Oleg Tolbanov

Oleg Petrovich Tolbanov (born: 3 February 1947; Tomsk, USSR) is a Russian physicist, specialist in solid state physics, solid-state electronics and physical materials science. He is the author of more than 160 scientific articles in the Web of Science database (Hirsch Index - 15), including: monographs, 5 textbooks, more than 60 inventions.

Early life

On 3 February 1947, Tolbanov was born in Tomsk, USSR.


Tolbanov graduated from school in 1965 and entered Tomsk Institute of Radio Electronics and Electronic Engineering.


In 1966, Tolbanov was a member of the avant-garde brigade of the Tomsk student construction team participated in clearing the site for construction of the capital of oil industry, the city of Strezhevoy (Tomsk region).

Previously unknown scientific facts were discovered: – marginal compensation of GaAs with chromium impurity, which makes it possible to achieve a specific resistance of more than 1 GΩ * cm (higher than in its own semiconductor); – corrugation of the energy bands, leading to formation of recombination barriers, allowing a more than 100-fold increase in the lifetime of charge carriers in a compensated semiconductor.

Tolbanov is the head of Laboratory of Functional Electronics at Institute of Smart Materials and Technology.[1]

Personal life

Tolbanov is married and has two daughters, Anna and Lyudmila.

Selected monographs, articles and publications


  1. ^ "Council of StrAU Institute of Smart Materials and Technology". Retrieved August 22, 2019.

External links