Union of Serbs of Romania

The Union of Serbs of Romania (Serbian: Савез Срба у Румунији, SSR; Romanian: Uniunea Sârbilor din România, USR) is a political party representing the Serbian minority in Romania. It was founded in 1989 by a Romanian-Serbian writer, Slavomir Gvozdenovici. The party used to be known as Democratic Union of Serbs in Romania. It currently has one reserved seat in the Romanian Chamber of Deputies, and has retained it in every election since 1990, including in the 2020 elections, when it received 0.08% of the vote.[1]

Members of Chamber of Deputies

Electoral history

See also


  1. ^ "Alegeri Parlamentare 2020 – Camera Deputaților". (in Romanian). Retrieved January 30, 2024.

External links