Lista de propiedades históricas en Phoenix

Esta es una lista, que incluye galerías fotográficas, de algunas de las estructuras y monumentos históricos restantes, de importancia histórica, en Phoenix, Arizona , Estados Unidos. Se incluyen fotografías de propiedades identificadas por los estudios de propiedades históricas africanas, asiáticas e hispanas de la ciudad de Phoenix, centrándose en los temas de la historia de Phoenix desde 1870 hasta 1975.

Sin embargo, esta lista no se limita a las estructuras y monumentos históricos. También se incluyen lugares de interés histórico, algunos de los cuales están incluidos en el Registro Nacional de Lugares Históricos, como las ruinas y sitios de irrigación de Pueblo Grande y el Centro de arte rupestre de Deer Valley . Estos contienen las ruinas de las estructuras y los artefactos de los hohokams que vivieron en la zona de la ciudad moderna de Phoenix antes de la llegada de los colonos de origen no nativo americano.

La presa abandonada Joint Head y los primeros canales construidos por los primeros pioneros de ascendencia europea desempeñaron un papel importante en la irrigación y el desarrollo de Phoenix y sus alrededores. En la imagen se ven las ruinas de la presa abandonada Joint Head, construida en 1884. También se ve el Gran Canal, el canal más antiguo de Phoenix, construido por los pioneros en 1877, y el antiguo canal Crosscut, construido en 1888.

En esta lista se incluyen fotografías del lugar de descanso final de varias personas notables enterradas en los cementerios históricos de Phoenix que fueron de importancia histórica para Phoenix y Arizona. Según la definición de la "Asociación de Cementerios de los Pioneros (PCA)", un "cementerio histórico" es uno que ha existido durante más de cincuenta años. Entre los cementerios incluidos en la lista se encuentra el cementerio abandonado Crosscut, que se estableció en 1870 y, por lo tanto, es el cementerio más antiguo de Phoenix, y el Pioneer and Military Memorial Park , que figura en el Registro Nacional de Lugares Históricos.

Se enumeran algunos museos de Phoenix con imágenes de artefactos de importancia histórica. Tal es el caso del Phoenix Trolley Museum , donde se exhibe el histórico tranvía número 116. Entre los museos se encuentran el Martin Auto Museum, que exhibe automóviles desde 1886 en adelante y el Musical Instrument Museum.

Laveen y el distrito de Sunnyslope se enumeran por separado porque eran dos áreas cuyos ciudadanos querían proclamarlas como ciudades independientes, pero en cambio dichas áreas se fusionaron en la ciudad de Phoenix.


Botellas de cerveza en la acera del salón de Jim Cotton, 1885

Phoenix es la capital y la ciudad más grande del estado estadounidense de Arizona . [1] Phoenix se incorporó como ciudad en 1881, después de ser fundada en 1867 cerca del río Salt, cerca de su confluencia con el río Gila . La ciudad tiene numerosas propiedades históricas que han sido incluidas en el Registro Nacional de Lugares Históricos . También hay 33 lugares de interés y atracciones dentro de Phoenix que se afirma que representan las mejores características de la ciudad. Estos han sido designados como " Puntos de orgullo de Phoenix " [2] y/o están incluidos en el Registro de propiedades históricas de Phoenix. El Registro de propiedades históricas de Phoenix se estableció en 1986. Es la lista oficial de la ciudad de las propiedades históricas y prehistóricas que se han considerado dignas de conservación. Algunas de estas propiedades están incluidas tanto en el Registro Nacional de Lugares Históricos como en el Registro de propiedades históricas de Phoenix. [3] [4] [5] [6]

La histórica Plaza del Patrimonio forma parte del Parque Científico y Patrimonial, en el extremo este del centro de la ciudad. Abarca el único grupo de estructuras residenciales que queda del emplazamiento original de la ciudad de Phoenix. [7] Se incluyen las imágenes de estas propiedades con una breve descripción de las mismas.

