Aristotelia serrata

Aristotelia serrata, commonly known as wineberry or in the Māori language makomako or just mako, is a small tree in the family Elaeocarpaceae, in the genus Aristotelia, found in the North Island, South Island and Stewart Island of New Zealand. It is a small deciduous fast-growing tree or shrub. The tree can reach up to 10m tall, with a trunk diameter up to 30 cm. The bark is pale brown, smooth and patterned with flat lenticels. Branches are long, slender and spreading, branchlets have a reddish-brown colour when pubescent.

First described by botanists Georg and Johann Foster in 1776 as Dicera serrata, Walter Oliver gave its current binomial name in 1921. Wineberry grows in association with many plants and provides a key food source for the Kererū. Flowering occurs in the spring, with berries ripening in summer.


Aristotelia serrata leaves have distinguishable traits. Leaves are thin, deeply and sharply serrated, light or dark green on adaxial surface, often pinkish green on abaxial surface, veins distinct on both surfaces, size between 5-12 x 4–8 cm.[2] The leaves, are disposed in opposite or subopposite pairs. They have drawn-out, pointed tips and prominent veins forming an obvious net-like vein pattern on both sides. The margins are strikingly toothed, with larger, narrowly pointed, irregular, jagged teeth bearing smaller teeth. Some trees have red-purple twigs and leaf undersides; others are just green. The leaves have long stalks, and each leaf stalk has a pair of small, narrow stipules, sometimes a few teeth, at its base. In the axils of the leafstalks are pointed buds, which can grow out into leafy shots or inflorescences.[3]

Flowers occur in an inflorescence of numerous cymes, flowers of all shades intermixed, coloured in cream through pink to dark red. Flowers has 4 to 6 mm diam; petals 3-lobed; stigma with 3-4 lobes; stamens numerous, arising from a glandular disc.[2] Flower has 6–10 cm long, on slender pubescent pedicels with around 5-10mm long. Flowers have 4 ovate sepals around 3 mm long; 4 petals, 3-lobed, often deeply, 9mm long. Stamens occur on glandular disk, minutely pubescent. Ovary 3-4 celled, styles 3-4.[4] The flowers are very numerous, in much-branched clusters. They have petals with rounded, incised lobes at the ends and look like small versions of Elaeocarpus flowers. They are almost colourless when they open; then they change to pink, red, and dark red, providing a colourful display. Wineberry has male and female flowers on different plants, with some bisexual flowers among the males.[3] Female flowers are borne in large panicles, on short shoots just above leaves or old leaf scars, on 2 year old wood of the upper leafy branchlets.[5]

The fruit is a berry that is 4-5mm in diameter, black, containing 8 angular seeds.[2] With 4 locules and axile placentation.[5] They are red through dark red to almost black.[3]


The wineberry was first described by Georg and Johann Foster in their 1776 Characteres Generum Plantarum as Dicera serrata.[6] It was given its current binomial name Aristotelia serrata by Walter Oliver in a 1921 article, who argued it was the name used to describe it most. Aristotelia is after Aristotle and the specific epithet serrata is latin for saw-toothed.[7]

Distribution and habitat

Endemic to New Zealand,[2] wineberry is found throughout the South Island of New Zealand and lower North Island. It is common in moist forest and scrub land within the lowland, montane, and subalpine climates.[8] Wineberry can also be found on Stewart Island.[9][10]

Taking advantage of ecological disturbances such as natural tree falls A. serrata is plentiful in regenerating forest and damp river margins.[8] Forest clearings which are followed by the colonisation of wineberry are often due to land slip, storm damage, natural tree fall, forest clearings, and forest fire.[10]


Wineberry is a quick growing deciduous tree. Gradually losing leaves during the winter it may become fully bare prior to new leaves and flower development in spring.[10] The berries then ripen in the summer.[11] As the flowers of the Wineberry mature they turn from white to red, there are both female and male flowers on different plants with some bisexual flowers among the males.[10] It form thickets after the felling of forest.[4]

