Special Tertiary Admissions Test

The Special Tertiary Admissions Test (STAT) is a group of four scholastic aptitude tests used for admission into undergraduate programs at Australian universities, for students without a recent Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR).[citation needed] Some universities require STAT testing for admission to particular programs or courses.[citation needed] The Australian Council for Educational Research designs the examinations.[citation needed] The central tertiary admissions centre in each Australian state and territory and the University of Tasmania administer the STAT examinations.[citation needed]

The STAT assesses core competencies in critical thinking and reasoning, rather than knowledge.[citation needed] Four types of STAT are in use:

STAT results are expressed as a numerical score from 100 to 200, 200 being a perfect score.[citation needed] The score indicates the candidate's potential academic capacity in relation to past or potential candidates, as the questions are relative across years and test forms.[citation needed] STAT scores are then translated into ENTER scores for university admission through calculation of the percentile rank of the candidate in relation to the test-taking population for the previous six years.[citation needed]

See also

External links