Ștefan Ciobanu

Ștefan Ciobanu (born 11 November 1883 – 28 February 1950) was a Romanian historian and academician, author of some important works about ancient Romanian literature, Romanian culture in Basarabia under Russian occupation, Bessarabian demography, fervent advocate of the introduction of the Romanian language in the schools of Bessarabia, vice-president of the Romanian Academy between 1944 and 1948. He served as Minister of Education (1917–1918) of the short-lived Moldavian Democratic Republic.


Ciobanu was born on 11 November 1883 in Talmaza, at the time in Tighina County, Bessarabia, Russian Empire, now in Moldova. He studied at Kyiv University (1907–1912). Ciobanu served as the Minister of Education in the Pantelimon Erhan Cabinet, the Daniel Ciugureanu Cabinet, and the Petru Cazacu Cabinet. He died on 28 February 1950 in Bucharest, Romania.



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