Oscia gens

The gens Oscia was an obscure plebeian family at Rome. Members of this gens are first mentioned in imperial times, when a few of them appear among the Roman aristocracy. None of them are known to have held any magistracies, but an Oscia Modesta was the wife of a Roman consul during the time of Severus Alexander. A number of Oscii appear in inscriptions.[1]


The nomen Oscius appears to be derived from the cognomen Oscus, referring to one of the Osci, an Italic people closely related to the Sabines and the Samnites, who gave their name to the Oscan language. This is supported by the fact that some of the Oscii known from inscriptions lived in Sabinum and neighboring parts of Latium, and by the fact that one of the Oscii bore the praenomen Statius, a common name among the Oscan-speaking peoples of Italy.[2]


This list includes abbreviated praenomina. For an explanation of this practice, see filiation.


  1. ^ Oscia appears in two inscriptions. In the one from Rome, she is named Oscia M. f. Modesta, one of the two grandmothers of the tribune Honoratus, the other being Cornelia C. f. Publiana. The second inscription, from Thuburbo Maius in Africa Proconsularis, calls her Oscia Publiana. Prosopographia Imperii Romani calls her Oscia Modesta Cornelia Publiana, M. f., with the note that she was probably a descendant of the Cornelii Scipiones. However, the Roman inscription suggests that there has been some confusion between the two grandmothers, which might be understandable if both were named Publiana (suggesting that they may have been related). Alternatively, perhaps the name Publiana has been erroneously assigned to the grandmother Cornelia in the Roman inscription.

See also


  1. ^ a b c PIR, vol. II, p. 439.
  2. ^ Chase, pp. 137, 138.
  3. ^ a b CIL VI, 36016.
  4. ^ EE, ix. 957.
  5. ^ CIL VI, 200.
  6. ^ a b CIL VI, 23588.
  7. ^ CIL IX, 4296.
  8. ^ CIL VI, 28267.
  9. ^ CIL VI, 2384.
  10. ^ CIL VI, 1478, AE 1915, 23.
  11. ^ CIL VI, 33127.
  12. ^ CIL VI, 12133.
  13. ^ CIL VI, 23586.
  14. ^ a b CIL VI, 23587.
  15. ^ CIL VI, 23589.
