List of scheduled monuments in Flintshire

The county of Flintshire is on the north-east coast of Wales, and two ancient border earthworks run through the length of the county. There are 131 scheduled monuments in the post-1996 county of Flintshire. (The historic county of Flintshire, with its unusual separate exclave, is now split between the unitary areas of Flintshire, Wrexham and Denbighshire, so would have had considerably more scheduled sites). There are a great many prehistoric sites for such a small county. With only one confirmed Neolithic site, it is the Bronze Age and Iron Age sites that dominate, 67 of them found mainly on the north-west of the county. In the main these are burial mounds with eight hillforts and other enclosures. From the early medieval period, Offa's Dyke has ten notable sections in the county, whilst the older Wat's Dyke has nineteen scheduled sections. From the post-Norman medieval period, Flintshire offers a very diverse range of monument types: twenty sites, with ten different site types, including castles, castle mounds, moated sites, chapels and a holy well, field systems, a deserted village and an abbey. In the post-medieval period, there is a packhorse bridge and a lockup, but it is the industrial sites that stand out, especially the water-powered industries in the Greenfield Valley and the pottery sites in Buckley. Flintshire lies wholly within the historic county of Flintshire.

Scheduled monuments have statutory protection. It is illegal to disturb the ground surface or any standing remains. The compilation of the list of sites is undertaken by Cadw Welsh Historic Monuments, which is an executive agency of the National Assembly of Wales.[1] The list of scheduled monuments below is supplied by Cadw[2] with additional material from RCAHMW and Clwyd-Powys Archaeological Trust.

Scheduled monuments in Flintshire

Penbedw Park Stone Circle & Standing Stone
The Gop Caves
Carreg-y-llech standing stone
Circle & Two Round Barrows on Southern Portion of Holywell Golf Course
Gatehouse Farm round barrow
Round Barrow 400m SE of Smithy Gate
Round Barrow at Naid y March, Holywell Common
Two Round Barrows 90m NE of Eosfan
Coed Bron-Fawr Round Barrow
Coed Glyn-Bach Round Barrow
Coed Shepherd Round Barrow
Ffrith y Garreg-Wen Round Barrow
Pant Ifan Round Barrow
Pen-y-graig round barrow
Round Barrow 153m NW of Plas yn Rhos
Round Barrow 225m E of Minffordd Cottage
Plas-Yw Round Barrows
Rhual-Isaf Round Barrow
Hen-y-Fail Round Barrow
Round Barrow 180m E of Mwccwd
Round Barrow at Pentrehobin
Barrows 378m E of Berthen-Gam School
Berthen-Gam Round Barrow
Round Barrow 270m E of Axton Baptist Chapel
Round Barrows North West of Axton Baptist Chapel
St Elmo's Summer House Round Barrows
Tyn-y-caeau round barrow
Tynewdd round barrow
Plas Maen Cottage round barrow
Round Barrow 450m E of Penbedw Hall
Nercwys Mountain Cairn
Barrow on E Slope of Gop Hill
Bryn yr Odyn Round Barrow
Gop Cairn
Hen-dy round barrow
Round Barrow 225m E of Village
Round Barrow on Coed Yr Esgob
