Lista de personajes recurrentes de Los Simpson

La serie de televisión animada estadounidense Los Simpson contiene una amplia gama de personajes secundarios y menores, como compañeros de trabajo, profesores, estudiantes, amigos de la familia, parientes lejanos, habitantes del pueblo, celebridades locales e incluso animales. Los escritores pretendían que muchos de estos personajes fueran bromas de una sola vez o para cumplir funciones necesarias en la ciudad de Springfield , donde se desarrolla principalmente la serie. Varios de estos personajes han adquirido roles ampliados y, posteriormente, han protagonizado sus propios episodios. Según el creador de Los Simpson , Matt Groening , el programa adoptó el concepto de un gran elenco de reparto de la serie de comedia de sketches canadiense Second City Television . [1]

En este artículo se presentan los personajes recurrentes de la serie, además de los cinco personajes principales ( Homer , Marge , Bart , Lisa y Maggie Simpson ). Cada uno de ellos se enumera en orden por su nombre.


Agnes Skinner

Agnes Skinner [2] (con la voz de Tress MacNeille en la mayoría de las apariciones, [3] Maggie Roswell en " Lisa's Rival ") [4] es la madre del director Skinner y aparece por primera vez en el episodio de la primera temporada " The Crepes of Wrath " como una anciana que vergonzosamente se dirige a su hijo como "Spanky". Sin embargo, a medida que avanzan los episodios, su personaje se vuelve amargado. [5] Ella es muy controladora con su hijo y, a menudo, lo trata como si fuera un niño, insultándolo y ridiculizándolo cada vez que puede. Odia a Edna Krabappel debido a los sentimientos de su hijo por la otra mujer. [6] Agnes se ha casado cuatro veces [7] y una vez salió con Comic Book Guy . Muchos residentes de Springfield, incluidos los Simpson, le tienen miedo. [8] Cuando "el verdadero Seymour Skinner" llega a Springfield en " El director y el mendigo ", Agnes termina rechazándolo, en parte porque se le enfrenta pero también porque, a diferencia de Skinner/Tamzarian, su hijo biológico es independiente y ya no la necesita, mientras que Skinner inmediatamente se convierte en un inútil sin ella.

El primer nombre de Agnes fue revelado en el episodio de la séptima temporada " Bart the Fink ". [9] Antes de eso, el personaje era conocido como "Mrs. Skinner". [10] Al comienzo de la serie, los escritores hacen varias referencias a la relación poco saludable de Agnes y Seymour como similar a la de Norman Bates y su madre. [11] En " Boy Meets Curl ", se revela que el resentimiento de Agnes hacia Seymour puede haber comenzado incluso antes de que naciera su hijo: durante los Juegos Olímpicos de Verano de 1952 en Helsinki, Agnes compitió en el evento de salto con pértiga mientras estaba embarazada de nueve meses. Cuando Seymour da su primera patada, golpea la barra, lo que hace que Agnes pierda y aplaste sus sueños [12] (contradiciendo el episodio anterior en el que Seymour no es su hijo biológico). En " Grade School Confidential ", se revela que Agnes disfruta coleccionando fotos de pasteles que recorta de revistas, un pasatiempo que comenzó en 1941. Sin embargo, no le gusta el postre en sí, ya que lo encuentra "demasiado dulce". En el episodio de la temporada 26 " Sky Police ", menciona que tiene un hermano llamado Stevie.

Akira Kurosawa

Akira Kurosawa [13] (con la voz de George Takei en "One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Bluefish" y "What Animated Women Want", Hank Azaria haciendo la misma voz que este último en "When Flanders Failed", "In Marge We Trust" y "¿Adivina quién viene a criticar la cena?") trabaja como camarero en The Happy Sumo, un restaurante japonés en Springfield . Aparece por primera vez en el episodio de la segunda temporada " One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish ".

El actor George Takei originalmente prestó su voz a Akira en "One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish". Desde el papel con diálogo de Akira en " When Flanders Failed ", donde el personaje es representado como un profesor de karate, Hank Azaria ha prestado su voz al personaje, haciendo una imitación de Takei para la voz. [14] Takei volvió a prestar su voz a Akira en " What Animated Women Want " de la temporada 24. El nombre del personaje es una referencia al director japonés Akira Kurosawa .

Allison Taylor

Allison Taylor [15] (con la voz de Winona Ryder en " Lisa's Rival ", Maggie Roswell en " Lard of the Dance ", Tress MacNeille en " Moe Goes from Rags to Riches " y Pamela Hayden en episodios posteriores) está en la clase de Lisa, pero se saltó un grado y tiene mucho en común con Lisa. Apareció por primera vez en " Lisa's Rival ", en el que Lisa se siente amenazada por los talentos y habilidades de Allison. Durante una competencia escolar, Lisa hace que Bart sabotee el diorama del Corazón Delator de Allison con un corazón de vaca en una caja y esconda el diorama original debajo de una tabla del piso. Atormentada por la culpa, Lisa devuelve el diorama real de Allison. Lisa y Allison pierden ante Ralph Wiggum y sus figuras de Star Wars . Luego, Lisa se disculpa y las dos hacen las paces. Allison ha tenido algunos papeles con diálogos desde entonces y ha sido amiga de Lisa, Janey, Sherri y Terri en la escuela.

Apu Nahasapeemapetilon

Arnie Pye

Arnie Pye [16] (con la voz de Dan Castellaneta [16] ) es un reportero de tráfico de helicópteros descontento y algo excéntrico para KBBL-TV (Canal 6) de Springfield . No le gusta el pomposo presentador Kent Brockman , con quien a menudo discute en antena. Brockman una vez gruñó que Pye era un "imbécil", y Arnie respondió que cree que el alma de Kent es "tan negra como el as de espadas". En algunas ocasiones en las que Kent ha sido despedido de KBBL, Arnie ha aceptado el trabajo y le ha ido bien, aunque sonaba muy diferente de cómo suena el resto del tiempo (la voz de reportero de tráfico de Arnie es alta y aguda, mientras que su voz de presentador es profunda y sonora). Arnie parece estar resignado a nunca superar a su némesis, ya que su reacción cuando Kent recuperó el trabajo en " Trust But Clarify " fue un resignado "Adelante, ve y haz lo que sea que hagas" antes de enfurruñarse y alejarse del set.

Arthur Crandall y Gabbo

Arthur Crandall y Gabbo (ambos con la voz de Hank Azaria ) son un ventrílocuo y su marioneta de ventrílocuo que protagonizan un programa de televisión infantil que compite directamente con Krusty el Payaso . El programa es un gran éxito que arruina la carrera de Krusty, pero Bart y Lisa ayudan a Krusty a superar al dúo con un especial de regreso. La pareja luego se reduce a trabajos mal pagados, como un espectáculo en un casino indio . Arthur Crandall mantiene la ilusión de que Gabbo es una persona incluso sin público, incluso teniendo conversaciones con él cuando la cámara está apagada. La pareja apareció principalmente en " Krusty Gets Kancelled " de la cuarta temporada, pero también aparecieron en " Bart to the Future ", " Homerazzi ", " All About Lisa " y Los Simpson: La película . (Ver El gran Gabbo [ cita requerida ] ).

Artie Ziff

Artie Ziff [17] (con la voz de Jon Lovitz en la mayoría de las apariciones, Dan Castellaneta en una breve aparición en " The Front " [18] ) es un empresario narcisista de Internet que está obsesivamente enamorado de Marge Simpson, su ex compañera de clase de la escuela secundaria. El animador David Silverman basó la apariencia y el lenguaje corporal de Ziff en un ex compañero de clase de la escuela secundaria. [19]

Ziff aparece por primera vez en el episodio " The Way We Was " (1991), en el que lleva a una joven Marge Bouvier al baile de graduación. Cuando Artie intenta manosearla en su coche, Marge lo rechaza y se marcha, encontrándose con Homer de camino a casa. En la edad adulta, Artie intenta repetidamente obligar a Marge a que lo elija a él en lugar de a Homer, con el apoyo de Patty , ya que lo veía más como el marido ideal para su hermana. También se da a entender que el ex director Harlan Dondelinger favoreció a Artie sobre Homer, creyendo que sería multimillonario y haría tareas que Homer e incluso Barney nunca harían.

En " Una propuesta a medias " (2002), Marge se entera de que Artie es extremadamente rico, ya que hizo su fortuna en el mundo de las computadoras inventando un adaptador que convierte los ruidos de los módems telefónicos en música fácil de escuchar. Marge acepta a regañadientes una oferta de un millón de dólares para pasar un fin de semana en su mansión, con el fin de pagar una operación necesaria para curar los ronquidos extremadamente fuertes de Homer . Homer asume que los dos tienen una aventura, pero Artie admite que no pudo conquistarla. Artie comienza a reconocer que su egoísmo es el culpable.

En " The Ziff Who Came to Dinner " (2004), los Simpsons descubren a Artie escondido en su ático después de haber malgastado su dinero y haber iniciado un escándalo contable en su empresa Ziffcorp. Artie se las arregla para convertir a Homer en chivo expiatorio al dejar que Homer gane deliberadamente el 98% de las acciones de Ziffcorp en una partida de póquer, lo que hace que Homer sea legalmente responsable del engaño de Artie. Sin embargo, finalmente confiesa su culpabilidad a las autoridades después de que Marge regañe a Artie por su mal carácter, revelando que su propio comportamiento egoísta es la verdadera razón por la que nadie lo quiere. Después de eso, Artie es consolado por Selma y pasan la noche juntos. Como resultado, Artie se entrega. Fue visto por última vez a punto de ser asaltado por prisioneros enojados después de rociar sus cigarrillos con una botella de spray.

En " La casa-árbol del terror XXIII " (2012), Bart viaja en el tiempo hasta 1974 y conoce a Marge, que todavía es una estudiante de secundaria. Después de advertirle que no se case con Homer, Bart regresa a 2012 y descubre que Marge se ha casado con Artie, Bart ahora se llama Bartie Ziff y ha heredado el cabello rizado de Artie. Marge deja a Artie después de enamorarse instantáneamente de una serie de Homers que viajan en el tiempo. Ella dice que verlos la hizo darse cuenta de que se había casado con el hombre equivocado.

En " Hail to the Teeth " (2020), Artie reaparece e invita a Homer y Marge a su boda, solo para descubrir que la novia es un clon robot de Marge. Ha creado otros clones robot de Marge que no funcionaron bien.

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Bebé Gerald

Gerald Samson , más conocido como Baby Gerald , también conocido como "el bebé de una sola ceja", es el archienemigo mezquino de Maggie Simpson , conocido por su gran uniceja . Hace su primera aparición en " Sweet Seymour Skinner's Baadasssss Song ", donde Lisa se refiere a Baby Gerald como el rival de Maggie. En algunas ocasiones, se ha mostrado a Gerald siendo empujado en un cochecito por su madre fuera de la casa Simpson como en " Lady Bouvier's Lover ", mientras los dos niños pequeños se miran fijamente. También apareció en el cortometraje teatral de Los Simpson, " The Longest Daycare ". El nombre del personaje fue revelado en el episodio " The Canine Mutiny ". [20] En " The Blue and the Gray " y " Papa Don't Leech ", se insinúa una posible atracción romántica entre Maggie y Gerald. En el futuro no canónico de " Days of Future Future ", Gerald y Maggie están casados. En " Holidays of Future Passed " se da a entender que él es el padre de Maggie Jr. y que su familia sabe de él, excepto de Abe. El bebé Gerald aparece en la secuencia de título actual del programa (a partir de 2014).

Barney Gumble

Benjamin, Doug y Gary

Benjamin , Doug y Gary (con las voces de Dan Castellaneta , Hank Azaria y Harry Shearer , respectivamente) [21] son ​​unos frikis que alguna vez fueron compañeros de dormitorio de Homer Simpson en la Universidad de Springfield . Benjamin lleva una calculadora en su cinturón, Doug tiene sobrepeso y usa un protector de bolsillo, y Gary usa anteojos con montura de carey y usa medicamentos para los oídos. [22] El escritor de " Homer Goes to College ", Conan O'Brien, los basó parcialmente en tres chicos con los que fue a la universidad, quienes, dijo, eran "nerds increíbles". [23] El director Jim Reardon usó una caricatura del animador Rich Moore y la coloreó de negro para Gary. [24]

Bernice Hibbert

Bernice Hibbert (con la voz de Tress MacNeille de 1999 a 2019, [25] Maggie Roswell en " Bart After Dark ", Dawnn Lewis desde 2021) es la esposa del Dr. Julius Hibbert y está basada vagamente en el personaje de Clair Huxtable de The Cosby Show . [26] Los Hibbert tienen tres hijos, dos niños y una niña. Sin embargo, su matrimonio está en crisis; [27] se niega a besar a su marido, incluso delante de todo un público. [28] Se ha bromeado sobre su forma de beber en varias ocasiones. Se desmayó cuando leyó que se había introducido la "Prohibición" en Springfield [29] y asiste a las reuniones de Alcohólicos Anónimos de Springfield . [30]

Bill y Marty

Bill y Marty (con la voz de Harry Shearer y Dan Castellaneta ) son dos presentadores de programas de radio y DJ en la estación de radio de Springfield KBBL . Bill es de mediana edad y calvo , mientras que Marty es más joven y tiene una abundante cabellera. Son los responsables de darle a Bart su elefante, Stampy, aunque se sorprendieron cuando Bart quiso a Stampy, porque pensaron que elegiría el otro premio, $10,000. Cuando el Sr. Burns monopolizó los medios locales en " Fraudcast News ", despidió al dúo, pero volvieron al trabajo en episodios posteriores.


Billy (con la voz de Nancy Cartwright en " Lisa la Simpson " y Russi Taylor en " Bart la Madre ") es el asistente de Troy McClure que apareció en " Lisa la Simpson " y " Bart la Madre ". Se suponía que aparecería en más episodios, pero debido a la muerte del actor de voz de McClure, Phil Hartman , se retiró junto con McClure. Billy es un niño que aparece en las películas educativas de Troy McClure. Aparece en las películas "Birds: Our Fine Feathered Colleagues" y "Someone's in the Kitchen with DNA ". Un niño similar llamado Jimmy (a quien en un momento McClure también llama Billy) aparece en "The Meat Council Presents: 'Meat and You: Partners in Freedom ' " en el episodio " Lisa la Vegetariana ".

Abedul Barlow

Birchibald "Birch" T. Barlow (con la voz de Harry Shearer en " Sideshow Bob Roberts " y " You Kent Always Say What You Want ") es un presentador de un programa de entrevistas conservador en la estación de radio KBBL , inspirado en Rush Limbaugh . A partir de "You Kent Always Say What You Want", también tiene un programa en Fox News y sirve como una parodia del sesgo conservador de Fox News .

En su programa de radio , se declara "la cuarta rama del gobierno " y "el estado número 51 ". Es autor del libro Only Turkeys Have Left Wings . Barlow juega un papel importante en el episodio " Sideshow Bob Roberts ", en el que Sideshow Bob , mientras está encarcelado, llama a Barlow en su programa de radio, lo que le da a Bob una salida para expresar cómo la prisión lo trata injustamente. Barlow, sabiendo que Bob es un compañero republicano , simpatiza con sus quejas e influye en el resto de Springfield para que también lo haga. Esto conduce a la pronta liberación de Bob y al consiguiente fraude electoral para alcalde . Si bien Barlow respalda a Bob para alcalde del Partido Republicano de Springfield, se da a entender que no tuvo nada que ver con el fraude electoral, ya que Bob limpia su nombre en un ataque de jactancia ególatra cuando Lisa acusa a Bob de ser el títere de Barlow.

Barlow aparece en el episodio " We're on the Road to D'ohwhere " como cliente de la "venta de garaje" de Marge, repleta de medicamentos recetados , en referencia a la adicción de Limbaugh a la oxicodona . Más recientemente, Barlow aparece con otros republicanos de Springfield en el episodio " E Pluribus Wiggum ", en el que le dice a Lisa que deje que Ralph Wiggum decida si quiere postularse a la presidencia como republicano o demócrata.

Encías sangrantes Murphy

Oscar " Bleeding Gums " Murphy (con la voz de Ron Taylor en " Moaning Lisa " y " 'Round Springfield ", Daryl L. Coley en " Dancing Homer ", Harry Shearer en " Lisa's Pony ", [31] Kevin Michael Richardson en " The Sound of Bleeding Gums ") es un músico de jazz, ídolo y mentor de Lisa Simpson . Su verdadero nombre era Oscar como lo menciona su sobrino en " Lisa Gets the Blues ". En su primera aparición, Murphy explica los orígenes de su apodo: "¿Alguna vez has ido al dentista? Yo no".

Sus papeles más significativos fueron en los episodios " Moaning Lisa " y " 'Round Springfield ", aunque aparece en otros episodios como " Bart the Daredevil " (donde es amarillo), " Dancing Homer ", " Old Money ", " Flaming Moe's ", " Bart Gets an 'F' " , " Radio Bart " y " Lisa's Pony ". En " Dancing Homer ", su voz fue la de Daryl L. Coley. [31] En " 'Round Springfield ", se revela que en un momento había disfrutado de una carrera bastante exitosa, lanzando un álbum ("Sax on the Beach") y apareciendo en The Tonight Show de Steve Allen , [32] así como en un episodio de The Cosby Show como uno de los abuelos de los niños Cosby; pero perdió rápidamente su dinero alimentando su adicción a comprar huevos de Fabergé . [33]

Murphy le enseña a Lisa a mostrar sus emociones a través de la música, lo que la impulsa a considerarlo una figura importante en su vida. [33] Su última aparición fue en " 'Round Springfield ", [34] cuando, después de que Bart termina en el hospital, Lisa se aleja para encontrar a Murphy en una sala cercana. Él le explica sobre su vida, su familia y su trabajo, además de darle consejos para su próxima actuación escolar, regalándole su saxofón. Cuando Lisa regresa, descubre que Murphy ha muerto por circunstancias que nunca se revelan. Nadie, excepto Lisa, asiste al funeral de Murphy. Lisa se da cuenta de que a pesar de haberse ido físicamente, él todavía está vivo en ella y honra su memoria haciendo que su álbum se reproduzca en una estación de radio local. Murphy aparece desde los cielos agradeciéndole a Lisa por eso. [32]

En el mismo episodio se insinúa claramente que Murphy y el Dr. Julius Hibbert son hermanos perdidos hace mucho tiempo, mediante la cita de Murphy:

"En realidad no tengo familia. Lo único que tenía era un hermano pequeño que creció y se convirtió en médico. Solía ​​reírse en los momentos más inapropiados".

Hibbert se ríe inapropiadamente (como siempre lo hace) y dice:

"Oye, tengo un hermano mayor al que nunca veré. Es músico de jazz o algo así. Bueno, ¡adiós!" [32]

Cada uno no reconoce al otro.

El episodio "El sonido de las encías sangrantes" revela que Bleeding Gums Murphy tiene un hijo sordo llamado Monk (con la voz de John Autry II). Su fantasma le da consejos a Lisa sobre cómo estar de acuerdo con Monk. Cuando Monk finalmente recibe un implante coclear , Lisa toca la canción de su padre, que él afirma que finalmente puede escuchar. El fantasma de Bleeding Gums Murphy agradece a Lisa por ayudar a su hijo a escuchar su canción, y también le pregunta a Lisa qué es Internet cuando ella lo menciona.

Bleeding Gums Murphy está vagamente basado en Blind Willie Johnson , a cuyos pies aprendió el joven personaje de Bleeding Gums. [35] La voz de Bleeding Gums Murphy fue proporcionada por Ron Taylor , mientras que su forma de tocar el saxofón es proporcionada por Dan Higgins . [36] En " The Great Wife Hope ", Murphy es mencionado después de que Homer le pregunta a Carl si conoce a Drederick Tatum . Carl se ofende y dice que solo porque es afroamericano, no conoce a todos los demás afroamericanos en Springfield, de los cuales hay muy pocos, de todos modos. Carl luego dice que conoció a Drederick Tatum mientras estaba en una fiesta con el Dr. Hibbert en la casa de Murphy. [37] En " Whisky Business ", Murphy aparece como un holograma, lo que hace que una exasperada Lisa proteste contra el uso descarado de su imagen por parte de su sello discográfico para varios comerciales.


Blinky es un pez naranja de tres ojos que aparece principalmente en " Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish ". Probablemente mutado por los desechos tóxicos de la planta de energía nuclear de Springfield que se vierten en el río, Blinky se convirtió en una noticia importante cuando fue capturado por Bart Simpson . El Sr. Burns defiende al pez, argumentando que su ojo adicional es simplemente el siguiente paso en la evolución . El Sr. Burns va a la casa de los Simpson a comer para impulsar su carrera para gobernador. Marge , una partidaria de la oponente de Burns, Mary Bailey , sirve deliberadamente a Blinky para la cena. El Sr. Burns escupe el pescado y posteriormente pierde las elecciones. Antes de eso, Blinky hizo una aparición anterior en " Homer's Odyssey ". Luego se lo vuelve a ver en episodios posteriores como " Raging Abe Simpson and His Grumbling Grandson in 'The Curse of the Flying Hellfish' " . Blinky también hizo una breve aparición en una sección submarina del tubo por el que viaja Fry en el episodio piloto de la serie animada Futurama , que fue creada por el creador de Los Simpson, Matt Groening . Blinky también aparece en un episodio de la séptima temporada de Futurama titulado " T.: The Terrestrial ", en una pecera en el escritorio de Jrrr.

Abogado de pelo azul

El abogado del señor Burns , [38] también conocido como El abogado de pelo azul (con la voz de Dan Castellaneta ), [39] es el abogado más destacado y poderoso de Springfield . Su nombre nunca ha sido revelado. Apareció por primera vez en el episodio de la segunda temporada " Bart es atropellado por un coche ". [40] Es conocido por su pelo azul, su naturaleza autoritaria y su acento nasal de la ciudad de Nueva York . También aparece ocasionalmente como fiscal. A diferencia de Lionel Hutz o Gil Gunderson, es competente, aunque no necesariamente ético. Se ha desempeñado como abogado principal del señor Burns , ayudándolo con las amenazas de cierre de la central eléctrica y de que Burns pierda su dinero. Es miembro del Partido Republicano de Springfield . Sus clientes tienden a ser antagonistas de los Simpsons, aunque también los ha defendido en alguna ocasión. El abogado de pelo azul también jugó un papel muy importante en la emancipación de Bart en " Barting Over ".

