Communes of Moldova

According to the Moldovan law on territorial administrative organisation, two or more villages can form together a commune.[1]

Below is the list of communes of Moldova, grouped by the first-tier administrative unit to which they belong, and including the number and the list of villages of which they are comprised, plus the population values as of 2004 and 2014 Moldovan Censuses. In communes under Transnistrian control, censuses were not held.

Current communes
Former communes


See also


  1. ^ Law no. 764-XV from 27.12.2001 on territorial administrative organisation of the Republic of Moldova, article 5 para. 2(in Romanian)
  2. ^ Formed in 2008. Clasificatorul unităților administrativ-teritoriale (CUATM) (in Romanian)
  3. ^ In 2004 commune of Baccealia was formed of only two villages: Baccealia and Tricolici
  4. ^ Formed in 2013. Clasificatorul unităților administrativ-teritoriale (CUATM) (in Romanian)
  5. ^ a b Clasificatorul unităților administrativ-teritoriale (CUATM) (in Romanian)