Bryntirion round barrow
Pen-y-stryt round barrow
Pentre round barrow
Bryn Digrif Round Barrows
Coed-y-bryn round barrow
Crown Wood Round Barrow
Groesffordd round barrows
Round Barrow 135m NW of Rosehill Farm Gorsedd
Round Barrow 350m SW of Glol Farm
Round Barrow 450m South West of Glol Farm
Y Gorseddau Round Barrows
Bryn y Cosyn Round Barrows
Groes Faen Bach round barrow
Llyfanod round barrow
Llyn Du Round Barrow
Nook round barrow
Round Barrow 180m NW of Groesfaen
Round Barrow 225m SE of Parc y Prysau
Round Barrow 225m SE of Plas Newydd
Round Barrow 270m NW of Waen Isaf
Round Barrow 450m SSW of Llynfanod
Round Barrow 495m SE of Parc y Prysau
Round Barrow WSW of Llyfanod
Moel y Gaer Camp
Caer Estyn Hillfort
Moel Arthur Camp
Glol Camp
Bron Fadog Enclosure
Bwrdd y Rhyfel Camp
Coed Trefraith Enclosure
Pen-y-Cloddiau Camp
Pentre Bridge Roman Site
Ffrith Roman Site
Wat's Dyke: Section from Bod Offa to Whitehouse Farm
Wat's Dyke: Section W of Garreg-Lwyd
Wat's Dyke: Sections S of Bryn y Bal
Wat's Dyke: Section in Fron Tydyr
Wat's Dyke: Section in Wern Sirk Wood
Wat's Dyke: Section NE of Hen-Dy Farm
Wat's Dyke: Section SE of Meadow Mills
Wat's Dyke: Section E of Hope
Wat's Dyke: Section N of Bryn Estyn
Wat's Dyke: Section N of Carlton Grange
Wat's Dyke: Section N of Rhydyn Farm
Wat's Dyke: Section N of the Rectory, Hope
Wat's Dyke: Section E and SE of Dyke Farm
Wat's Dyke: Section from Chester-Holywell Road to Soughton Farm
Wat's Dyke: Section from Coed Llys to Chester-Holywell Road
Wat's Dyke: Section N & E of New Brighton
Wat's Dyke: Section SE of Clawdd Offa
Wat's Dyke: Section NW of Clawdd Offa
Wat's Dyke: Two sections between Clawdd Offa & Pigeon House Farm
Downing Hall Inscribed Stone (now in Whitford Church)
Maen Achwyfan
Offa's Dyke: Section extending 117m NW of Church
Offa's Dyke: Section E of Trelawnyd
Offa's Dyke: Section North of Crown Inn
Offa's Dyke: Section North West of Tre Abbot-Fawr
Offa's Dyke: Section South East of Gop Farm
Offa's Dyke: Section extending 477m from Coed Talon Banks
Brynbella Mound, and sections of Offas Dyke adjoining it.
Offa's Dyke: Section from Rhydwen-Fach to Coed Pen-y-Gelli
Offa's Dyke: Tan-y-Graig Section
Offa's Dyke:Section N & S of the Circle on Holywell Racecourse, and Circle and Round Barrow
Tyddyn Castle Mound
Bryn Castell Castle Mound
Hen Blas Castle Site
Bretton Hall Moated Site
Green Lane Farm Moated Site
Spon Chapel
Enclosure, Field System & Hollow-ways North of Pant
Hen Caerwys Deserted Village Site
Bryn y Cwm Mound & Bailey Castle
Flint Castle
Hafod Wood Moated Site
Ewloe Castle
Hawarden Castle
Trueman's Hill motte
Basingwerk Abbey
Holywell Castle Mound
St Winefride's Chapel
Caergwrle Castle
The Bailey Hill, Mold
Llys Edwin Medieval Fortified House Site
Trelawnyd Churchyard Cross
The 'Lock-Up', Hawarden
Caergwrle Packhorse Bridge
Bridge 157m E of Ffrith Village
Industrial Tramway, Near Buckley
Pinfold Lane Pottery, Site of
Taylor's Pottery
Greenfield Valley Mills
Kelsterton Brewery
Ministry of Supply Valley Site
Scheduled monuments in Flintshire, Wales.