El comportamiento del personaje y la voz de Castellaneta para el personaje están basados ​​en Roy Cohn , mejor conocido como el abogado principal de Joe McCarthy durante el Segundo Terror Rojo de la década de 1950, y más tarde asesor legal y mentor de Donald Trump . El animador Jim Reardon modeló la apariencia del personaje en el actor Charles Lane . [41]


Barbara Rellalinsky , [42] más conocida como Booberella (con la voz de Tress MacNeille ), es una presentadora de televisión pechugona que se viste como una vampiresa y habla con acento rumano. Es una parodia de Cassandra Peterson y su personaje Elvira, Mistress of the Dark. Booberella está orgullosa de sus amplios pechos y aprovecha cada oportunidad para mencionar "sus tetas", estirando el "oo". El programa de televisión de Booberella es una parodia de Elvira's Movie Macabre , una serie antológica de películas de terror . Booberella aparece por primera vez en el episodio " I'm Spelling as Fast as I Can ", en el que Bart y Homer ven su programa. El nombre de Booberella alude a Vampirella ( el personaje vampiro del cómic de Forrest James Ackerman ) y a la película de culto de 1968 Barbarella , protagonizada por Jane Fonda en el papel principal.

Brandine Spuckler

Brandine Spuckler (con la voz de Tress MacNeille ) [4] está casada con Cletus Spuckler . Brandine y Cletus son representados como estereotipos de montañeses . A lo largo de la serie, hubo teorías extravagantes de que los dos son hermanos , [43] novio y novia, [44] madre e hijo, [45] o padre e hija, se han sugerido, con Cletus simplemente afirmando "somos todo tipo de cosas". [46] En un episodio, aparentemente es la hija de Cletus y un extraterrestre. Ella ha sufrido rabia , [47] y admitió ser analfabeta . [48] Esto ha sido contradicho por el episodio " Pretty Whittle Liar ". Más recientemente, Brandine se muestra luchando en la Guerra de Irak . [49] Ella regresa revelando que Cletus es el padre de solo dos de los niños, lo que pone en duda la paternidad de todos los demás niños. [49] Suponiendo que todos los hijos que se cree que son de Cletus también son de ella, Brandine tiene 45 hijos nombrados específicamente. Brandine y Cletus fueron casados ​​por Homer durante su breve período como ministro. [50] El 27 de abril de 2008, se revela más sobre Cletus y Brandine en un episodio titulado " Apocalypse Cow "; Brandine se había casado con Cletus a la edad de 13 años, habiéndose casado cuatro veces anteriormente. Brandine ha tenido varios trabajos de bajo nivel, como trabajar para Dairy Queen , un club de striptease y como soldado de infantería para el ejército de los EE. UU . También ha estado en prisión, donde desarrolló un gusto por la plomería interior , de la que carece la propiedad de Spuckler.

Brunella Pommelhorst

Brunella Pommelhorst (con la voz de Tress MacNeille ) es la profesora de gimnasia en la escuela primaria de Springfield. Pommelhorst apareció por primera vez en " Stark Raving Dad ", aunque el nombre de Pommelhorst no se menciona hasta " The PTA Disbands " (cuando una niña que quedó colgando de los anillos de gimnasia después de que los maestros se marcharan debido a una huelga pide a la "Sra. Pommelhorst" que la deje bajar). El nombre de Pommelhorst es un juego de palabras con " caballo con arzones " y tiene cabello rubio y generalmente usa un silbato. Ella adopta un enfoque duro como las uñas para enseñar. En " Little Girl in the Big Ten ", Pommelhorst decide reprobar a Lisa debido a un juramento que hizo sobre Xena, pero le permite compensarlo tomando lecciones privadas. En " My Fair Laddy ", Pommelhorst se ausenta para hacerse una operación de cambio de sexo y regresa como "el Sr. Pommelhorst" (lo que implica que Pommelhorst es un hombre transgénero ), el nuevo profesor de taller. Es reemplazada por el entrenador Krupt . A pesar de esto, el personaje ha aparecido en episodios posteriores como mujer.

El hombre abejorro

Bumblebee Man (con la voz de Hank Azaria de 1992 a 2020, [51] Eric Lopez desde 2020 [52] ) es la estrella de una comedia de televisión en español mexicana en el Canal Ocho en la que se viste con un disfraz de abejorro y realiza comedia Slapstick . En el episodio " Team Homer ", su camisa de bolos lleva el nombre de " Pedro ", aunque informalmente se le conoce como " Chespirito ". Trabaja en el mismo estudio que Kent Brockman . Su primera aparición fue en " Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie ". Bumblebee Man nunca se quita el disfraz en público, y casi nunca en privado. La única excepción es el episodio " 22 Short Films About Springfield ", en el que se muestra su vida privada. En este breve segmento, se le retrata como muy torpe en lugar de simplemente actuar como tal.

En general, Bumblebee Man solo habla en oraciones en español simples, sobre enunciadas (y a menudo inexactas). Sus frases de elección son típicamente "¡Ay, ay, ay, no me gusta!" ("¡No me gusta!"), "¡Ay, no es bueno!" ("¡Eso no es bueno!") y "¡Ay, Dios no me ama!" ("¡Dios no me ama!"). Muy comúnmente, sus frases serán intencionadamente descuidadas en español. Por ejemplo, en el episodio " 22 Short Films About Springfield ", hay varias palabras utilizadas que no son reales (como "wudpequero" para " pájaro carpintero ", en lugar del correcto pájaro carpintero ). El español crudo se usa para que los espectadores de habla inglesa aún entiendan lo que se está diciendo. [53] En raras ocasiones, también habla inglés, como brevemente en " Mr. Spritz Goes to Washington " (y en " The Burns and the Bees ", esto puede ser fácil de pasar por alto). En " Bart Gets Famous ", presenta las noticias con acento inglés, reemplazando a Kent Brockman, quien no quiso informar las noticias porque no recibió su pastel danés , que Bart robó para dárselo a Krusty.

Bumblebee Man es una parodia caricaturesca de El Chapulín Colorado , un personaje creado e interpretado por el comediante de televisión mexicano Roberto Gómez Bolaños (también conocido como "Chespirito"), y su programa consiste en sketches simples, que a menudo involucran payasadas pesadas . [54] El personal ha dicho que cada vez que veían Univisión , este personaje estaba "siempre encendido", por lo que crearon a Bumblebee Man, quien también está siempre al aire cuando se muestra el canal en español. [55] Su disfraz se basó en uno usado en el sketch de Saturday Night Live " The Killer Bees ". [56]

En 2003, Azaria ganó un premio Primetime Emmy por interpretación de voz destacada por prestar su voz a Bumblebee Man y a varios otros personajes. [57]

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CHUM (voz de Dan Castellaneta ), abreviatura de Childlike Humanoid Urban Muchacho , es un robot que Martin Prince construyó en " Fat Man and Little Boy " para una feria de ciencias en la escuela primaria de Springfield. En " Future-Drama " Martin baila con él en el baile de graduación en el futuro y el robot activa el mecanismo de autodestrucción . En " Genial Grampa ", Bart golpeó a CHUM en la cabeza con una silla plegable y luego procedió a trepar a la cornisa de la pizarra y saltar sobre el robot, rompiéndolo. En " Buscando al Sr. Goodbart " aparece atrapando una Rattle Snitch en Peekimon Get en la tumba de Frank Grimes .

Tonto de la ciudad capital

El tonto de la ciudad capital (con la voz de Tom Poston ) es la mascota de la ciudad capital. Su apariencia parece haber sido inspirada por la mascota del equipo de béisbol de los Phillies de Filadelfia , el Phillie Phanatic . El disfraz es una criatura con un cuerpo de béisbol, con una camiseta azul de la ciudad capital, brazos y piernas amarillos, una nariz larga y plana, mechones de pelo a los lados, un sombrero rojo con dos resortes, dos ojos de disfraz que miran en cualquier dirección y dos ojos más que se asoman fuera de la boca. El tonto de la ciudad capital apareció por primera vez en el episodio " Dancing Homer " y compartió el escenario con Homer. También aparece en " Radio Bart " como una de las muchas celebridades que graban un sencillo benéfico . Después de eso, está ausente hasta " Homer to the Max ", donde pasa por la ventana de los Simpsons junto al Sr. Largo cuando Lisa habla sobre programas de televisión que reescriben o eliminan personajes que aparecen al principio. En " Bart vs. Lisa vs. the Third Grade ", el tonto de la ciudad capital representa a la ciudad capital en la legislatura estatal; Gastó 80 millones de dólares de su propio bolsillo para ganar el escaño, y ahora está liderando un esfuerzo para cambiar la vergonzosa bandera del estado, una bandera de batalla confederada colocada entre el océano y los rayos del sol (especialmente porque el estado estaba en el Norte ).

Después de la muerte de Tom Poston en 2007, el personaje quedó reducido a hacer apariciones menores de fondo y sonidos de bocina habituales, y no ha hablado desde "Bart y Lisa contra el tercer grado".

Capitán Lance Murdock

El capitán Lance Murdock (con la voz de Dan Castellaneta ) es un especialista en acrobacias que apareció más en los primeros días del programa que en los episodios más nuevos. Apareció por primera vez en " Bart the Daredevil ", donde apareció en más escenas que en otros episodios. Más tarde apareció en " I Married Marge ", " Selma's Choice " y " Viva Ned Flanders ". Apareció más recientemente cuando Krusty estaba cambiando de canal en su televisor en " Today I Am a Clown ". También aparece en la conferencia de Lisa sobre el lago Springfield en Los Simpson: la película, sentado entre el público. Sus acrobacias a menudo terminan en desastre, como en "Viva Ned Flanders" y "Bart the Daredevil", donde afirma que se ha roto todos los huesos del cuerpo después de una acrobacia fallida (tenía un hueso intacto, el pulgar, pero se lo rompió al intentar darle un pulgar hacia arriba a Bart). Su bicicleta característica es la Suicycle y tiene su propia figura de acción completa con una ambulancia.

Carl Carlson

Carlton Carlson (voz de Harry Shearer en " Homer's Night Out " y " Brush with Greatness "; Hank Azaria desde la temporada 2 a la 31; [58] [59] [60] Alex Désert desde la temporada 32) [60] [ 61] [62] es amigo y compañero de trabajo de Homer (a veces identificado como su supervisor) en la Planta de Energía Nuclear y a menudo se lo ve con Lenny. Le gusta llamarse a sí mismo "un Lenny urbano". Asistió a la Universidad Springfield A&M .

Carl es un islandés -afroamericano, con una maestría en física nuclear , aficionado a los bolos y a beber en la taberna de Moe . Con frecuencia se dice que Carl es uno de los hombres más atractivos de Springfield; en " Principal Charming ", Homer concluye que Carl es demasiado atractivo para Selma . Según " Salvaron el cerebro de Lisa ", podría ser diabético , mientras que según "El padre que sabía demasiado poco" podría ser severamente esquizofrénico . En " Disculpe mientras extraño el cielo ", se reveló que Carl pasó al menos parte de su infancia en Islandia.

El episodio " La saga de Carl " cuenta su historia de origen y describe cómo fue criado en Islandia. El episodio incluye su reencuentro con sus padres islandeses, quienes lo adoptaron a una edad no especificada de una nación no especificada. La trama del episodio gira en torno a la maldición de la familia Carlson, que había empañado su reputación en Islandia durante siglos.

En las primeras temporadas, Carl rara vez se veía con Lenny y no tenía una voz consistente; en algunas ocasiones, se lo puede escuchar con la voz de Lenny y viceversa. Un ejemplo de Carl con la voz de Lenny es en " Brush with Greatness ". En un episodio de principios de 1991, " Principal Charming ", el nombre de Carl se escribe "Karl", la misma ortografía que se ve para un personaje no relacionado de la misma temporada.

Lenny y Carl son mejores amigos, ya que rara vez se los ve separados; sus otros amigos son Homer y clientes habituales de Moe's, incluidos Barney Gumble y Moe Szyslak. [63] Homer confunde repetidamente a Lenny y Carl, y se sorprende al enterarse en una ocasión de que Lenny es blanco y Carl es negro. Para guiarse, Homer tiene "Lenny = blanco, Carl = negro" en su mano. Una vez murmuró para sí mismo: "¿Es eso correcto?" mientras lo leía. [64] En " Helter Shelter ", Homer exclama: "¿Ese es Lenny? ¡Quería al negro!". Cuando el Sr. Burns aparece en un programa de radio en un intento de aumentar su popularidad en " Monty Can't Buy Me Love ", Homer le dice que tiene una lista de chistes que explican las diferencias entre las personas blancas y negras; Homer luego afirma: "Los blancos tienen nombres como Lenny, mientras que los negros tienen nombres como Carl".

Lenny y Carl trabajan en la planta de energía nuclear de Springfield junto a Homer Simpson. [65] Lenny y Carl juntos ocupan el sexto lugar en la lista de los 25 mejores personajes periféricos de Los Simpson de IGN . [66]

Cecil Terwilliger

Cecil Onderdonk Terwilliger (voz de David Hyde Pierce ) es el hermano menor de Robert Onderdonk Terwilliger, también conocido como Sideshow Bob . Su primera aparición fue en el episodio " Hermano de otra serie ", donde se reveló que Bob sólo consiguió el trabajo como actor secundario de Krusty hace diez años porque Cecil, que siempre había querido ser un animador infantil, no pasó su audición. Más tarde se convirtió en el "Ingeniero Hidrológico e Hidrodinámico Jefe" de Springfield , aunque planeaba hacer estallar la nueva presa hidroeléctrica que estaba construyendo, para que nadie supiera lo barata que era. Cecil se quedó con la mayor parte del dinero de la construcción para sí mismo, haciendo que pareciera que era su hermano. Sin embargo, Sideshow Bob, Lisa y Bart trabajaron juntos para frustrarlo con éxito. Finalmente, después de perder el dinero, Cecil intentó matar a Bart, lo que Bob nunca pudo, pero irónicamente, esto fue frustrado por el propio Bob. Su segunda aparición fue en el episodio " Funeral for a Fiend ", donde, tras la muerte de Robert, convenció a Bart de que fuera a su cremación. Sin embargo, resultó que Sideshow Bob falsificó todo el asunto en otro elaborado complot para matar a Bart.

Su voz es la de David Hyde Pierce, quien también interpreta al hermano menor del personaje de Kelsey Grammer, el actor de voz de Sideshow Bob, en Frasier . Los gestos de Cecil y su relación con su hermano también se basan vagamente en la relación de Niles y Frasier en Frasier . Cecil hace una tercera aparición en el episodio " O Brother, Where Bart Thou? ", donde él y Bob están felices volando cometas por un parque en el sueño de Bart de querer un hermano menor.

Cesar y Ugolin

Cesar (con la voz de Harry Shearer en la mayoría de las apariciones, Hank Azaria en "To Courier with Love") y Ugolin (con la voz de Dan Castellaneta ) son una pareja de sobrino y tío estereotípicos franceses que, en " The Crepes of Wrath ", convierten a Bart en un esclavo en su bodega "Chateau Maison" y ponen anticongelante en su vino .

En " Lisa la griega ", se les muestra brevemente viendo televisión en su apartamento.

En “ A Courier with Love ” son unos peleteros que intentan matar a una serpiente azul en peligro de extinción que Homer supuestamente les iba a enviar para pagar un viaje a Francia. Intentan capturarla por su cuenta y fracasan.

Sus nombres de personajes los toman de Cesar y Ugolin, personajes de las películas Jean de Florette y Manon des Sources .


Charlie (con la voz de Dan Castellaneta ) trabaja en la planta de energía nuclear de Springfield como el "Supervisor de emisiones peligrosas". Debido a que informó sobre graves violaciones de seguridad (incluida una puerta de salida de emergencia pintada), fue reemplazado brevemente por Mindy Simmons , pero ella fue despedida después debido al alcoholismo y al comportamiento disruptivo. Su primera aparición fue en " Life on the Fast Lane ". Estuvo brevemente sin trabajo debido a una lesión laboral no identificada, donde cobró una compensación laboral ; sin embargo, episodios futuros lo muestran de regreso al trabajo. [67] [68] Tiene esposa y dos hijos, [69] así como una hermana con una pierna de madera (que Charlie usó como bate de la suerte). [70] En " The Trouble with Trillions ", Charlie le dice a Homer (que está trabajando de forma encubierta) que tiene planes de invadir el gobierno estadounidense debido a su estancamiento en hacer disponible la televisión de alta definición ; pronto es arrestado por agentes del FBI por conspiración .

Dan Castellaneta dijo que hizo "una imitación de Lenny " para la voz. [71]


Chase , también conocido como Pyro , (con la voz de Hank Azaria ) es un gladiador estadounidense . Es una parodia del gladiador Nitro de la vida real y aparece por primera vez en el episodio " A Milhouse Divided ", saliendo con Luann después de su divorcio. Su relación termina cuando ella es atrapada engañándola con su propio mejor amigo, Gladiator Gyro.

También aparece en " Wild Barts Can't Be Broken ", " Mom and Pop Art ", " Alone Again, Natura-Diddily ", " It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Marge ", " Day of the Jackanapes ", " A Star Is Born Again " y " The Bart of War ".

Jefe Wiggum

Cletus Spuckler

Cletus Del Roy Montfort Bigglesworth Spuckler (con la voz de Hank Azaria ), [72] comúnmente llamado Cletus the Slack-Jawed Yokel , es el estereotipo hillbilly residente de Springfield y habla con acento del sur de los Estados Unidos . Por lo general, se lo representa con una camisa blanca sin mangas y jeans azules . [72]

Fue nombrado séptimo en el Top 25 de personajes periféricos de Los Simpsons de IGN . [66]

Cletus fue presentado durante la quinta temporada del programa, en " Bart Gets an Elephant ", como uno de los " paletos boquiabiertos " que miraban boquiabiertos al elefante de Bart , Stampy. La voz de Cletus es un poco más grave en esta aparición inicial que en episodios posteriores. Él, al igual que el Capitán de Mar antes que él, era el personaje al que recurrían para reírse rápidamente en el programa y es uno de los favoritos del personal. Hizo varias apariciones genéricas en el programa antes de que le dieran su primer nombre en " Home Sweet Homediddly-Dum-Doodily ".

La baja inteligencia de Cletus suele retratarse como resultado de la endogamia y, ocasionalmente, se hacen bromas que hacen referencia a que su pareja Brandine está emparentada con él. Se ha sugerido que Brandine es la madre y la hermana de Cletus. Se muestra que los dos tienen una gran cantidad de hijos con nombres estereotípicos de "hillbilly" y aumentan su familia casualmente. En el episodio " Apocalypse Cow ", una de sus muchas hijas, Mary, recibió una vaca de Bart, que Bart quería que Mary cuidara. Cletus confundió esto con una propuesta y casi los casó. Se dice que tiene 70 hijos, [73] al menos 45 de los cuales han sido nombrados en episodios.

El primer nombre Cletus proviene del entrenador de béisbol de las ligas menores de la infancia del escritor Jeff Martin en Houston , Texas. [74]

Su apellido aparece como "Del Roy" en el episodio " Detrás de la risa ". En " Marge vs. Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples and Teens, and Gays ", su nombre aparece como "Cletus Spuckler" en un reportaje de noticias. En los episodios " Sweet and Sour Marge " y " Yokel Hero ", firma su nombre como Cletus Spuckler.

Entrenador Lugash

El entrenador Lugash (con la voz de Dan Castellaneta ) es un profesor de gimnasia que entrenó a Lisa en los episodios " Children of a Lesser Clod " y " Little Girl in the Big Ten ". Tiene problemas de ira y luego hace breves apariciones. La profesora de gimnasia de la escuela primaria de Springfield, Brunella Pommelhorst, menciona que desertó a Alemania del Este desde el Oeste .

Entrenador Krupt

El entrenador Krupt (con la voz de Hank Azaria ) es el profesor de gimnasia en la escuela primaria de Springfield después de que la señorita Pummelhorst se fuera para someterse a una operación de cambio de sexo. Está obsesionado con el juego Bombardment y lo juega sin descanso, lo que se refleja en su vida personal cuando, mientras cena en Gilded Truffle, arroja panecillos al jardinero Wille (que trabaja allí como camarero) y grita "bombardment" cuando hace el pedido. Se lo puede ver en " How the Test Was Won " de la temporada 20 entrenando a los estudiantes para sus exámenes estandarizados y arrojando pelotas de goma a los que dan respuestas incorrectas y desde entonces ha hecho pequeños cameos en episodios posteriores. Tiene esposa, hija e hijo. [ cita requerida ]

El chico del cómic

Galletas Kwan

Cookie Kwan (con la voz de Tress MacNeille ) es una corredora de bienes raíces asiático-estadounidense que aparece por primera vez en el episodio " Realty Bites ". Es la típica mujer competitiva con un marcado acento asiático que ha estado tratando de perder desde que era niña. [75] Se promociona a sí misma como la "número uno en el West Side", aunque también trabaja en el East Side. [75] Es muy agresiva con cualquiera que considere una amenaza para su negocio, como lo demuestra cuando amenaza a Gil Gunderson. [75] Una vez intentó seducir a Ned Flanders, [76] tuvo un hijo ilegítimo con el alcalde Quimby, [77] y ha coqueteado con Homer. [78] Es amiga de Lindsey Naegle. [78] Es republicana. [79] MacNeille la interpreta con un fuerte y duro acento chino estereotipado. [ cita requerida ]

El conde Drácula

El Conde Drácula (con la voz de Hank Azaria en apariciones posteriores y de Dan Castellaneta en apariciones tempranas) es un vampiro basado en el personaje del mismo nombre . A menudo se lo ve como miembro del Partido Republicano de Springfield, como un vampiro de piel blanca y traje y capa negros.

Vaquero Bob

Cowboy Bob (con la voz de Albert Brooks en "The Call of the Simpsons", Dan Castellaneta en "Mobile Homer") es un vendedor de vehículos recreativos con sombrero de vaquero que apareció por primera vez en " The Call of the Simpsons ". Bob trabaja en Bob's RV Roundup, pero afirma que no es el dueño del lugar, aunque esto podría ser parte de su discurso de ventas, dada la forma en que se lo dice a Homer. Es un típico vendedor agresivo que se las arregla para venderle a Homer un viejo vehículo recreativo barato debido a su falta de fondos financieros. Cowboy Bob aparece en los episodios " The Call of the Simpsons ", " Bart Gets an 'F' " , " When Flanders Failed ", " Mobile Homer " y " Yellow Subterfuge ". También tiene un pequeño papel en Los Simpson: La película .

