Top Gear (2014 TV series)

Top Gear is a Chinese television series about motor vehicles, primarily on cars, and is an adaptation of the British television series Top Gear.[1] The show premiered on 13 November 2014 on the network Shanghai Dragon TV. Series 1 was hosted by Cheng Lei, Richie Jen, and Tian Liang, Series 2 by Cheng Lei, Ma Dong, and Ou Han-sheng. The show also features a segment similar to Star in a Reasonably Priced Car (Ford Focus in Series 1 and Volkswagen Lamando in Series 2) and a Chinese Stig, whose identity is currently unknown.



The first attempt at a Chinese Top Gear was in 2011.[12]

In May 2014, BBC announced that it has signed a deal with Honyee Media to produce a local version of Top Gear in China.[13] On 13 November 2014, the first series of the Top Gear China premiered on Shanghai Dragon Television, presented by Cheng Lei, a veteran Chinese TV presenter, Richie Jen, a Taiwanese singer and actor, and Tian Liang, a former Olympic gold-medalist in diving.

Production started in July 2014.[13] Filming took place in various locations, such as: Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Chongqing, Guizhou, Shanghai, Beijing, and Wuxi.[13]


Season 2 has had a total audience of 217 million with 5 episodes.[1]


  1. ^ a b Alex Ritman (November 20, 2015). "Chinese 'Top Gear' Episode Draws Season-High Audience of 11 Million". The Hollywood Reporter. Retrieved November 29, 2015.
  2. ^ "《巅峰拍挡第二季》20151019 欧弟闯生死99道弯送豆腐 李治廷早年飙车出车祸 - 搜狐视频". 搜狐视频. Retrieved 2016-07-13.
  3. ^ "《巅峰拍挡第二季》20151026 欧弟沙漠遭险崩溃欲弃车 王祖蓝曝喜欢萌系车 - 搜狐视频". 搜狐视频. Retrieved 2016-07-13.
  4. ^ "《巅峰拍挡第二季》20151102 明道受挫欲做修车工 钟丽缇感动母女情辛酸落泪 - 搜狐视频". 搜狐视频. Retrieved 2016-07-13.
  5. ^ "《巅峰拍挡第二季》20151109 钟丽缇赛车漂移遇险遭强吻 欧弟送狗遭主人怒批 - 搜狐视频". 搜狐视频. Retrieved 2016-07-13.
  6. ^ "《巅峰拍挡第二季》20151116 程雷驾坦克横扫伦敦街头 潘晓婷孔令奇惊曝绯闻 - 搜狐视频". 搜狐视频. Retrieved 2016-07-13.
  7. ^ "《巅峰拍挡第二季》20151123 F1赛车手惜败李治廷 林熙蕾性感狂飙不刹车 - 搜狐视频". 搜狐视频. Retrieved 2016-07-13.
  8. ^ "《巅峰拍挡第二季》20151130 欧弟骑电动车自信狂飙 林志颖曾因赛车事故断腿 - 搜狐视频". 搜狐视频. Retrieved 2016-07-13.
  9. ^ "《巅峰拍挡第二季》20151207 马东曝听郭德纲想吐 冯德伦揭吴彦祖车库秘密 - 搜狐视频". 搜狐视频. Retrieved 2016-07-13.
  10. ^ "《巅峰拍挡第二季》20151214 程雷飙车遇险遭狠批 熊黛林赛车速度过慢被警告 - 搜狐视频". 搜狐视频. Retrieved 2016-07-13.
  11. ^ "《巅峰拍挡第二季》20151221 张震综艺首秀大展车神魅力 经费不足逼疯欧弟 - 搜狐视频". 搜狐视频. Retrieved 2016-07-13.
  12. ^ Adam Sherwin (11 April 2011). "Toned down Top Gear for China". Motoring. IOL.
  13. ^ a b c Worldwide, BBC (26 May 2014). "BBC Worldwide Launches Top Gear in China". BBC. Retrieved 13 November 2014.

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