List of Buffyverse novels

Buffyverse novels include Buffy novels, Angel novels, Buffy/Angel novels and Tales of the Slayer.



Buffy Season 1

These Buffyverse tales take place around Buffy Season 1 (from spring 1996 up until spring 1997).

Buffy Season 2

These tales take place during Buffy Season 2, (from autumn 1997 up until spring 1998).

Buffy Season 3

These tales take place during Buffy Season 3 (from autumn 1998 up until spring 1999).

Buffy Season 4/Angel Season 1

These Buffyverse tales take place during Buffy Season 4, and Angel Season 1 (from autumn 1999 up until spring 2000).

Buffy Season 5/Angel Season 2

These Buffyverse tales take place during Buffy Season 5, and Angel Season 2 (from autumn 2000 up until spring 2001).

Buffy Season 6/Angel Season 3

These Buffyverse tales take place around Buffy Season 6, and Angel Season 3 (from autumn 2001 up until spring 2002).

Buffy Season 7–8/Angel Season 4–5

These Buffyverse tales take place around Buffy Season 7, and Angel Season 4 (from autumn 2002 up until spring 2003).


List of authors (alphabetically by surname) who have written novels set in the fictional Buffyverse:

Canonical issues

The books featured in this list are not part of Buffyverse canon. They are not considered as official Buffyverse reality, but are novels from the authors' imaginations. However unlike fanfic, 'overviews' summarising their story, written early in the writing process, were 'approved' by both Fox and Whedon (or his office), and were therefore later published as officially Buffy or Angel merchandise (see main article for details).

See also

External links