La loca de los gatos

Eleanor Abernathy [80] [81] (con la voz de Tress MacNeille [3] ), mejor conocida como la Loca de los Gatos , [ 82] es una mujer con la apariencia y el comportamiento de una acaparadora de animales con problemas mentales estereotipados . Aparece por primera vez en " Girly Edition ". Abernathy siempre está rodeada de una gran cantidad de gatos, y en cada aparición, grita galimatías o arroja gatos a los transeúntes. [83] Ella le da a Lisa uno de sus gatos, Snowball V, que se parece exactamente a su Snowball II original . [84] A pesar de parecer mayor por su cabello blanco y su apariencia descuidada, tiene la misma edad que Marge, Homer y Moe. [80]

Abernathy fue una vez una joven brillante y vibrante cuyos sueños tuvieron un final trágico. Cuando tenía ocho años, Abernathy quería ser médica y abogada, ya que creía que una mujer puede ser lo que quiera si se lo propone. A los 16 años, comenzó a estudiar derecho y a los 24 obtuvo un título en derecho de la Facultad de Derecho de Yale y un título en medicina de la Facultad de Medicina de Harvard . Lamentablemente, ocho años después, cuando cumplió 32, Abernathy sufrió de agotamiento psicológico, se volvió alcohólica y buscó consuelo en su gato mascota. En el presente, la joven doctora/abogada que alguna vez fue prometedora ahora se ha convertido en una lunática delirante que acumula gatos. [85] Abernathy vuelve brevemente a su cordura y alta inteligencia gracias a unas pastillas que le muestra a los Simpsons, pero después de que Marge señala que las pastillas son en realidad caramelos Reese's Pieces , Abernathy reanuda abruptamente su comportamiento trastornado. [86] Cuando participa en una elección para alcalde, discute lúcidamente temas como la atención médica, la economía y la educación pública, entre gritos y galimatías. [80]

En el episodio " Eeny Teeny Maya Moe ", Abernathy revela que una vez tuvo un gato con Moe Szyslak después de que él dice que "hay un tipo mucho más espeluznante justo a mi lado" desde una computadora de la biblioteca pública. Ella grita "¡Sabes que soy una mujer!" y también que su gato tenía gatitos; luego proclama que "¡Estos son tuyos!" y locamente le arroja tres gatos. También se la ve en " The Blue and the Gray " coqueteando (e intercambiando animales) con otra persona con enfermedad mental que tiene perros, a quien se le apodó cariñosamente "Crazy Dog Man". En el episodio " A Midsummer's Nice Dream ", se muestra que Abernathy es una acaparadora. Después de que Marge la ayuda a limpiar su casa, comienza a hablar con normalidad y a usar ropa adecuada. Más tarde, en un intento de solucionar el nuevo problema de acaparamiento de Marge, Abernathy vuelve a ser la misma loca que siempre fue, recupera toda la basura acumulada y llama a sus gatos para que regresen con ella. [87]

En el episodio " Monty Burns' Fleeing Circus ", Abernathy demuestra que tiene una voz con calidad de ópera.

Trituradora y Lowblow

Joey "Crusher" (con la voz de Hank Azaria ) y Lowblow (con la voz de Dan Castellaneta ) son un par de secuaces estereotipados que a menudo se encuentran en el empleo de Montgomery Burns , ya que prefiere el contacto directo que solo se obtiene con matones a sueldo. La primera aparición de Crusher fue en el episodio de la segunda temporada " Blood Feud ", donde se lo ve escoltando a Homer fuera de las instalaciones de la planta de energía nuclear de Springfield . Los dos parecen tener una relación de nombre de pila, ya que Homer lo llama Joey . Su primera aparición juntos fue en el episodio " Última salida a Springfield ", cuando los dos secuestran a Homer y lo llevan a Burns Manor para que el Sr. Burns pueda hablar con él. Se presentan como "matones a sueldo". Crusher y Lowblow rara vez tenían papeles con diálogo y a menudo eran utilizados como secuaces del Sr. Burns (y los secuaces de El abogado de cabello azul, como se ve al comienzo de "Lisa, la reina de belleza" y en varias escenas de "El amante de Lady Bouvier").

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Base de datos

Database (con la voz alternativa de Nancy Cartwright , Tress MacNeille y Pamela Hayden ; nombre real Kyle según " Yellow Subterfuge ") es un estudiante nerd que asiste a la escuela primaria de Springfield . Apareció por primera vez en el episodio " Bart's Comet " como miembro de "los Súper Amigos". Desde entonces ha tenido papeles con diálogo en varios episodios. Por lo general, se lo ve con su compañero nerd Martin Prince. Database es un objetivo común para Nelson , Dolph, Jimbo y Kearney. Database es parte del grupo de chicos que invaden Shelbyville en " Lemon of Troy ". Es uno de los Pre-Teen Braves en el episodio " The Bart of War ". Es miembro de la banda de la escuela, como se ve en " The PTA Disbands ". Database es conocido por su molesta voz de nerd que es proporcionada por Nancy Cartwright . El padre de Database se muestra en " Lemon of Troy ", aunque no pronuncia ningún diálogo y solo está en el fondo. [88] Matt Groening ha declarado que Database es su personaje menos favorito del programa. [89]

Dave Shutton

Dave Shutton (con la voz de Harry Shearer [4] ) es un reportero de The Springfield Shopper . El escritor John Swartzwelder nombró a Shutton en honor a un amigo suyo. [90] Su primera aparición fue en " Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish ".

Desde entonces, sus papeles han perdido relevancia y se han reducido a apariciones breves. Según " Who Shot Mr. Burns? (Part Two) ", a Kent Brockman no le gusta Dave Shutton y piensa que es poco profesional. [91] [92] [93]

Declan Desmond

Declan Desmond (con la voz de Eric Idle ) es un documentalista inglés extraño y escéptico que ha dirigido varias películas, entre ellas Do You Want Lies with That?, American Boneheads: A Day In The Life Of Springfield Elementary , Growing Up Springfield , Ain't No Mountain: A Blind Man Climbs Everest y The Spy Who Learned Me . Growing Up Springfield es su documental más notable. Sigue las vidas de los habitantes de Springfield, comenzando cuando estaban en tercer grado y continuando cada ocho años. Desmond apareció en los episodios " 'Scuse Me While I Miss the Sky " y " Fat Man and Little Boy " y su serie Growing Up Springfield apareció en el episodio " Springfield Up ". Un documental dirigido por él apareció en " The Spy Who Learned Me ".

El personaje parece estar basado vagamente en el director británico Michael Apted , conocido por su serie Up de documentales que siguen a grupos de individuos a medida que envejecen.

Dewey Largo

Dewey Largo (con la voz de Harry Shearer ) es el profesor de música , a quien Lisa le atribuye el mérito de demostrar que a cualquier pieza musical se le puede extraer el alma. Como la mayoría del personal de la escuela primaria de Springfield, Largo ha perdido hace mucho tiempo toda pasión por su trabajo como director y ya no le importan la creatividad ni la música. Siempre se lo ve en la secuencia de apertura, enseñando a su clase y echando a Lisa de su clase de banda cuando ella toca una melodía en su saxofón. Su apellido, Largo , también es una palabra italiana para un tempo musical lento y amplio , [94] probablemente una referencia al hecho de que puede hacer que cualquier pieza musical sea poco interesante. Es un amante de la música de John Philip Sousa y se muestra incrédulo cuando Lisa sugiere que la banda de la escuela toque algo diferente. [ cita requerida ] Sin embargo, parece tener cierto aprecio por el talento musical de Lisa, como se muestra cuando aconseja a su reemplazo que "solo enseñe al que tiene la cabeza de estrella de mar y estará bien".

No ha jugado un papel importante en la serie, pero originalmente estaba destinado a ser un contraste tenso para Lisa y sus formas inconformistas. Después de las primeras temporadas, el Sr. Largo rara vez fue visto. Sin embargo, desde entonces ha resurgido como un personaje recurrente en la decimoséptima temporada, haciendo apariciones en varios episodios posteriores. En el episodio " Homer's Paternity Coot ", se revela que Largo fue aceptado en la Juilliard School , pero nunca recibió la carta porque estaba congelada en la cima del Monte Springfield. Terminó en la Primaria de Springfield en su lugar. En " Elementary School Musical " de la temporada 22, después de asistir a un campamento de artes escénicas, el Sr. Largo le advierte a Lisa que también asistió a uno cuando era niño, y que solo "llenan tu cabeza con sueños de caramelo que no pueden hacerse realidad". Un chiste recurrente desde el episodio de la temporada 17 " See Homer Run ", son las alusiones a que Largo es gay. En el episodio de la temporada 22, " Flaming Moe ", se confirmó que Largo es gay y tiene una relación con un hombre mayor, también llamado Dewey. En " Eeny Teeny Maya Moe ", el Dr. Nick hace que Largo sea más pequeño por error, en lugar de Moe . Se da a entender que el Dr. Nick estaba a punto de realizarle a Moe la operación de cambio de sexo que originalmente estaba destinada a Largo, ya que se le escucha gritar: "¡No me parezco en nada a Julie Newmar !". En el episodio de la temporada 30, " Girl's in the Band ", se lo muestra con un compañero llamado Geoffrey, que aparece junto a él en episodios posteriores. " My Fair Laddy " revela que se lo considera el segundo empleado menos importante de la escuela después de Willie, ya que es degradado a jardinero después de que Willie se va. [ cita requerida ]

Discoteca Stu

Disco Stu , cuyo verdadero nombre es Stuart Discothèque [95] (con la voz de Hank Azaria ), es un hombre que está mentalmente atrapado en la era disco . [96] Normalmente se lo representa con un traje informal con incrustaciones de diamantes de imitación . Stu fue presentado como el remate de un chiste en " Two Bad Neighbors ". En una venta de artículos usados , Homer intenta vender una chaqueta en la que una vez había intentado escribir "Disco Stud" con diamantes de imitación , pero como había hecho las letras demasiado grandes, no tenía espacio para la "d" final. Después de que Marge comenta que nadie querría comprar una chaqueta que dijera "Disco Stu", otro cliente se la recomienda a Stu, pero Stu responde: "Disco Stu no hace publicidad ". [96]

El patrón de habla de Stu es similar al de Duffman, también con la voz de Hank Azaria ; habla en tercera persona , a menudo refiriéndose a sí mismo como "Disco Stu" (enfatizando "Stu" y luego haciendo una pausa antes de decir algo más; lo que sigue generalmente rima con "Stu"). Según " How I Spent My Strummer Vacation ", Stu en realidad es consciente de que la música disco está muerta, no le gusta la música disco en absoluto y le preocupa que su personalidad pueda convertirlo en un "tipo de una sola nota". Su breve matrimonio con Selma Bouvier fue anulado por el Papa Juan Pablo II . [97] [98] En " How I Wet Your Mother ", el profesor Frink crea un dispositivo que permite a las personas ingresar a los sueños de otros. Afirmó que ya había usado el dispositivo "para curar a otro Springfielder de su obsesión particular", momento en el que Stu entra en escena con pantalones caqui y una camisa con cuello diciendo: "Al Stu normal le gustan las cosas normales". En " Homer Scissorhands ", Stu es visto asistiendo a un baile solo, diciendo que su novia no se siente bien. Luego se la ve llegar del brazo de Krusty el Payaso . En el episodio " Springfield Up ", se revela que en sus años de juventud, tuvo una carrera en ciernes como capitán de barco, con el nombre de "Nautical Stu", y solo encuentra la alegría de la música disco cuando Marge pone algo mientras le toma la foto para su licencia de capitán.

El productor ejecutivo Bill Oakley describió al Disco Stu original como "un John Travolta viejo y arrugado ". Originalmente, Stu iba a tener la voz de la estrella invitada Phil Hartman . Sin embargo, cuando los animadores remodelaron el personaje, Hartman no estaba disponible para doblar la voz, por lo que Hank Azaria se hizo cargo del papel. [99] De 25, IGN nombró a Stu como el 24.º personaje secundario más importante de Los Simpson . [100]

Doctor Coloso

El Doctor Hector von Colossus (con la voz de Hank Azaria ) es un supervillano y científico loco que reside en Springfield. Tiene la piel de color azul claro y viste una bata de laboratorio blanca , guantes y gafas protectoras. El Doctor Colossus es un personaje secundario y, por lo general, solo aparece en segundo plano.

El personaje apareció por primera vez en el episodio " Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy " como uno de los ex maridos de Stacy Lovell.

En los cómics de Los Simpson , el Doctor Coloso es el archienemigo del Profesor Frink. Su nombre completo fue revelado en la serie de cómics de Bart Simpson.

Dolph Shapiro

Dolph Shapiro , anteriormente conocido como Dolph Starbeam [101] (con la voz de Tress MacNeille en la mayoría de las apariciones, Pamela Hayden en " The Telltale Head " y " New Kid on the Block ") es un matón y estudiante de la Escuela Primaria de Springfield que es uno de los amigos de Jimbo Jones. Dolph es reconocido por su corte de pelo asimétrico que cubre un ojo; usa pantalones cortos y zapatillas de baloncesto. Hizo su primera aparición en el episodio " The Telltale Head ". [102] En un episodio posterior, se revela que es judío y va a la Escuela Hebrea después de la escuela primaria, donde se está preparando para su bar mitzvah , un evento que se lleva a cabo para niños judíos al cumplir 13 años, aunque se había establecido previamente que tiene 14 años. [103]

Drederick Tatum

Drederick Tatum (con la voz de Hank Azaria desde la temporada 2 a la 31; Jay Pharoah desde la temporada 33) ha aparecido en varios episodios. Es un boxeador profesional y el actual campeón mundial de boxeo de peso pesado . Aparece de forma destacada en el episodio " The Homer They Fall ", en el que Homer empieza a boxear y se presenta como oponente de Tatum, que pronto será liberado de prisión. La pelea resulta unilateral, y Homer es rescatado por Moe justo cuando Tatum está a punto de dejarlo inconsciente. Tatum creció en Springfield, pero en " Flaming Moe's " llama a la ciudad "un basurero" y dice "si alguna vez me ves allí, sabes que realmente [censurado] estoy muy mal".

El medallista de oro olímpico de 1984 , se convirtió en campeón mundial por primera vez después de derrotar a Watson en la muy promocionada "Bout to Knock the Other Guy Out", una pelea que Homer y sus amigos vieron en su conexión de cable ilegal . Era tan temido dentro de la prisión, que podía detener los disturbios con solo decirles a los alborotadores que "se callaran". Tatum también aparece en " Bye Bye Nerdie ", en la que Lisa lo frota con sudor de nerd, lo que obliga a Nelson Muntz a levantarse involuntariamente y comenzar a golpear a Tatum y darle un calzón chino , con poco efecto. Un sollozante Nelson intenta disculparse, pero Tatum se arremanga y declara "me dejas poco recurso".

Tatum es una parodia de Mike Tyson , con una voz aguda y ceceante, un comportamiento amenazador, antecedentes penales , problemas financieros y una tendencia a hablar de una manera sorprendentemente formal ("Insisto en que desistas", "tu comportamiento es inconcebible"). En el episodio "Highway to Well", incluso luce un tatuaje facial parecido al de Tyson. También tiene un manager sin escrúpulos llamado Lucius Sweet que se parece mucho al promotor y manager de Tyson, Don King . De hecho, en " The Homer They Fall ", Homer señala que Sweet "es tan rico y famoso como Don King, y se parece a él". Se les pidió a King y Tyson que aparecieran en el episodio, pero declinaron. Paul Winfield , que interpretó a King en una película biográfica de Tyson de 1995 , asumió el papel en su lugar. Otro episodio lo muestra en el papel de un patrocinador de una empresa de zapatos que es extremadamente sincero, describiendo los zapatos como "feos como el trasero" antes de afirmar con pesar "Mi franqueza "es mi perdición".


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Edward "Eddie" (con la voz de Harry Shearer [4] ) es uno de los oficiales de policía de Springfield . Apareció por primera vez en el episodio de la primera temporada " No hay desgracia como el hogar ". [104] Al igual que Lou, no tiene apellido.

En " Bart vs. Acción de Gracias ", Eddie fue animado con la voz de Lou y Lou fue animado con la de Eddie. [105]

Edna Krabappel

Elizabeth Hoover

Elizabeth Hoover (voz de Maggie Roswell , suplente de Marcia Mitzman Gaven ) es una maestra de segundo grado en la escuela primaria de Springfield. En los primeros episodios, la señorita Hoover parecía orgullosa de tener una estudiante tan brillante como Lisa en su clase. Sin embargo, en temporadas posteriores parece que se ha desgastado por sus años en el sistema escolar público y, en " Lisa obtiene una 'A' " , da a entender que bebe con frecuencia durante el almuerzo.

En el episodio " La sustituta de Lisa ", pensó que tenía la enfermedad de Lyme . Es muy apática y se aburre con su trabajo. A menudo se la ve fumando incluso mientras da clases, una vez incluso bajo un cartel de "No fumar" en el salón de actos. Sus intentos desesperados por recuperar su estabilidad incluyen salir corriendo de clase para recitar "Tranquilo océano azul, tranquilo océano azul" con los ojos cerrados, subirse a su coche y marcharse en dos ocasiones, e incluso dejar que Ralph imparta la clase después de que le concedieran la titularidad y, por tanto, fuera libre de hacer casi lo que quisiera.

Marcia Mitzman Gaven sustituyó a Elizabeth Hoover cuando Maggie Roswell estuvo involucrada en una disputa salarial.

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Fall out boy

En la serie, Fallout Boy (con las voces de Dan Castellaneta y Harry Shearer ) aparece por primera vez en una película serializada de Radioactive Man de los años 50 que se muestra en una convención de cómics en el episodio " Three Men and a Comic Book ". Sin embargo, a diferencia de muchos personajes de Los Simpson , solo ha hecho un puñado de apariciones desde entonces. Si bien Radioactive Man es una parodia amplia de muchos superhéroes, que obviamente contiene elementos de Batman y Superman (y el cómic incorpora una historia de origen similar a Hulk de Marvel ), entre otros, Fallout Boy es principalmente una parodia de Robin (con su disfraz, referencias como el "pupilo joven" de Radioactive Man, y su edad más joven y su estado de compañero) con elementos de Spider-Man (su origen ficticio de cómic, por ejemplo). Su eslogan es "¡Jiminy Jillickers!".

Fallout Boy también aparece en un cómic de la vida real titulado Radioactive Man , publicado por Bongo Comics (un cómic creado en parte por Matt Groening , el creador de Los Simpson ). En estos cómics, el verdadero nombre de Fallout Boy es Rod Runtledge, tiene un hermano llamado Dodd. Viven en Zenith City. Rod es un nerd de la escuela secundaria que vive con su tía, la tía June. Fallout Boy era un ratón de biblioteca promedio, hasta que un día, estaba en una demostración de Radioactive, donde se encontró con Claude Kane. Una gran pieza de maquinaria cayó hacia ellos. Claude agarró a Rod y saltó sobre la barandilla, Claude se aferró a la máquina. La máquina cobró vida y cuando el rayo atravesó a Claude, quien se convirtió en Radioactive Man, golpeó a Rod. Rod luego obtuvo una versión en tamaño pinta de los poderes de Radioactive Man y se convirtió en Fallout Boy.

En el episodio " Radioactive Man ", Milhouse fue elegido sobre Bart para interpretar a Fallout Boy en la película Radioactive Man que se filmará en Springfield.

La banda de rock Fall Out Boy tomó su nombre de este personaje. [106]

Tony el gordo

Francesca Terwilliger

Francesca Terwilliger (voz de Maria Grazia Cucinotta en "The Italian Bob", Tress MacNeille en "Funeral for a Friend") está casada con Robert Onderdonk Terwilliger, más conocido como Sideshow Bob . Aparece por primera vez en el episodio de la temporada 17 " The Italian Bob ", cuando Sideshow Bob se mudó a Italia para alejarse de Bart y comenzar de nuevo. Se convirtió en alcalde de un pequeño pueblo de la Toscana y se casó con Francesca, con quien tuvo un hijo llamado Gino, aunque Sideshow Bob nunca le contó a ella, ni a nadie, sobre su pasado asesino. Sin embargo, cuando los Simpson visitaron Italia, Lisa se emborrachó en una fiesta y le contó a todo el pueblo las cosas que había hecho. Después de ser expulsado de su pueblo, Bob juró una vendetta contra los Simpson, que Francesca alentó, diciendo que traían deshonra a toda la familia. Ella ayudó a su esposo a intentar (y fallar) matarlos en el Coliseo .

Su segunda aparición se produce en el episodio de la temporada 19 " Funeral for a Fiend ", en el que Sideshow Bob finge su propia muerte en un complicado complot para matar a Bart.

Frank Grimes

Franklin "Frank" A. Grimes Sr. (voz de Hank Azaria ), a quien en ocasiones se hace referencia como "Grimey" para su disgusto, era un hombre común y corriente de 35 años y un profesional consumado que había luchado durante toda una vida de dificultades. Grimes hace su única aparición canónica en la serie en " Homer's Enemy ", en la que es un nuevo empleado en la planta de energía. A lo largo del episodio, el profesionalismo de Grimes se contrasta repetidamente con la idiotez, la glotonería y la pereza de Homer Simpson , lo que hace que Grimes se sienta cada vez más frustrado y enojado con Homer. Fiel al nombre del episodio, Grimes finalmente declara a Homer su enemigo después de que su compañero de trabajo lo mete en serios problemas con su nuevo jefe, el Sr. Burns. Después de varios intentos fallidos de exponer la estupidez e irresponsabilidad de Homer, Grimes hace un último intento engañando a Homer para que participe en un concurso de diseño de plantas de energía nuclear destinado a niños. Después de que Homer es declarado ganador, Grimes se enoja, declarando que él también puede ser tan vago y estúpido como Homer, y debería poder salirse con la suya tal como lo hace Homer. Mientras corre como un loco por la planta, Grimes, declarando que no necesita guantes de seguridad, agarra dos cables de alto voltaje y es electrocutado fatalmente. Como un insulto final involuntario, Homer duerme durante el funeral y divierte a los dolientes reunidos con su insensibilidad, quienes se ríen mientras bajan el ataúd de Grimes. Grimes ha sido mencionado en varios episodios posteriores, primero en " Natural Born Kissers ", donde Homer encuentra un viejo panfleto del funeral de Grimes. Años después de que se emitiera el episodio, los productores del programa dijeron que Frank Grimes estaba destinado a ser un experimento único para que una persona normal, ordinaria y realista ingresara al universo de Los Simpson; la caída de Frank reflejó el hecho de que una persona real no podría sobrevivir en este tipo de mundo.

En " La casa-árbol del terror XII ", Grimes es una de las caras del Muro de los Lamentos. Su lápida aparece en " Otra vez solo, Natura-Diddily " y también fue pateado por Homer en " Mi madre, la ladrona de autos ".

Su supuesto hijo Frank Grimes Jr. buscó vengar la muerte de su padre matando a Homer en " El gran detective piojoso ".

En el episodio no canónico de la temporada veintiocho "Treehouse of Horror XXVII", el fantasma de Frank Grimes aparece como parte del ejército de enemigos de los Simpsons de Sideshow Bob . [107] [108]

Su lápida también se puede ver en la nueva secuencia de apertura del programa (durante el recorrido por la ciudad desde Marge y Maggie en el auto hasta el frente de la casa de los Simpson, se puede ver a Ralph Wiggum jugando en la tierra frente a la lápida).

