Universal indicator

A roll of universal indicator paper
Colours of universal indicator

A universal indicator is a pH indicator made of a solution of several compounds that exhibit various smooth colour changes over a wide range pH values to indicate the acidity or alkalinity of solutions. A universal indicator can be in paper form or present in a form of a solution.[1]


Although there are several commercially available universal pH indicators, most are a variation of a formula patented by Yamada in 1933.[2][3][4]


A universal indicator is usually composed of water, 1-propanol, phenolphthalein, sodium hydroxide, methyl red, bromothymol blue, sodium bisulfite, and thymol blue.[5] The colours that indicate the pH of a solution, after adding a universal indicator, are:

The colors from yellow to red indicate an acidic solution, colours blue to violet indicate an alkaline solution and a green colour indicates that a solution is neutral.

Wide-range pH test papers with distinct colours for each pH from 1 to 14 are also available. Colour matching charts are supplied with the specific test strips purchased.


Influence on conductivity

The impact of an ethanol-based universal indicator may seem negligible at first glance. However, in the case of dilute solutions prepared with bidistilled water, this influence becomes readily discernible and measurable. [1]

Influence of universal indicator solution on the conductivity of desalinated water

See also


  1. ^ Walker, Denise (2007). Acids and alkalis (1 ed.). London: Evans. p. 13. ISBN 978-0-237-53002-0. Retrieved 4 June 2015.
  2. ^ Jap. Pat. 99,664, Feb 21, 1933
  3. ^ Chem Abstr, 28, 2258 (1934)
  4. ^ Foster, L. S.; Gruntfest, I. J. (1937). "Demonstration experiments using universal indicators". Journal of Chemical Education. 14 (6): 274. Bibcode:1937JChEd..14..274F. doi:10.1021/ed014p274.
  5. ^ "Universal Indicator". ISCID Encyclopedia of Science and Philosophy. Archived from the original on September 25, 2006.