Amazigh cause. Skitash reverted the addition of her name in Tamazight, despite allowing the Arabic version to remain. This is in addition to the broader debate over whether to include her Berber ancestry, which two other editors argued against citing Wikipedia:Ethnicity is not notable enough for intro section, suggesting that it should only be included in the body with proper citations. Despite these discussions on the talk page, Skitash has shown little interest in further conversation even when he was the one behind the removal of the edits, and the dialogue is now largely between me and two other editors who were not initially part of the revision. But as it went on, he decided to put the page under deletion, and trying to place every "old" citation not even related to the subject as "poorly cited", I have since escalated the matter to the dispute noticeboard, but Skitash responded by filing a report against me at Wikipedia:Sockpuppet investigations/YassinRi suddenly with questionable cause, while he also has another dispute with another editor relating to inclusion of berbers in their own topics. which is outside the scope of this question, apologies but just wanted to point this out..For Karima Gouit’s page, should her name translation in her native language be included or not? And in terms of dealing with Skitash, is there a more effective way to communicate with them directly, rather than constantly involving third parties in disputes regarding Berber-related topics since he clearly oppose it? TahaKahi (talk) 13:31, 9 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

While you do bring up some specific style issues, I get the sense that this is mostly a content dispute. I wonder if you could cut this down to those issues where you really need help interpreting the MOS, and bring up the other issues in some other forum — see Wikipedia:Dispute resolution for help in finding such. --Trovatore (talk) 18:08, 9 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I have brought it up in the Dispute resolution, it met being locked as the person that continues to try and block the Wikipedia:LEADLANG decided to put it under deletion as i mentioned earlier instead of having a conversation and trying to reach a resolution, this extented to him ignoring yet another person, who made a dispute resolution on him for yet the same subject, his disliking of anything relating to Berbers/Amazighs to be included in Berber/Amazigh related subjects, here: Wikipedia:Dispute resolution noticeboard#Algeria discussion , instead, the same person took it even further and decided to ignore it, as seen in his response to the alert made in his page when he deleted it: [2].
I understand this matter may not reach a conclusion under MOS, but I would like clarification on one point: Can we establish a decision regarding the inclusion of Berber languages (Tamazight), which is widely spoken in North Africa, especially in Algeria and Morocco, for subjects related to their history and culture? For historical figures like Kahina or Kusaila, who are clearly Berber and not Arab or even Muslim. should they have Tamazight and its neo-script or latinized form included in their Wikipedia intros, per Wikipedia:LEADLANG? would this would apply to historical figures, kingdoms, Amazigh activists, and related topics.A clear decision on this would help prevent further edit wars. From what I've seen, other language versions of Wikipedia include Tamazight per Wikipedia:LEADLANG, but this issue persists only in the English version. It is consistently being contested by two individuals with vague reasoning, as I mentioned earlier. TahaKahi (talk) 18:37, 9 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
What other projects do or don't do is neither here nor there. If you have a specific question regarding a specific edit, then you use the article's talk page and make your case there. Forum shopping, casting aspersions ad misrepresenting the sources to push a POV (like you did) is not acceptable. M.Bitton (talk) 18:44, 9 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
I will refer to read what I said at the start of my reply which details how this didn't work, as for why this exist, its because I was referred to make one from the dispute resolution from 2 day ago. And also i would refer to your behavior in Wikipedia:Administrators' noticeboard#c-M.Bitton-20241009175700-TahaKahi-20241009175000 TahaKahi (talk) 18:50, 9 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Considering that this has already landed at the AN, I don't think there's anything to be done here. Gawaon (talk) 07:37, 10 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
The administrator noticeboard of our topic is chaotic at the moment, as many people are involved. It seems that a resolution may not be reached, as the discussion has shifted away from the main topic to something else. I don't know the exact path to take here? I was told to see the issue with Dispute resolution, then MOS and with AN i moved back and forth. TahaKahi (talk) 07:50, 10 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
If it's not resolved there, it certainly won't be resolved here. This page is for discussions about improvements to the MOS, and your issue seems largely unrelated to that. You'll have to resolve it either at the talk pages of the articles in question or at the AN. Good luck. Gawaon (talk) 08:02, 10 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Examples to clarify MOS:AFFIXDASH vs MOS:DUALNATIONALITIES (especially re: combining forms)

Good morning,

In editing an article, I discovered an issue I realised isn't very clear from the existing examples given in MOS:AFFIXDASH and MOS:DUALNATIONALITIES, and this recalled an earlier debate I'm still unsure about.

The multi-compound in question was "Afro-Peruvian-American" on the page Afro–Latin Americans. Now, this could probably just be rendered "Afro-Peruvian American" to avoid the issue altogether, but I thought it best to find out what's actually right and to get a clarifying example or two on here if we can, to settle future debates.

Over at Afro–Puerto Ricans, I was told the en dash is correct in that title page, even though "Afro-" is a combining word rather than a non-standalone prefix. This was a little confusing, because MOS:DUALNATIONALITIES gives a similar example where this isn't the case specifically because of a combining form:

"Wrong: Franco–British rivalry; Franco- is a combining form, not an independent word, so use a hyphen: Franco-British rivalry."

