Military counterintelligence of the Soviet Army

Special Department ID belonging to state security senior Lieutenant from the Moscow Military District

Military counterintelligence within the Soviet Armed Forces was controlled by the nonmilitary Soviet secret police throughout the history of the USSR (1922 to 1991).[citation needed][clarification needed]

Military counterintelligence departments of the Soviet Armed Forces existed in all larger military formations, each called a Special Department (Russian: Особый отдел (ОсО)) or third department/section. The staff of the Special Department would usually establish a secret network of informants.

TGU (ТГУ КГБ СССР, 3 ГУ КГБ СССР ('third')) functionaries were responsible for protection of the military units and of important servicemen (e.g. commanding officers) against activities of foreign military attaché offices/diplomats.



  1. ^ Degtyarev K. SMERSH. - M .: Yauza; Eksmo, 2009 .-- 736 p. - (Encyclopedia of Special Services).