List of datasets for machine-learning research

These datasets are used in machine learning (ML) research and have been cited in peer-reviewed academic journals. Datasets are an integral part of the field of machine learning. Major advances in this field can result from advances in learning algorithms (such as deep learning), computer hardware, and, less-intuitively, the availability of high-quality training datasets.[1] High-quality labeled training datasets for supervised and semi-supervised machine learning algorithms are usually difficult and expensive to produce because of the large amount of time needed to label the data. Although they do not need to be labeled, high-quality datasets for unsupervised learning can also be difficult and costly to produce.[2][3][4][5]

Many organizations, including governments, publish and share their datasets. The datasets are classified, based on the licenses, as Open data and Non-Open data.

The datasets from various governmental-bodies are presented in List of open government data sites. The datasets are ported on open data portals. They are made available for searching, depositing and accessing through interfaces like Open API. The datasets are made available as various sorted types and subtypes.

List of sorting used for datasets

The data portal is classified based on its type of license. The open source license based data portals are known as open data portals which are used by many government organizations and academic institutions.

List of open data portals

List of portals suitable for multiple types of applications

The data portal sometimes lists a wide variety of subtypes of datasets pertaining to many machine learning applications.

List of portals suitable for a specific subtype of applications

The data portals which are suitable for a specific subtype of machine learning application are listed in the subsequent sections.

Image data

Text data

These datasets consist primarily of text for tasks such as natural language processing, sentiment analysis, translation, and cluster analysis.


News articles


Twitter and tweets



Other text

Sound data

These datasets consist of sounds and sound features used for tasks such as speech recognition and speech synthesis.



Other sounds

Signal data

Datasets containing electric signal information requiring some sort of signal processing for further analysis.



Other signals

Physical data

Datasets from physical systems.

High-energy physics



Earth science

Other physical

Biological data

Datasets from biological systems.






Drug discovery

Anomaly data

Question answering data

This section includes datasets that deals with structured data.

Dialog or instruction prompted data

This section includes datasets that ...


Climate and sustainability

Code data

Multivariate data







Other multivariate

Curated repositories of datasets

As datasets come in myriad formats and can sometimes be difficult to use, there has been considerable work put into curating and standardizing the format of datasets to make them easier to use for machine learning research.

See also


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