Vehículos conceptuales de Toyota (2010-2019)

Los vehículos conceptuales de Toyota producidos entre 2010 y 2019 incluyen:

T Deportes (2010)

El Toyota T Sports es un concept car fabricado por Toyota en 2010. Se mostró en el Salón del Automóvil de Tokio . [1]

FT-86 G Deportes (2010)

El Toyota FT-86 G Sports Concept es una modificación del Toyota FT-86 Concept fabricado conjuntamente por Toyota y Subaru y mostrado en el Salón del Automóvil de Tokio de enero de 2010 como parte de la gama Toyota G Sports . El FT-86 G Sports Concept se diferencia del FT-86 original en el uso de paneles de fibra de carbono, un capó ventilado , un gran alerón trasero, nuevas llantas de 19 pulgadas y un escape personalizado. [2] [3] El interior cuenta con asientos tipo butaca Recaro y una jaula antivuelco. El motor horizontalmente opuesto se actualiza con un turbocompresor . [ cita requerida ] El concepto FT-86 G Sports ha reaparecido en la sala de exposiciones de Toyota en Amlux, Ikebukuro. [4] La versión de producción del FT-86 ha sido bautizada como Toyota 86 .

Concepto híbrido deportivo GRMN (2010)

El GRMN Sports Hybrid Concept es un concepto de automóvil deportivo fabricado por Toyota en 2010. Se fabrica en asociación con Gazoo Racing . [5]

La mafia (2010)

El Toyota MOB es un coche de carreras al aire libre totalmente eléctrico fabricado por Toyota en 2010. Utiliza materiales orgánicos reutilizables. [6]

Concepto Prius Custom Plus (2010)

El Prius Custom Plus Concept es una modificación del Toyota Prius y se mostró en el Salón del Automóvil de Tokio de enero de 2010. [7] El Custom Plus se diferencia del Prius por su agresivo kit de carrocería y sus nuevas ruedas.

FT-CH (2010)

El Toyota FT-CH (futuro híbrido compacto de Toyota) es un vehículo conceptual fabricado por Toyota y mostrado por primera vez en el Salón Internacional del Automóvil de Norteamérica de enero de 2010. [ 8 ] En comparación con el Toyota Prius , el FT-CH es 560 mm (22 pulgadas) más corto en longitud total y menos de 25 mm (1 pulgada) más angosto en ancho total. Es más liviano y más eficiente en consumo de combustible que el Prius. Este concepto apunta a un rango de precios más bajo que la línea Prius, por lo que " es atractivo para un grupo demográfico de compradores más jóvenes y menos pudientes ". [9]

El FT-CH fue diseñado en Toyota European Design and Development . Las baterías de NiMH son fabricadas por Panasonic EV Energy Co , una empresa conjunta entre Toyota y Panasonic . [9]

Vehículo deportivo eléctrico (2010)

El Toyota Sports EV (Sports Electric Vehicle) fue un vehículo conceptual construido por el Toyota Technical College de Tokio y mostrado por primera vez en el Salón del Automóvil de Tokio de enero de 2010. Se basaba en un Toyota Sports 800 con el motor de gasolina de 2 cilindros original reemplazado por un solo motor eléctrico de 28 kW. [10] [11]

El 27 de noviembre de 2010, el Sports EV participó en el desfile de autos clásicos en el Festival de Autos Clásicos del Museo del Automóvil Toyota en Tokio. [12]

Vehículo deportivo EV Twin (2010)

El Toyota Sports EV Twin (Sports Electric Vehicle) fue un vehículo conceptual construido por el Toyota Technical College de Tokio como una actualización del Sports EV y mostrado por primera vez en el Salón del Automóvil de Tokio de enero de 2011. El motor eléctrico único del Sports EV fue reemplazado por copias gemelas del mismo motor eléctrico de 28 kW conectadas en serie. Cada motor eléctrico sobresale lateralmente del eje central de manera similar al motor de gasolina bicilíndrico plano original del Sports 800. [13] [14] [15]

Concepto híbrido deportivo GRMN II (2011)

Versión convertible del primer concepto híbrido deportivo. Salió al mercado en 2011. [5]

Vista trasera del Toyota GRMN Sports Hybrid Concept II

Insecto (2011)

El Toyota Insect es un prototipo monoplaza que alcanza una velocidad máxima de 61 km/h (38 mph) y que se presentó en 2011 en el festival japonés CEATEC (Exposición combinada de tecnologías avanzadas). Insect significa Information Network Social Electricity City Transporter. El Toyota i-Road , que se presentó en 2013, se basa en el Insect. Las pequeñas puertas se abren y se cierran como el aleteo de un insecto, lo que le da el apodo de "coche insecto". Toyota quería que el Insect representara cómo un insecto vuela libremente por las ciudades. Un agente virtual en el Toyota Smart Center reconoce la voz del conductor y configura automáticamente varias funciones en el coche, como las luces antiniebla, la radio o incluso la configuración del destino. El Insect también se puede vincular a la casa del conductor con el Toyota Smart Center, lo que proporciona control remoto para las luces, el sistema de calefacción, ventilación y aire acondicionado e incluso las cerraduras. [16] [17] [18]

Concepto Prius C (2011)

El Toyota Prius c Concept es un pequeño coche híbrido de gasolina y electricidad que sirve de inspiración al pequeño híbrido de Toyota que llegó al mercado a principios de 2012. Se mostró por primera vez en el Salón Internacional del Automóvil de Norteamérica de enero de 2011. La "c" de "Prius c" significa vehículo "urbano", ya que es mucho más pequeño que el Prius normal y está dirigido a compradores más jóvenes sin familia que no necesitan mucho espacio. [19]

El automóvil, denominado Toyota Aqua, se lanzó en Japón en diciembre de 2011. [20] Las ventas del Prius c en varios mercados asiáticos comenzaron en enero de 2012. [21] [22] El Prius c se lanzó en los EE. UU. y Canadá en marzo de 2012. [23] [24] Las ventas en Australia y Nueva Zelanda comenzaron en abril de 2012. [25] [26]

