Tursidia gens

The gens Tursidia was an obscure plebeian family at ancient Rome. No members of this gens are mentioned by Roman writers, but a few are known from inscriptions. Although they gained admission to the Roman senate, none of them rose higher than the rank of aedile.[1]


The nomen Tursidius belongs to a class of gentilicia originally formed from cognomina ending in -idus. Over time, -idius came to be regarded as a regular gentile-forming suffix, and was applied to form nomina in cases where it had no etymological justification.[2] The earliest Tursidii known from epigraphy came from Spoletium in Umbria, perhaps this family's place of origin.[3][4]


This list includes abbreviated praenomina. For an explanation of this practice, see filiation.

Undated Tursidii

See also


  1. ^ a b CIL VI, 41208.
  2. ^ Chase, p. 122.
  3. ^ a b AE 1983, 355.
  4. ^ a b CIL XI, 4816.
  5. ^ CIL VI, 2379.
  6. ^ a b CIL VI, 1057.
  7. ^ AE 2006, 608.
  8. ^ Hispania Epigraphica, 2006, 35.
