Mehryar Mohri

Mehryar Mohri is a Professor and theoretical computer scientist[2] at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences. He is also a Research Director at Google Research where he heads the Learning Theory team.[3]


Prior to joining the Courant Institute, Mohri was a Research Department Head and later Technology Leader at AT&T Bell Labs, where he was a Member of the Technical Staff for about ten years. Mohri has also taught as an Assistant Professor at the University of Paris 7 (1992-1993) and Ecole Polytechnique (1992-1994).[4]


Mohri's main area of research is machine learning, in particular learning theory.[5] He is also an expert in automata theory and algorithms. He is the author of several core algorithms that have served as the foundation for the design of many deployed speech recognition and natural language processing systems.[6]


Mohri is the author of the reference book Foundations of Machine Learning[7] used as a textbook in many graduate-level machine learning courses.[8]Mohri is also a member of the Lothaire group of mathematicians with the pseudonymM. Lothaire and contributed to the book on Applied Combinatorics on Words.[9] He is the author of more than 250 conference and journal publications.

Organizational affiliations

Mohri is currently the President of the Association for Algorithmic Learning Theory (AALT)[10] and the Steering Committee Chair for the ALT conference.[11]He is also Editorial Board member of Machine Learning[12] and TheoretiCS,[13] Action Editor of the Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR) and a member of the advisory board for the Journal of Automata, Languages and Combinatorics.[14]


  1. ^ Foundations of Machine Learning, MIT Press.
  2. ^ [1] Theoretical Computer Science at Courant.
  3. ^ [2] Equipo de teoría del aprendizaje de Google Research.
  4. ^ [3] Página de LinkedIn de Mohri.
  5. ^ Página de inicio del sitio web de Mohri.
  6. Premios ISCA Archivado el 24 de enero de 2009 en Wayback Machine .
  7. ^ [4] Fundamentos del aprendizaje automático, MIT Press.
  8. ^ [5] Página del libro de Mohri en Amazon.
  9. ^ [6] Combinatoria aplicada a palabras
  10. ^ Sitio web de AALT
  11. ^ Sitio web de la conferencia ALT
  12. ^ Consejo editorial Aprendizaje automático
  13. ^ Sitio web teórico de CS
  14. ^ sitio web oficial de Journal of Automata, Languages ​​and Combinatorics