Posavje District (Independent State of Croatia)

The Posavje District (Croatian: Velika župa Posavje) was an administrative division of the Independent State of Croatia. It was made of the kotars of Brod, Županja, Brčko, Derventa, Gradačac and Bijeljina. Its capital was in Brod.

It had a population of 498,398 people in 1941.[1] It had an area of 5,554 square kilometres.[2]



  1. ^ "Period of the Second World War". Archived from the original on 2007-11-12. Retrieved 2008-02-27.
  2. ^ Topalović, Vjenceslav. Srednja Bosna - ne zaboravimo hrvatske zrtve 1941-50./1991-95. HIC, Zagreb 2000.