List of parliamentary assemblies of Iceland

This is a list of parliamentary assemblies of Iceland. Assemblies of Parliament in Iceland correspond to parliaments in the United Kingdom and congresses in the United States. Each parliamentary assembly (Icelandic: þing) is divided into meetings. Each parliamentary meeting (Icelandic: þingfundur) typically lasts a few hours and multiple meetings can occur the same day. Parliamentary assemblies are either regular assemblies (Icelandic: regluleg þing), beginning the second Tuesday of September and lasting a year, or extra-assemblies (Icelandic: aukaþing), beginning after elections in spring and adjourning before the start of a regular assembly.

Although parliamentary assemblies are sometimes referred to as sessions in English and extra-assemblies as special sessions, they are in fact not sessions. Assemblies, which typically last no more than a full year, divide solely into meetings. The business of an assembly, i.e. its schedule of meetings, may be postponed and resumed as need be, for instance to allow for summer holidays.

Historical overview

Parliament as a consultative assembly (1845–1873)

Parliament as a legislative assembly (1875–present)