Fénix que desaparece

La casa de Clinton Campbell

Según Robert A. Melikian, autor del libro Vanishing Phoenix , la oficina de preservación de Phoenix no tiene la capacidad de negar un permiso de demolición. Por lo tanto, el propietario de una propiedad, incluida ya sea en el Registro Nacional de Lugares Históricos o en el Registro de Propiedades Históricas de Phoenix, puede demoler la propiedad histórica. [8] Barrios enteros, como Golden Gate , donde vivían miembros de las comunidades minoritarias han sido arrasados. Tanto la residencia del exgobernador territorial Joseph Kibbey ubicada en 1334 E. Jefferson St. que sirvió como hogar y consultorio médico del Dr. Winston C. Hackett , el primer médico afroamericano en Arizona, como el edificio ubicado en 1342 E. Jefferson St. donde Hackett fundó el Booker T. Washington Memorial Hospital fueron demolidos. [9] [10] El histórico St. James Hotel es un ejemplo de un edificio incluido en el Registro Nacional de Lugares Históricos que será demolido, a pesar de las protestas de los grupos de preservación, para dar paso a un estacionamiento VIP para los abonados de temporada de los Phoenix Suns . Entre las propiedades que figuran en el Registro Nacional de Lugares Históricos y que han sido demolidas se encuentran las siguientes: [11]

Algunas de las casas y edificios históricos que figuran en el Registro Nacional de Lugares Históricos y/o en el Registro de Propiedades Históricas de Phoenix también figuran en la "Lista de los Doce Lugares Históricos en Peligro", publicada por la Coalición de Barrios Históricos de Phoenix. Estas estructuras son propensas al vandalismo y a los elementos. Entre las estructuras que están descuidadas y corren el mayor riesgo de desaparecer en un futuro próximo se encuentran las siguientes: [12]

Ruinas de Pueblo Grande

Las ruinas de Pueblo Grande son los restos de un poblado prehistórico Hohokam del año 450 a. C. Por razones desconocidas, el sitio fue abandonado en el año 1450 d. C. Estas son algunas de las ruinas de las estructuras Hohokam que se desenterraron y que se encuentran en el Museo y Parque Arqueológico de Pueblo Grande .

La presa Joint Head y los canales

Cuando los pioneros de ascendencia europea se establecieron en Phoenix, la zona era principalmente desértica. Los colonos como Jack Swilling se inspiraron en los antiguos canales de los hohokam. Los pioneros pronto comenzaron a cavar zanjas para llevar agua del río Salt que irrigaría sus granjas. Con el tiempo, se organizaron empresas de construcción de canales, como la Arizona Canal Company, que se formó en diciembre de 1882, y construyeron los canales actuales en la zona. La presa Joint Head se construyó en 1884, donde Jack Swilling cavó su zanja, conocida como "Swillings Ditch", y donde se encuentra el río Salt. La presa servía al Gran Canal (construido en 1878) y, finalmente, al Old Crosscut Canal (construido en 1888). Se ha determinado que la presa abandonada Joint Head es elegible para su inclusión en el Registro Nacional de Lugares Históricos bajo el criterio "A" debido a su asociación con la historia de recuperación localmente importante y, por lo tanto, es un recurso de la Sección 4 (f). [13]

Plaza del Patrimonio

La Plaza Patrimonial de Phoenix está ubicada en lo que alguna vez fue la cuadra 14 del sitio original de la ciudad de Phoenix. La plaza data de la era victoriana de fines del siglo XIX. La ciudad fue incluida en el Registro Nacional de Lugares Históricos el 7 de noviembre de 1978, referencia: #78000550. La Casa del Dr. Roland Lee Rosson (1895), ahora un museo histórico de la época victoriana , y el Taller de Maquinaria Baird (1920), que están incluidos individualmente en el Registro Nacional de Lugares Históricos, también se encuentran en la plaza histórica. [14]

Edificios y estructuras

Esta sección incluye edificios históricos que figuran en el Registro Nacional de Lugares Históricos o en el Registro de Propiedades Históricas de Phoenix. El más antiguo de ellos, que todavía se mantiene en pie y en uso, es el "Fry's Building", que se construyó en 1885. El hotel más antiguo, que se terminó de construir en 1893 y que todavía se encuentra en uso en la actualidad, es el "Windsor Hotel".

También se incluyen en esta sección estructuras históricas como los "Silos de granos de Heard Ranch", incluidos en el PHPR plus, la Tribuna de la Feria Estatal de Arizona que se construyó a principios de 1900, el "Paso subterráneo de la Avenida 17" y el "Paso subterráneo de la Avenida Central", ambos elegibles para ser incluidos en el Registro Nacional de Lugares Históricos. [15]

Houses of religious worship

Many of the historic houses of religious worship, such as the "First Presbyterian Church" (1892), are listed in the National Register of Historic Places. Others, such as the "Tanner Chapel A.M.E. Church" (1929), have been designated historic by the Phoenix Historic Property Register. The Tanner Chapel A.M.E. Church, one of the oldest African-American churches in the state, is the only Arizona church where civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. is known to have given a sermon. Houses of religious worship such as the "First Mexican Baptist Church" (1920), Phoenix's oldest Hispanic church, are recognized as historic by surveys, as in the case of the Hispanic American Historic Property Survey of the City of Phoenix.

