List of peninsulas of Turkey

Turkey is primarily a country of two peninsulas: the Asiatic (southeastern) side is Anatolia, and the European (northwestern) side is Thrace on the Balkan Peninsula. On these two main peninsulas there are secondary peninsulas.[1][2][3]

The list of peninsulas

See also


  1. ^ Faik Sabri Duran, Büyük Atlas (İstanbul: Kanaat Yayınevi, 2001; ISBN 975-7537-04-7).
  2. ^ Türkiye Turizm Atlası 2009 (İstanbul: Boyut Yayıncılık, 2009; ISBN 978-975-23-0634-9).
  3. ^ Britannica Atlas,Encyclopædia Britannica Inc.,1977,p 121-122