Arandic languages

Arandic is a family of Australian Aboriginal languages consisting of several languages or dialect clusters, including the Arrernte (Upper Arrernte) group, Lower Arrernte (also known as Lower Southern Arrernte), Pertame language (also known as Southern Arrernte) and Kaytetye.


Differing classifications

There are differing opinions as to which are dialects and which separate languages, among linguists and among the Arrernte people themselves.


Proto-Arandic and Pre-Arandic reconstructions from Koch (2004):[10]





  1. ^ Kearney 2007.
  2. ^ Lower Arrernte.
  3. ^ To save a dying language 2018.
  4. ^ Pertame Project.
  5. ^ Breen, Gavan (2001). "Chapter 4: The wonders of Arandic phonology". In Simpson, Jane; Nash, David; Laughren, Mary; Austin, Peter; Alpher, Barry (eds.). Forty years on: Ken Hale and Australian languages (pdf). Pacific Linguistics 512. ANU. Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies. (Pacific Linguistics). pp. 45–69. ISBN 085883524X.
  6. ^ "Kaytetye". Ethnologue. Retrieved 10 June 2019.
  7. ^ Note:"Aranda" is a simplified, Australian English approximation of the traditional pronunciation of the name of Arrernte [ˈarəɳ͡ɖa].(Turpin, Myfany (August 2004). "Have you ever wondered why Arrernte is spelt the way it is?". Central Land Council. Retrieved 15 June 2019.)
  8. ^ "Arandic". Glottolog. Retrieved 11 June 2019.
  9. ^ "Arandic". Ethnologue. Retrieved 11 June 2019.
  10. ^ Koch, Harold (2004). "The Arandic subgroup of Australian languages". In Claire Bowern & Harold Koch, eds., Australian Languages: Classification and the Comparative Method. John Benjamins Publishing Company. doi:10.1075/cilt.249.10koc

