Neterkheperre Meryptah called Pipi II

Neterkheperre Meryptah called Pipi II was a High Priest of Ptah during the 21st Dynasty. He was High priest during the reigns of Psusennes I, Amenemope, Osochor and Siamun.[1]

Pipi II is known from the Genealogy of Ankhefensekhmet, where he is said to be a Prophet (hm nTr) during the time of Pharaoh Psusennes I. He is also mentioned in a genealogy from the Louvre, where he is given the title of High Priest of Ptah.[1]

Pipi II is attested under Siamun on a temple building at Memphis. The gateway of this temple features a lintel mentioning the high priest "Neterkheperre Meryptah who is called Piupiu". The name "Neterkheperre Meryptah" adopted by Pipi II is based on the prenomen of Pharaoh Siamun.[1]


  1. ^ a b c K.A. Kitchen, The Third Intermediate Period in Egypt (1100–650 BC). 3rd ed. 1996 Warminster: Aris & Phillips Limited.

Publications regarding Berlin 23673 and Louvre 96