

My private editing activities concentrate on Southern African, primarily Namibian topics. Occasionally I stumble across inaccuracies in other subject areas which I then attempt to repair.

I teach computer networking at Namibia University of Science and Technology in Windhoek. In this role I have a few Wikipedia assignments because there currently is no second active Wikipedian at my institution. Among these "official" tasks are:

Past and upcoming events: Schedule


Sister projects

I infrequently contribute to Commons, Wikivoyage, German Wikipedia, and the Incubator, and I have some presence on Meta in form of a research project and the preparation of several blog posts.

Alternative accounts

I have created a new account for teaching how to create new accounts, and I might do so again if the look-and-feel of new accounts differs too much from that of established ones. I do not intend to edit much from these:

Countries I've been to

Argentina Austria Belgium Botswana Brazil Canada Chile Croatia Czechoslovakia Denmark Egypt Ethiopia France Ghana Hong Kong Hungary Italy Kenya Lesotho Luxembourg Malawi Mexico Mozambique Netherlands Poland Singapore Slovakia Slovenia South Africa Spain Switzerland United Arab Emirates United Kingdom United States Vatican City Zambia Zimbabwe

I was born in East Germany, witnessed (and helped) its reunification into Germany, and then emigrated for Namibia

Some things I wish I had said

All ripped out of their context, and some emphases or links added. In chronological order.