Concepto Yaris HSD (2011)

El Toyota Yaris HSD Concept fue presentado en el Salón del Automóvil de Ginebra de marzo de 2011. Se espera que el Yaris Híbrido salga a la venta en Europa en 2012. El concept car presentado en Ginebra tenía un panel solar ubicado en el techo para contribuir a alimentar el aire acondicionado del vehículo. [27]

La versión de producción del Toyota Yaris Hybrid 2012 se presentó en el Salón del Automóvil de Ginebra de marzo de 2012. [28] Las ventas del Yaris Hybrid comenzaron en Europa en junio de 2012, [ 29] El Yaris Hybrid comparte el mismo tren motriz que el Toyota Prius c vendido en América del Norte (Toyota Aqua en Japón). [30]

FT-86 II (2011)

El 1 de marzo de 2011, Toyota Europa presentó el Toyota FT-86 II Concept en la presentación preliminar del Salón del Automóvil de Ginebra de 2011 como sucesor del Toyota FT-86 Concept . "FT" significa "Future Toyota" (Toyota del futuro). El vehículo fue diseñado por el Centro Europeo de Diseño y Desarrollo de Toyota (ED 2 ) con mayores dimensiones en comparación con su predecesor. Incluye un paragolpes delantero y faros delanteros rediseñados, un paragolpes trasero y luces traseras, un alerón trasero adicional y ventilaciones laterales. [ cita requerida ]

El modelo de producción se conocerá como Toyota GT 86 (Toyota 86 en Japón) y se mostró en el Salón del Automóvil de Tokio de octubre de 2011. [32] Se esperan ventas europeas en 2012. [ cita requerida ] Se esperan ventas en Australia a mediados de 2012 a A$30.000 [33]

Prius+ (2011)

El Toyota Prius+ se presentó en el Salón del Automóvil de Ginebra de marzo de 2011. El Prius+ es el primer híbrido europeo con capacidad para siete pasajeros. [27] Es muy similar al Prius V , con la principal diferencia de que el Prius v tiene dos filas para cinco personas y el Prius+ tiene tres filas para siete personas. [34]

El Prius v salió a la venta en Estados Unidos en octubre de 2011, [35] y el Prius+ se lanzó en Europa en junio de 2012. [36] El Prius v de 7 plazas se lanzó en Australia en mayo de 2012. [37]

Prototipo iQ EV (2011)

El prototipo Toyota iQ EV es el sucesor del FT-EV II como vehículo eléctrico basado en el chasis iQ . Se presentó en el Salón del Automóvil de Ginebra de marzo de 2011. [38]

En septiembre de 2012, Toyota anunció que, debido a las preocupaciones de los clientes sobre la autonomía y el tiempo de carga, la producción del Scion iQ EV (Toyota eQ en Japón) se limitará a unas 100 unidades para uso especial en flotas de Japón y Estados Unidos únicamente, en comparación con las 600 unidades planificadas originalmente. El lanzamiento del iQ EV/eQ en ambos países está previsto para diciembre de 2012. [39]

Concepto Scion FR-S (2011)

El Scion FR-S Sports Coupe Concept , donde FR-S significa Motor delantero, Tracción trasera, Deportivo, fue presentado en el Salón Internacional del Automóvil de Nueva York de 2011. [ 40] [41] Según Yahoo! Autos, [42] se espera que las ventas comiencen en el tercer trimestre de 2012 como el Scion FR-S . [ necesita actualización ]

FT-EV III (2011)

El Toyota FT-EV III fue presentado en el Salón del Automóvil de Tokio de 2011. El FT-EV III fue la última versión conceptual del automóvil eléctrico Scion iQ EV programado. [43] Toyota produjo tres generaciones de automóviles conceptuales FT-EV, y el iQ EV es la versión de producción de esos conceptos, incorporando las fortalezas tecnológicas y de diseño de los tres modelos. El exterior de la versión de producción se basa en el concepto FT-EV III. [44] Las ventas del Scion iQ (EE. UU.)/Toyota eQ (Japón) se limitarán a aproximadamente 100 unidades para uso especial de flotas en Japón y EE. UU. únicamente, y están programadas para diciembre de 2012. [39]

Diversión-vii / diji / iiMo (2011)

El Toyota Fun-vii (vehículo, interactivo, Internet) fue un concept car de 3 asientos presentado en el Salón del Automóvil de Tokio de octubre de 2011. [46] También se mostró en el Salón Internacional del Automóvil de Norteamérica de enero de 2012, [ 47] como Toyota diji en el Salón del Automóvil de Ginebra de marzo de 2012 [46] [48] y como iiMo en el Salón del Automóvil de París de septiembre/octubre de 2012 [49] y en el Salón Internacional de la Industria del Transporte de São Paulo de octubre de 2012. [50] [51] Se mostró como Fun-vii en el Salón Internacional del Automóvil de Bangkok de marzo de 2013. [52]

Los colores del interior se pueden modificar para adaptarse al estado de ánimo del conductor y todo el exterior del coche se puede utilizar como pantalla. La ayuda a la navegación la proporciona un avatar en 3D que se proyecta desde el salpicadero. El coche puede comunicarse a través de una red electrónica con otros coches y con la carretera que estén equipados de forma similar. La mayoría de las funciones se pueden controlar mediante un teléfono inteligente: el presidente de Toyota, Akio Toyoda, lo definió como un "teléfono inteligente sobre cuatro ruedas". [53]

En un principio no se conocía el sistema de propulsión, pero en el salón de São Paulo se reveló que se trata de un vehículo totalmente eléctrico con recarga inalámbrica. No se dieron a conocer las especificaciones. El coche es capaz de navegar por sí solo en carriles de "piloto automático". [50]

Yun Dong Shuang Qing (2012)

El YunDong ShuangQing (Yun Dong Shuang Qing) es un prototipo híbrido exclusivo de China. Se presentó en el Salón del Automóvil de Pekín de 2012. Akio Toyoda afirma: "Queremos poner sonrisas en los rostros de nuestros clientes chinos con la tecnología híbrida. Quiero que la gente de China pueda experimentar la belleza de la tecnología híbrida a través de un coche híbrido nacido en China". [54] [55]

TES-ERA EV (2012)

El Toyota TES-ERA EV es un concept car fabricado por Toyota en 2012. Se mostró en el Salón del Automóvil de Tokio . [56] El TES-ERA EV tiene una velocidad máxima de 200 km/h (124 mph).

