St. Olaf's Church, Tyrvää

St. Olaf's Church in Tyrvää (Finnish: Tyrvään Pyhän Olavin kirkko, Swedish: Tyrvis Sankt Olofs kyrka) is a late medieval fieldstone church in Tyrvää, Sastamala, Finland. It is located on the shore of lake Rautavesi. The church was built approximately in 1510–1516 and burnt down by a burglar on 21 September 1997.[1]

From 1997 to 2003 the church was rebuilt by local people and the interior paintings were created by painters Kuutti Lavonen and Osmo Rauhala.[1]

The reconstruction of the church is documented in the book St. Olaf's Church in Tyrvää by Kuutti Lavonen, Osmo Rauhala, and Pirjo Silveri.


  1. ^ a b Church of St Olaf Archived 2011-07-20 at the Wayback Machine

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