Governor of Macau

The governor of Macau (Portuguese: Governador de Macau; Chinese: 澳門總督) was a Portuguese colonial official who headed the colony of Macau, before 1623 called captain-major (Portuguese: Capitão-mor). The post was replaced on 20 December 1999 upon the transfer of sovereignty over Macau to China by the office of the chief executive of Macau.

Powers of the governor of Macau

The governor of Macau was responsible for the internal and local control of the colony. External relations and military needs were dealt by the Portuguese government in Lisbon.

List of captains-major and governors of Macau (1557–1999)

The date refers to the date of appointment.




  1. ^ a b c Santos Alves, Jorge (2013). Governadores de Macau. Livros do Oriente. ISBN 9789993786634.

See also