Vehículo eléctrico Toyota TES-ERA

NS4 (2012)

El Toyota NS4 es un concept car híbrido enchufable presentado en el Salón Internacional del Automóvil de Norteamérica de enero de 2012. [57] [58]

El NS4 tiene un aspecto similar al de un Prius alargado . El equipamiento de seguridad incluye un radar de precolisión que alerta al conductor y también guía al NS4 para alejarlo de los obstáculos, faros delanteros que se ajustan automáticamente para evitar deslumbrar a otros vehículos y cámaras que proporcionan una visión envolvente completa en lugar de espejos . Un panel solar cubre el techo para recargar la batería. [59]

FT-Bh (2012)

El Toyota FT-Bh es un concept car híbrido presentado en el Salón del Automóvil de Ginebra de marzo de 2012. [60]

Querido Qin (2012)

El Toyota Dear Qin es un vehículo conceptual fabricado por Toyota en 2012. El Dear Qin se presentó en el Salón del Automóvil de Pekín de 2012 como sedán y hatchback . Está basado en el Toyota Yaris y el Toyota Corolla Hatchback . El vehículo incluye luces LED y puertas elegantes, lo que lo convierte en un automóvil conceptual llamativo. Sin embargo, el nombre Qin significa "querido", por lo que se confunde si el nombre real es Toyota Dear Dear. [61]

Camatte Sora, Camatte Daichi, Camatte Takumi (2012)

El Toyota Camatte es un concept car eléctrico presentado en el Salón del Juguete de Tokio de junio de 2012 en lugar del más habitual Salón del Automóvil de Tokio . [62] El nombre "Camatte" proviene de la palabra japonesa "kamau", que significa "cuidado". [63]

Los paneles exteriores del Camatte son desmontables, lo que permite al usuario personalizar la carrocería. Se han mostrado dos conjuntos de paneles: el Camatte Sora ('cielo') tiene un diseño redondeado en aguamarina y blanco con protectores de ruedas delanteras y el Camatte Daichi ('tierra') tiene un diseño angular en marrón arena con protectores de ruedas delanteras integrados. [64] [65] En el Tokyo Toy Show, Toyota mostró cómo se intercambiaban los paneles de la carrocería entre un Sora y un Daichi. [65]

Al Camatte Takumi ('artesano') se le añadió posteriormente una carrocería plateada estilo Lotus Seven . [66] Un prototipo de la parte frontal de la carrocería Takumi se mostró en el Salón del Juguete de Tokio de 2012 junto a las carrocerías Sora y Daichi completadas. [67]

El Camatte Daichi de color marrón arena se fabricó en una versión rosa pálido para la Exposición Internacional del Automóvil de Beijing de 2014. [68]

Camatte57s, Camatte57s Deporte (2013)

El Toyota Camatte57s y el Toyota Camatte57s Sport son dos carrocerías nuevas para el chasis eléctrico Toyota Camatte que se dieron a conocer en el Tokyo Toy Show de junio de 2013. El Camatte57s es un roadster con ruedas de bicicleta con múltiples selecciones de colores pastel para cada panel. El Camatte57s Sport es un roadster con una carrocería estilo automóvil deportivo con ruedas cerradas y paneles de carrocería negros, rojos y plateados. [69] [70]

Corolla Furia (2013)

El Toyota Corolla Furia es un concept car presentado en el Salón Internacional del Automóvil de Norteamérica de enero de 2013. [71] Los elementos estilísticos de la próxima generación del Corolla se previsualizaron en el concept car Furia . Los indicios del parabrisas barrido y la línea del techo inclinada sugieren que la marca seguirá la tendencia de la industria hacia extremos traseros inclinados y formas de carrocería más aerodinámicas. También es probable que los elementos como la iluminación LED que se ven en el concept car se incorporen al Corolla (E170) .

Toyota Furia

i-Carretera (2013)

El Toyota i-Road es un concept car que se mostró por primera vez en el Salón del Automóvil de Ginebra de marzo de 2013. Tiene un tren motriz eléctrico y sus dos motores de 2 kW (2,7 hp) son alimentados por una batería de iones de litio que se puede cargar usando un enchufe doméstico. Una carga tiene una autonomía de 50 km (31 mi) y una velocidad máxima de 45 km/h (28 mph). Está diseñado para uso urbano. [72] No tiene emisiones en el punto de uso. El vehículo está diseñado con 3 puertas y 2 asientos en tándem en una carrocería completamente cerrada.

Car and Driver describe al Toyota i-Road como "una especie de cruce entre un coche, una motocicleta y un elegante carrito de golf". [73] Es similar al concepto de una motocicleta pero tiene tres ruedas. [74] Toyota ha desarrollado lo que llama "Active Lean", una nueva tecnología que ayuda a proporcionar la fuerza centrípeta necesaria para hacer que el vehículo gire en una esquina y suaviza el andar sobre terreno irregular. [75] "Active Lean" funciona utilizando computadoras de a bordo en cada lado de la suspensión delantera para calcular el grado de inclinación necesario según la información del mecanismo de dirección, el ángulo del giroscopio y la velocidad. Para compensar las condiciones de la carretera, se ajusta una rueda delantera hacia arriba o hacia abajo según sea necesario para estabilizar el vehículo. [74] [76] Según Wired , esta tecnología "le permite pasar por las curvas sin volcar". [76]

Toyota se refiere a él como un "vehículo de movilidad personal". [73] El ancho es de 850 mm (33,5 pulgadas), aproximadamente el mismo ancho que una motocicleta, y cuatro de estos vehículos se pueden estacionar en un solo espacio de estacionamiento. [77] Tiene capacidad para dos personas en una cabina cerrada que protege a los ocupantes del medio ambiente. [75] Su radio de giro es de aproximadamente 2,7 m (9 pies).