Obviously, "British rivalry" isn't an open compound, so I recognise this example may not be wholly applicable, but it seems to me that the article is calling out combining forms as different to standard affixes. If true, the combining form might essentially make "Afro-Puerto Rican" a single thing, meaning you would only use the en dash if you added a prefix to that (such as for "anti–Afro-Puerto Rican"). (Merriam-Webster suggests they're slightly different things too:

The argument given against that view was essentially that MOS:AFFIXDASH always applies, even for combining forms, and thus because "Latin America" is an open compound, the "Afro-" should be joined with an en dash. I'm still not wholly sure if that's right, simply because all the examples under MOS:AFFIXDASH use prefixes and suffixes which are non-standalone (i.e., non-combining forms), and the section doesn't seem to comment specifically on combining forms. And "Afro-" like "Franco-" seems to me to be subtly different to a prefix like "trans-", "pre-" or "post-".

So, in short: if "Afro-Latin Americans" and "Afro-Puerto Ricans" are correct, then can we mention that MOS:AFFIXDASH doesn't apply to combining forms? And if they're wrong, and we should use "Afro–Latin Americans" and "Afro–Puerto Ricans", can we get some examples at MOS:AFFIXDASH that use combining words too? That would neatly clarify the situation without too much extra verbiage.

And finally, given the answer to the above, should I also change "Afro-Peruvian-American" to "Afro-Peruvian–American" or "Afro-Peruvian American" (or even "Afro–Peruvian-American"/"Afro–Peruvian American")?

I hope this makes sense! (I care a little bit too much about punctuation, it seems.) Lewisguile (talk) 08:25, 11 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

Any thoughts on this? I archived my other (settled) query so this one is more visible. Lewisguile (talk) 08:09, 14 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

The examples in the quotations that use colons are incorrect

None of the examples for using colons before quotations are complete sentences, a requirement for colons according to the Manual of Style given just before the examples and every other major style guide (CMS, APA, MLA). See the APA guidelines for example ( For a less authoritative but more comprehensive description, see

Colons are used when a main clause has ended in order to indicate that the thought is not finished. When the thought is not finished, they're not used, because it's clear that more will follow. You would never write "Mary Shelly wrote: Frankenstein" and similarly you do not write "Mary Shelly wrote: 'nothing is so painful to the human mind as a great and sudden change.'". If colons were simply to indicate that more is coming, then: they: would: be: everywhere. UsernamesEndedYearsAgo (talk) 23:34, 15 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

The rules are not as strict as you make them to be. Grammar-Monster writes: "(Rule 2) You can use a colon if the quotation is an independent clause ... (You could also use a comma here.)" That applies to your Mary Shelly example too. While I agree that a comma is more common in such cases, the use of a colon is not exactly wrong. They strictly advise a comma only in situations where neither the introduction nor the quotation is an independent clause, and in cases where the quotation is followed by something like "he said" – fair enough, I'd say. Gawaon (talk) 07:20, 16 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
Other more authoritative style guides do: not permit: that. It does: not make: sense to put colons after verbs when the clause is: not complete. Colons indicate: the end of a clause, so having: them in the middle of clauses is: confusing and hard to read. (talk) 12:08, 16 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
If you replaced each of your colons with a comma, it would be equally wrong and confusing. And anyway, we don't strictly follow any external style guide, authoritative or not. We have made our own style guide, and it's right here. Gawaon (talk) 16:45, 16 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]
See WP:Lies Miss Snodgrass Told You. EEng 17:49, 16 October 2024 (UTC)[reply]

"Toponomy", "Etymology", or "Name"

Hola, soy un nuevo usuario de Wikipedia y me gustaría que me aclararan una inconsistencia que he notado.

En los artículos sobre países, ciudades, regiones y otros lugares similares, es habitual que la primera sección después de los párrafos introductorios esté dedicada al significado y los orígenes del nombre del lugar. Sin embargo, el título de esta sección varía de un artículo a otro. Como tres ejemplos principales, el artículo sobre Inglaterra etiqueta su primera sección como "Toponomía", el artículo sobre Escocia la etiqueta como "Etimología" y el artículo sobre Irlanda la etiqueta como "Nombre".

Se pueden presentar argumentos válidos a favor de los tres estilos. La toponimia es el término más específico y preciso; la etimología es coherente con los artículos sobre temas no relacionados con la ubicación; el nombre es la opción más simple.

¿Se debe favorecer un término específico? ¿Cuál debería ser y por qué? ¿O queda a criterio de cada editor? GenderBiohazard ( discusión ) 01:45 16 oct 2024 (UTC) [ responder ]

Algunos WikiProjects tienen recomendaciones específicas; por ejemplo, véase Wikipedia:WikiProject_Cities/Settlements:_Article_structure#Toponymy . Nikkimaria ( discusión ) 01:48 16 oct 2024 (UTC) [ responder ]
Gracias. GenderBiohazard ( discusión ) 01:52 16 oct 2024 (UTC) [ responder ]