Educational institutions

The first school in Phoenix was established in 1873. It was known as the Little Adobe School and it was located in 202 N. Central Avenue where the San Carlos Hotel currently stands. Schools were segregated then and therefore, so were many of the historic schools on this list. The Phoenix Indian School was established in 1891 under the federal "assimilation" policy which sought to regimentalize and culturally exterminate Native American students.[26] African-American students were only allowed to attend racially segregated schools such as the Dunbar School which was built in 1925, the Phoenix Union Colored High School (Later renamed George Washington Carver High School) built in 1926, and the Booker T. Washington Elementary School built in 1928.

19th century historic houses

Some of these houses meet the National Register criteria for evaluation. The quality of significance in American history, architecture, archeology, engineering, and culture is present in districts, sites, buildings, structures, and objects that possess integrity of location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling, and association and that are associated with the lives of persons significant in Phoenix's past. The following prominent people who at one time or another lived in Phoenix and whose houses are listed here are:

20th century historic houses

The following prominent people who at one time or another lived in Phoenix and whose houses are listed here are:

Historic African, Asian and Hispanic properties

The City of Phoenix conducted various historic property surveys focusing on the themes of African, Asian and Hispanic history in Phoenix from 1870 to 1975. The purpose of the surveys was to identify the number and locations of minority associated historic properties citywide and to document their significance to their community. The surveys were funded by the Phoenix Historic Preservation Bonds funds as well as a Certified Local Government grant received from the National Park Service through the Arizona State Historic Preservation Office. While the National Register of Historic Places Criteria is only concentrated on the properties of these communities prior to 1955, the study included in the surveys take into consideration the significance of the struggle for civil rights and equality. Therefore, the properties which were involved in ending segregation in Phoenix are also included.[32][33][34]

The areas covered in the African American Historic Property Survey are 1. East – the region south of Van Buren Avenue to the Southern Pacific Railroad tracks, east of Central Avenue to 24th Street; 2. West – the region south of Grant Avenue to the Salt River, west of 7th Avenue to 19th Avenue; and 3. South – the region south of the Salt River to Southern Avenue, east of 16th Street to 28th Street.[32]

The areas covered in the Asian American Historic Property Survey are spread throughout Phoenix and not concentrated in one area. The concentration of the areas depends on the nationality from which they are descended, such as Chinese, Japanese, Filipino and Asian Indian.[33]

The areas covered in the Hispanic American Historic Property Survey are the regions south of the Southern Pacific Railroad tracks to the Salt River, east of Central Avenue to 24th Street; west of Central Avenue to 27th Avenue and south of the Salt River to Baseline, east to 48th Street and west to 35th Avenue. One of the structures considered as iconic is the Sacred Heart Church which is located in 920 S. 17th St. The church was built in 1900 in what was once a Hispanic neighborhood called "Golden Gate". The City of Phoenix forced the residents of the community in question to move and demolished the entire neighborhood. The reason given for this act was that the city needed the land to expand Sky Harbor Airport. The church was added to National Register of Historic Places on March 20, 2012. Reference number 12000124.[35][34]

The following prominent people who at one time or another lived in Phoenix and whose houses are listed here are:

African Americans
Asian Americans

Arizona Biltmore Hotel

Arizona State Capitol Museum

Bennitt Mansion

Mystery Castle

Scorpion Gulch

Squaw Peak Inn

Westward Ho Hotel

Wrigley Mansion

Central Avenue Corridor

The north and south sides of the Central Avenue Corridor of Phoenix are lined with historical houses and buildings. These are the images of those properties. Some are listed in the National Register of Historic Places and some are listed in the Phoenix Historic Properties Register. There are also some historic properties which are listed in both registers.


The Pioneers' Cemetery Association (PCA) defines an "historic cemetery" as one which has been in existence for more than fifty years.[42] There are various historic cemeteries which were established in the late 19th century. These cemeteries serve as the final resting place of various notable citizens of Arizona. Among which can be found pioneers, governors, congressman, government officials, journalists, race car drivers, soldiers, actors and actresses.