En la actualidad, el Toyota i-Road es un concept car pensado para uso urbano en el futuro, y no hay planes para su producción general en este momento, [74] [76] aunque se anunció en marzo de 2013 que se desplegarían 70 i-Road en Grenoble como parte de un proyecto de movilidad de última milla . [78] El proyecto se gestionará dentro de un club de coches existente . [79] El i-Road también formará parte del proyecto similar ha:mo de Toyota en Toyota City, Japón. [80]

Concepto de taxi japonés (2013)

El Toyota JPN Taxi Concept es un concepto de taxi presentado en el Salón del Automóvil de Tokio de enero de 2013. [81]

Yo, nosotros (2013)

El Toyota Me.We es un prototipo fabricado por Toyota en 2013. Está recubierto de polipropileno 100 por ciento reciclable. El Me.We es una combinación de camioneta, descapotable, todoterreno y coche urbano pequeño. [82]

RAV4 Aventura (2013)

El Toyota RAV4 Adventure es un concept car presentado en el Salón del Automóvil de Ginebra de marzo de 2013. [83]

RAV4 Premium (2013)

El Toyota RAV4 Premium es un concept car presentado en el Salón del Automóvil de Ginebra de marzo de 2013. [83]

U2 (2014)

El U2 es un concept car fabricado por Toyota en 2014. Fue mostrado en el Salón Internacional del Automóvil de Canadá de 2016 y en la Maker Faire de 2014 , en San Francisco . U2 significa Urban Utility Concept y se pronuncia "U al cuadrado". La forma de la carrocería tiene aspectos del Nissan S-Cargo , Toyota Highlander y Toyota RAV4 . El exterior incluye un sistema de amarre, un techo corredizo, un portón trasero abatible que puede funcionar como rampa y un portón trasero abatible. [84] El vehículo se mostró con un solo asiento, mientras que el resto es espacio de carga. Hay espacio para un asiento de pasajero opcional. El interior está completamente cubierto de paneles de plástico. [85]

TE Spyder 800 (2014)

El Toyota TE-Spyder 800 es un vehículo conceptual fabricado por Toyota en 2014. Fue presentado en el Salón del Automóvil de Tokio de 2014. Está basado en el MR2 de tercera generación . [86] El motor NZ genera 85 kW (116 PS) a 6400 rpm. [87]

Camatte57s Sport LED (2014)

The Toyota Camatte57s Sport LED was unveiled at the June 2014 Tokyo Toy Show as an updated body for the 2014 Toyota Camatte57s Sport electric chassis. The body is the same as the previous year except for an LED panel on the bonnet. Children can draw pictures on paper, which are scanned and then displayed on the bonnet. A Camatte chassis without body panels was also displayed at the same show booth to show children how a car works.[88]

FT-1 (2014)

The Toyota FT-1 is a concept car unveiled at the January 2014 North American International Auto Show.[89] 'FT' stands for Future Toyota. While '1' means number one or the ultimate one. Little is known about this new concept car; other than that it has a front engine and rear wheel drive layout. Toyota did also state their new concept car draws inspiration from Toyota's past sports cars like the 2000GT, Supra, MR-2, and 2007 FT-HS concept car. Toyota did not state whether the FT-1 would use the Supra name, or if it was even bound for production. However, Toyota did say if the FT-1 is approved from production to expect a price tag of around US$60,000.[90]

Work on the FT-1 began nearly two years prior to the presentation. Kevin Hunter, the president of Calty Design Research in California stated that Lexus had the LFA and Scion has the FR-S, but Toyota has nothing.[citation needed] Mr. Hunter then pitched his idea to Toyota's CEO, Akio Toyoda for a halo flagship sports car for the Toyota brand. After receiving approval to build a concept, Calty designers began to sketch ideas and different concepts. In the end, a front engine rear wheel drive layout was chosen. Toyota has not disclosed the cost of building its FT-1 concept, but it is noted that concept cars usually cost around a US$1 million to build. Hunter had stated that the FT-1 is still in the concept stage with no current production plans. He added that if the public's reaction is positive it would only help to move the FT-1 from concept to production and that anything is possible in the future. Alex Shen, the studio chief designer, also hinted at a US$60,000 price tag. He was quoted saying, "It's a Toyota, it ought to be affordable."[91]

The FT-1's overall design was eventually incorporated into the fifth generation Toyota Supra (J29/DB), which launched in 2019 for the 2020 model year.[92] However, much of the design had to have updated proportions and dimensions during co-development alongside BMW, due to being adapted around the significantly smaller BMW Z4 (G29) platform's shared hardpoints.[93][94] Additionally, Toyota's goal of a price tag around US$60,000 for the production version of the FT-1 was achieved, with the fifth generation Supra being priced at US$49,990 starting MSRP along with a front engine rear wheel drive layout as proposed.[95]

FT-1 Graphite Concept

A second FT-1 was created and shown at the Monterey Jet Center in Monterey, California in August 2014. It was painted in a gray colour rather than the first car's red colour to shift perception of the vehicle.[96]

FT-1 Vision Gran Turismo

To commemorate the 15th anniversary of the popular video game series, Gran Turismo 6 will feature a festival called "Vision Gran Turismo" (name reused from early GT5 trailer), featuring concept cars designed for the game by top automobile companies. Toyota created a unique design of the FT-1 concept called the FT-1 VGT, featuring more aggressive and race inspired body work similar to the GT500 machines from the Super GT series.[97] A Gr.3 version, based on FIA GT3 regulations, was later created for the game's sequel, Gran Turismo Sport.