Wineberry acts as a host to numerous associated plant species and is fed on by native birds and insects. Associated plants include a range of mosses to herbaceous plants such as Orthotrichum cyathiforme, Orthotrichum calvum, Macroacoma tenue, Leptophyllopsis laxa, and Lleostylus micranthus.[4] The berries of A. serrata are susceptible to frugivory by both birds and mammals.[12] Kererū are known to feed on the fruit of wineberry. In order to conserve kererū populations it is suggested by the Department of Conservation that wineberry be planted as a food source.[13] The berries of the wineberry are not the only parts eaten: kawakawa looper (Cleora scriptaria) larvae can be found feeding on its leaves.[10]

Cultural uses

Aristotelia serrata has a multitude of uses by both European settlers and Māori. Māori used makomako medicinally by boiling its leaves as an application to burns and infected wounds.[10] The berries serve as food and are often eaten by children, and can be squeezed to make a thick sweet drink. Wineberry can be used in a variety of way to create dyes: the plant contains tannins, and the bark can provide a blue-black dye.[4] European settlers burnt the shoots of the wineberry, changing the wood to charcoal for the production of gunpowder.[10]


  1. ^ "NZOR Name Details - Aristotelia serrata (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) W.R.B.Oliv., 1921". Archived from the original on 4 March 2016. Retrieved 1 May 2015.
  2. ^ a b c d Eagle, A. (2006a): Eagle’s Complete Trees and Shrubs of New Zealand. Te Papa Press, Wellington
  3. ^ a b c Dawson, J., & Lucas, R. (2012). New Zealand's native trees. Nelson: Craig Potton publishing.
  4. ^ a b c d Allan,H.H. (1961). Flora of New Zealand. Vol. 1. Wellington, Government Printer. 1085 p
  5. ^ a b Burrows, C.J. (1995b). Germination behaviour of the seeds of the New Zealand species Aristotelia serrata, Coprosma robusta, Cordyline australis, Myrtus obcordata and Schefflera digitata. New Zealand Journal of Botany33: 257-64
  6. ^ Forster, Georg; Forster, Johann Reinhold (1776). Characteres Generum Plantarum quas in Itinere ad Insulas Maris Australis Collegerunt, Descripserunt, Delinearunt, Annis. Missouri Botanical Garden. London – via the Internet Archive.
  7. ^ de Lange, P. J. "Aristotelia serrata". New Zealand Plant Conservation Network. Retrieved 2 August 2023.
  8. ^ a b Poole, Lindsay, and Nancy Adams. “Dicotyledones.” Trees and Shrubs of New Zealand. Wellington: DSIR, 1990. 84-85. Print.
  9. ^ Lehnebach, Carlos A.; Meudt, Heidi (1 October 2022). Native Plants of Aotearoa. Te Papa Te Taiao Nature Series. Te Papa Press. p. 57. ISBN 978-1-9911509-3-6.
  10. ^ a b c d e f g Dawson, John, Rob Lucas, Jane Conner, and P. J. Brownsey. “Aristotelia Alaeocarpaceae.” New Zealand's Native Trees. Nelson, NZ: Craig Potton, 2011. 144-46. Print.
  11. ^ Aristotelia Serrata.” Flora of New Zealand. Landcare Research, 2015. Web. 30 Mar. 2015. [1].
  12. ^ Aristotelia Serrata.” New Zealand Plant and Conservation Network. New Zealand Plant and Conservation Network, 10 May 2014. Web. 29 Mar. 2015. [2]
  13. ^ “New Zealand Pigeon/Kererū/kūkū/kūkupa” New Zealand Wood Pigeon/kereru/kuku/kukupa: New Zealand Native Land Birds. Department of Conservation, 06 Nov. 2006. Web. 028 Mar. 2015. [3].

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