Chloromethyl chloroformate

Chloromethyl chloroformate (CClO2CH2Cl), also known as palite gas,[2] is a chemical compound developed into gas form and used for chemical warfare during World War I. It is a tearing agent designed to cause temporary blindness. It is a colorless liquid with a penetrating, irritating odor.

Industrially, chloromethyl chloroformate is used to manufacture other chemicals.


  1. ^ a b "Chloromethyl chloroformate". Sigma-Aldrich.
  2. ^ Auld, S.J.M. (February 4, 1918). "Methods of gas warfare". Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences. 8 (3): 58. Bibcode:1918Natur.101R.215.. doi:10.1038/101215b0. JSTOR 24521564. S2CID 32522395.