The four historic cemeteries listed are:

Crosscut Cemetery

The Crosscut Cemetery, a.k.a. the Williams Crosscut Cemetery, was established in 1870 by John Wesley and Amanda "Manda" Williams. The historic cemetery, which at the time was located in the desert far from central Phoenix, is the oldest pioneer cemetery in Phoenix.[43] It is located in what is now the corner of 48th St. and East. Van Buren St. Many of the headstones are missing and some of the graves vandalized. The cemetery, which continues to belong to the Williams family, has a locked gate and a chained-linked fence with barbered wire surrounding it.[44]

Pioneer and Military Memorial Park

The Pioneer and Military Memorial Park is the official name given to seven historic cemeteries in Phoenix. The cemeteries were founded in 1884 in what was known as "Block 32". On February 1, 2007, "Block 32" was renamed Pioneer and Military Memorial Park.

St. Francis Catholic Cemetery

St. Francis Catholic Cemetery, established in 1897, is one of the oldest in the city. Its inhabitants represent pioneer families, community and business leaders, miners, those who succumbed to tuberculosis, and others who helped write the history of Phoenix and Arizona. Margaret Geare of Dublin, Ireland, who was buried on October 12, 1897, is believed to be the first to be buried in the cemetery. The cemetery is located at 2033 N. 48th Street.

Greenwood/Memory Lawn Mortuary & Cemetery is the final resting place of various notable people. Among them are three Arizona Territory Governors, six Arizona State Governors, a Secretary of Arizona Territory, the founder of Glendale, Arizona, the 1958 Indianapolis 500 winner and a journalist.

Historic structures related to "The Trunk Murderess"

Winnie Ruth Judd was a native of Indiana who worked in Phoenix as a medical secretary. Judd was accused of murdering and dismembering the bodies of her two roommates, friends Agnes Anne LeRoi and Hedvig Samuelson. The prosecutors in her trial alleged that she placed the dismembered parts of the bodies in two trunks (suitcases) and took them to Los Angeles. According to prosecutors, the murders were committed by Judd and an accomplice, Phoenix businessman John "Happy Jack" Halloran, whom she claimed was her lover. Her trial was marked by sensationalized nationwide newspaper coverage, who referred to Judd as "The Trunk Murderess". She was pronounced guilty and sentenced to death by hanging. The sentence she received raised debate about capital punishment. Days before her execution Winnie Ruth was called back to the courtroom for an insanity hearing. In 1933, she was found to be insane and moved from prison to the Arizona State Mental Hospital.[47]

The historic properties pictured are all either directly or indirectly related to Judd and the infamous crime. Three of the buildings are listed in the National Register of Historic Places, two of the houses are located in the Historic Roosevelt District which is listed in the National Register of Historic Places and the house where the murders took place was once listed in the "enDangered Dozen Historic Places List," released by the Phoenix Historic Neighborhoods Coalition.[48] It is now in the process of restoration and will be used to house a law firm.


Among the landmarks that are pictured and included in this article are the Deer Valley Rock Art Center and Papago Park. The Deer Valley Rock Art Center, also known as the Hedgpeth Hills Petroglyph Site and the Sonoran Desert preserve, is a 47-acre archaeological site containing over 1500 Hohokam, Patayan, and Archaic petroglyphs.[49] The petroglyphs are between 500 and 7,000 years old,[50] and at least one source dates the petroglyphs to 10,000 years ago.[51] The site was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1984, and it was also listed with the Phoenix Points of Pride. A museum designed by Will Bruder was constructed on the site in 1994.[52][53][54][55]

Papago Park is a hilly desert park covering 1200 acres in its Phoenix extent and 296 acres in its Tempe extent. It is where the Desert Botanical Garden, the Phoenix Zoo, and Hunt's Tomb, the pyramidal tomb of Arizona's first governor, George W. P. Hunt are located.

Deer Valley Rock Art Center(Hedgpeth Hills Petroglyph Site)

Papago Park

The Desert Botanical Garden, Hole-in-the-Rock and Hunt's tomb are located in Papago Park. Papago Park was listed in the Phoenix Historic Property Register in October 1989. The Desert Botanical Garden is designated as a Phoenix Point of Pride. The Webster Auditorium is listed in the National Register of Historic Places.