C-HR Concept (2014–2017)

The Toyota C-HR Concept is a concept car unveiled at the October 2014 Paris Motor Show.[99] It represents a styling exercise for a 2-door compact crossover SUV. An updated more production-intent version was shown at the September 2015 Frankfurt Motor Show,[100] now with additional rear doors and gray paint. A third version in red was shown at the November 2015 LA Auto Show as the Scion CH-R Concept, with styling closer to the original 2014 concept, but with rear doors like the 2015 Toyota concept. The Scion concept was also displayed at the 2016 Montreal International Auto Show and the New York International Auto Show, but as a Toyota due to the phase out of the Scion brand.[101][102][103] The production model was launched in November 2016.[101]

C-HR concept at the 2014 Mondial de l'Automobile de Paris – rear

FV, FV2 (2014)

The Toyota FV (also known as the FV2) is a concept car introduced at the 2014 Geneva Motor Show. The car has no steering wheel to grab hold of, so instead, the FV is operated by the driver shifting their body weight, intuitively moving the car forwards or backwards, left and right. It is connected to an intelligent transport system technology, which means you stay safe while having fun. A wide variety of local safety information captured from other vehicles and traffic infrastructure aids the driver of the FV to deal with dangers such as blind spots at junctions. By incorporating technology under development in the Toyota Heart Project, both the driver and the FV can grow together. Using both voice and image recognition to determine the driver's mood, the car will accumulate driving history to suggest driving routes and even determine the driver's skill level to assist in driving technique. Also, to give your FV2 the personal touch, its body colour and exterior display can be changed to match your mood. It can reach speeds of up to 160 km/h (100 mph), and has a price tag of US$45,000.[104]

86 Tomica Concept (2015)

The 86 Tomica Concept is a concept car revealed in 2015. Takara Tomy sells a scale model police car based on the Toyota 86 under their Tomica brand, even though the police do not actually use the 86. It was built by Toyota Technocraft on behalf of Tomica as a full-size version of the scale model. The interior is mostly stock, except for the addition of a roof light switch, swapping the two-tone seat covers for plain black covers and no digital radio. The exterior uses the same paint scheme and roof lights as real police cars but adds a small, red Tomica logo on the rear.[105][106][107]

UUV (2015)

The UUV is a concept car revealed at the 2015 SEMA Show. It is a Toyota Tacoma platform with a Toyota Sienna body. UUV stands for Ultimate Utility Vehicle. It includes Wi-Fi, internet, satellite TV, Skype capability, and a night vision camera.[108]

Tacoma Back To The Future Concept (2015)

The Toyota Tacoma Back to the Future Concept is a pick-up truck made by Toyota in 2015. It has been shown at many auto shows in North America. The pick-up is based on the one showed in Back to the Future Part II, the second film in the franchise. The Tacoma is decked out with tubular bumpers, a roll bar, KC off-road lights, a black paint job, and a throwback TOYOTA graphic on the tailgate.[109] With a V6 engine, the truck can go 185 km/h (115 mph), with 207 kW (278 hp) at 6,000 rpm and 359 N⋅m (265 ft⋅lb) at 4,600 rpm. It has a towing capacity of 2,948 kg (6,499 lb).[110]

Camatte Hajime (2015)

The Toyota Camatte Hajime was unveiled at the June 2015 Tokyo Toy Show as an updated body for the Toyota Camatte electric chassis. The body is similar to a 1940 style Jeep. "Hajime" means "beginning" in Japanese.

A virtual reality version was also made with virtual bodies for an ambulances, fire truck, police car and hot dog stall. Children could design their vehicle and then drive it around a virtual reality track.[111][112]

FCV Plus (2015)

The Toyota FCV Plus Concept is a concept car unveiled at the October 2015 Tokyo Motor Show using fuel cells to power electric motors in each wheel.[115]

S-FR (2015)

The Toyota S-FR Concept is a concept car unveiled at the October 2015 Tokyo Motor Show as an entry-level sports car.[116] The design of the S-FR was inspired by the Toyota Sports 800.[117]

Kikai Concept (2015)

The Toyota Kikai Concept is a concept car unveiled at the October 2015 Tokyo Motor Show in the style of a hot rod with exposed parts.[115]

uBox (2015)

The Toyota uBox is a concept vehicle built by Toyota in collaboration with Clemson University as part of the university's Deep Orange project.[118][119][120]

Yaris Legian (2015)

The Toyota Yaris Legian is a concept vehicle built by Toyota based on the XP150 Yaris. It was shown at the August 2015 Gaikindo Indonesia International Auto Show.[121]

Rear view

XTREME Corolla (2016)

The XTREME Corolla is a concept car shown at the 2016 SEMA. It was made for the Corolla's 50th anniversary.[122]

Camatte Setsuna (2016)

The Toyota Camatte Setsuna was unveiled at the April 2016 Milan Furniture Fair as a wooden roadster version of the Toyota Camatte electric chassis. The body has a similar shape to the Camatte57s but is made entire from Japanese cedar. The chassis is also similar to the Camatte57s but partially built using Japanese birch. The Camatte57s chassis provide 1+2 seating but the Setsuna is a more traditional 2-seater. The body panels are attached using traditional Japanese okuriari and kusabi joints, which don't require nails and allow the panels to be removed and reattached.[123]

Extreme Sienna (2016)

The Toyota Extreme Sienna is a heavily modified version of the third generation Sienna, based on the SE trim. It was made by Rick Leos of Real Time Automotive in collaboration with Toyota. On the exterior, the Extreme Sienna features: a custom 4-stage process candy blue paint job, a custom wide-body fully-fabricated body kit, a custom anodized grille, tinted windows, anodized badges, LED foglamps, and a custom roof rack. For its suspension and brakes, it features: a custom lowered air lift performance system, Megan coil-over shocks, Stop Tech callipers, and a TRD big brake kit. Its wheels and tyres consist of Litespeed Racing two-piece forged concave wheels in a brushed-gold finish, 21x10 front, 21x10.5 rear, and wears Toyo Tires 255/30/21 front, 295/25/21 rear. Inside the minivan, it features: Euro Autolux leather (parchment as the main colour and cognac as the accent colour), reclining luxury heated chairs with built-in massage, Brazilian Pecan natural hardwood floors for the rear, an LED illuminated headliner panel, and embossed floor mats. It is equipped with the following technology: a 32" flat-screen smart TV, a JBL 5.1 home theatre system, built-in iPad controller, Apple TV, Apple-integrated Wi-Fi router, an inverter, and converter, and a custom 8-speaker audio system designed by JBL. Its 4-seater configuration and rear passenger setup appears to have been inspired by the Royal Lounge version of the Toyota Alphard, with the wood floors being unique to the Extreme Sienna. It was showcased at the 2016 SEMA show.[124][125]