=Prehistoric =Roman =Early Medieval
=Medieval =Post-Medieval/Modern

See also


  1. ^ Cadw: Ancient Monuments and Scheduling. Accessed 25 April 2013
  2. ^ Cadw will send their list as a spreadsheet, or other electronic formats, on request, as indicated at This list uses information dated May 2012
  3. ^ coflein NPRN: 306858. CPAT PRN: 100225 & CPAT PRN: 100224. Cadw SAM: FL008: Penbedw Park Stone Circle & Standing Stone
  4. ^ coflein NPRN: 306726. CPAT PRN: 102263. Cadw SAM: FL067: The Gop Caves
  5. ^ coflein NPRN: 307085. CPAT PRN: 100008. Cadw SAM: FL207: Carreg-y-llech standing stone
  6. ^ coflein NPRN: 100256. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL031: Circle & Two Round Barrows on Southern Portion of Holywell Golf Course
  7. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL204: Gatehouse Farm round barrow
  8. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL032: Round Barrow 400m SE of Smithy Gate
  9. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL033: Round Barrow at Naid y March, Holywell Common
  10. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL046: Two Round Barrows 90m NE of Eosfan
  11. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL104: Coed Bron-Fawr Round Barrow
  12. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL036: Coed Glyn-Bach Round Barrow
  13. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL183: Coed Shepherd Round Barrow
  14. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL110: Ffrith y Garreg-Wen Round Barrow
  15. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL105: Pant Ifan Round Barrow
  16. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL198: Pen-y-graig round barrow
  17. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL039: Round Barrow 153m NW of Plas yn Rhos
  18. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL037: Round Barrow 225m E of Minffordd Cottage
  19. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL169: Plas-Yw Round Barrows
  20. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL052: Rhual-Isaf Round Barrow
  21. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL168: Hen-y-Fail Round Barrow
  22. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL040: Round Barrow 180m E of Mwccwd
  23. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL051: Round Barrow at Pentrehobin
  24. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL117: Barrows 378m E of Berthen-Gam School
  25. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL107: Berthen-Gam Round Barrow
  26. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL045: Round Barrow 270m E of Axton Baptist Chapel
  27. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL114: Round Barrows North West of Axton Baptist Chapel
  28. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL113: St Elmo's Summer House Round Barrows
  29. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL201: Tyn-y-caeau round barrow
  30. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL200: Tynewdd round barrow
  31. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL203: Plas Maen Cottage round barrow
  32. ^ coflein NPRN: 306860. CPAT PRN: 100223. Cadw SAM: FL134: Round Barrow 450m E of Penbedw Hall
  33. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL194: Nercwys Mountain Cairn
  34. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL042: Barrow on E Slope of Gop Hill
  35. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL191: Bryn yr Odyn Round Barrow
  36. ^ coflein NPRN: 306725. CPAT PRN: 102207. Cadw SAM: FL007: Gop Cairn
  37. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL202: Hen-dy round barrow
  38. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL044: Round Barrow 225m E of Village
  39. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL043: Round Barrow on Coed Yr Esgob
  40. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL208: Bryntirion round barrow
  41. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL206: Pen-y-stryt round barrow
  42. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL205: Pentre round barrow
  43. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL116: Bryn Digrif Round Barrows
  44. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL209: Coed-y-bryn round barrow
  45. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL111: Crown Wood Round Barrow
  46. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL199: Groesffordd round barrows
  47. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL050: Round Barrow 135m NW of Rosehill Farm Gorsedd
  48. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL187: Round Barrow 350m SW of Glol Farm
  49. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL074: Round Barrow 450m South West of Glol Farm
  50. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL075: Y Gorseddau Round Barrows
  51. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL096: Bryn y Cosyn Round Barrows
  52. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL195: Groes Faen Bach round barrow
  53. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL196: Llyfanod round barrow
  54. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL189: Llyn Du Round Barrow
  55. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL197: Nook round barrow
  56. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL056: Round Barrow 180m NW of Groesfaen
  57. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL053: Round Barrow 225m SE of Parc y Prysau
  58. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL076: Round Barrow 225m SE of Plas Newydd
  59. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL077: Round Barrow 270m NW of Waen Isaf
  60. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL055: Round Barrow 450m SSW of Llynfanod
  61. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL054: Round Barrow 495m SE of Parc y Prysau
  62. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL190: Round Barrow WSW of Llyfanod
  63. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL011: Moel y Gaer Camp
  64. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL066: Caer Estyn Hillfort
  65. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL010: Moel Arthur Camp
  66. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL071: Glol Camp
  67. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL173: Bron Fadog Enclosure
  68. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL072: Bwrdd y Rhyfel Camp