Frankie el chivato

Frankie the Squealer (voz de Dan Castellaneta ) es un miembro de la mafia y socio de Fat Tony. Sin embargo, no parece ser muy útil para sus colegas en la actividad criminal debido a su hábito incontrolable de chivarse . En varias ocasiones, la mafia ha intentado matarlo por chivarse, aunque repetidamente no han tenido éxito. Frankie apareció por primera vez en el episodio " Insane Clown Poppy ", donde se presentan sus hábitos de chivarse después de que se delata a sí mismo por chivarse.

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Gil Gunderson

Gil Gunderson , también conocido como Ol' Gil (con la voz de Dan Castellaneta [39] ), apareció por primera vez en el episodio de la novena temporada " Realty Bites " como un agente de bienes raíces con Red Blazer Realty de Lionel Hutz . [109] Es una parodia de la interpretación del actor Jack Lemmon de Shelley Levene en la adaptación cinematográfica de 1992 de la obra Glengarry Glen Ross . [109] (El propio Lemmon prestó su voz a un personaje similar a Levene en el episodio de la octava temporada " The Twisted World of Marge Simpson "). [110] El showrunner Mike Scully dijo que los escritores pensaron que Gil sería "algo de una sola toma". [111] "Castellaneta fue tan divertido en la lectura de la mesa haciendo el personaje [que] seguimos inventando excusas en episodios posteriores para ponerlo", dijo Scully. [109] El escritor Dan Greaney dijo que fue una gran parodia de Levene hacer que Gil estuviera más desesperado de lo que estaba. Aun así, a los escritores les gusta escribir sobre Gil con "un poco del viejo brillo" que aún queda en él. [112]

Desde el retiro del personaje Lionel Hutz (después de la muerte del actor de voz Phil Hartman ), Gil ha estado trabajando como abogado de los Simpsons en episodios posteriores, aunque ha aparecido en ese papel con mucha menos frecuencia que Lionel (la mayoría de las escenas en las que uno de los Simpsons está en la corte han convertido a su abogado en una figura anónima o simplemente lo han ignorado). El historial laboral de Gil incluye muchos trabajos de ventas sin éxito, un puesto en el que cometió un robo y fue arrestado por el IRS por ello, otro trabajo en el que perdió toda la nómina de la empresa en un casino de Las Vegas y un período en 2009 cuando fue contratado por el Departamento de Policía de Springfield después de que pudo liberar al Jefe Wiggum después de que se esposara a su escritorio. Siempre lo despiden, a menudo por ser simplemente incompetente, pero a veces por mala suerte (perdió su trabajo como Santa Claus en Costington's cuando se negó a aceptar una muñeca Stacey de Malibú, que le dio a Lisa para que la nieta del director ejecutivo pudiera tenerla, y Marge lo despide de su tienda de sándwiches Mother Hubbard's sin ninguna razón real). Su forma de vender es desastrosa, ya que suele ser muy inseguro, naturalmente torpe y tiende a parecer necesitado, especialmente porque casi siempre se refiere a sí mismo en tercera persona, como "Ol' Gil". La única vez que lo han despedido por algo ilegal o a propósito fue revelada en el episodio " ¿Sueñan los Pizza Bots con guitarras eléctricas ?", siendo arrestado (y despedido) por tráfico de cocaína. En " Natural Born Kissers " se mencionó que Gil vive en un globo, y se lo ve en "Rise of the Guardians" señalando que reside en el sistema de alcantarillado de la ciudad. En 2006, " Kill Gil, Volumes I & II ", el único episodio centrado en Gil, ganó un premio del Writers Guild of America en la categoría de animación. [113] También se revela en los episodios de Los Simpson que ahora es abuelo y se lo ve con su nieta en la guardería. En el estreno de la temporada 34 "Habeas Tortoise", Gil y la señorita Hoover se enamoran y se casan.

Gino Terwilliger

Gino Terwilliger (voz de Tress MacNeille ) es el hijo pequeño de Sideshow Bob y su esposa Francesca. Tiene el mismo pelo extraño que su padre y su abuela paterna, así como el mismo odio por Bart Simpson . Aparece por primera vez en el episodio " El Bob italiano ", cuando Sideshow Bob se mudó a Italia para comenzar una nueva vida, sin que nadie supiera, ni siquiera su propia familia, sobre su historia asesina. Es decir, hasta que Lisa se emborrachó en una fiesta y le contó todo a todo el pueblo, a pesar de que la familia Simpson había prometido no mencionar nada desde que Bob arregló su auto. Los Simpson huyen del pueblo, con Gino y sus padres persiguiéndolos. Cuando finalmente acorralan a los Simpson en el Coliseo , se ve a Gino extremadamente ágil y hábil con un cuchillo, además de tener gusto por la violencia; tanto es así, de hecho, que se escucha a Bob susurrarle a Francesca: "No quiero presumir, pero es malvado a un nivel de octavo grado". Desafortunadamente para él, fueron salvados por Krusty , quien necesitaba algunas personas para ayudarlo a contrabandear antigüedades . Gino hace su segunda aparición en el episodio " Funeral for a Fiend ", donde se menciona que después de salir de Italia, él y sus padres recorrieron Londres por un tiempo antes de colarse en Estados Unidos en un tren. Él y todos los demás miembros de la familia de Bob participaron en un complicado plan para acabar con Bart para siempre. Sin embargo, fueron frustrados por Lisa Simpson y fueron arrestados por el Jefe Wiggum .


Gloria Dickson (con la voz de Julia Louis-Dreyfus ) es la novia de Snake . Es una inspectora de parquímetros . Aparece por primera vez en " A Hunka Hunka Burns in Love ", saliendo con el Sr. Burns . Ella termina dejándolo para regresar con su ex novio Snake. Gloria visita a Snake en prisión en " I Don't Wanna Know Why the Caged Bird Sings ", y se niega a hacer lo que él le pide.

Aparece una vez más en " Sexo, pasteles y idiotas ", donde ahora está embarazada. Sin embargo, en " Homer y Lisa intercambian palabras cruzadas ", ella y Snake han roto. Luego, en " Boda por desastre ", Gloria y Snake volvieron a estar juntos y aparentemente se casaron.


Dios (con la voz de Harry Shearer ) ha tenido muchas apariciones en la serie, incluyendo " My Way or the Highway to Heaven ", " Homer the Heretic ", " Thank God, It's Doomsday " y " Pray Anything ". También aparece en la secuencia de apertura. Es retratado en la representación tradicional del dios abrahámico : un hombre de cabello gris con una túnica blanca y una voz resonante. En la mayoría de los episodios, solo se ve su barba. Una de las características distintivas de Dios es que él y Jesús son los únicos dos personajes de Los Simpson dibujados con cinco dedos en cada mano y cinco dedos en cada pie. Según el showrunner Al Jean , " Los Simpson es uno de los pocos programas de televisión donde Dios no solo es muy real, sino que es una especie de Dios vengativo del Antiguo Testamento ".


Grady Little (voz de Scott Thompson ) es el amante de Julio. En " Three Gays of the Condo ", Marge encuentra una nota que dice que quería dejar a Homer antes de casarse. Esto molesta a Homer y encuentra un nuevo lugar para vivir. Julio y Grady necesitaban una tercera persona en el apartamento. Él acepta quedarse con ellos. Más tarde, Homer vuelve a amar a Marge; se muda. Antes de que Homer se mude, se revela que Grady ama a Homer. Homer huye diciendo "¡Solo te haré daño!"

Grady y Julio hacen pequeñas apariciones en varios otros episodios.

Abuelo Simpson

El jardinero Willie

Greta Wolfcastle

Greta Wolfcastle (con la voz de Reese Witherspoon en “ The Bart Wants What It Wants ” y Tress MacNeille en “ Treehouse of Horror XXXII ”) es la hija de la estrella de películas de acción Rainier Wolfcastle. Apareció por primera vez en “ The Bart Wants What It Wants ” cuando Milhouse se enamora de ella, pero Bart sale con ella en su lugar. Después de que Bart decidiera que se estaba volviendo demasiado necesitado, los dos se separaron, lo que hace que Milhouse regrese a Canadá con Greta y los dos se peleen durante un partido de curling .

El gruñón

El Gruñón (con la voz de Hank Azaria ) es un monstruo verde que es una parodia obvia de El Grinch . Apareció por primera vez como un chiste recurrente en " Kill Gil, volúmenes I y II ", luchando contra Homer en varios lugares. Aparece incidentalmente en muchos episodios posteriores, asistiendo al concierto de Lady Gaga en " Lisa Goes Gaga ", en un videojuego en " White Christmas Blues ", hace el Homer Shake y fue mencionado por Matt Selman en el artículo de TV Guide del 15 de abril de 2014 que promociona " Brick Like Me " en el que bromea que será uno de los pocos personajes de Los Simpson que no será retratado en forma de Lego durante el episodio.

Gunter y Ernst

Gunter Schmidt (con la voz de Harry Shearer ) y Ernst Hammerstein (con la voz de Hank Azaria ), magos y animadores al estilo de Las Vegas, son parodias obvias de Siegfried & Roy : hablan con acento alemán, su acto involucra magia y tigres blancos , y uno tiene cabello negro mientras que el otro tiene cabello rubio decolorado. El dúo aparece en " Viva Ned Flanders ", " $pringfield ", " The Two Mrs. Nahasapeemapetilons " y " Jazzy and the Pussycats ". En "Jazzy and the Pussycats", se los ve en el funeral de Amber Simpson . En el videojuego The Simpsons Game , se revela que actuaron en un acuario.


El guapo Pete

Handsome Pete es un personaje de una sola vez que parece un Krusty el Payaso en miniatura y baila por monedas de cinco centavos en el muelle mientras toca la concertina. Si le pagan veinticinco centavos, tocará durante horas, para consternación del capitán McCallister . Apareció en el episodio 15 de la temporada 7: Bart el Fink .

Hank Escorpio

Hank Scorpio (con la voz de Albert Brooks ) es un personaje de una sola vez. Es un supervillano que solía ser el jefe de Homer cuando se mudaron a Cypress Creek en el segundo episodio de la temporada 8 , " You Only Move Twice ". Es el dueño de Globex Corporation y su oficina está en un volcán . Cuando Marge , Bart , Lisa y Maggie quisieron regresar a Springfield , Homer tuvo que renunciar mientras Hank luchaba contra el gobierno. Como Homer fue de gran ayuda, Hank le dio los Denver Broncos a cambio.

Hans Topo

Hans Moleman (con la voz de Dan Castellaneta ) es el nombre retconeado de un personaje anterior llamado "Ralph Melish". Un personaje de apariencia similar se ve brevemente en el episodio " La odisea de Homero ". Fue renombrado cuando un escritor notó que parecía un hombre topo . [94]

Moleman, un hombre aparentemente mayor, a veces se lo retrata como residente del Springfield Retirement Castle , aunque en una escena eliminada del episodio " Hermano de otra serie " se lo muestra viviendo en una casa debajo de una presa. Tiene cataratas y es casi completamente ciego, [114] lo que ha afectado gravemente su capacidad de lectura y ha provocado repetidas revocaciones de su licencia de conducir. Lleva un bastón para caminar. Aunque parece ser mayor, de hecho, Hans Moleman afirma tener 31 años y que "la bebida ha arruinado [su] vida". También es el presentador de un programa de radio, "Moleman in the Morning", en la estación de radio de Springfield KJAZZ.

En el episodio 13 de la temporada 26, " Walking Big & Tall ", se revela que Hans es el ex alcalde de Springfield, quien fue desterrado brevemente de Springfield, montado a caballo, por los habitantes enojados del pueblo cuando Moe Szyslak descubrió que una canción que Moleman había convertido en el himno de la ciudad de Springfield 30 años antes era, de hecho, una copia del himno de otra ciudad y utilizada por otras ciudades.

Su personaje está basado en un personaje creado por Tex Avery , Droopy .

Al igual que muchos personajes recurrentes, Hans Moleman ha tenido una amplia variedad de carreras a lo largo de la serie. Las apariciones de Hans Moleman generalmente vienen en forma de un chiste recurrente donde muere por varios accidentes, pero inexplicablemente regresa ileso en episodios posteriores. [115] Lo han arrojado por un acantilado mientras transportaba la casa de Edgar Allan Poe , lo incendió un rayo solar, el Sr. Burns lo perforó en la cabeza , lo ejecutaron en la silla eléctrica, lo arrojaron por una ventana, lo devoraron caimanes, lo succionaron las roombas , lo enterraron vivo, lo asfixió un Rover , lo mató el toque de la muerte de la Parca , se ahogó hasta morir después de conducir su camioneta por un puente roto, su auto explotó después de chocar contra un árbol y fue aplastado por varios objetos diferentes en varias ocasiones. En Los Simpson: La película , el auto de Homer lo atropella. También ha sufrido muchos accidentes no fatales, como ser golpeado en la ingle por un balón de fútbol durante su película independiente y estrellar su auto contra el restaurante Planet Hype. En la escena de apertura de Los Simpson: Furia al volante , es irradiado horriblemente por el Mega-bús Atómico de Burns.

Los pequeños elfos felices

Los Happy Little Elves son una parodia de Los Pitufos , que aparecieron con más frecuencia en los primeros episodios del programa, por ejemplo, vistos en videocasete en " Some Enchanted Evening ". Son los favoritos de Lisa y Maggie Simpson. Bart, sin embargo, los odia; se refiere a ellos principalmente como "esos elfos estúpidos", "Los pequeños elfos de mierda" o "Los pequeños idiotas verdes". Sus películas incluyen Return of The Happy Little Elves , una película navideña sin nombre como se ve en " Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire ", The Happy Little Elves Meet The Curious Bear Cubs ("Some Enchanted Evening"), The Happy Little Elves in Tinkly Winkly Town y The Happy Little Elves meet Fuzzy Snuggleduck (que fue catalogada como una película con clasificación R junto con Thelma & Louise y The Erotic Awakening of S en el sistema de cable de Rancho Relaxo). Fueron mencionados por primera vez en un cortometraje en The Tracey Ullman Show titulado "Scary Movie". La aparición más reciente que tuvieron fue en “ Homer’s Adventures Through the Windshield Glass ” en 2023. En episodios más actuales, aparecen como adornos de pared en las habitaciones de Maggie y Lisa. También fueron vistos en The Simpsons Ride .

Helen Lovejoy

Helen Lovejoy [116] (de soltera Schwartzbaum ; [117] con la voz de Maggie Roswell ; [118] suplente de Marcia Mitzman Gaven en " Tennis the Menace " y " Large Marge " [118] mientras Roswell estaba en una disputa salarial [ cita requerida ] ) es la esposa crítica y chismosa del reverendo Lovejoy , y la madre de Jessica Lovejoy . Se presentó en el episodio " Life on the Fast Lane " como "la esposa chismosa del ministro". Su eslogan es "¡¿Qué pasa con los niños?! ¿Alguien no podría pensar en los niños ?", que siempre dice entre una multitud cuando algo malo está sucediendo en la ciudad. En " Boda por desastre ", el párroco insinúa que Helen es una mujer transgénero que solía llamarse Harold Schwartzbaum. En " E Pluribus Wiggum ", se revela que Helen es republicana (se la ve en la reunión republicana de Springfield, que tiene lugar en un castillo aterrador en la cima de una colina). En la historia no canónica de " Treehouse of Horror XX ", "Don't Have a Cow, Mankind", Helen es la madrina de Lisa. También actúa como antagonista de Marge Simpson, ya que generalmente es ella quien se opone o antagoniza con ella. Mientras que en su personalidad extrovertida "Belladonna" mostró tendencias bisexuales, invitando a Marge a unirse a su cita con Timothy, aunque sin saber que es la voz de Marge la que puede escuchar. [119]

Hermann Hermann

Herman Hermann (voz de Harry Shearer ) [4] es el dueño manco de Antigüedades Militares de Herman. En respuesta a una pregunta de Bart, insinúa que perdió su brazo cuando lo sacó por la ventana de un autobús escolar. En el episodio " To Cur with Love ", se lo ve en un flashback perdiendo su brazo haciendo autostop cuando es golpeado por una camioneta de control de animales. Un brillante estratega militar, Herman fue fundamental en la victoria de Bart en el combate con globos de agua contra Nelson y en la negociación del tratado de paz entre los dos combatientes en " Bart the General ", que es su primera y más significativa aparición.

Herman es retratado a menudo como un delincuente, habiendo vendido a Abraham Simpson un fez afirmando falsamente que había pertenecido a Napoleón ; Herman luego promocionó el viejo sombrero de Abe como "el sombrero con el que le dispararon a McKinley ". También intentó vender jeans falsificados en el garaje de los Simpson, pero fue frustrado por Marge Simpson en " The Springfield Connection ". En una parodia de Pulp Fiction, una vez capturó al jefe Wiggum y Snake y los mantuvo como rehenes, pero Milhouse lo dejó inconsciente accidentalmente con un mayal medieval, rescatándolos. Siempre se lo ve como un personaje algo peligroso, vistiendo uniforme militar y hablando con una voz lenta y grave (también se lo ve a menudo con un cigarrillo apagado en la boca). En los créditos iniciales de un episodio posterior, el cartel dice "Antigüedades militares (y armas) de Herman". Se revela y se menciona en varios puntos que guarda una escopeta cargada debajo del mostrador y tiene varias otras armas de fuego a su disposición.

Harry Shearer imita a George HW Bush para la voz. [120] La apariencia facial de Herman está inspirada en el escritor de Los Simpson, John Swartzwelder . [120] La idea original detrás de Herman, dijo Groening, era que cada vez que apareciera, daría una explicación diferente de cómo perdió su brazo. Sin embargo, el segundo chiste, que involucraba a Herman metiendo su brazo en una bola de retorno en una bolera, fue cortado, y los escritores nunca continuaron con la idea hasta " To Cur with Love ". [121]

Volver al inicio


Dr. J. Loren Pryor

El Dr. J. Loren Pryor [122] (con la voz de Harry Shearer [123] ) es el psicólogo escolar . Está basado en un diseño inicial de Seymour Skinner y aparece por primera vez en " Bart el genio ", donde decide enviar a Bart a una escuela para niños superdotados después de que Bart hace trampa en un examen. Bart luego se acerca a él para solicitarle que regrese a la escuela primaria de Springfield.

En " Bart recibe una 'F' " , le dice que si Bart no se comporta bien, podría tener que repetir el cuarto grado.

Aparece nuevamente, discutiendo los problemas de Bart en la escuela y el don especial de Lisa en una secuencia de flashback de " Lisa's Sax ". En este episodio, también revela inadvertidamente que Milhouse Van Houten posee tendencias "extravagantemente homosexuales". Pryor no aparece nuevamente durante varios años hasta el episodio " See Homer Run ", en el que le dice a Lisa que está pasando por un trastorno del desarrollo. Jon Vitti nombró al personaje por su intromisión en la vida de los niños. [94]

Jack Marley

Jack Marley (con la voz de Dan Castellaneta , que recuerda a la de Droopy Dog ) es un ex trabajador de la Planta Nuclear que se vio obligado a jubilarse con una lujosa fiesta de jubilación. Intenta librarse de ello diciendo que su trabajo era todo lo que tenía, ya que nunca se casó y su perro murió, pero los matones a sueldo del Sr. Burns lo echan de todos modos. Se lo ve en " Marge in Chains " en el tribunal como el capataz del juicio de Marge.

Más tarde, en " Simpson Tide ", se ve a Jack fregando el suelo e informando a Homer de que se ha librado de todo cuando todos los jueces navales se marchan, tras haber sido acusados ​​de varios escándalos. Es posible que viva en el Castillo de los Retiros y rara vez se lo ve en la serie.

Jamshed Nahasapeemapetilon

Jamshed " Jay " Nahasapeemapetilon (con la voz de Nancy Cartwright cuando era niño y de Utkarsh Ambudkar cuando era adulto) es el sobrino de Apu y el hijo de Sanjay. Su primera aparición es en " Homer the Heretic ", cuando se queda solo a cargo del Kwik-E-Mart y saca un arma, asustando a Jimbo, Kearney y Dolph.

En " Mucho Apu sobre algo ", es un joven adulto y ahora se llama "Jay". Después de jubilarse, Sanjay le da su parte de la tienda a Jay y convierte el Kwik-E-Mart en un mercado de alimentos saludables llamado Quick & Fresh.

Janey Powell

Janey Powell (con la voz de Pamela Hayden de 1990 a 2020, Maggie Roswell en " Bart the Daredevil ", Tress MacNeille en " The Burns Cage ", Kimberly Brooks desde 2022) es compañera de clase y amiga de Lisa Simpson . Janey apareció por primera vez en " Moaning Lisa " y es la amiga más cercana de Lisa. Ha estado en las fiestas de pijamas de Lisa , y se la ve a Lisa viendo dibujos animados en su casa en numerosas ocasiones. Su descripción en el set de POG de Los Simpson la describió como "la amiga de las buenas de Lisa". Aunque a veces se la ve pasando tiempo con Lisa, otras veces se burla de ella junto con los otros niños. No se la retrata como tan inteligente o nerd como Lisa. Es posible que Janey haya estado enamorada de Milhouse Van Houten , quien está enamorado de Lisa. Le gusta leer, cuidar niños, los libros y odia el helado.

Jasper Beardsley

Jasper Beardsley [124] (con la voz de Harry Shearer [4] ) es uno de los residentes más antiguos de Springfield , a menudo retratado como el mejor amigo de Abraham Simpson . Han sido amigos desde su juventud, como se ve en " $pringfield (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Legalized Gambling) ". Sus características más distintivas son su voz ultrabaja y grave y su barba muy larga y dura. Jasper hizo su primera aparición en " Homer's Odyssey ". Es un veterano de la Segunda Guerra Mundial , pero (según el episodio " Marge and Homer Turn a Couple Play ") intentó evitar el reclutamiento disfrazándose de mujer. Se quedó en Springfield para jugar en la liga local de béisbol femenino, junto con su amigo Abe, quien también estaba evitando la guerra pero fue expuesto durante un juego. En una escena eliminada, se mostró que Jasper era el pastor de la ciudad, antes del reverendo Lovejoy. Trabajó brevemente como profesor sustituto de la clase de Lisa, durante ese tiempo confiscó todo lo que estuviera hecho de hojalata, se le enganchó la barba en un sacapuntas y amenazó con azotes por infracciones menores como mirar por la ventana, hablar fuera de turno o mirar fijamente sus sandalias.

En la subtrama del episodio de la novena temporada, " Lisa la Simpson ", Jasper se puso en una cruda "animación suspendida" en el congelador del Kwik-E-Mart y, siguiendo el consejo del Dr. Nick, Apu lo mantuvo congelado. Cuando la forma congelada de Jasper se hizo popular entre los clientes, Apu comenzó a explotar el espectáculo y transformó el Kwik-E-Mart en una tienda de interés especial que se ocupaba de artículos raros, o perfectamente ordinarios que se habían hecho pasar por anormales, llamada Freak-E-Mart. Jasper fue descongelado accidentalmente y salió a lo que él pensaba que era un mundo futuro, justo cuando Apu estaba considerando venderlo al Rich Texan. En el episodio " No quiero saber por qué canta el pájaro enjaulado ", Jasper menciona que es diabético (lo que explicaría por qué tiene una pierna de madera, como se ve en la segunda parte de "Quién disparó al Sr. Burns", aunque episodios anteriores, como "Boy Scoutz 'n the Hood", "Un tranvía llamado Marge" y "La Asociación de Padres y Maestros se disuelve", muestran que las piernas de Jasper son reales).