Land Speed Cruiser (2016)

The Toyota Land Speed Cruiser was unveiled at the November 2016 SEMA Show. Based on a J200 series Land Cruiser, the frame and suspension were modified to lower it substantially for added stability at high speed. The 5.7 litre 3UR-FE had two Garrett turbochargers (one per bank) added, along with unspecified internal modifications, to make a claimed 1,500 kW (2,000 hp). With a mild body kit, including front and rear spoilers and a flat under body, Toyota claims the top speed will be 355 km/h (220 mph).[126][127]

Prius G (2016)

The Toyota Prius G is a hybrid Toyota Prius upgraded as a race car. It was shown at the 2016 Specialty Equipment Market Association (SEMA) Show. It is based on the Prius GT300. It was tested on the Willow Springs International Raceway and performed 0.99 g on the skid pad.[128]

Toyota-28 (2016)

The Toyota-28 is a luxury fibreglass boat, made in partnership with Yanmar. Shown at the March 2016 Japan International Boat Show, it entered production as the Ponam-28V. It featured a composite hull made from fibreglass, with supporting aluminium and carbon fibre stringers.[129][130][131]

Toyota 86 Shooting Brake (2016)

The 86 Shooting Brake is a sports Hatchback made by Toyota in 2016. Subaru also made a similar looking BRZ variant.[132]

S-FR Racing Concept (2016)

The Toyota S-FR Racing Concept was unveiled at the 2016 Tokyo Auto Salon. The S-FR Racing Concept will have carbon-fiber spoilers, center-lock wheels, and a vented hood.[133] Both the splitter and the canards on the car are made from carbon-fiber-reinforced plastic (CFRP). The back of the car includes a massive diffuser, a center-mounted exhaust pipe, aerodynamic winglets on each side of the bumper, and a large wing. The sides were also revised for racing, now featuring aerodynamic side skirts, slender mirrors, and lightweight, black-painted wheels wrapped in racing rubber. The concept also switched from body-coloured to black door handles and had its fuel cap moved on the C-pillar. The interior features racing seats, plain door panels, and a flat-bottom steering wheel. It has an output of 75–112 kW (100–150 hp).[134]

Setsuna (2016)

The Toyota Setsuna is a concept car made by Toyota in 2016, and shown at the Milan Design Week festival. It is based on the Toyota Camatte. It is an open air, 97% cedar wood car. The car is planned to last up to the year 3000 before the wood is expected to be needed to replace. It has a top speed of 45 km/h (28 mph), and a range of 26 km (16 miles). It is not street-legal anywhere, but close to legal in Italy and Japan.[135]

The special emblem on the cars hood shows a flower blooming, representing time evolving. The wood around the door mirrors, seats, steering wheel, and body banding lines have gotten a lacquer finish. The seats have been made to feel like a wooden park bench, but with leather. It also includes a "100 year meter", an always ticking timer counting the 100 years until the car will need a wood change.[136]

Another main material is aluminum. Aluminum was used to make wheel caps, the steering wheel, and the seat frames, to bring some contrast to the car.[137]

The car also gives the feeling of a boat on the water, enhancing the family-vacation vibe. The car can seat 2 people. Kenji Tsuji, the designer, said, "When we created the Setsuna, we envisaged a family pouring its love into it over generations so that the car gains an irreplaceable value. Continuous development is possible in the form of bonds between the car and the family, like the growth rings of a tree. To proceed with the development of a car utilizing the appeal of wood, we directly spoke with experts with wide-ranging knowledge, including carpenters specializing in temple and shrine construction and ship's carpenters. Furthermore, during this project, Sumitomo Forestry, a company that fully understands our concept, shared their knowledge of wood construction with us, and together we engaged in various types of joint development from the early stages, including wood selection and proposals for processing techniques and assembly methods. While we used wood as the main material, we also poured lots of time and passion into the car itself with our colleagues, creating a prototype and evaluating it so that the car would offer basic performance in the form of driving feel and comfort. By displaying the Setsuna, which was created with these hopes in mind and receiving a wide range of opinions, we believe that we can further improve this concept. One piece of feedback that we received in particular was the hope that we would incorporate this concept into car manufacturing in the future."

At the festival, Toyota build an exhibit using the same wood as the car, where visitors walk through a wooden "tunnel". A large neon sign saying Setsuna greets visitors as they approach the exhibit.[138]

HiLux Tonka Concept (2017)

The HiLux Tonka Concept was a HiLux SR5 that was customised by Toyota Australia and shown in March 2017 to celebrate the 70th birthday of Tonka and the 80th birthday of Toyota. The yellow and black paint featured the Tonka logo in large letters.

The ride height was raised by 150 mm, with 17-inch wheels and 35-inch tyres. The bulged bonnet and the tailgate were made in carbon fibre. Roll-over bars and side bars were added.[139]

Fine-Comfort Ride Concept (2017)

Concept-愛i (2017)

The Toyota Concept-i first came out in 2017, at the Tokyo Motor Show. It includes 2 personalized robots that allow the car to communicate through lights, self-drive, and sense the drivers feelings.

Concept-愛i Ride (2017)

Toyota created the Concept-i Ride also in 2017. It is a mini-city car that allows people with wheelchairs to drive the car. The back can open, allowing wheelchairs inside the car.

