Transition of church communities to OCU

The transition of church communities to the OCU is the process of transition of parishes, previously affiliated to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (Moscow Patriarchate) (UOC MP), from that metropolis to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU). This process began with the Unification Council of 15 December 2018, which resulted in the creation of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine. Between 15 December 2018 and 7 November 2022, 1153 parishes (or about 9.5% of the 12,092 parishes the UOC MP had in December 2018[1]) announced their transition from the UOC MP to the OCU.[2][3]

In 2022 after the start of Russian invasion of Ukraine about 700 more parishes transferred from the UOC (MP) to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine. In general, in four years after the unification council, almost 1,500 religious communities joined the OCU.[4] Throughout 2023 386 UOC (MP) parishes joined the OCU.[5] From December 2023 to April 2024, 96 churches passed to the Orthodox Church of Ukraine.[5]

Counts of parish transitions

The Holy Transfiguration Cathedral, built in 1779 in Vinnytsia, was one of the first to transfer from the UOC (MP) to the OCU in December 2018

There were two periods of transition:

Prior to the Unification Council, 62 parishes transferred from the UOC MP to the UOC KP. Counts by year: 23 in 2014; 22 in 2015; 5 in 2016, 10 in 2017; 2 in 2018.(uk) On 10 December 2018, the UOC MP published its annual report stating that it had 12,092 parishes by the end of 2018 (2017: 12,069).[1] From 15 December 2018, the transition of UOC MP parishes to the OCU occurred as follows, numerically by month:[10]

See also


  1. ^ a b "UOC publishes statistics for 2018: The number of parishes increased". Union of Orthodox Journalists. 23 December 2018. Retrieved 23 November 2022.
  2. ^ Пів року без МП: декілька сотень парафій УПЦ сказали прощай патріархату-окупанту
  3. ^ Скільки православних громад перейшли до ПЦУ
  4. ^ До ПЦУ з 24 лютого приєдналися ще понад 700 парафій
  5. ^ a b "There are still more than 8,000 churches in the Moscow Patriarchate in Ukraine: where are the most". Ukrainska Pravda – Zhyttia (in Ukrainian). 3 May 2024. Retrieved 3 May 2024.
  6. ^ 30 парафій УПЦ (МП) перейшли до Київського патріархату
  7. ^ Від початку війни до ПЦУ з Московського патріархату перейшли 28 громад у 9 областях
  8. ^ До ПЦУ з московського патріархату за час війни перейшли 600 громад – Епіфаній
  9. ^ За три місяці до Київської єпархії ПЦУ перейшли кілька десятків громад – перелік
  10. ^ Від початку вторгнення 110 громад на Київщині перейшли до ПЦУ


External links