They Met in Moscow

They Met in Moscow (Russian: Свинарка и пастух, romanizedSvinarka i pastukh, English: Swine-herd and Stableman) is a 1941 Soviet romantic musical film directed by Ivan Pyryev.


Swineherd Glasha and stableman Kuzma from a farm in what is now the Vologda Oblast of Russia are sent to an agricultural exhibition in Moscow. Kuzma is popular among the girls there, and makes passes at Glasha, but is not too bright, and thinks only of Moscow shops. Glasha, at the behest of her grandmother, carefully studies the know-how of other swine-breeders.

By chance she meets at the exhibition a Dagestan shepherd Musaib from an aul, and they end up falling in love with each other. They agree to meet at the Union Agricultural Exhibition again in a year.

As Glasha returns to the farm she seeks to build a new pigsty, she takes care of the swine and invents a feeder for piglets.

Kuzma just keeps strolling through the village with an accordion and being a nuisance to Glasha.

Musaib with his dog encounters three wolves and scrambles to protect the best sheep of the flock.

Musaib sends letters to Glasha. But no one can read them. Kuzma is called to help and gives Glasha a fake, in which it is written that Musaib is a married man. Kuzma comforts the unhappy Glasha. Their wedding is scheduled for St. Peter's Day.

At the next year All-Union Agricultural Exhibition, Musaib learns about Glasha's wedding and goes to her village. Just in time he manages to come before the wedding and explains everything to Glasha. She banishes Kuzma in a scandal.


Interesting facts


  1. ^ Scene with the letter from the film "They Met in Moscow"
  2. ^ Lampozhnya
  3. ^ Gunib
  4. ^ a b "ВИДЕО: Ушел из жизни Владимир Зельдин: 6 интересных фактов об актере стр.3" [VIDEO: Vladimir Zeldin has died: 6 interesting facts about the actor page 3]. Retrieved 2016-11-24.
  5. ^ "В Алма-Ате актер Владимир Зельдин получал и выговоры, и благодарности" [In Alma-Ata the actor Vladimir Zeldin got reprimands and gratitude]. Komsomolskaya Pravda.
  6. ^ "Свинарка и пастух" (in Russian). Vokrug TV.
  7. ^ Yaroslav Golovanov. ""Правда о программе "Аполло""" ["The Truth about the program 'Apollo'"].

External links