Concept-愛i Walk (2017)

The Concept-i Walk is a mini-electric scooter for the use of pedestrians in crowded cities. Toyota wanted the concept to hit big in cities like New York City, Chicago, and Tokyo.

FT-AC (2017)

The Toyota FT-AC (Future Toyota Adventure Concept) is a concept car unveiled at the December 2017 Los Angeles Auto Show. The vehicle is similar in size and form to the RAV4 but with bolder styling. Infrared cameras are mounted in the side mirrors and LED's in the roof rack can be used as a flash. Audience feedback at the show was strong enough that Jack Hollis of Toyota USA said there was a strong chance of the FT-AC going into production in a similar manner to the FJ Cruiser.[140][141] The design was later adapted to fifth generation RAV4.

Fun (2017)

The Toyota Fun or Fengchao Fun[142] is a concept car introduced at the 2017 Shanghai Motor Show. The sedan previews the 2018 Camry. The car uses sharply slanted LED headlights, similar to the Mirai's. Toyota increased the windshield's rake and lowered the roof. The ultra-skinny LED taillights are an attractive evolution of the parts on the Fun. It uses the TGNA platform, which is acknowledged as "the backbone of Toyota’s future global range." It uses a 3.5-litre V6 engine (or a 2.5-litre four-cylinder), but can also use a hybrid engine.[143]

Hilux Bruiser (2017)

The Toyota Hilux Bruiser is a concept car built by Arctic Trucks for Toyota Great Britain to resemble the Tamiya Bruiser remote control scale model car. The road-legal vehicle includes a high-lift suspension, 17-inch wheels and 305/80 R17 tyres. Details from the scale model kit include blue paint, "Hog Heaven" graphics, white tubular all-round bumpers, a radio mast and a replica on/off switch built by Robert Selway.[144][145]

i-TRIL (2017)

The Toyota i-TRIL is a concept car introduced by Toyota at the 2017 Geneva Auto Show. Designed for three people, the Toyota i-TRIL concept posits a new mode of transportation that is somewhere between a subcompact car and a motorcycle. A product of Toyota's European design studio in Nice, France, the i-TRIL is a podlike EV with a range of about 200 km (120 mi). At 2,830 mm (111.4 in) long, it is 135 mm (5.3 in) longer than a Smart Fortwo. The car's rear track is half the width of the front, and the rear wheels do the driving. The connection between the rear wheels and the body is hinged, allowing the body and the front wheels to lean into turns by up to 10 degrees—an idea Toyota calls Active Lean technology, which it previously explored in the Toyota i-Road concept. The two butterfly doors take a section of the floor with them when they open, allowing for easier access to the central front seat, which swivels. The i-TRIL has a steering yoke but no pedals, and a head-up display replaces a traditional gauge cluster.[146]

Tj Cruiser (2017)

The Toyota Tj Cruiser is a concept car built by Toyota and shown at the 2017 Tokyo Motor Show. It uses a monocoque chassis instead of a separate frame. The paint was specially designed to be non-slip and scratch proof. The three passenger seats can fold flat in order to hold more cargo. Production was expected to go ahead but as of September 2021, Toyota has made no further announcements.[147][148]

Camatte Petta (2017)

The Toyota Camatte Petta is a remake of the Toyota Camatte, but is now equipped with a roadster body. It was introduced at the 2017 Tokyo Toy Show. its predecessor is the Toyota Camatte Takumi.[citation needed]

GR HV Sports Concept (2017)

The GR HV Sports Concept is made by Toyota in 2017, based on the 86. It features a targa-top, LMP1-inspired headlights and taillights, and a gas-electric hybrid drivetrain with a mid-mounted battery pack.[149]

GR Supra Racing Concept (2018)

The GR Supra Racing Concept is a concept car that previews the racing version of the fifth generation Supra that was showcased at the March 2018 Geneva Motor Show. The design was inspired from the 2014 FT-1. It features a lowered suspension with Toyota OEM parts, BBS centre-lock racing wheels, Brembo racing callipers, a full roll cage and fire extinguisher system, a stripped out interior, Michelin track tyres and a centre exit racing exhaust.[150] It also features carbon fibre for the bonnet, splitter, diffuser, mirror caps, side skirts, wing and bumpers.[151] It is unknown what engine powered the concept.

GR Super Sport Concept (2018)

The GR Super Sport Concept is a two-seat concept sports car developed by Toyota Motorsport GmbH under the Gazoo Racing branding, loosely based on the TS050 Hybrid Le Mans Prototype.

e-Palette (2018)

The e-Palette is a concept automated battery electric minibus shown at the 2019 Tokyo Motor Show. 20 vehicles were to offer SAE level 4 automated transportation at the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic villages, although the event was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Large doors and electric ramps were used to allow Paralympic athletes to board easily.[152][153]

In August 2021, an e-Palette struck and injured an athlete walking on the pedestrian crossing in the Paralympic Village of the 2020 Summer Paralympics while under manual control by an operator.[154][155]

FT-4X Concept (2018)

The FT-4X is a concept compact SUV shown at the March 2017 and March 2018 New York International Auto Shows. It was designed by Toyota's Calty Design Research Inc to be a compact off roader, and was equipped with 4WD as well as features such as a GoPro Hero 5 Session camera built into the driver's side rear view mirror, heated and refrigerated storage compartments, removable audio system, rear doorhandles that act as water bottles and a built in The North Face sleeping bag between the front seats. It is proposed to become a production model.[156][157]

FT-4X rear end

Noah MU (2018)

The Toyota Noah MU is a concept vehicle based on the third generation Toyota Noah. It was shown at the 2018 Tokyo Motor Show. MU stands for multi-utility.[158]

Sonic Emotion C-HR Concept (2018)

The Toyota Sonic Emotion C-HR Concept was made by Toyota in 2018. It was shown at the Osaka Automesse.[159]

GR Supra GT4 Concept (2019)

Based on the Toyota Supra released in 2019, the GR Supra GT4 Concept is a concept racing car that would be suitable for the European GT4 racing series. It was first shown at the March 2019 Geneva Motor Show. It has been lightened, the brakes and suspension have been upgraded, and a rear wing and roll cage have been added.[160]

