Victoria Khiterer

Victoria Khiterer (born 1968) is associate professor of history at Millersville University, Pennsylvania, adjunct professor at Gratz College, and a founding member of the Scientific Council of the Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial Center in Kyiv, Ukraine.

Khiterer is an author and editor of six books and over a hundred articles on Russian and Eastern European Jewish History. The focus of Khiterer's research is the history of Jews in Kiev and Ukraine. Khiterer's major monograph “Jewish City or Inferno of Russian Israel? A History of the Jews in Kiev before February 1917” describes ten centuries of the history of Jews in Kiev, from the tenth century until the collapse of the monarchy in Russia.

Khiterer is an author of a book and several articles on Jewish pogroms in the Russian Empire and during the civil war in Ukraine. Khiterer has published several articles on Jewish-gentile relations in the Soviet Union, anti-Semitism, the contribution of Jews in Soviet popular culture, and Jewish religious life. Khiterer edited two volumes of Millersville University conference proceedings: “The Holocaust: Memories and History” and “Holocaust Resistance in Europe and America: New Aspects and Dilemmas.”



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