Countess Palatine Caroline of Zweibrücken

Caroline of the Palatinate-Zweibrücken (Caroline Henriette Christiane Philippine Louise; 9 March 1721 – 30 March 1774) was Landgravine of Hesse-Darmstadt by marriage to Louis IX, Landgrave of Hesse-Darmstadt. She was famed as one of the most learned women of her time and known as The Great Landgräfin.

Together with Louis IX, her husband, she became the most recent common ancestors of all current sovereigns of hereditary monarchies in Europe in 2022 after Charles III became King of the United Kingdom.[citation needed]


Caroline was the daughter of Christian III, Duke of Zweibrücken and his wife Caroline of Nassau-Saarbrücken.

Caroline married on 12 August 1741 in Zweibrücken, Louis IX, Landgrave of Hesse-Darmstadt. The marriage was arranged and unhappy[citation needed]: Caroline was interested in music and literature, while Louis was interested in military matters. She lived separated from him at Buchsweiler. In 1772, Caroline promoted the politician Friedrich Karl von Moser.

Caroline was better known as The Great Landgräfin, a name given to her by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. She befriended several writers and philosophers of her time, such as Johann Gottfried Herder, Christoph Martin Wieland and Goethe. Wieland wished he had the power to make her Queen of Europa.

Carolina también tuvo contacto con Federico II de Prusia . Era una de las pocas mujeres que el Alte Fritz respetaba, y él se refirió a ella como la Gloria y la Maravilla de nuestro siglo ; después de la muerte de Carolina, envió una urna a Darmstadt con el texto femina sexu, ingenio vir ('Una mujer por sexo, un hombre por espíritu'). [1]

Carolina y su esposo se convirtieron en los antepasados ​​comunes más recientes de todos los monarcas hereditarios europeos reinantes en 2022 después de que Carlos III se convirtiera en rey del Reino Unido . [ cita requerida ]



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  1. ^ Philipp A. Pauli: Darmstadt: Eine historisch-topographische Skizze und Excursionen in die Umgegend. Testamento, 1815, pág. 89.
  2. ^ Genealogie ascendante jusqu'au quatrieme degre inclusivement de tous les Rois et Princes de maisons souveraines de l'Europe actuellement vivans [ Genealogía hasta el cuarto grado inclusive de todos los reyes y príncipes de las casas soberanas de Europa que viven actualmente ] (en francés) . Burdeos: Frédéric Guillaume Birnstiel. 1768. pág. 93.

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