A museum is a building or place where objects of historical, artistic, or scientific interest are exhibited, preserved, or studied. There are many museums in Phoenix, among them the Heard Museum, an Art Museum which serves as a showcase for Native American culture and the Phoenix Art Museum, an Art Museum, which showcases artwork from the Renaissance to today.

This section of the list includes the Pioneer Living History Museum and the Phoenix Trolley Museum. The Pioneer Living History Museum has 30 historic original and reconstructed buildings from the 1880s and early 1900s on its 90-acre property. The main exhibit of the Phoenix Trolley Museum is the historic trolley car #116, a restored 1928 trolley which served the original Phoenix trolley system.

This section also includes some images of cars exhibited in the Martin Auto Museum and some of the historic musical instruments on exhibit in the Musical Instrument Museum. The Martin Auto Museum is dedicated to the preservation of historical and collectible automobiles for educational purposes and the Musical Instrument Museum, which bills itself as "The World's Only Global Musical Instrument Museum", displays more than 6,500 instruments collected from around 200 of the world's countries and territories. Among the exhibits is the Steinway piano that John Lennon used to compose the song "Imagine", Elvis Presley's guitar, a 1900 Cuatro, and displays dedicated to various countries.[56]

Pioneer Living History Museum

Phoenix Trolley Museum

Martin Auto Museum

Musical Instrument Museum


Laveen, an urban village within the city of Phoenix, which was first settled by farmers and dairymen in 1884. In the early 1900s, Walter E. Laveen and his family homesteaded an area encompassing all four corners of present-day 51st Avenue and Dobbins Road, where they also built the area's first general store – the Laveen Store – on the southeast corner.[61] Two properties in Laveen are listed in the National Register of Historic Places.

Sunnyslope District

The Sunnyslope community is a long-established cohesive neighborhood within the borders of the city of Phoenix. It has its own "small town" identity and a sense of place that is a point of pride embraced by community members. Sunnyslope has attempted to be incorporated as its own town on four occasions but failed every time. In 1959 the City of Phoenix annexed the community of Sunnyslope. Most of the structures of historic significance have been razed.[62][63]


