Vice Chairperson of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress

The vice chairpersons of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress are deputies to the chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, responsible for assisting the chairman in his work.

The vice chairpersons are formally nominated by the Presidium of the NPC during a session and approved by the delegations of the NPC, though in reality are chosen within the ruling Chinese Communist Party (CCP).[1] The chairman, vice chairpersons and the secretary-general of the NPCSC collectively constitute the Council of Chairpersons.[2] A vice chairperson may be delegated to exercise some of the chairman's powers by the chairman. In the case that the chairman becomes incapacitated, NPCSC temporarily elects one of the vice chairpersons until the chairman is able to resume their work or a new chairman is elected by the NPC.[3] Since 1982, vice chairpersons are appointed for a term of five years, and cannot serve for more than two terms.

List of vice chairpersons



See also


  1. ^ Liao, Zewei (2023-03-04). "NPC 2023: How China Selects Its State Leaders for the Next Five Years". NPC Observer. Retrieved 2023-11-03.
  2. ^ "FAQs: National People's Congress and Its Standing Committee". NPC Observer. 4 May 2023. Retrieved 2023-11-03.
  3. ^ "Constitution of the People's Republic of China". National People's Congress. Retrieved 2022-08-08.