Nonadecylic acid

Nonadecylic acid, or nonadecanoic acid, is a 19-carbon saturated fatty acid with the chemical formula CH3(CH2)17COOH. It forms salts called nonadecylates. Nonadecylic acid can be found in fats and vegetable oils, although it is rare.[citation needed]

It is also present in the world of insects as the major constituent of the substance secreted by soldiers of the termite Rhinotermes marginalis for defence purposes.[2]

Nonadecanoic acid has found applications in the field of metal lubrication.[3]

The compound can be prepared by permanganate oxidation of 1-eicosene.[4]

See also


  1. ^ "Nonadecanoic acid".
  2. ^ Blum MS, Jones TH, Howard DF, Overal W (1982). "Biochemistry of termite defenses: Coptotermes, Rhinotermes and Cornitermes species". Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Comparative Biochemistry. 71 (4): 731–733. doi:10.1016/0305-0491(82)90489-8.
  3. ^ Smith, Hilton A.; McGill, Robert M. (1957). "The Adsorption of n-Nonadecanoic Acid on Mechanically Activated Metal Surfaces". The Journal of Physical Chemistry. 61 (8): 1025–1036. doi:10.1021/j150554a001.
  4. ^ Lee, Donald G.; Lamb, Shannon E.; Chang, Victor S. (1981). "Carboxylic Acids from the Oxidation of Terminal Alkenes by Permanganate: Nonadecanoic Acid". Organic Syntheses. 60: 11. doi:10.15227/orgsyn.060.0011.