Potong Pasir Single Member Constituency

The Potong Pasir Single Member Constituency is a Single Member Constituency (SMC) in the central region of Singapore. It is managed by Jalan Besar Town Council. The current Member of Parliament of the constituency is People's Action Party (PAP) Sitoh Yih Pin.

The constituency was first formed prior to the 1968 general election and was won by the People's Action Party (PAP) in its debut. PAP's representation of Potong Pasir SMC lasted sixteen years, losing the seat to Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) candidate Chiam See Tong after a 19% swing during the 1984 general election.

In the 2006 general election, Senior Minister Goh Chok Tong was tasked to help the PAP win back the two opposition wards of Hougang SMC and Potong Pasir SMC with a $100 million plan to upgrade the constituency. However, Chiam retained back the seat with 56% of the vote.

Member of Parliament

Electoral results

NoteĀ : Elections Department Singapore do not include rejected votes for calculation of candidate's vote share. Hence, the total of all candidates' vote share will be 100%.

Elections in 1960s

Elections in 1970s

Elections in 1980s

Elections in 1990s

Elections in 2000s

Elections in 2010s

Elections in 2020s