En The Simpsons Super Spectacular #13 , publicado por Bongo Comics, se revela que en los años 60, Jasper era parte de un grupo llamado 'la Liga de Superhéroes', bajo el nombre de Super Jasper. Luchó contra el crimen junto al Komedian ( Krusty el Payaso ), Betty Firecrocker ( Jacqueline Bouvier ) y el original Pie Man ( Abraham Simpson ).

Jay Sherman

Jay Sherman (con la voz de Jon Lovitz ) es un crítico de cine que fue el personaje principal de The Critic . En " A Star is Burns ", llegó a Springfield para ser juez durante el festival de cine. En " Hurricane Neddy ", fue paciente del Hospital Mental de Calmwood. Al parecer, también se convirtió en un cliente habitual de Moe's Tavern , como se ve en " The Ziff Who Came to Dinner ".

Sherman fue originalmente el personaje principal de The Critic , que fue creado por Al Jean y Mike Reiss .

Su aparición en "A Star is Burns" fue un crossover para promocionar The Critic , que debutó en FOX después del episodio que siguió a su paso por ABC. The Critic fue posteriormente cancelado.

Jebediah Springfield

Jebediah Obadiah Zachariah Jedediah Springfield [102] (también conocido como Hans Sprungfeld ; con la voz de Harry Shearer en apariciones posteriores, [4] Hank Azaria en " McMansion & Wife ") es el fundador de la ciudad de Springfield . Según la leyenda, Jebediah Springfield y su compañero Shelbyville Manhattan lideraron una banda que abandonó Maryland en busca de la "Nueva Sodoma" debido a una mala interpretación de la Biblia, pero se separaron por diferencias políticas: aunque ambos hombres son devotos de la castidad y la abstinencia, Manhattan quería dejar que las personas fueran libres de casarse con sus primos si lo deseaban, a lo que Springfield se opuso firmemente. Fue entonces cuando Manhattan fundó la ciudad rival de Shelbyville , llevándose consigo a la mitad de los colonos.

Springfield tuvo muchas citas famosas, como "Un espíritu noble agranda al hombre más pequeño". También usa una gorra de piel de mapache . El maratón de Springfield conmemora una ocasión en la que corrió a través de seis estados para evitar a sus acreedores. En " The Telltale Head ", Bart decapitó la estatua, pensando que esto lo haría más popular. En realidad, la ciudad se deprimió y se enojó, dejando a Bart soportando la culpa al estilo de " The Tell-Tale Heart " antes de volver a ponérselo. Este episodio se menciona en varios videojuegos de Los Simpson , como Los Simpson: Bart vs. the Space Mutants , donde la cabeza de la estatua sirve como un elemento de potenciador , o Los Simpson: Furia al volante y Los Simpson: Hit & Run , donde los personajes pueden patear o embestir la cabeza de Jebediah para sacarla de la estatua.

Muchas leyendas de Jebediah han sido desacreditadas durante la serie. Por ejemplo, "The Telltale Head" se refiere repetidamente a Jebediah matando a un oso con sus propias manos, pero en las noticias, Kent Brockman revela que la evidencia histórica reciente sugiere que el oso realmente mató a Jebediah. En una excursión al histórico "Olde Springfield Towne" de Springfield, Bart descubre otras inconsistencias en la leyenda de Jebediah, como que luchó en Fort Ticonderoga el mismo día que el primer Whacking Day ; resultó que el Whacking Day solo comenzó en 1924 como una excusa para golpear a los irlandeses.

La mayor parte de la biografía de Springfield se revela en el episodio de 1996 " Lisa la iconoclasta ", en el que Lisa Simpson descubre el mayor secreto de Jebediah Springfield: anteriormente era un pirata sediento de sangre llamado Hans Sprungfeld, que una vez se peleó con George Washington y perdió después de que Washington aplastara los genitales de Sprungfeld con uno de sus juegos de dientes postizos de hierro . Sprungfeld huyó y cambió su nombre en 1795 para ocultar su identidad. Era bien conocido por su "lengua de plata" (literalmente; una lengua protésica de metal , su lengua original había sido mordida por un pirata turco en una pelea en una casa de grog). Antes de morir de difteria , escribió su confesión en un trozo de lienzo que escondió en un pífano . El trozo de lienzo formaba la "pieza faltante" del famoso retrato incompleto de George Washington de Gilbert Stuart de 1796 ; Sprungfeld lo recogió durante una pelea contra Washington que ocurrió mientras este último se hacía pintar el retrato. Lisa decide no revelar este secreto a la gente de Springfield, ya que el mito de Jebediah ha sacado lo bueno de todos y que la verdadera historia les hará perder la esperanza y la moral dentro de sí mismos.

Jimbo Jones

Corky James " Jimbo " Jones [125] [126] [101] (con la voz de Tress MacNeille en " The Telltale Head ", " When Flanders Failed ", " Bart the Murderer ", " Lisa on Ice ", " Lisa the Skeptic " y " The Joy of Sect ", [127] Pamela Hayden en episodios posteriores [4] ) es un matón en la escuela primaria de Springfield que usa un gorro de punto morado y una camiseta negra adornada con una calavera amenazante . Es un estudiante de sexto grado y a menudo se lo ve pasando el rato con Dolph, Kearney y, a veces, Nelson . Hizo su primera aparición en el episodio " The Telltale Head ". [102] Es reconocido como el líder de la pandilla de matones en ausencia de Nelson. Disfruta intimidando a sus compañeros de escuela y robando en tiendas . Se insinúa que proviene de una familia adinerada, sobre todo en " The PTA Disbands " de la sexta temporada, cuando, con la escuela cerrada por una huelga de maestros , él y su madre ven telenovelas y beben té juntos en una sala de estar bien amueblada. En " New Kid on the Block " de la cuarta temporada, sale brevemente con Laura Powers hasta que ella lo deja por llorar frente a Moe después de que Bart expusiera su verdadera personalidad al hacerle una broma telefónica.

En " Bart el Fink " de la séptima temporada, Bart descubre que el verdadero nombre de Jimbo es Corky.

En un episodio , se revela que es calvo en la parte superior, con cabello alrededor. Otros alias conocidos de Jimbo son Jamesbo, Dr. J y Hector Gutierrez. En " 24 Minutes " de la temporada dieciocho, se revela que el nombre de su madre es Carol. Jimbo es un apodo compuesto para el productor ejecutivo James L. Brooks . [127] [94] Jimbo se postula para alcalde en el episodio de la temporada 17 " See Homer Run ", con un eslogan de campaña de "Duro con los nerds. Más duro con los idiotas".

Johnny Labios Tensos

Jonathan " Johnny Tightlips " Schmallippe (con la voz de Hank Azaria [128] ), nacido Giovanni Silencio , [129] es un gánster de la mafia de Springfield que es el segundo al mando de Fat Tony . Por lo general, dice muy poco, por miedo a que lo acusen de ser un "chismoso", pero su reticencia es tan extrema que resulta contraproducente, volviéndose inútil para todos, incluido Fat Tony y él mismo. Sin embargo, en episodios recientes, a veces, se explaya cuando le da la gana, siempre y cuando no diga demasiado.

En su episodio debut, " Insane Clown Poppy ", hay un tiroteo en la mansión de Fat Tony y Johnny recibe un disparo por accidente. Cuando termina el tiroteo, Louie, uno de los capos de Fat Tony, le pregunta preocupado a Johnny dónde está herido, lo que hace que Johnny diga: "¡No estoy diciendo nada!", y cuando Louie le pregunta preocupado qué le dirá él mismo al médico, Johnny, nuevamente con su naturaleza reticente habitual, dice: "Dile que chupe un limón". [130] Posteriormente, se convierte oficialmente en un personaje secundario secundario que trabaja para Fat Tony y la mafia en la serie, a partir del episodio de la temporada 13, " Papá tiene una nueva placa ".


Jub-Jub es la iguana mascota de Selma Bouvier y originalmente era propiedad de la tía Gladys . Fue visto por primera vez en " La elección de Selma ". Gladys le da Jub-Jub a Jacqueline Bouvier , quien no tiene ningún apego a él. Como resultado, más tarde se lo pasa a Selma. Selma dijo una vez que Jub-Jub se comería sus restos después de que ella muera. El nombre Jub-Jub fue acuñado por el entonces escritor Conan O'Brien . [131] A menudo decía cosas sin sentido en la oficina sin ninguna razón aparente, una de las cuales era "Jub-Jub" (Sin embargo, hay un pájaro Jubjub en " La caza del Snark ").

Los fanáticos de Sports Radio 1310 en Dallas votaron que Jub-Jub sea el nuevo apodo del presentador de radio matutino George Dunham . O'Brien, el 17 de octubre de 2007, mencionó su creación de Jub Jub y le pidió a Joe Buck , el comentarista jugada por jugada de la Serie Mundial de la MLB en FOX, que lo dijera durante su transmisión. O'Brien prometió $1,000 para la caridad que el locutor elija. El 24 de octubre de 2007, durante el Juego 1 de la Serie Mundial de 2007 , Buck llamó al reportero de nivel de campo, Chris Myers , "nuestro propio pequeño Jub-Jub". Jub-Jub se usó como el primer hashtag de Twitter para " Legally Prohibited from Being Funny on Television Tour " de O'Brien en 2010.

La jueza Constance Harm

La jueza Constance Harm (con la voz de Jane Kaczmarek ) es una jueza severa e implacable y disciplinaria. [132] Disfruta creando castigos crueles para los criminales en su tribunal y asustándolos con una guillotina en miniatura en el banco. Su nombre es un juego de palabras con "daño constante". En " The Parent Rap ", dice "Cuando era un niño pequeño", revelando que es transgénero. El personaje es una parodia de la jueza Judy Sheindlin .

En " On a Clear Day I Can't See My Sister ", revela que tiene marido. Aunque el juez Snyder resuelve los casos judiciales, el juez Harm se ha utilizado principalmente para dictar veredictos negativos, como condenar a un miembro de la familia a prisión. También aparece en " Brawl in the Family ", " Barting Over ", " The Wandering Juvie ", " Brawl My Wife, Please ", " Jefe de corazones " y "One Angry Lisa". [133]

Juez Snyder

El juez Roy Snyder (con la voz de Harry Shearer ) [25] es un juez de Springfield conocido por sus castigos indulgentes y sus decisiones un tanto poco ortodoxas (como en el episodio " Sweet and Sour Marge " cuando prohíbe el azúcar en Springfield).

Lionel Hutz describió una vez su problema con el juez Snyder en el episodio " Marge in Chains ":

Bueno, él la tiene tomada conmigo desde que atropellé a su perro... Bueno, reemplaza la palabra "un poco" con la palabra "repetidas veces" y la palabra "perro" con "hijo".

El personaje originalmente se llamaba "Juez Moulton" (como se menciona en el episodio " Bart es atropellado por un automóvil "), pero los productores Bill Oakley y Josh Weinstein no lo sabían y lo llamaron "Snyder". [134] Su apariencia está inspirada en Robert Bork . [134] El color de piel de Snyder ha ido y venido entre amarillo y marrón repetidamente a lo largo de la serie. Su piel actualmente es marrón. [135]


Julio Franco (con la voz de Hank Azaria desde la temporada 14 a la 31, Tony Rodríguez desde la temporada 32, voz de canto proporcionada por Mario José) es un hombre homosexual que se siente atraído por Grady, aunque Grady rompe con él. Trabaja como peluquero. Según " Eternal Moonshine of the Simpson Mind ", Julio es de Costa Rica , aunque esto se contradice en " The Burns Cage ", que afirma que es de Cuba . [136] Más tarde se casó con Tada y tiene un romance con Duffman. También es fotógrafo y toma fotos de Marge y sus amigos. Se lo ve asistiendo a la Primera Iglesia de Springfield. En el episodio " E Pluribus Wiggum ", asiste a una reunión del Partido Demócrata . En "The Burns Cage" comienza a salir con Smithers , pero rompe con él después de darse cuenta de que Smithers todavía está enamorado del Sr. Burns .

Dr. Julius Hibbert

Solo sella el boleto, hombre

El hombre "Sólo sella el billete" (con la voz de Hank Azaria [137] ) apareció en varios episodios anteriores, pero nunca fue nombrado. Este hombre aparece por primera vez en " Cuando Flanders falló " cuando va al Leftorium para validar su estacionamiento porque es la única tienda que lo hace sin requerir una compra. Ned Flanders dice que está "bien como la lluvia, o, como decimos por aquí, tan mal como la lluvia", pero el hombre responde sin rodeos "Sólo sella el billete". Su siguiente aparición es en " Homer Alone ", cuando el adolescente de voz chillona intenta entregarle un volante, lo rechaza diciendo "No me toques". En un episodio posterior, " Mr. Plow ", le dice a Barney Gumble (que está repartiendo volantes vestido como el bebé grande de Lullabuy$) que lo "enferma". Reaparece de nuevo en " Homer's Barbershop Quartet ", en el Swap Meet de Springfield, se burla de los "cool" collares de espoletas de Marge , afirmando que dudaba de que su "hijo o hija sea tan estúpido". El personaje también aparece en los episodios " Homer Loves Flanders " (quien le dice a Homer que, si Homer realmente fuera a trabajar durante ocho días en lugar de acampar afuera de la ventanilla de boletos para boletos de fútbol, ​​​​habría ganado lo suficiente para obtener sus boletos de un revendedor), " Homer and Apu " (como uno de los clientes enojados al comienzo del episodio), " Bart of Darkness " (en el que golpeó a un hippie por cantar " Sunshine on My Shoulders " durante una ola de calor en toda la ciudad) y " Grampa vs. Sexual Inadequacy " (en el que golpea a Homer en la cara por cuestionar su capacidad para satisfacer sexualmente a su esposa). En " Simpson Tide " tiene su aparición más importante como el reclutador de la Reserva Naval que le ruega a Homer que no lea el "¿Eres homosexual?" pregunta en la solicitud debido a la política " No preguntes, no digas " que estaba vigente en ese momento.

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Kang y Kodos

Kearney Zzyzwicz

Kearney Zzyzwicz [101] ( / ˈ z w ɪ / DJEEZ -vitch , con la voz de Nancy Cartwright ) es uno de los muchos matones de la escuela primaria de Springfield . Es un estudiante de quinto grado y tiene el pelo rapado . Lleva una camiseta blanca rota, pantalones cortos azules y muñequeras con tachuelas. Hizo su primera aparición en el episodio " The Telltale Head ". [102] Aunque parece y suena como si tuviera la edad de Jimbo y Dolph, Kearney es en realidad mayor (un episodio posterior reveló que Kearney tiene 19 años, aunque, según su actriz de voz, Nancy Cartwright, Kearney tiene en realidad 14). Él es el único estudiante de la Escuela Primaria de Springfield que recuerda el escándalo de Watergate y el Bicentenario de 1976 (según el director Skinner), estaba en la clase de tercer grado de Otto, el conductor del autobús (según Otto), tiene un automóvil (a pesar de que viajó en el autobús escolar en "A Milhouse Divided", "The Mook, the Chef, the Wife, and Her Homer" y "How the Test Was Won"), se afeita regularmente , tiene la custodia de un niño de un divorcio , tiene la edad suficiente para votar en una elección general de EE. UU. , fue enviado a prisión (aunque " Marge Be Not Proud " y " Lisa the Skeptic " representaron a Kearney en un reformatorio para menores) y paga impuestos .

En " She of Little Faith ", se revela que Kearney salió con la madre de Jimbo, Carol. En el mismo episodio, se revela que él está en el consejo de la iglesia de la Primera Iglesia de Springfield y es "un adolescente y el padre de un adolescente" (lo que implica que el hijo que presentó en "A Milhouse Divided" también puede ser mayor que su apariencia externa, aunque episodios anteriores también implican que Kearney no es un adolescente). [138] A pesar de tener la edad legal en los Estados Unidos para comprarlo y beberlo (como se ve en " El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Jomer "), Kearney a menudo confía en (o engaña a) Homer para conseguir alcohol para él y sus amigos, como se ve en " The Springfield Connection " cuando Homer le dice a Marge que está estacionado en doble fila porque está comprando cerveza para "esos niños de allí", " Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala(Annoyed Grunt)cious " cuando Kearney solicita el trabajo de niñera y Homer le dice que guarda algo de Schnapps en la cuna de Maggie, y " Last Tap Dance in Springfield ", en el que Kearney engaña a Homer para que lo lleve a él, a Dolph y a Jimbo a la licorería para comprar Jack Daniels y "una caja de cigarrillos " haciéndose pasar por Marge, y una vez usó una identificación falsa (que Apu pasó por alto, ya que estaba demasiado deprimido por ser deportado como para preocuparse de que Kearney estuviera cometiendo un delito, y finalmente le preguntó sobre consiguiendo uno para sí mismo, como se ve en " Much Apu About Nothing ").

El apellido de Kearney (Zzyzwicz) fue revelado en un archivo de computadora en " 24 Minutes " de la temporada 18. [101] Antes de ese episodio, el apellido de Kearney nunca fue mencionado. El apellido recién revelado de Kearney implica que puede ser de ascendencia polaca, o también puede estar inspirado en la ciudad de Zzyzx . En " Bart Gets a 'Z' " , se lo puede ver sentado en la última fila del salón de clases de Bart, lo que implica que Kearney es un estudiante de cuarto grado. Su padre fue mostrado en el episodio de la octava temporada " The Homer They Fall ", pero en " O Brother, Where Bart Thou? ", Kearney revela que sus padres están encarcelados y solo se conocen cuando la prisión y el manicomio tienen su reunión anual.

Kearney Zzyzwicz Jr.

Kearney Zzyzwicz Jr. (con la voz de Nancy Cartwright ) es el hijo de Kearney. Apareció por primera vez en " A Milhouse Divided " en el autobús escolar cuando Kearney mencionaba su divorcio, y luego tuvo apariciones menores recurrentes a lo largo de la serie.

Kent Brockman

Kirk Van Houten

Kirk Evelyn Van Houten (voz de Hank Azaria ) es el padre de Milhouse y el esposo (y primo) vuelto a casar de Luann Van Houten. Es amigo de Homer Simpson. Kirk tiene un parecido sorprendente con su esposa y usa anteojos como ella y su hijo. Apareció por primera vez en el episodio de la temporada 3 " Bart's Friend Falls in Love ", pero no sería hasta la temporada ocho " A Milhouse Divided " que Kirk fue retratado como un perdedor masculino de mediana edad estereotipado y un padre irresponsable. Gran parte de su personaje gira en torno a su depresión emocional extrema después de su divorcio de su esposa Luann. Luann obtuvo la custodia de Milhouse cuando se divorciaron, pero Kirk tiene derechos de visita y a menudo se lo ve con Milhouse en episodios posteriores. Los Van Houten volvieron a estar juntos en Milhouse of Sand and Fog de la temporada 17 y se volvieron a casar oficialmente en el episodio de la temporada diecinueve " Little Orphan Millie ". En ese episodio se estableció que Kirk es de ascendencia holandesa por parte de su padre y tiene una disputa con los miembros de la familia que tienen ascendencia danesa . Kirk sirvió anteriormente en el ejército de los EE. UU . y asistió a Gudger College. La madre de Kirk aparentemente es de ascendencia griega , según el episodio de la decimonovena temporada " Husbands and Knives ", en el que Milhouse dice: "¡Pero ese es el dinero que Yiayia Sophia me dio para la Pascua ortodoxa griega!"

Según Luann, Kirk no era un buen proveedor y tuvo que pedirle dinero prestado a su hermana para llegar a fin de mes y robar ropa donada de la iglesia del pueblo para poder tener un guardarropa. Cuando Luann le exige el divorcio, Kirk está más que feliz de complacerla. Desafortunadamente, como resultado, pierde su trabajo de gerente intermedio en Southern Cracker, un trabajo que le dio el padre de Luann. Kirk intenta brevemente una carrera como cantautor, grabando una cinta de demostración de una canción original titulada "Can I Borrow A Feeling", con resultados mediocres. Más tarde, intenta volver con Luann cantándole la canción. Luann no corresponde los sentimientos de Kirk.

Kirk revela en " I Am Furious (Yellow) ", en el que visita la escuela de su hijo el día de la profesión, que actualmente estaba empleado como asistente del tipo que pone volantes debajo de los limpiaparabrisas de las personas. Kirk también tenía un trabajo de pie en la acera sosteniendo un cartel que dirigía a las personas a un desarrollo de condominios y trabajó como espantapájaros protegiendo un cultivo de soja, lo que resultó en que un cuervo le sacara un ojo. Desde que lo despidieron de la empresa de galletas, Kirk parece ser incapaz de mantener un trabajo estable. Una vez le gritó a Luann que tenía que seguir pagando la pensión alimenticia que le debía, y se lo ha visto en la oficina de desempleo de Springfield, tal vez sugiriendo que la pensión alimenticia y los beneficios por desempleo son sus únicas fuentes estables de ingresos. Kirk fue encarcelado en el episodio " Pranksta Rap " por " secuestrar " a Bart, lo que disfrutó mucho debido a que las mujeres lo envidiaban y lo alimentaban con tres comidas al día. En Los Simpson: La película , se ve brevemente a Kirk asistiendo a una reunión de Alcohólicos Anónimos .

Azaria ha declarado que la voz de Kirk es "una mala imitación de Milhouse".

Krusty el payaso

Kumiko Albertson

Kumiko Albertson (née Nakamura ) (con la voz de Tress MacNeille de la temporada 25 a la 31, Jenny Yokobori desde la temporada 32 [139] ) es una fanática y artista de manga japonesa de Osaka , Japón. Kumiko aparece por primera vez en " Married to the Blob " cuando pasó por la tienda de Comic Book Guy , pero se detuvo cuando lo vio a través de la ventana y le gustó. Kumiko y Comic Book Guy se casan en The Android's Dungeon. A menudo, en sus apariciones en la serie, se la ve junto a Comic Book Guy. En " Splendor de Springfield ", encuentra los dibujos de terapia de arte de Lisa y los vende en The Android's Dungeon como una novela gráfica, llamada Sad Girl .