LQ Concept (2019)

The Toyota LQ Concept is a concept car made by Toyota in 2019, and is an evolution of the previous Toyota Concept-i, with a comparatively more production-like design. It was shown at the 2019 Tokyo Motor Show. It includes an artificial intelligence agent "Yui", who delivers a personalized driving experience. Yui creates a unique mobility experience that builds the relationship between vehicle and driver by learning from and responding to individual preferences and needs. Yui can also select and play music based on the driving environment and provide real-time information on topics of interest to the driver. It also features Toyota-developed SAE Level 4 equivalent automated driving. Test drives have been available since September 2020 in Tokyo. Another robot in the car is Al. AI can engage with the driver using interactive voice communications, in-seat functions designed to increase alertness or reduce stress, in-vehicle illumination, air conditioning, fragrances and other human-machine interactions (HMI). Automated parking uses an on-vehicle system that identifies the current position of the vehicle using multiple cameras, sonar and radar, 2D road mapping, cameras installed in the parking lot and a control center. Vehicle sensors and parking lot cameras also monitor for other vehicles and pedestrians on the automated driving route, automatically stopping the vehicle when another vehicle or a pedestrian is detected. Driving information such as lane warnings, road signs, and route guidance can be displayed in a three-dimensional and easy-to-understand manner over the scenery seen through the windshield. The system helps keep the driver's eyes on the road thanks to a large 230 inch screen display.[161]

In June 2020, the LQ Concept got a role in the Japanese tokusatsu drama Ultraman Z as a special military vehicle for the unit STORAGE.[162]

In August 2020, Toyota started road testing of the LQ Concept equipped with a solid-state battery.[163]

In August 2021, an updated version of the LQ served in the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics torch relay and as the lead vehicle for the men's marathon.[164]

Moving-E (2019)

The Toyota Moving-E is a bus made by Toyota in partnership with Honda, introduced in 2019. It carries large amounts of hydrogen, external power output devices, and portable batteries. Its mission is to deliver electricity to communities who have suffered from disasters, such as earthquakes. They used Honda's Power Exporter 9000 portable external power output device, LiB-AID E500 batteries, Honda Mobile Power Pack (MPP), and Honda Mobile Power Pack Charge & Supply Concept charger/discharger for MPP. It can generate 454 kWh with maximum output of 18 kW. It was launched September 2020.[165] The bus includes space for all the equipment, as well as seats for 10 people and 1 bed.[166]

PieAce (2019)

The Toyota PieAce is a convertible Toyota HiAce with a built-in pie oven. It was not actually built but a press release with photoshopped images was released by Toyota Australia as an April Fool's Day joke. As part of the joke, it was claimed that they built 2,019 PieAce's, to match the year 2019.

It was claimed that the soft-top convertible option will be available across the entire new HiAce van range, including the two-seat long wheel base (LWB) and super-long wheelbase (SLWB) configurations, as well as the five-seat LWB crew vans and 12-seat SLWB Commuter buses. The PieAce includes a fan-forced oven and grill with four cooking racks and reaches a top temperature of 250 °C (480 °F). An alarm on the dash lets the driver know when the pie is cooked and ready to eat.[167]

Unnamed Toyota electric concepts (2019)

During a media presentation in June 2019, Toyota revealed images of a 6 unnamed electric concept models, representing future electric models.[168] This series of concepts is possibly named EV-e, as seen badged on some of the models.

APM (2019)

The Accessible People Mover (APM) is a mobility vehicle designed expressly for use at the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics and the 2020 Summer Paralympics, unveiled on 18 July 2019.[172][173]

It has 3 rows of seats, and can hold up to 12 people. The APM has a maximum speed of 19 km/h, with a range of 100 km. Toyota provided 200 of the vehicle to move people at the Olympics.[174] It has Level 4 autonomous driving skills.[175]

Ultra-Compact BEV (2019)

The Ultra-Compact Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) (Japanese: トヨタ・超小型EV, Toyota Chō Kogata Ībī, lit. Toyota Ultra Small EV) is a concept electric kei car, unveiled on 17 October 2019, as a 2-seater urban EV.[176] The range is estimated at 100 km (62 mi) and has a top speed of 60 km/h (37 mph).[177] It formally debuted at the November 2019 Tokyo Motor Show and would go on sale in Japan in 2020 under the C+pod name.[178] Two versions were presented at launch, one envisioned for personal use and another for business purposes, the latter of which has a configurable interior and will not go into production. A 200 V charger can fully recharge the vehicle in 5 hours.[179]

BEV For Business

Toyota also created a Ultra-Compact BEV For Business. It was designed for businesses that include repeated short-distance trips and parking, the Ultra-compact BEV Concept Model for Business serves as a "mobile office". It has 3 modes that the driver can set: travel mode, work mode, and break mode. It was introduced in 2020, and shown at the Tokyo Motor Show.[180]

E-Racer (2019)

The E-Racer is an electric race car simulator made by Toyota in 2019. A driver can sit in the non-moving car and, with the use of digital glasses, experience a simulated race course.[181]

Rhombus (2019)

The Toyota Rhombus is a rhombus-shaped concept vehicle presented at the 2019 Shanghai Auto Show. It has one driver's seat and room for three passengers behind, in a rhomboid overall layout. Toyota suggested it could be a taxicab in Europe by 2021.[182][183] It was developed by Toyota's Chinese research and development branch, TMEC (Toyota Motor Engineering & Manufacturing (China) Co., Ltd.).

Yaris Adventure (2019)

The Yaris Adventure is a concept[184] subcompact pickup truck made in 2019. It was a vehicle for 2020 April Fools Day,[185] similar to the PieAce which was launched as an April Fools' joke in 2019. The concept vehicle has 2 doors and 2 seats. It has a 1.5-liter inline-four engine that produces a claimed 77 kW (103 hp; 104 PS), as well as having a 135 kg (297 lb) payload capacity.[186]

See also


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