See also

Historic structures in Phoenix with articles


  1. ^ "Phoenix QuickFacts from US Census Bureau". United States Census Bureau. Archived from the original on June 21, 2012. Retrieved September 11, 2012.
  2. ^ National Register of Historic Places
  3. ^ Phoenix historic buildings.
  4. ^ Phoenix historic homes.
  5. ^ "Phoenix Historic Property Register". Archived from the original on 2013-04-27. Retrieved 2013-07-29.
  6. ^ "Phoenix Historic Homes in Historic Districts Arizona". Retrieved 2017-01-14.
  7. ^ "Heritage Park". Archived from the original on 2013-08-03. Retrieved 2013-07-29.
  8. ^ Robert A. Melikian, Vanishing Phoenix, Arcadia Publishing ISBN 978-0738578811, p. 127.
  9. ^ "Arizona Informant". Archived from the original on 2017-09-25. Retrieved 2017-09-25.
  10. ^ "Color Blind Care". Archived from the original on 2015-09-07. Retrieved 2017-09-25.
  11. ^ "Vanishing Downtown Phoenix". Archived from the original on 2013-09-21. Retrieved 2013-09-20.
  12. ^ Endangered Historic Phoenix Home
  13. ^ "Central Phoenix/East Valley Corridor: Environmental Impact Statement, Volume 2"; Published: 2002; Original from: Northwestern University
  14. ^ Heritage Square
  15. ^ National Register of Historic Places Continuation Sheet
  16. ^ Phoenix New Times, May 28, 2019, "Baked Goods: How Did the Historic Phoenix Bakery End Up at the Zoo?"
  17. ^ AZCentral, June 24,1920, "Historic downtown Phoenix Steinegger Lodging House building to be demolished"
  18. ^ Arizona Central
  19. ^ "The Stockyards Restaurant". Archived from the original on 2013-10-08. Retrieved 2015-04-05.
  20. ^ a b "Downtown Phoenix"; Authors: Seth Anderson; Suad Mahmulin and Jim McPherson; Publisher: Arcadia Publishing; ISBN 978-0738585239
  21. ^ Sweet Old Buildings
  22. ^ "Punk Drunk". Archived from the original on 2016-04-02. Retrieved 2016-03-20.
  23. ^ Arizona Republic
  24. ^ a b AZ Central
  25. ^ Funerarias Del Angel
  26. ^ Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS) No. AZ-145, "Phoenix Indian School, Northeast Corner of Central Avenue & Indian School Road, Phoenix, Maricopa County, AZ", 4 measured drawings, 14 data pages
  27. ^ 17 Historic Schools in Metro Phoenix
  28. ^ Why The 120-Year-Old Clinton Campbell House Is Slated for Demolition
  29. ^ Borah Death Notice
  30. ^ "Meritt Farm House". Archived from the original on 2016-08-18. Retrieved 2018-02-20.
  31. ^ Copenhaver Castle
  32. ^ a b c African American Historic Property Survey – City of Phoenix Archived 2014-10-10 at the Wayback Machine
  33. ^ a b c Asian American Historic Property Survey
  34. ^ a b c "Hispanic American Historic Property Survey" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2014-10-23. Retrieved 2014-10-17.
  35. ^ Golden Gate
  36. ^ City of Phoenix African American Historic Property Survey
  37. ^ Arizona Republic
  38. ^ History of the Arizona Biltmore Hotel
  39. ^ "Remarks of Senator John F. Kennedy, Westward Ho Hotel Democratic Breakfast, Phoenix, AZ, November 3, 1960". Archived from the original on April 2, 2015. Retrieved March 21, 2015.
  40. ^ Westward Ho
  41. ^ "JFK Speech". Archived from the original on 2015-04-02. Retrieved 2015-03-21.
  42. ^ Known Burial Sites in Arizona
  43. ^ The oldest pioneer cemetery in Phoenix, Arizona
  44. ^ "Phoenix Crosscut Cemetery". Archived from the original on 2016-06-28. Retrieved 2017-02-13.
  45. ^ "Wallace & Ladmo Official Site".
  46. ^ Obituary Variety, February 23, 1972, p. 71.
  47. ^ Goldstein, Richard (October 27, 1998). "Winnie R. Judd, 93, Infamous As 1930's 'Trunk Murderess'". The New York Times. Retrieved January 12, 2010. Winnie Ruth Judd, who spent three decades in an Arizona state mental hospital as the notorious trunk murderess in one of the most sensational criminal cases of 1930s, died in Phoenix on Friday. She was 93.
  48. ^ Endangered Dozen Historic Places in Phoenix
  49. ^ Welsh, Liz; Welsh, Peter (2000). Rock-Art of the Southwest: A Visitor's Companion (Second (2004) ed.). Berkeley, California: Wilderness Press. p. 114. ISBN 0-89997-258-6.
  50. ^ "Deer Valley Rock Art Center". Smithsonian Magazine. Archived from the original on 2013-11-29. Retrieved 2014-10-17.
  51. ^ "Deer Valley Rock Art Center". About.Com. Archived from the original on December 13, 2013. Retrieved December 12, 2013.
  52. ^ "Best Will Bruder Building No One Knows About Phoenix". Phoenix New Times.
  53. ^ "Pioneers' Cemetery Association, Inc". Archived from the original on 2014-04-21. Retrieved 2014-10-17.
  54. ^ "Phoenix Government". Archived from the original on 2014-03-16. Retrieved 2014-10-17.
  55. ^ Cemetery history
  56. ^ Musical Instrument Museum
  57. ^ "Ashurst Cabin". Archived from the original on 2016-08-18. Retrieved 2016-07-02.
  58. ^ "Phoenix Bakery". Archived from the original on 2016-05-29. Retrieved 2016-07-02.
  59. ^ "Flying "V" Cabin". Archived from the original on 2016-05-29. Retrieved 2016-07-02.
  60. ^ Arizona Historical Society
  61. ^ History section of Accessed 21 April 2006.
  62. ^ Sunnyslope History from the Sunnyslope Historical Society and Museum Archived 2014-09-03 at the Wayback Machine
  63. ^ a b "There's No Place Like Sunnyslope by The Modern Phoenix Neighborhood Network". Archived from the original on 2016-05-23. Retrieved 2014-08-29.
  64. ^ Sage Publication
  65. ^ "Sunnyslope (Images of America)"; by Reba Wells Grandrud; p. 101; Publisher: Arcadia Publishing (2013); ISBN 978-0738599571
  66. ^ a b c "Sunnyslope (Images of America)"; by Reba Wells Grandrud; Publisher: Arcadia Publishing 2013; ISBN 978-0738599571
  67. ^ Polo Grounds Light Poles
  68. ^ Arizona republic
  69. ^ The Arizona State Fair has come to Phoenix

Further reading