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Piernas y Louie

Legs (con la voz de Hank Azaria de 1991 a 1995 y 2003, Harry Shearer desde 1995, Karl Wiedergott en "Trilogía del error" y "Jefe de corazones") y Louie (con la voz de Dan Castellaneta en la mayoría de los episodios, Harry Shearer en "Jefe de corazones") son dos gánsteres y miembros de la mafia de Springfield que acompañan a Fat Tony en todo momento. Los dos carecen de cualquier característica definitiva real y casi siempre se los ve juntos. Legs tiene un corte de pelo corto rubio oscuro y una voz ronca. Louie tiene un ligero afro negro y un tono más agudo, incluso chillón. Castellaneta basó la voz en el actor Joe Pesci , una de las varias referencias a Uno de los Nuestros utilizadas en el episodio " Bart el Asesino ". [140] Louie dice que el gas lacrimógeno es "[su] única debilidad", aunque es probable que esto sea un adorno. Dan Castellaneta fue nominado al premio Primetime Emmy por interpretación de voz destacada en 2011 por la voz de Louie, Homer Simpson , Barney Gumble y Krusty el Payaso gracias al episodio " Donnie Fatso ". [141]

Lenny Leonard

Lenford "Lenny" Leonard [142] [143] (con la voz de Harry Shearer ) es amigo de Carl Carlson, Homer Simpson, Moe Szyslak y Barney Gumble . Aunque trabaja en la planta de energía nuclear de Springfield y posee una maestría en física nuclear , a menudo se lo retrata como un trabajador de cuello azul .

Lenny parece ser muy querido por la familia Simpson ; en una ocasión, Marge y los niños construyen un santuario de oración para él cuando piensan que estaba hospitalizado en " Hello Gutter, Hello Fadder ". En " Sleeping with the Enemy ", la familia Simpson tiene un pastel con la inscripción "Feliz Día del Trabajo Lenny". [144] En " Pranksta Rap ", se revela que Marge tiene una foto de Lenny en su cabello. [145]

Lenny's full name has not been treated with consistency. After years of being identified only as "Lenny", Homer addressed him as "Lenford" in the season 13 episode "The Frying Game", and Lisa addressed him as "Mr. Leonard" in the season 15 episode "The Ziff Who Came To Dinner". This would appear to make his full name "Lenford Leonard"—but Bart addresses him as "Lenny Lenford" in the season 23 episode "At Long Last Leave".

Lenny and Carl are best friends, as they are rarely seen apart; their other friends are Homer, and regulars at Moe's including Barney Gumble and Moe Szyslak.[63] Homer repeatedly confuses Lenny and Carl, and is shocked to learn on one occasion that Lenny is white, and Carl is black. To guide himself, Homer has "Lenny = White, Carl = Black" on his hand. He once muttered to himself, "Is that right?" while reading it.[64] In "Helter Shelter", Homer exclaims, "That's Lenny? I wanted the black one!" When Mr. Burns appears on a radio show in an attempt to boost his popularity in "Monty Can't Buy Me Love", Homer tells him that he has a list of jokes explaining the differences between white and black people; Homer later states, "White guys have names like Lenny, whereas black guys have names like Carl."

Lenny and Carl work at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant alongside Homer Simpson.[65] Despite his steady job, Lenny has been featured with several other jobs. On one occasion, he is promoted to head of the power plant when Mr. Burns goes bankrupt; which Smithers later describes to Homer Simpson as a "reign of terror". Homer considers Lenny to be the second richest man he knows.[146] However, Lenny is once shown living in a dilapidated house, and asks Marge not to tell anyone how he lives.[147] In one episode, he also works at a call center for the power company in Springfield. In another episode, he is shown living in a fancy, well-furnished modern apartment that happens to share a wall with a Jai-alai court. In a "future episode", it is shown Lenny is once again in charge of the power plant.[148] On one occasion, it is implied he is an undercover agent whose target is Homer.[149] At the Adult Education Annex, Lenny teaches a class on "How To Chew Tobacco".[150] In one of Homer's daydreams, it is shown that Lenny is the President of the United States.[151]

Lenny and Carl together rank sixth on IGN's Top 25 Simpsons Peripheral Characters.[66]


Leopold John (voiced by Dan Castellaneta) is Superintendent Chalmers' personal assistant. He is a large, surly, snarling man who frequently speaks through clenched teeth, and is one of the few characters on The Simpsons to have eyebrows. When Principal Skinner has to be temporarily replaced in the episode "Sweet Seymour Skinner's Baadasssss Song", Leopold stomps in, issues several threats, and terrifies the children by making them think he is the replacement, and then suddenly politely introduces the actual substitute, Ned Flanders. The children then collectively sigh with relief. The gag was repeated when Marge Simpson becomes a substitute teacher in the episode "The PTA Disbands". Leopold often refers to the children of Springfield Elementary as "little freaks".[152][153]


Lewis Clark (voiced by Jo Ann Harris in 4 episodes, Nancy Cartwright in 6 episodes, Pamela Hayden in 2 episodes, Russi Taylor in 3 episodes, Tress MacNeille in 5 episodes, Kevin Michael Richardson in "Marge the Lumberjill", Kimberly Brooks since 2021) is an African-American character and one of Bart's friends and classmates at Springfield Elementary School. He can be seen playing the bassoon in the opening sequence of the show. He is usually seen with his best friend Richard. Although one of the most minor characters in the show, Lewis was shown in earlier seasons as part of Bart's main circle of friends, although his time lessened as the series progressed. Despite this, Lewis still appears frequently in scenes involving the Springfield children, and occasionally speaks. While Lewis has never had significant dialogue, he has been voiced by various characters throughout the series. Lewis's seeming insignificance to the show is underscored in the episode "Das Bus", in which Bart mistakenly calls him "Wendell". When corrected, Bart replies, "Just tell Wendell I said bye."[citation needed]

Lindsey Naegle

Lindsey Naegle (voiced by Tress MacNeille[25]) first appeared in the eighth season episode "The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show".[154] In that episode, she had no name and was known only as "The Generic Female TV Executive".[22] She appeared again in "Girly Edition", also as a generic female TV executive (only her hair and facial features differed from her first appearance).[155]

In "They Saved Lisa's Brain", she was introduced as "Lindsey Naegle", a member of the Springfield Chapter of Mensa, and has since become a recurring character.[154] The writers modeled Naegle on a number of network executives that they have encountered while working on the show.[156]

The character's surname comes from Hollywood talent agent Sue Naegle, president of HBO Entertainment and wife of Simpsons writer Dana Gould.[157][158] Writer Matt Selman chose the first name "Lindsey" because he thought it sounded like the name of an annoyingly talkative woman.[157] Naegle-like characters have appeared throughout the series, such as the OmniTouch Rep from "Make Room for Lisa" and Laramie executive Mindy from "E-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt)".[159] In "Blame It on Lisa", she readily explains that she frequently changes jobs because she is a sexual predator. Chris Turner, author of the book Planet Simpson, called Naegle "an excellent allegory for the modern corporate age: you don't see through her because there's nothing else to see."[160] Her political allegiances are not concrete: In "You Kent Always Say What You Want", she is shown at the Republican Party headquarters; in "E Pluribus Wiggum", she is conversely depicted as a Democrat. In "Marge vs. Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples and Teens and Gays", she is seen to lead SSCCATAGAPP's anti-youth campaign, declaring, "Children are the future, today belongs to me!"

Ling Bouvier

Ling Bouvier (voiced by Nancy Cartwright) is Selma's adopted daughter, the adopted niece of Marge and Homer, and the adopted cousin of Bart, Lisa, and Maggie. In Season 16's "Goo Goo Gai Pan", Selma experiences menopause symptoms and becomes concerned that she will never fulfill her dream of being a mother. After an unsuccessful attempt to adopt one of Cletus's children (Cletus having given up the baby by mistake. "Seems I misheard my wife. What she said was, she's tired of having rabies."), she takes up Lisa's proposal to adopt a baby from China. Since China does not allow unmarried people to adopt children, Selma convinces Homer to pretend that he is her husband. Although she succeeds in getting a baby from the adoption agency in Beijing, it is later discovered that her marriage to Homer is fake and Ling gets taken away from her. The Simpsons attempt to kidnap Ling back, but run into a confrontation with the head of the adoption agency, Madame Wu. Selma entreats her to let her keep the baby, to which Madame Wu agrees. Since then, Ling has made several appearances on the show including as Maggie's playmate in "Rome-old and Julie-eh". In Season 24's "The Changing of the Guardian", she has grown to a preschooler and shown as precociously talented, able to play musical instruments and practice painting.

Lionel Hutz

Llewellyn Sinclair

Llewellyn Sinclair (voiced by Jon Lovitz) is a theater director introduced in "A Streetcar Named Marge" who often works in Springfield, known for his perfectionism and sour temperament. He is most notable for directing the musical theatrical production of A Streetcar Named Desire dubbed Oh, Streetcar! in which Marge Simpson played the role of Blanche Dubois. He told the actors of this production at the time that he had directed three plays in his lifetime and had three heart attacks, and that he cared so much about his work that he was planning on a fourth.

Years later he directed Krusty the Clown in The Salesman's Bad Day, a heavily reworked take on Death of a Salesman since the rights were too much for him to afford. He also directed one of Springfield Elementary's second grade plays where he got frustrated at Ralph Wiggum, and attempted to direct a play of Oklahoma! until his sour attitude turned everybody else on the production against him and Marge took control of the production. His sister runs the Ayn Rand School for Tots.

Lois Pennycandy

Lois Pennycandy (voiced by Pamela Hayden) is the executive assistant to Krusty the Clown.[161] She swayed Krusty into visiting Bart after he saved Krusty from jail time,[162] and later reunited him with his estranged father the Rabbi Hyman Krustofski.[161] She was at Krusty's side during the auditions in which Robert Terwilliger became Krusty's new sidekick,[163] and was at Krusty's "funeral" when he was presumed dead after crashing his private plane into a cliff.[164] In a phone conversation, Marge once asked her, "How can [Krusty] hurt someone who loves him so?" While looking at a framed photo of Krusty, Pennycandy replied, "Oh, Mrs. Simpson, I've wasted my womanhood asking that same question."[161] Her only speaking roles are in "Like Father, Like Clown" and "Krusty Gets Kancelled. Her name alludes to both Miss Moneypenny from the James Bond series and the actress who originated the role, Lois Maxwell. Although rarely featured on the show, she has been a recurring character in the Simpsons comic book series.


Lou (voiced by Hank Azaria from season 1 to 31; Harry Shearer in "Saddlesore Galactica" and "Treehouse of Horror XXVII"; Alex Désert since season 32) is the police sergeant of the Springfield Police Department and by far the most intelligent and competent officer of the Springfield Police. He primarily serves as a foil to Chief Wiggum, and often takes the time to point out his chief's mistakes, as well as resent Wiggum, and be aware of his ineptitude.[165] He was also married to a woman named Amy, but later divorced.[166]

Al Jean and Mike Reiss named Lou after Major League Baseball player Lou Whitaker,[104] and Azaria based Lou's voice on that of actor Sylvester Stallone.[167] Though he has nearly always been African-American,[168] he was mistakenly animated with yellow in "There's No Disgrace Like Home"[104] and his other first-season appearances. Lou permanently became an African-American character in "Bart vs. Thanksgiving", where he was animated to Eddie's voice of Harry Shearer and vice versa.[105]

Luann Van Houten

Luann Van Houten (née Mussolini; voiced by Maggie Roswell) is the mother of Bart's childhood best friend Milhouse. For the period from 1999 to 2002, during which Roswell left the show, she became a primarily nonspeaking character. Since the season 8 episode, "A Milhouse Divided", Luann was depicted as a promiscuous single mother, who pushed her love life in the face of her ex-husband, Kirk. She first appeared in "Homer Defined", as a concerned mother who barred Milhouse from being Bart's friend due to Bart being a bad influence. She wears glasses and has blue hair, traits she shares with her husband and son. Her mother is an Italian who abused Milhouse whenever he spoke English. In "Lemon of Troy", it is revealed that Luann originally came from Springfield's bitter rival, Shelbyville, but moved to Springfield early in life, presumably with her father, as her mother remained in Italy. In "A Milhouse Divided", it is revealed she has a sister (from whom she borrows money, as her husband does not provide for her at all), but whom we never meet. In "Marge Be Not Proud", Bart turned to Luann for motherly comfort after Marge has become distant with him.

Luann was married to her cousin Kirk for several years, giving birth to a son, Milhouse, yet the marriage was an unhappy one. After an argument over a game of Pictionary, she left Kirk after he remarks he cannot draw "dignity", since he gave it up when he married her. Although Kirk found the new liberty of a single life tough, Luann uses her newfound freedom to live life in the fast lane, advising Marge to forget everything she thought she knew about her, to which Marge replied that she really did not know anything about Luann at all. Luann began dating American Gladiator Pyro shortly after her divorce with Kirk for a few seasons, but was caught cheating on him with his best friend, "Gladiator Gyro". When Apu Nahasapeemapetilon was a bachelor, Luann was one of his bachelorettes. In "Milhouse of Sand and Fog", it is revealed that Luann had also gone out with Disco Stu as well and had begun a relationship with Sea Captain.

In "Milhouse of Sand and Fog" the Van Houtens reunited. Since then, they are often seen together (although in the episode "Ice Cream of Margie (with the Light Blue Hair)", Kirk was seen with Milhouse at a single father's outing, indicating the couple had split up, yet again). As of "Little Orphan Millie", they are remarried. In the 2014 episode "The War of Art", Kirk and Luann sell a painting to the Simpsons, which later turns out to be a forgery of a valuable piece.

Lucille Botzkowski

Lucille Botzkowski (voiced by Penny Marshall) aka "Babysitter Bandit" who is wanted on America's Most Armed and Dangerous (a parody of America's Most Wanted) is hired by Homer Simpson in "Some Enchanted Evening". "Ms. Botz" ties up the children and robs the house-only to be captured by the Simpson children. Thanks to Homer's stupidity, she escapes. She makes a few cameo appearances such as in Family Guy/Simpsons crossover "The Simpsons Guy" and The Simpsons: Bart vs. the Space Mutants. In one of her last appearances, she is seen in a cell at Springfield's Calmwood Hospital in "Stark Raving Dad".

Lucius Sweet

Lucius Sweet (voiced by Paul Winfield) is modeled after Don King. He is the former boxing manager for Moe Szyslak and current boxing manager for Drederick Tatum. He learned Homer's talent when Homer started boxing people like Boxcar Bob. He asked Moe for him to fight heavy weight champ Drederick Tatum. They made a deal for Homer to make three rounds against Tatum. When Homer was fighting, he could not even make one round which ticked him off and declared Moe was a loser.

Lucius has a speaking role in "The Trouble with Trillions".

He later appeared a few more times in the series and The Simpsons Movie. Lucius is on the Springfield Wall of Fame.

Luigi Risotto

Luigi Risotto (voiced by Hank Azaria[39]) is the proprietor of Luigi's, a Springfield Italian restaurant. He is a parody of the "Italian pasta/pizza chef" stereotype (and in fact is on a bowling team called "The Stereotypes", along with Cletus Spuckler, Captain Horatio McCallister, and Groundskeeper Willie), but seems to be aware of his status as a stock character. He is polite to his customers and treats them with respect when they order and then loudly insults and belittles them to his cook Salvatore, fully aware that they can hear him from the kitchen. In the episode "The Last of the Red Hat Mamas", he reveals that he does not speak Italian, only Italian-accented English. It is hinted that Luigi is an illegal immigrant, even though he tried to run for mayor, telling Springfielders, "I make-a you the good government, just how-a you like it!" The animators copied Luigi's appearance from a chef that was on the front of a pizza box.[169]

Lunchlady Dora

Lunchlady Dora, formerly known as Lunchlady Doris, (voiced by Doris Grau from 1991 to 1997, Tress MacNeille since 2006) is a sardonic cafeteria chef and lunch lady for Springfield Elementary. She can frequently be seen serving deeply unpleasant meals made from horse testicles, grade-F meat (made of circus animals and filler), beef hearts that have been on the cafeteria kitchen floor, shredded newspapers, and ground-up gym mats due to school budget cuts. She made a handful of appearances in her secondary job as a school nurse. In "Whacking Day", Doris took the job as school nurse to earn two paychecks, but in "'Round Springfield", she reveals that she was put in the position of school nurse because of school budget cuts (even having Groundskeeper Willie as a French teacher). In "Team Homer", it is suggested she is the mother of the Squeaky-voiced Teen.

In "The Simpsons Comics", when asked by Milhouse on the school's new chat show, Moments with Milhouse (formerly Moments with Martin) why the school meals are so bad, Doris admits that a third-grader had once mistakenly eaten her beloved hamster, and she had "sworn culinary revenge ever since".

After Grau's death in 1995, Lunchlady Doris was retired out of respect for over 10 years. Due to the delay between recording some episodes and the time they actually air, Grau's voice was included in episodes airing as late as 1997 such as "Lisa's Sax".[170]

Lunchlady Dora is seen as a silent background character until she speaks in the 18th season during "The Mook, the Chef, the Wife and Her Homer", where she is voiced by Tress MacNeille, season 19's "The Debarted", where she is again voiced by Tress MacNeille but with a different voice, and season 20's "Father Knows Worst". Lunchlady Dora has been seen dating Hans Moleman.

In "Dark Knight Court", Groundskeeper Willie refers to her as "Lunchlady Dora". According to Simpsons writer Michael Price, this name change happened out of respect for Grau's death.[171] Al Jean later confirmed on Twitter that Dora was Doris' sister, meaning the two are separate characters.[172]

Lurleen Lumpkin

Lurleen Lumpkin (voiced by Beverly D'Angelo in "Colonel Homer" and "Papa Don't Leech", Doris Grau in "Marge vs. the Monorail") is an aspiring country singer who is initially managed by Homer in "Colonel Homer". Homer discovers her in a redneck bar in the middle of nowhere and is amazed by her voice. He decides to help her launch a singing career, much to the chagrin of Marge. Grateful for Homer's help, she becomes attracted to him and tries to lure him with an erotic song called "Bunk with Me Tonight". Homer, who had been ignorant of this, suddenly realizes that managing Lurleen could hurt his marriage, so he quits as her manager. A saddened Lurleen sings a song called "Stand By Your Manager".

Lurleen next appears briefly in "Marge vs. the Monorail", sporting torn clothing and an unkempt hairstyle; the episode reveals that she has recently undergone treatment at the Betty Ford Clinic and "spent last night in a ditch". Her voice matches that of Lunchlady Doris, rather than her soft, Southern voice she had when she was first introduced. In "Krusty Gets Kancelled", she is again briefly seen in the center square of Springfield Squares.

The nineteenth-season episode "Papa Don't Leech"[173] follows up on her story with her moving into the Simpsons' home and taking a waitress job at Moe's to pay a $12 million tax bill, having lost most of her earnings over the course of several failed marriages to men who all heavily resembled Homer. In this episode she is again voiced by Beverly D'Angelo, who also wrote the songs. She has a father named Royce "Boss Hogg" Lumpkin, who was never supportive of her and was missing for years. Marge undertakes efforts to find him and reunite him with Lurleen. As soon as it happens, Lurleen writes a new, upbeat composition called "Daddy's Back", but Royce sells the song, taking the writing credits for himself (but altering some lyrics) to the Dixie Chicks. Lurleen confronts Royce and reveals the truth to the Dixie Chicks, who assault him with their musical instruments and invite Lurleen to join their tour. Lurleen once again ends up engaged to a man who looks very much like Homer and tours as an opening act for the Dixie Chicks.

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Dr. Marvin Monroe

Dr. Marvin Monroe (voiced by Harry Shearer) is a psychotherapist who first appeared in the first-season episode "There's No Disgrace Like Home". Homer pawns the family television to afford a session with Monroe for him and his dysfunctional family. The failed attempt at therapy culminates with the Simpsons electroshocking each other endlessly, to the point of causing a chaotic brownout. Unable to help the Simpsons, Monroe refunds double what the Simpsons paid, and the Simpsons buy a new TV.

Monroe appears in "Some Enchanted Evening" in which 70% of that episode's original animation had to be redone, although the scenes involving Monroe were mostly untouched, said co-director David Silverman.[174] The script of "Some Enchanted Evening" describes Monroe as "a heavy, chain-smoking, compulsive eater."[175] The original idea behind the character, said Matt Groening, was that he was born Marilyn Monroe and was "very caught up over that", which is why he became a therapist.[176] Monroe's voice is based on psychiatrist David Viscott's.[177] Among Monroe's works is Dr. Marvin Monroe's Guide to Etiquette, which Bart receives as a birthday gift in "Radio Bart".

Since the seventh season, the character Monroe has been retired, as voicing the character strained Shearer's throat.[178][179] The character's retirement was marked by the broadcast of a Dr. Marvin Monroe Memorial Hospital over Lou's walkie-talkie in "Who Shot Mr. Burns? (Part Two)".[180] Since then, several references to Monroe being dead have been made: a glimpse of his gravestone in "Alone Again, Natura-Diddily", a Dr. Marvin Monroe Memorial Gymnasium seen in "Bye Bye Nerdie", and a trivia interstitial in the "138th Episode Spectacular" regarding which popular characters had recently died. However, Monroe is seen alive in the fifteenth season in "Diatribe of a Mad Housewife" purchasing a copy of Marge's novel, The Harpooned Heart, stating simply that he had "...been very sick" when asked about his long absence by Marge. He is later seen "stuck in limbo" but seemingly lacking full ghost abilities in "Treehouse of Horror XXV", and again in "Flanders' Ladder" as part of a dream Lisa conjures for Bart.

Manjula Nahasapeemapetilon

Manjula Nahasapeemapetilon[181] (voiced by Jan Hooks from season 9 to 14,[182] Tress MacNeille from season 7 in the 23rd episode "Much Apu About Nothing", since season 13) is married to Apu Nahasapeemapetilon and the mother of their octuplets. She first appeared as a little girl in Apu's flashback in the seventh season episode "Much Apu About Nothing", in which Apu tells her that he is sorry that their arranged marriage will not happen, before getting on a plane departing for the U.S. to pursue the American Dream. Her first adult appearance is in the ninth season episode "The Two Mrs. Nahasapeemapetilons".[183] She claims Fried Green Tomatoes is her favorite book, movie, and food. She has excellent culinary skills, demonstrated by her ability to make a wide variety of dishes using only chickpeas, lentils, and sometimes rice. Apu is seen to be very romantically awkward, as well as quite distant from Manjula, and he previously told her that it was customary in America to work long hours, seven days a week, and to never see your wife. In another episode he dons a blonde wig, intending to ditch his family and return to India under the name Steve Barnes.

In "Eight Misbehavin'", Manjula gives birth to octuplets after using a fertility drug. In "The Sweetest Apu", Apu has an affair with the Squishee lady. After Homer discovers this, he and Marge confront Apu, who caves under the guilt and vows to apologize to Manjula, who sets him a number of grueling tasks in penance.[183]

Writer Richard Appel had pitched the idea of Apu marrying years before he wrote "The Two Mrs. Nahasapeemapetilons" for season nine.[184] For that episode, it took several attempts by the character designers to model Manjula because making women look appealing in Matt Groening's drawing style is hard for the animators to do.[185][186] Writer David Cohen named Manjula after a friend of much of the staff.[183]

Manjula appeared in the season 26 episode "Covercraft" but did not speak.

