Absorbing set

In functional analysis and related areas of mathematics an absorbing set in a vector space is a set which can be "inflated" or "scaled up" to eventually always include any given point of the vector space. Alternative terms are radial or absorbent set. Every neighborhood of the origin in every topological vector space is an absorbing subset.


Notation for scalars

Suppose that is a vector space over the field of real numbers or complex numbers and for any let denote the open ball (respectively, the closed ball) of radius in centered at Define the product of a set of scalars with a set of vectors as and define the product of with a single vector as


Balanced core and balanced hull

A subset of is said to be balanced if for all and all scalars satisfying this condition may be written more succinctly as and it holds if and only if

Given a set the smallest balanced set containing denoted by is called the balanced hull of while the largest balanced set contained within denoted by is called the balanced core of These sets are given by the formulas and(these formulas show that the balanced hull and the balanced core always exist and are unique). A set is balanced if and only if it is equal to its balanced hull () or to its balanced core (), in which case all three of these sets are equal:

If is any scalar then