United States Capitol art

Sculptures in National Statuary Hall, as part of the National Statuary Hall Collection, in 2016

The United States Capitol displays public artworks by a variety of artists, including the National Statuary Hall Collection and United States Senate Vice Presidential Bust Collection.



Sculptures include those within the National Statuary Hall Collection and United States Senate Vice Presidential Bust Collection. Other sculptures include a bust of Martin Luther King Jr., the Columbus Doors, and the Revolutionary War Door.

National Statuary Hall Collection

The National Statuary Hall Collection is composed of statues donated by individual U.S. states to honor persons notable in their history. Limited to two statues per state, the collection was originally set up in the old Hall of the House of Representatives, which was then renamed National Statuary Hall. The expanding collection has since been spread throughout the Capitol and its Visitor Center.

Other portrait sculpture

Other sculptures under the control of the Architect of the Capitol include the following:[1]

Allegorical or mythological sculpture

See also


  1. ^ "Other Statues". Architect of the Capitol, United States Capitol. Retrieved 20 August 2017.
  2. ^ P.L. 112-179, enacted September 20, 2012, authorized the acceptance of the Frederick Douglass statue as a gift of the District of Columbia to be placed "in a suitable permanent location in Emancipation Hall of the United States Capitol." "Public Law 112-179" (PDF). United States Congress. Retrieved 20 August 2017.
  3. ^ Architect of the Capitol Under the Direction of the Joint Committee on the Library, Compilation of Works of Art and Other Objects in the United States Capitol, United States Government Printing Office, Washington 1965 p. 380
  4. ^ Architect of the Capitol 1965, p. 379.
  5. ^ Architect of the Capitol 1965, p. 366.

External links