Valle Stura di Demonte

The Stura di Demonte Valley (in Italian Valle Stura di Demonte) is a valley in south-west of Piedmont in the Province of Cuneo, Italy.


The valley takes its name from the river Stura di Demonte, a left-hand tributary of the Tanaro which flows through the valley.


The municipalities of the valley are Aisone, Argentera, Borgo San Dalmazzo, Demonte, Gaiola, Moiola, Pietraporzio, Rittana, Roccasparvera, Sambuco, Valloriate and Vinadio.[2]

Notable summits

Among the notable summits which surround the valley there are:


The valley can be reached by car/bus from the Po Plain following the strada statale[3] nr. 21 della Maddalena, which ends with the Colle della Maddalena and connects the Valle Stura di Demonte with the Ubaye Valley (France).

Notes and references

  1. ^ Presentazione della Valle Stura di Demonte, Cluudio Trova, web-page on (accessed in December 2012)
  2. ^ Carta Tecnica Regionale raster 1:10.000 (vers.3.0) of Regione Piemonte - 2007
  3. ^ Strada statale = national road

External links