
Craterellus is a genus of generally edible fungi similar to the closely related chanterelles, with some new species recently moved from the latter to the former. Both groups lack true gills on the underside of their caps, though they often have gill-like wrinkles and ridges.


The three most common species, C. cornucopioides, C. lutescens and C. tubaeformis, are gathered commercially and, unlike Cantharellus, can be easily preserved by drying.

Molecular phylogenetics have been applied to the problem of discriminating between Craterellus and Cantharellus genera. Results indicate that the presence of a hollow stipe may be a synapomorphy (a trait corresponding to the evolutionary relationship) which reliably identifies Craterellus species. C. cornucopioides appears to be a single polymorphic species, while C. tubaeformis may be two separate genetic groups separated by geography.[2]

Definition of the genus

The genera Craterellus and Cantharellus have always been recognized as closely related. The whole group may be recognized by their lack of division into cap and stipe, and their rudimentary or missing gills ("false gills").[2][3] Originally Cantharellus was defined by Fries in 1821 to mean all these species together[4] and then in 1825 Persoon separated some species off to create the Craterellus group, with Cr. cornucopioides as type species.[5] Since then some authorities have tried to merge the two genera again,[6] but DNA studies now indicate that (with recent changes) each genus is monophyletic, and so they are likely to remain separate.[7]

In the past Craterellus was distinguished on the basis that[2][6]

  1. the fruiting body had a hollow stipe, generally being funnel-shaped, and
  2. there were no clamp connections.

But phylogenetic DNA work starting with the 2000 paper of Dahlman et al.[2] has shown that some species traditionally placed in Cantharellus (C. tubaeformis, C. ignicolor and C. lutescens) really belong in Craterellus, and this means that the second distinguishing rule is no longer valid. On the other hand, the first rule holds up well.


The taxonomy of these fungi is in a state of flux (particularly due to DNA analysis) and many earlier names are now disputed. The following table gives some of the most important ones. Numerous species of Cantharellus have at times been classified under Craterellus, but these are mostly excluded from the table. See also the cladogram at right for a portrayal of the relationships between the species based on recent evidence.


  1. ^ "Synonymy: Craterellus Pers". Species Fungorum. CAB International. Retrieved 2016-02-10.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Dahlman, Mattias; Danell, Eric; Spatafora, Joseph W. (April 2000). "Molecular systematics of Craterellus: cladistic analysis of nuclear LSU rDNA sequence data" (PDF). Mycological Research. 104 (4): 388–394. doi:10.1017/S0953756299001380. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2007-08-04.
  3. ^ See Tom Volk's Fungus of the Month for January 2008 for a description of the difference between "real" and "false" gills.
  4. ^ See page for Cantharellus Archived 2016-03-04 at the Wayback Machine in Index Fungorum.
  5. ^ a b See page for Craterellus in Index Fungorum.
  6. ^ a b Robert Kühner & Henri Romagnesi (1974). Flore analytique des champignons supérieurs (agarics, bolets, chanterelles) (in French). Paris: Masson. p. 47. ISBN 2-225-53713-5. This reference covers Craterellus as a subgenus of Craterellus, not as a genus.
  7. ^ Moncalvo JM, Nilsson RH, Koster B, Dunham SM, Bernauer T, Matheny PB, Porter TM, Margaritescu S, Weiss M, Garnica S, Danell E, Langer G, Langer E, Larsson E, Larsson KH, Vilgalys R (2006). "The cantharelloid clade: dealing with incongruent gene trees and phylogenetic reconstruction methods" (PDF). Mycologia. 98 (6): 937–948. doi:10.3852/mycologia.98.6.937. PMID 17486970. Archived from the original (PDF) on 13 June 2010. Retrieved 23 March 2013.. The important "false gill" characteristic of these fungi is discussed on page 938 and it is mentioned that lamellae of Gomphus are similar.
  8. ^ See page for Cr. caeruleofuscus in Index Fungorum.
  9. ^ a b c Kuo, M. (2011, February). Chanterelles and trumpets: Cantharellus and Craterellus. Retrieved from the MushroomExpert.Com Web site: [1]
  10. ^ See the Mycoquébec page for Cr. caeruleofuscus.
  11. ^ a b Arora DL, Frank JL. (6 December 2015). "Nomenclatural novelties: Jonathan L. Frank" (PDF). Index Fungorum (249). ISSN 2049-2375.
  12. ^ See page for Cr. excelsus in Index Fungorum.
  13. ^ See page for Cr. fallax in Index Fungorum.
  14. ^ a b c d e f g Kuo, M. (2003, June). The Cantharellus/Craterellus clade. Retrieved from the MushroomExpert.Com Web site: [2]
  15. ^ See the Mycoquébec page for Cr. fallax.
  16. ^ Miller Jr., Orson K.; Miller, Hope H. (2006). North American Mushrooms: A Field Guide to Edible and Inedible Fungi. Guilford, CN: FalconGuide. p. 336. ISBN 978-0-7627-3109-1.
  17. ^ See |the page for Ca. infundibuliformis in Index Fungorum.
  18. ^ See page for Cr. konradii in Index Fungorum.
  19. ^ See |the page for Cr. lutescens in Species Fungorum.
  20. ^ See |the page for Cr. tubaeformis in Species Fungorum.

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