Martha Prince

Martha "Gloria" Prince (voiced by Russi Taylor in "Worst Episode Ever", Tress MacNeille in "Orange Is the New Yellow" and Pamela Hayden since season 33) is married to Martin Prince Sr. and mother of Martin Prince. Martha attempted to sell Martin's valuable Star Wars merchandise to Comic Book Guy for almost nothing, despite a warning not to do so by Bart and Milhouse. According to Martin she shoplifts "stuff she doesn't even need". She was responsible for all of the guests, even her own son getting sick at his birthday party, by serving diseased oysters instead of cake, with the exception of Bart (who fed his oysters to Martin's pet cat), Lisa (who feigned sick to get out of the boring party) and Principal Skinner and Mrs. Krabappel (who were having a romantic encounter in Martin's kid-sized pink playhouse).

Martha Quimby

Martha Quimby (voiced by Maggie Roswell in later appearances, Tress MacNeille in "The Last of the Red Hat Mamas", "Homerazzi" and "E Pluribus Wiggum") is married to the Mayor of Springfield: Joseph Quimby. She wears a pink outfit and a pillbox hat similar to the outfit worn by Jackie Kennedy on the day of the Kennedy assassination. According to Mayor Quimby, the couple met while Martha was working at the "Maison Derrière", a local burlesque house. She first appeared in "Bart Gets Famous",[187] when she walks in on Mayor Quimby in bed with another woman, an event she laughs off when he defends himself with "I didn't do it." She is humiliated when Marge accidentally uncovers her husband's lothario ways in "The Last of the Red Hat Mamas" and kicks Marge and her friends out before they can have tea.

Martin Prince

Martin Prince Jr.[188] (voiced by Russi Taylor from season 1 to 30, Grey DeLisle since season 31,[189] Jo Ann Harris in "Homer’s Night Out", Michael Jackson in "Do the Bartman", Nancy Cartwright in "Principal Charming", "Bart’s Dog Gets an F" and "Lisa the Beauty Queen", Pamela Hayden in "Cape Feare" and "Rosebud", Dan Castellaneta in "Lisa's Wedding") is a fourth grade student at Springfield Elementary School, is Bart Simpson's classmate (and a temporary tutor on "Bart Gets an 'F'"), Lisa Simpson's intellectual rival, and Nelson Muntz's favorite target for bullying. He is academically brilliant, a teacher's pet, and is portrayed as a stereotypical nerd, enthusiastic about topics like science fiction and role-playing games. In line with the stereotype, he also has poor fashion sense.[188] It is sometimes implied that Martin is gay but closeted.[190]

He is the son of Martin Sr. and Martha.[188] He has an IQ of 216 (which was thought to be Bart's IQ). As the class nerd, he becomes the perfect target for ruthless bullying at Springfield Elementary School. He is a member of the Springfield band, and is often seen with a French horn. Martin's most famous catchphrases are "Behold!" and "Excelsior!" In The Simpsons Movie, Martin gets revenge for all the years of bullying by hitting Jimbo, Dolph and Kearney with a plank of wood. In "Dial 'N' for Nerder", Bart's prank causes Martin to fall off a cliff, which he survives (although Bart and Lisa think he is dead and try a cover-up). In "Girls Just Shauna Have Fun", it is revealed that he has an older brother in high school.

Martin Prince Sr.

Martin "Gareth" Prince Sr. (voiced by Harry Shearer in "Bart the Genius" and "Bart on the Road", Dan Castellaneta from season 2 to 32, Hank Azaria since season 33) is the father of Martin Prince, and husband of Martha Prince. He is a stockbroker in Springfield and was shown bringing his son to work on "Go To Work With Your Parents Day", where Martin made over $1 million trading soy futures (and subsequently lost all but $600). He appears to be a nerd much like his son, and has a slight lisp. Martin Sr. was also one of the fathers who traveled in Ned Flanders's RV to locate their sons in Shelbyville.

Mary Bailey

Mary Bailey (voiced by Maggie Roswell in later appearances,[4] Tress MacNeille in "The Seven-Beer Snitch") is the Democratic governor of Springfield's state. She ran against Mr. Burns in "Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish", winning in a landslide after Mr. Burns spit out a piece of baked Three eyed Fish during a photo-op at the Simpsons' home. Mary Bailey would later appear briefly in the episode "Bart vs. Lisa vs. the Third Grade" when Bart and Lisa's class visit Capital City. They show Bailey their class projects (designing a new state flag). Mary Bailey wails in disgust after unfurling Lisa's flag: Bart had redesigned it to look like a butt, with "Learn to Fart" underneath. She appears in "The Seven-Beer Snitch" where a prison is built out of a defunct concert hall. She decides to release all the abused prisoners to a garbage barge where they would "bare-knuckle box until one of you emerges as king of your floating hell".

Mary Spuckler

Mary Wrestlemania Spuckler (voiced by Zooey Deschanel) is one of Cletus and Brandine's many children. She first appeared in "Apocalypse Cow", in which she befriends Bart when he joins the 4-H club. Later in the episode, after Bart frees his cow, Lou, from the slaughterhouse, he brings him to Mary's home, where he discovers that she is Cletus' daughter. However, after Mary agrees to take Lou, much to her and Bart's dismay, Cletus informs Bart that to them, a cow is a token of marriage. After some convincing from Lisa, Bart agrees to go along with the wedding to prevent Lou from being sent back to the slaughterhouse. However, before Bart and Mary can be wed, Marge crashes the wedding, and on her influence, Bart calls it off.

Mary later reappeared in the twenty fourth season episode, "Moonshine River". In it, she is deemed as Bart's last hope in his quest to find true love (in the form of one of his many former dates). When Bart arrives at the Spuckler house, Cletus informs him that she ran away after he scheduled her for marriage again. Her brother, Dubya, tells Bart that Mary ran away to New York City and gives him her address. After Bart and the rest of his family travel to The Big Apple, he eventually finds her at her address, and discovers that she has matured, becoming slightly taller and slimmer, and also learns that she now works as a writer and has a performance option on Saturday Night Live. Mary and several citizens of New York sing a song for Bart, and the two realize that they truly love one another.

Before they can kiss, Cletus arrives, having somehow found out where Mary is, and asks her to return home. Mary accepts, but while at the train station, she and Bart take advantage of Cletus's distraction to flee to another departing train. Mary tells Bart that there will be more Mary Spucklers out there, and gives him their first kiss before she leaves. The family and Cletus arrive, with Cletus demanding where Mary is heading for, but Bart, not wanting to ruin his last chance at true love, refuses, and Cletus then accepts the fact that he must let his daughter go. Mary reappeared again in the season, in the episode "Love is a Many-Splintered Thing".

Maude Flanders

Maude Flanders, (voiced by Maggie Roswell, Pamela Hayden in "A Star Is Burns", understudied by Marcia Mitzman Gaven between 1999 and 2000) is the first wife of Ned Flanders, and the mother of Rod and Todd. While she was not employed outside the home, Maude was a busy homemaker and advocate for children, whose innocence was often sullied by cartoon violence, liberal education, and the insidious influences of popular culture. Although she spent much of her free time in prayer, reading the Bible, and helping out her husband at the Leftorium, she let her hair down for the occasional dinner parties at the home of her neighbors, the Simpsons. Homer often made statements insinuating his attraction to Maude. In the season 2 episode "The War of the Simpsons", Homer ogled Maude's cleavage at a dinner party, which resulted in him and Marge going to marriage camp.

In the season 11 episode "Alone Again, Natura-Diddily", Maude was killed by a T-shirt cannon at the Springfield Speedway when Homer ducked at the last second to pick up a bobby pin on the ground.[191] She was knocked off the grandstand and her timely rescue was delayed because Homer had parked in the ambulance zone. Ned was devastated by her death. One of the most controversial moments in the show among fans, this kill-off was met with strong criticism but was decided by the show's producers to open new story lines for the series. The character was voiced by Marcia Mitzman Gaven at that time.[192][193][194][195]

Roswell returned to The Simpsons in 2002[196] after reaching a deal with producers to allow her to record her lines from her home in Denver.[197] Since returning, she has voiced Maude in flashbacks and as a ghost.[196][198]

Maude's ghost appears in the opening sequence for "Treehouse of Horror XIII", and during the credits of "Bart Has Two Mommies" she is seen in heaven with Bob Hope and God. She appears through flashbacks in "Dangerous Curves", "Take My Life, Please", "Postcards from the Wedge" and "Fland Canyon". She had a small role in "Treehouse of Horror XXII", and she appeared as a ghost in the couch gag for season 23 episode "Them, Robot". Maude once again appears in Bart's dream-state in "Flanders' Ladder" where she plays a more pivotal role, and is almost successful in her desire for revenge against Homer. She also appears in season 31 episode 9 "Todd, Todd, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?", as well as in season 32 episode 16 "Manger Things".

Mayor Quimby

Mayor Quimby's bodyguards

Mayor Quimby's Bodyguards (both voiced by Harry Shearer) are two unnamed large and expressionless men in dark suits and sunglasses. They are usually seen flanking the mayor at town meetings, but sometimes they appear as members of a crowd. On one occasion they neglected their duties while admiring passing clouds, oblivious to Quimby being in danger. This resulted in their being temporarily replaced by Homer. When Cookie Kwan presented a baby that she claimed was Quimby's, the mayor passed it off to one of the bodyguards and told him to raise the child as his own. The bodyguard put sunglasses on the baby.

Milhouse Van Houten

Ms. Albright

Ms. Teresa Albright (voiced by Tress MacNeille[4]) is the First Church of Springfield Sunday school teacher, who is constantly forced to deal with the children's questions about the more difficult to explain aspects of religion, leading her to yell "Is a little blind faith too little to ask?". She first appeared in "The Telltale Head". She speaks with a harsh Southern accent. She appears to be good friends with Helen Lovejoy and is occasionally seen in the background of various episodes as well as in church scenes (such as in the episode titled "The Father, the Son, and the Holy Guest Star").

Miss Springfield

Miss Springfield (voiced by Nancy Cartwright in "Whacking Day" and "You Kent Always Say What You Want", Tress MacNeille in later appearances) is a beauty pageant winner, who first appears in "Whacking Day". She is the lover of Mayor Quimby, and is seen several times in bed with him. She only appears with the sash and the crown of Miss Springfield. She has a distinctive, high-pitched voice, which Quimby had originally not heard due to nearby air traffic drowning her out during their romantic encounters, and regrets naming an opera house after her once he hears it.

In "Mayored to the Mob", she is one of two women escorting Mayor Quimby to a convention. Since then, she is often seen escorting him to Springfield events such as conventions, recitals, and plays. In one episode, it is revealed she is illiterate. Quimby scolds her for lying about her graduating from "typing school". She then admits she has trouble with the space bar. In "Smoke on the Daughter", she appears (and claims to be) pregnant, and Quimby believes he may be the father.

Moe Szyslak

Mona Simpson

Mr. Burns

Mr. Costington

Mr. Bruce Costington (voiced by Hank Azaria[199]) is the president of Costington's Department Store. He first appeared as "Chairman"[200] in the season nine episode "Trash of the Titans", in which he invented "Love Day", and later in "Homer vs. Dignity". He is one of very few characters on the show who has eyebrows. Costington's catchphrase is "You're fiiired!", delivered while shaking his jowls. In "The Boys of Bummer", he hires Homer with a jowl-shaking "You're hiiired!" Homer has worked for him on three occasions: as a Thanksgiving Day Parade Santa Claus, mattress salesman, and model for top-brand jeans. He also employs the Yes Guy, who is seen working at the store in most of his appearances. Although he is usually generous, he can sometimes be insensitive. He has admitted to having a shoe-sniffing problem, and is still banned from the shoe department in his own store.

Mr. Teeny

Louis "Mr. Teeny" Toot, also known as Joseph Teeny (vocal effects provided by Dan Castellaneta), is Krusty's trained chimpanzee who frequently appears on the show. He first appeared in "Itchy & Scratchy & Marge". Like Krusty, he is a heavy smoker, and often seems depressed off-stage. He is sometimes seen as Krusty's driver and butler. Teeny's uncle was former head monkey at the ministry of tourism in Brazil. Three other monkeys have died while working for Krusty known by the same name. Krusty once said he missed the third Mr. Teeny and the current one could not hold a candle to him. In the episode "Day of the Jackanapes", Teeny saves Krusty from a bomb that Sideshow Bob has attached to Bart. His mother's name is Toot-Toot, and she refers to him as Louis when they are reunited in "Bart Has Two Mommies". Teeny also was a writer for the "Good Guy Awards" and quit after being insulted on-stage by Krusty. He is an immigrant from Brazil and has been deported but was returned. He wears a pink hat and bow tie but has also been seen in a tuxedo and golden encrusted thong. Krusty has implied that if he can not find a human willing to donate a lung when he gets cancer, he is planning on harvesting one from Mr. Teeny. As of "Wedding For Disaster", there have been seven Mr. Teenys.

Mrs. Glick

Alice[201] Glick (voiced by Cloris Leachman in "Three Men and a Comic Book",[202] Nancy Cartwright in "Whacking Day", Tress MacNeille in later appearances) is an elderly recluse for whom Bart did chores in "Three Men and a Comic Book"; he did not get paid very well, so he started to hate her. She had a brother named Asa, mentioned in the same episode, who died during World War I; he was killed by his own grenade, which he held for too long while naming off the men in his company (His last words were, "This one's for you, Kaiser Bill. Special delivery from Uncle Sam and all the boys in 'D' Company: Johnny, Harrison, Brooklyn Bob, and Reggie. Yeah, even Reggie! He ain't so stuck up once you get to kno--"). Doctor Hibbert once confessed to leaving his car keys inside her. She is occasionally seen in the background of various episodes, often with a toothless laugh. She is a stereotypical lonely old woman, who spends her days "watching her stories".

She later dies from a heart attack caused by Bart and Martin's robotic seal on the episode "Replaceable You".[201] Her final scene is dancing with Jesus in Heaven.[201]

Mrs. Muntz

Mrs. Marilyn Muntz (voiced by Tress MacNeille[25]) is Nelson's mother. Nelson receives his trademark laugh from her. Early on in the series, Nelson would mention his parents and it became apparent that Mrs. Muntz does not care much about her son. In "A Milhouse Divided", Nelson tells Milhouse that his mom is addicted to cough drops, which is why his father left the family. Mrs. Muntz works at Hooters in "Bart Star", but was fired in a later episode for gaining weight. She owns a dilapidated house and is depicted as a jailbird, a prostitute, a stripper, et al.

In "'Tis the Fifteenth Season", she appears, telling Nelson that his father simply did not like him, and he left with her golden tooth. Nelson's mother was fully introduced in "Sleeping with the Enemy", after years of being mentioned. A loud, high-pitched contemptuous woman, she neglects her son. She implies she misses Nelson's father (who, depending on episode, is either divorced from Nelson's mom, went insane and never came home, or was forced to work as a sideshow freak after suffering a peanut allergy). At the end of the episode, Nelson and his parents reunite, and she gets a job as Lady Macbeth with "the third director she slept with". Since then, she is often seen around in Springfield. Curiously, in Season 18's "The Haw-Hawed Couple", she appears with brown hair. As revealed in "Dial 'N' for Nerder", Nelson refers to her as Mrs. Muntz. She has a brief appearance in The Simpsons Movie, at the end of the sequence where Bart skateboards to the Krustyburger in the nude, laughing along with Nelson at Bart who is tied to a post.

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Dr. Nick

Nicholas Riviera, M.D. (voiced by Hank Azaria), usually referred to as Dr. Nick, is an inept physician. Upon entering a scene, Dr. Nick's catchphrase is "Hi, everybody!", with the characters present responding "Hi, Dr. Nick!". He frequently appears on infomercials, pitching all sorts of bizarre medical offers or endorsing dubious devices, and often turns his operations into TV spectacles. He is also shown as an inventor/huckster on the television show I Can't Believe They Invented It! The design of Dr. Nick is modeled physically on Gábor Csupó, the co-founder of Klasky Csupo animation studios (which animated the series for its first three seasons and The Tracey Ullman Show shorts).[203] The animators mistakenly believed that Hank Azaria was impersonating Csupó, when in fact he was doing an impression of Ricky Ricardo from the TV series I Love Lucy.[204] He is named after George C. Nichopoulos, a former physician best known for overprescribing prescription drugs to Elvis Presley and contributing to his death from cardiac arrest in 1977.[205] IGN placed Dr. Nick 23rd on their list of the "Top 25 Simpsons Peripheral Characters".[66] The character was listed in Entertainment Weekly's "30 Great TV Doctors and Nurses" and in Philadelphia Magazine's "10 Best Doctors on Television".[206][207] In a tongue-in-cheek analysis, the Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ) compared the services of Riviera and Dr. Hibbert. It concluded that Riviera was a better role model for physicians.[208]

Nahasapeemapetilon octuplets

The Nahasapeemapetilon octuplets are the children of Apu and Manjula, four boys and four girls, called: Anoop, Nabendu, Sandeep, Gheet, Uma, Poonam, Pria and Sashi. Introduced in the episode "Eight Misbehavin'", they are the result of Manjula being slipped fertility drugs not only by her husband, but by most of the Simpson family as well as part of trying to help Apu and Manjula conceive after weeks of failure.[209]

Ned Flanders

Nelson Muntz

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Old Barber

Jake the Barber[210] (voiced by Dan Castellaneta in most episodes, Harry Shearer in "Lisa the Tree Hugger"[211]) is a barber who originated in one of the Tracey Ullman shorts, "Bart's Haircut".[212] In the short, he cuts Bart's hair not to his liking and Bart tries several ways to hide it. Dan Castellaneta based the voice on comedian Bob Elliott.[213]

The Old Barber made his last appearance in the twelfth season episode "Lisa the Tree Hugger". David Silverman had to create a model sheet of the Old Barber for Jim Reardon, who directed "22 Short Films about Springfield". Before then, there was no model sheet for the character.[214]

Old Jewish Man

Asa Hassan, a.k.a. Old Jewish Man, or Crazy Old Man (according to "Krusty Gets Kancelled"; voiced by Hank Azaria) is Abraham Simpson and Jasper Beardly's friend. Mayor Quimby once referred to him as "Old Jewish Man"; also, a list of heart recipients in "Homer's Paternity Coot" listed him as "Old Jewish Man". He speaks with a stereotypical Yiddish accent and curses in Yiddish in one episode. He is apparently friendly with Krusty the Clown and Krusty's father, according to "Simpsons Christmas Stories". He is often seen yelling at people, and as seen in "Attack of the 50-Foot Eyesores", owns a store called Zip Boys, a parody of Pep Boys. He once had a brief period of stardom after his act of dancing on a street corner singing "The Old Gray Mare" with his pants down became a hit on television. In "Natural Born Kissers", it was revealed that he worked as a studio executive during the making of Casablanca and suppressed an alternate ending to the film (and also suppressed an alternate ending to It's A Wonderful Life that would have included a killing spree). He observes that the quality of studio management has changed over the years. In "Love Is a Many Strangled Thing" he dies from overexerting himself while dancing (though this does not stop his ghost from dancing), but in "Replaceable You", he is alive.


Opal (voiced by Tress MacNeille from 2006 to 2007, Dawnn Lewis since 2023) is a talk show host. This celebrity is based on Oprah Winfrey and her eponymous television show. She first appears in "Ice Cream of Margie (with the Light Blue Hair)" where her segment on successful women depresses Marge, who feels her life of chores and child-raising has left her without any purpose. She later appeared in the back-to-back nineteenth season episodes "Husbands and Knives" and "Funeral for a Fiend". Marge is a fan and was interviewed by Opal after achieving success through her chain of Shapes gyms for women. She also appeared in the episode "Fan-ily Feud", in which she uses Homer Simpson against her rival, Ashlee Starling. She was voiced by Jade Novah, who also did Starling's voice.

Otto Mann

Otto Mann[215] (voiced by Harry Shearer)[216] is the school bus driver for Springfield Elementary School. He is notable for his bad driving (which got him temporarily fired on the season three episode "The Otto Show"), his drug use (mostly marijuana and hallucinogenics, as mentioned on season seven's "Homerpalooza"), and his love of heavy metal music. His father is an admiral with the US Navy who does not like that his son wasted his youth and never amounted to anything. He was modelled upon early Simpsons writer Wallace Wolodarsky, who at the time wore long black hair, shorts and a baseball cap.[217]

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The Parson

The Parson (voiced by Hank Azaria) is a charismatic major leader of the Presbylutheran faith practiced in Springfield. He is a former college roommate and close friend to Reverend Lovejoy. His world spiritual headquarters is in Michigan City, Indiana. His appearance and mannerisms are similar to those of Bing Crosby.

Patches and Poor Violet

Patches and Poor Violet (voiced by Pamela Hayden and Tress MacNeille) are two of Springfield's orphans. Introduced in "Miracle on Evergreen Terrace", Patches gives the dollar they were saving to Bart, which was their vitamin money. They have since had appearances in "I'm Goin' to Praiseland" and "Simple Simpson", but are seen in many other episodes. Poor Violet often has a cough, while Patches seems to vaguely resemble Tiny Tim from Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol. Their skin color is not the "healthy" yellow of the Simpson family, but rather a more sallow, sickly tone.

Patty and Selma


Plopper, also known as Spider-Pig (a play on the popular fictional character Spider-Man) and Harry Plopper (a play on the popular fictional character Harry Potter), is a domestic pig who first appears in The Simpsons Movie. Plopper has since become memetic, gaining popularity in the real world and on the internet, with his theme song "Spider-Pig" peaking at number 23 in the UK Singles Chart.[218] The pig is voiced by Tress MacNeille. Plopper has since made appearances in the episodes and comics, and also appears in the reanimated opening sequence, featuring in the pan across Springfield.

Plopper's first appearance is in the movie, where he stars in a TV ad to promote Krusty's new burger, The Clogger. After the filming is completed, Krusty orders the pig to be killed. Homer becomes upset about this, and immediately adopts him. Homer then spends a lot of time with Plopper and neglects Bart. Later in the movie, Homer is seen making the pig walk on the ceiling while singing "Spider Pig", a parody of the Spider-Man theme song. Homer later calls him Harry Plopper, and the pig is seen with glasses and a lightning bolt-shaped scar, based on the character Harry Potter. Homer then creates a large container in which to put Plopper's "leavings", which he dumps in a lake and pollutes the whole area, leading to the shutdown and near-destruction of Springfield (to which Homer does not want to return).

