A Bomb Was Stolen

A Bomb Was Stolen (Romanian: S-a furat o bombă) is a 1962 Romanian dialogue-free spy film[1] directed by Ion Popescu-Gopo. It was entered into the 1962 Cannes Film Festival.[2]


The film begins with a nuclear bomb test. One of the bombs is stolen by gangsters, who hide the bomb in a bag. Inept police pursue the gangsters, and the bag containing the bomb is lost, and recovered by a passerby who does not know what's in the bag. The passerby goes about his day with the bag, pursued by the gangsters who are in turn pursued by the police.


The international press praised this film. In the English press, A Bomb Was Stolen received the label “an exuberant comedy” (Eric Shorter, Daily Telegraph, 25 August 1962), "a subtle and frequently hilarious satire" (Satiră din România, Edinburgh Evening News, 30 August 1962)[verification needed], "a satirical fantasy" (Bomba, Daily Worker, 3 September 1962)[verification needed]. The Soviet journalist I. Surkova, writing for Sovetskaya Kulture, considered the film “full of witty jokes.”[3]



In May 1962, the film participated at the International Film Festival in Cannes, being nominated for the official Palme d'Or Award.[4][5]


  1. ^ Dowd, Vincent (6 May 2011). "The spies who didn't come in from the cold". BBC News. Retrieved 8 May 2011.
  2. ^ "Festival de Cannes: A Bomb Was Stolen". Retrieved 24 February 2009.
  3. ^ I. Surkova - „Drumul spre gen (Note despre comedia cinematografică românească)”[verification needed], în Sovețkaia Kulture, nr. 1443, 1962.
  4. ^ Arhivele Festivalului Internațional de Film de la Cannes
  5. ^ Ileana Dima - „Proiecții rare la Les Films de Cannes à Bucarest”, în "Evenimentul Zilei", 30 septembrie 2012.
  6. ^ a b Călin Căliman - „Istoria filmului românesc (1897-2000)” (Ed. Fundației Culturale Române, București, 2000), p. 167.

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