  69. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL161: Coed Trefraith Enclosure
  70. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL009: Pen-y-Cloddiau Camp
  71. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL131: Pentre Bridge Roman Site
  72. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL164: Ffrith Roman Site
  73. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL086: Wat's Dyke: Section from Bod Offa to Whitehouse Farm
  74. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL087: Wat's Dyke: Section W of Garreg-Lwyd
  75. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL121: Wat's Dyke: Sections S of Bryn y Bal
  76. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL081: Wat's Dyke: Section in Fron Tydyr
  77. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL080: Wat's Dyke: Section in Wern Sirk Wood
  78. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL088: Wat's Dyke: Section NE of Hen-Dy Farm
  79. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL079: Wat's Dyke: Section SE of Meadow Mills
  80. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL120: Wat's Dyke: Section E of Hope
  81. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL118: Wat's Dyke: Section N of Bryn Estyn
  82. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL172: Wat's Dyke: Section N of Carlton Grange
  83. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL119: Wat's Dyke: Section N of Rhydyn Farm
  84. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL171: Wat's Dyke: Section N of the Rectory, Hope
  85. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL089: Wat's Dyke: Section E and SE of Dyke Farm
  86. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL083: Wat's Dyke: Section from Chester-Holywell Road to Soughton Farm
  87. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL082: Wat's Dyke: Section from Coed Llys to Chester-Holywell Road
  88. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL085: Wat's Dyke: Section N & E of New Brighton
  89. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL084: Wat's Dyke: Section SE of Clawdd Offa
  90. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL090: Wat's Dyke: Section NW of Clawdd Offa
  91. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL091: Wat's Dyke: Two sections between Clawdd Offa & Pigeon House Farm
  92. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL013: Downing Hall Inscribed Stone (now in Whitford Church)
  93. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL005: Maen Achwyfan
  94. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL022: Offa's Dyke: Section extending 117m NW of Church
  95. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL122: Offa's Dyke: Section E of Trelawnyd
  96. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL124: Offa's Dyke: Section North of Crown Inn
  97. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL123: Offa's Dyke: Section North West of Tre Abbot-Fawr
  98. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL125: Offa's Dyke: Section South East of Gop Farm
  99. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL021: Offa's Dyke: Section extending 477m from Coed Talon Banks
  100. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL103: Brynbella Mound, and sections of Offas Dyke adjoining it.
  101. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL109: Offa's Dyke: Section from Rhydwen-Fach to Coed Pen-y-Gelli
  102. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL108: Offa's Dyke: Tan-y-Graig Section
  103. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL006: Offa's Dyke:Section N & S of the Circle on Holywell Racecourse, and Circle and Round Barrow
  104. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL126: Tyddyn Castle Mound
  105. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL061: Bryn Castell Castle Mound
  106. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL062: Hen Blas Castle Site
  107. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL185: Bretton Hall Moated Site
  108. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL176: Green Lane Farm Moated Site
  109. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL193: Spon Chapel
  110. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL163: Enclosure, Field System & Hollow-ways North of Pant
  111. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL162: Hen Caerwys Deserted Village Site
  112. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL064: Bryn y Cwm Mound & Bailey Castle
  113. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL003: Flint Castle
  114. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL179: Hafod Wood Moated Site
  115. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL002: Ewloe Castle
  116. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL016: Hawarden Castle
  117. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL030: Trueman's Hill motte
  118. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL001: Basingwerk Abbey
  119. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL029: Holywell Castle Mound
  120. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL101: St Winefride's Chapel
  121. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL020: Caergwrle Castle
  122. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL014: The Bailey Hill, Mold
  123. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL023: Llys Edwin Medieval Fortified House Site
  124. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL115: Trelawnyd Churchyard Cross
  125. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL078: The 'Lock-Up', Hawarden
  126. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL133: Caergwrle Packhorse Bridge
  127. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL132: Bridge 157m E of Ffrith Village
  128. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL181: Industrial Tramway, Near Buckley
  129. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL166: Pinfold Lane Pottery, Site of
  130. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL165: Taylor's Pottery
  131. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL160: Greenfield Valley Mills
  132. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL180: Kelsterton Brewery
  133. ^ coflein NPRN: not yet identified. CPAT PRN not yet identified. Cadw SAM: FL210: Ministry of Supply Valley Site