At one point in the movie, the Simpsons' house is completely destroyed after being sucked into a sinkhole in their backyard. This led to several people assuming that Plopper was killed. However, during the 2007 San Diego Comic Convention, an official Simpsons Panel revealed that there was a scene at the end of the movie involving the pig that was cut which later appeared on the DVD.[219] This removed sequence is a slightly alternate ending of the movie when the townspeople are rebuilding the Simpsons' house and involves Plopper, a squirrel mutated by the lake's pollution and Santa's Little Helper painting a doghouse. During the following seasons, Plopper makes a few more appearances, including a main role in the 2017 episode "Pork and Burns".


Poochie (voiced by Dan Castellaneta when voiced by Homer Simpson, Alex Rocco when voiced by Roger Meyers Jr. in "The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show”) is an anthropomorphic dog that appeared in "The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show". When network executives decided that The Itchy and Scratchy Show needed an update to keep the "interest" of its audience, they devised Poochie, a cartoon dog "with an attitude". After widespread auditions, Homer was chosen to provide Poochie's voice. The character debuted to an unimpressed audience, following a massive publicity campaign; he only served to interfere with the well-oiled machine of hyperviolent slapstick that Itchy and Scratchy had perfected over the years. When dissatisfied viewers flooded the network with letters crying for Poochie's immediate removal, if not death, the executives decided to get rid of the character. Homer begged for another chance, insisting that Poochie would grow on the audience; this argument held little weight until the actress who performed voices for both Itchy and Scratchy declared her support for Poochie as well. However, Homer was shocked when the next cartoon aired: it contained a hastily animated, retroscripted segment stating that Poochie had decided to return to his "home planet", and that he died on the way there.

Poochie has since been seen once at a funeral in an Itchy & Scratchy cartoon featured in "Little Big Mom".[220]

In "Treehouse of Horror IX", he skateboards in the road and gets run over by Scratchy driving a car when he and Itchy are chasing after Bart and Lisa at the time when they were transported into their cartoon. However, he survives, only to have his skateboard fall from the sky and hit him in the head. He continues to be released in Itchy & Scratchy-related merchandise such as T-shirts in "Fat Man and Little Boy".

A matrix Poochie appears in "Kill Gil Vols. 1 & 2" during the Krusty on Ice show, and a Poochie balloon appears in the cartoon in "Funeral for a Fiend".

Poochie reappeared in The Simpsons Game as a boss on the Grand Theft Scratchy level.

Professor Frink

Princess Kashmir

Princess Kashmir (voiced by Maggie Roswell) is the belly dancer who first appears in "Homer's Night Out" (and was the first woman who almost ruined Homer's marriage to Marge as Marge saw Homer dancing with her as a bad example for Bart in how to treat women). She dated Apu in "Lisa's Pony", dated Apu's brother Sanjay on a few occasions, is seen dancing with Otto in the episode "Flaming Moe's", and with Chief Wiggum in the episode "Homer vs. the Eighteenth Amendment" (which also shocked and offended the women in town, much like what happened with Homer).

She has appeared in two couch gags (the one on "Marge vs. The Monorail, in which the Simpsons sit on the couch, followed by three rows of recurring extras and secondary characters, and the Sgt. Pepper album parody on "Bart After Dark" and the original airing of "The Itchy and Scratchy and Poochy Show"), and is seen dancing on the stage in the Maison Derrière in the episode "Bart After Dark". Her nickname is 'Queen of the Mysterious East'. Her real name is Shauna Tifton, and also goes by April Flowers when performing in strip clubs. According to the DVD commentary for the season eight episode "Bart After Dark", Princess Kashmir was originally going to be an actual bachelor party stripper on her premiere episode, but the FOX censors at the time objected (though they had no problem letting Princess Kashmir tell Bart that she works under the name "April Flowers" when she performs at strip clubs). She was also seen in The Simpsons Movie during a crowd scene.

Principal Dondelinger

Harlan Dondelinger (voiced by Harry Shearer) was Springfield High School's principal, first seen in the episode "The Way We Was", a flashback to Homer and Marge's senior year in high school. He later appeared in the episode "The Front" at Homer and Marge's high school reunion and teaches night classes to ease the pain of his wife's recent death. He appeared in "Half-Decent Proposal" when Artie Ziff, Marge's high school prom date, recreated their prom. Dondelinger made his most recent appearance in the twentieth season episode "Take My Life, Please", in which it is revealed that he rigged the high-school senior class presidential election against Homer, after hearing that the students were going to vote for Homer as a joke. Upon finding out, Homer was angry with Dondelinger, who claimed that he had only done it to spare Homer's feelings. Homer's anger escalated when a mystic saucier at Luigi's restaurant shows him that Homer would have had a more successful life had he become Class President.

Principal Skinner

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Rabbi Hyman Krustofsky

Hyman Krustofsky (voiced by Jackie Mason, understudied by Dan Castellaneta) was a rabbi and the father of Krusty the Clown. Rabbi Krustofsky first appeared in the third season episode "Like Father, Like Clown".[221]

In "Like Father, Like Clown", Rabbi Krustofsky had been estranged from his son for 25 years, having kicked Krusty out when the young man chose to become a clown rather than follow the family tradition of becoming a rabbi. Years later, after much exchanging of Talmud passages with Bart, a quote Bart provides from Sammy Davis Jr. admiring the Jews finally convinced Rabbi Krustofsky to accept his son for his career in entertainment. He and Krusty reunited on air during Krusty's show. The episode "Like Father Like Clown" is a parody of the film The Jazz Singer. The parody was writer Jay Kogen's idea.[222] He thought it would be a funny parallel—and a chance to do a lot of easy jokes—if it were a clown instead of a singer who gets rejected by his father.[223] The character's casting was fitting in that the real-life Mason, like Krusty, also came from a family of rabbis but instead became a comedian.

Rabbi Krustofsky later conducted Krusty's Bar Mitzvah in "Today I Am a Clown", admitting that he had not previously, out of fear that the young Krusty would just make fun of the whole thing. In "Clown in the Dumps", Krusty comes to him for advice, and he dies when telling Krusty that his jokes were "Eh".

Jackie Mason won a Primetime Emmy Award for Outstanding Voice-Over Performance for his performance as Krustofsky in "Like Father, Like Clown" in 1992.[224] The Phoenix named Mason one of the show's 20 best guest stars.[225]

Rachel Jordan

Rachel Jordan (voiced by Shawn Colvin) is the lead singer of Kovenant, a fictional Christian rock band. She is first seen in "Alone Again, Natura-Diddily", when she befriends the widower Ned Flanders. She appears towards the end of the episode singing the song "He's the Man" while the organist at the church was on a much needed vacation. The song was featured on The Simpsons: Testify. She returns in "I'm Goin' to Praiseland". She stays at the Flanders' house with Ned, and leaves horrified after Ned attempted to mold her in the image of his deceased wife Maude. At the end of the episode, she returns and has a date with Ned, wearing a wig to cover up the Maude haircut and helping him move on from Maude's death. She has not made an appearance since.

Radioactive Man

Radioactive Man (voiced by Harry Shearer) is a fictional comic book superhero. The character was heavily featured in the episodes "Three Men and a Comic Book" and "Radioactive Man".[226] Within the Simpsons universe, he was created by Morty Mann. He has been portrayed in many media since his debut in Interesting Stories No. 27.[227] The first issue of Radioactive Man appeared in 1952. He was featured in at least one 1950s era black-and-white serial, sponsored by Laramie Cigarettes.[228] There was also a campy early 1970s television series resembling Batman. This version was played by an actor named Dirk Richter, who was allegedly murdered in a brothel some time after the show ended, a parody of George Reeves and the controversy surrounding his death. In the episode "Radioactive Man", a Hollywood studio attempted to film a Radioactive Man movie in Springfield. The movie starred Rainier Wolfcastle as Radioactive Man. The role of Fallout Boy, Radioactive Man's sidekick, was cast from local children and went to Milhouse Van Houten. The movie was never completed due to budget overruns caused by constant price-gouging by Springfield vendors, and Milhouse snapping from the pressure of the role, and refusing to continue to portray Fallout Boy. A last-ditch attempt at replacing Milhouse with Mickey Rooney fails, and the movie is cancelled.[229]

Outside The Simpsons, the Radioactive Man character also appeared in a real comic book series based on him that was first published by Bongo Comics in 1993.[230] The Bongo comics expanded more on the character, including his powers, giving him several which parodied those of Superman including super speed, flight, and the power to fire beams of "clean, nuclear heat" from his eyes. In the comics, his regular personality, Claude Kane III, is seen as a useless layabout. Claude's main love interest, journalist Gloria Grand, has little interest in him and dismisses him as a 'rich kid'. The character has also appeared in issues of Simpsons Comics[230] and Simpsons Super Spectacular, and in the 1992 video game Bartman Meets Radioactive Man.[226]

Rainier Wolfcastle

Rainier Luftwaffe Wolfcastle (voiced by Harry Shearer) is an action hero star and a close parody of Arnold Schwarzenegger.[231] This basis has been drawn out over the series. Wolfcastle is a native of Austria, as is Schwarzenegger; he got his start as a child acting in national commercials, most notably for the bratwurst company Fritz Schnackenpfefferhausen. Wolfcastle's wife is named Maria, just like the real Schwarzenegger's former wife Maria Shriver, related to the Kennedy family. Maria is a member of the political Quimby dynasty. Like Schwarzenegger, Wolfcastle is an active member of the Republican Party and owns a Hummer. In the episode "The Boy Who Knew Too Much", Bart Simpson tells Wolfcastle that his "last movie really sucked" (along with Chief Wiggum's line of "'Magic Ticket' my ass, McBain!"), alluding to Schwarzenegger's then-recent film Last Action Hero, which had been a disappointment at the box office.[232] Wolfcastle owns a restaurant named Planet Springfield, a parody of Planet Hollywood, which Schwarzenegger co-owned with other celebrities.[233] Wolfcastle has starred in many action movies, most notably the McBain series (a parody of action movies such as Die Hard) and the movie of Radioactive Man, a loose parody of the Batman television series. When clips of the McBain films are played in the order in which they aired, they form a mini-movie with a full storyline.[234] The credits of the mini-movie had captions, "But McBain will be back in You Have The Right To Remain DEAD" parodying the early James Bond movies along with the style of music traditionally used in those films.[235] Wolfcastle's more recent movies have gained less renown, and he is even forced to do comedies. Wolfcastle has made appearances as an Academy Award presenter, a celebrity spokesperson, and a celebrity judge. In a recall election of Mayor Quimby, Wolfcastle ran for his seat. He has a daughter named Greta who had a crush on Bart in the episode "The Bart Wants What It Wants".

The writers invented Wolfcastle as the action hero McBain for the episode "Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?" Because they liked the scene involving the character from that episode, they used him again in "The Way We Was", which was recorded and aired before "Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?" The McBain films satirize clichés of action films.[236] The character was originally named McBain, until an actual film called McBain was released in 1991. That film's producers refused to allow the show to use the name, so "Rainier Wolfcastle" became the name of the actor playing the McBain role.[237] Dan Castellaneta, the voice of Homer Simpson, doubles as Wolfcastle when Harry Shearer is absent from table reads.[231]

In The Simpsons Movie, a characterization of Arnold Schwarzenegger is the President of the United States. He is very similar to the design of Wolfcastle but with more wrinkles under his eyes and a different hairstyle.[238]

Ralph Wiggum

Reverend Lovejoy

Rich Texan

Richard O'Hara[citation needed], mainly known as The Rich Texan (voiced by Dan Castellaneta),[39] is a stereotypical rich, callous but gregarious businessman and owner of the Springfield Atoms football team and the fictional Simpsons version of the Boston Celtics, which he lost to Mr. Burns in a poker game at Billionaire Camp in the episode "The Burns and the Bees". He is an active member of the Springfield Republican Party and speaks with a heavy Texas drawl. His morality can wildly vary from episode to episode: sometimes selfish and sadistic, and at other times polite and friendly. In the fifth-season episode "$pringfield" (the Rich Texan's debut, though a similar character once appeared in the season two episode "Old Money"), Homer addresses the Rich Texan as Senator, although this was never again referenced. Rich Texan sports a bolo tie and a white cowboy hat. He is also obsessive-compulsive, as revealed in "The Seemingly Never-Ending Story". He claimed in "Marge's Son Poisoning" that he enjoys moonlit walks on the beach; in the same episode he held Homer and Moe at gunpoint while forcing them to walk with him after the duo carried out a deception on him.

He is seen pulling out a pair of revolvers and firing them into the air while yelling "Yee Haw!" whenever he is happy or excited. He was briefly incarcerated due to one of his stray bullets hitting a Texas Ranger. He has a gay grandson, as revealed in "Million Dollar Abie" and a daughter named Paris Texan (who looks and acts like hotel heiress Paris Hilton). In the episode "Havana Wild Weekend" the Rich Texan says New Hampshire is his home state, and in "Revenge Is a Dish Best Served Three Times", he is from Connecticut, despite his brash, stereotypically Southern persona (parodying the fact that although former president George H.W. Bush is most closely associated with Texas, he was actually born in Milton, Massachusetts). The popular culture perception of Lyndon B. Johnson also contributed to the Rich Texan's characterization.


Richard (alternatively voiced by Nancy Cartwright, Jo Ann Harris, Pamela Hayden and Maggie Roswell) is a gray-haired student at Springfield Elementary School and is one of Bart's friends. He is first seen in "Bart the Genius". He is usually seen with his best friend Lewis and has a leather jacket and a shirt with a small diamond embroidered on the center. Richard appears frequently in scenes involving the Springfield children, and in the early seasons was often involved with mischief. In early seasons he and Lewis were commonly seen hanging out with Bart and Milhouse, but in recent years they are mostly seen in the classroom and in crowd scenes. He had a brief speaking part in "The Haw-Hawed Couple", in which he was voiced by Pamela Hayden. His hair color changes from black to gray, to brown, and then to blue throughout the course of the show. However, in Simpsons Comics, his hair always appears gray.

Rod Flanders

Rodney "Rod" Flanders (voiced by Pamela Hayden) is Ned Flanders' ten-year-old son. Rod prays often; first thing in the morning and last thing before bed. He prays for God to watch over him and his younger brother, Todd, as well as for the success of his father's business. He also prays for all of the other children like his neighbor Bart Simpson, who do not pray for themselves. Ned has described Rod's hobbies as including "being quiet during trips, clapping with songs and diabetes". Rod's largest role was in "Bart Has Two Mommies", where he obtains new climbing skills and rescues Bart from a chimpanzee atop a church. This episode also reveals that Rod thinks of Marge as the most fun he has had since his mother died.

In earlier episodes ("When Flanders Failed" and "Dead Putting Society"), Rod is overshadowed by his younger brother, who plays parts in both. In "'Tis the Fifteenth Season", he mentions that he is "jealous of girls 'cause they get to wear dresses", suggesting nascent transvestism. In a "freeze-frame gag" in the episode "Homer Badman", Rod is stated to be the younger Flanders child. In the flash-forward episode "Bart to the Future", Flanders justifies lending Bart money as a gesture of goodwill due to Bart's having apparently not outed Rod and Todd as being gay. In later episodes, Rod seems to have developed a taste for comedy as he has had a habit of watching comedy shows and during the 34th treehouse of horror episode, the second segment depicts him as a badmouthed prop comedian and in the next one, he is in church reading a magazine about Carrot Top.

Roger Meyers Jr.

Roger Meyers Jr. (voiced by Alex Rocco in 1990 and from 1996 to 1997, Hank Azaria from 1993 to 1994) is the current Chairman of I&S Studios, and is the son of Roger Meyers Sr. He distributes the cartoon, which is frequently criticized by parents because of its violent nature. He is a jaded and selfish businessman who has nothing but contempt for the children who comprise his audience.

In the episode "The Day the Violence Died", when I&S Studios is bankrupted following their trial against Chester J. Lampwick and Bart and Lisa are too late in providing information that could save the company, he tells them condescendingly "Great, mail it to last week when I might have cared. I've got cartoons to make."

He has an obnoxious and short tempered personality. This is displayed in his contempt for the writers of Itchy and Scratchy when Abe Simpson becomes the flavour of the month, going as far as physically abusing a fired writer and sending Lisa and Bart a letter filled with explicit and rude language in the process. And again when holding auditions for the voice of Poochie. After first hiring Otto, he then chooses Troy McClure, telling Otto, "Take a hike you bum", when seconds earlier he was "perfect".

In "The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show", he creates Poochie in an attempt to bring the show's ratings back up. Homer is asked to voice Poochie, and does so. The show's ratings plummet, and Poochie is despised. He is nearly killed off in the next episode (after only one appearance), but ends up being dubbed over to have returned to his own planet (and died on the way).

In The Simpsons arcade game mobile, he appears as a boss in the Springfield Mall and uses an axe, a mallet, and bombs that look like Itchy and Scratchy.

Ruth Powers

Ruth Powers (voiced by Pamela Reed in "New Kid on the Block", "Marge on the Lam", "Strong Arms of the Ma", and "The Wayz We Were"; Maggie Roswell in "The Two Mrs. Nahasapeemapetilons" and "When You Dish Upon a Star"; Pamela Hayden in other appearances) is the Simpsons' next-door neighbor, introduced when she moves to their neighborhood in the episode "New Kid on the Block". She is divorced and has a daughter named Laura Powers. According to "New Kid on the Block", Ruth divorced her husband because his career got in the way with his family life, but in "Marge on the Lam", Ruth tells Marge that all her husband ever did was "eat, sleep, and drink beer" and never gave her money for child support (which led to Ruth stealing her husband's convertible). She is usually seen as a background character, sometimes in events that occurred even before she moved next door (such as the baby shower for Maggie in "And Maggie Makes Three"). She even continues to be a background character despite her later imprisonment. She nearly always wears a red headscarf. In the episode "The Cartridge Family", she was part of the NRA. David Mirkin said that Pamela Reed always would give great performances and that he does not know why they did not use her more.[239]

The episode "Marge on the Lam" features Ruth and Marge going on the run from the law in a stolen convertible in a light parody of Thelma & Louise. Ruth makes an appearance in the episode "Strong Arms of the Ma", as a huge female bodybuilder, advising Marge (who is taking up weightlifting) to use steroids. It is also revealed in the episode that Ruth Powers went to jail and entered a beauty contest in which she was named "Miss Mexican Mafia". Her daughter Laura has not been seen after "New Kid on the Block". In "'Tis the Fifteenth Season" and "The Wayz We Were" she is shown still living next door to the Simpsons.

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Sam and Larry

Sam and Lawrence "Larry" Dalrymple (voiced by Hank Azaria and Harry Shearer), also known as "Barfly #1" and "Barfly #2", are two regular patrons of Moe's Tavern. Their first appearance is in "Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire". Virtually nothing is known about them, except that Sam, whose design is based on co-creator Sam Simon, always wears a cap and glasses and Larry has an orange jacket and a balding head and either looks extremely drunk or very depressed. Sam has spoken only a few times throughout the series; on the season three episode "Lisa the Greek", Sam asks Homer what he bet on outcome of the Super Bowl, and in "Radioactive Man" he simultaneously says "That makes sense" to Moe, along with others at the bar, when Moe tells the barflies that the child actor who played Alfalfa that Moe killed was an orphan who was owned by the studio. In "Worst Episode Ever" Sam is shot in the back by Moe, for trying to pay in Sacagawea dollars. Larry also rarely speaks, except simultaneously with Sam, Barney Gumble and Homer Simpson in "Radioactive Man" and in fantasy sequences (in "Marge Be Not Proud", Larry utters a garbled, "Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year" after Bart receives a soiled wig during Bart's image of spending Christmas in juvenile hall and in "Simpson Tide", Larry grumbles, "This stupid machine took my money!" when Apu was thinking of his loved one—in this case, his Kwik-E-Mart cigarette machine that steals money and does not dispense cigarettes).

Larry dies while drinking at the bar in "Cremains of the Day".[240] After his death, it is revealed that he had been smuggling sapphires for Fat Tony. He apparently considered the other regulars at Moe's to be his best friends even though they knew very little about him. It is also revealed that Larry's home address was 652 8th Avenue, enjoyed fishing and Larry told his mother, Iris Dalrymple, about the regulars being his best friends.[241]

Sanjay Nahasapeemapetilon

Sanjay Nahasapeemapetilon (voiced by Harry Shearer)[25] is Apu Nahasapeemapetilon's younger brother and uncle of Apu's eight children.[242] He has a daughter named Pahusacheta (who performed in a beauty pageant) and a son named Jamshed (who, despite his young age, can wield a shotgun and run The Kwik-E-Mart when Apu is not there to do so). Sanjay has a wife, as he asked Apu to promise not to sleep with her if he dies (Apu's response to this request was a cheery "I promise nothing!"). Sanjay was shown as Apu's business partner at the Kwik-E-Mart in the earlier episodes. "I'm with Cupid" was his final speaking appearance until "Covercraft".

However, he has appeared as a background character in "Moe Letter Blues", "Homer at the Bat" (as pitcher for Fort Springfield), and The Simpsons Movie. Sanjay can also be seen in the season nine episode "Dumbbell Indemnity" on a sign outside "Stu's Disco" that reads, "You Must Be This Swarthy To Enter".

Santa's Little Helper

Sarah Wiggum

Sarah Wiggum (née Kanickee, voiced by Pamela Hayden in most episodes,[25] and Megan Mullally in "Uncut Femmes", "Poorhouse Rock", "Lisa the Boy Scout", "Iron Marge" and "Bart's Brain") is the gentle wife of Chief Wiggum and mother of Ralph Wiggum. She first appeared in the fourth season episode "Duffless".[243] Like Bernice Hibbert and Martha Quimby, she is a background character who appears most frequently in a nonspeaking role. However, in The Simpsons Game she only ever says "Clancy!", whether hit by or in Marge's mob.

In the episode, "A Star Is Born Again", at the Jellyfish Dance, Clancy mentions she was more beautiful at that moment than the day he arrested her, to which she giggles in reply. He then mentions he only planted the crystal meth on her so she would "notice" him so he has an excuse to arrest her and fall in love with her, despite not doing the crystal meth, any drugs, or any crimes in general. Sarah (according to Clancy) is his "home force" and he lovingly calls her "Poppin' Fresh".

In the episode "Grade School Confidential", she immediately dials the authorities to Clancy's command. Ralph apparently gets his appearance from her, as the two look very similar. According to "Eternal Moonshine of the Simpson Mind", Marge does not like Sarah at all and tried to keep her from Homer's cruise party. But in later episodes such as "The Great Wife Hope", and "The Devil Wears Nada", Sarah is seen with Marge in groups with other Springfield moms in outings or charity meetings, apparently making an effort to get to know her better.

In the episode "Uncut Femmes", her only major role to date, she reveals her true self to Marge entirely different then what she was before, including flashbacks of how she and Clancy met, of which the story was heavily retconned from what was said previously. She was a professional criminal tasked with distracting Clancy, then a security guard, in the course of a heist gone wrong. In the present, she and Marge retrieve one of the stolen items from the heist and she eventually reveals her past to Clancy, who is intrigued by her history.

In the episode "Poorhouse Rock" Sarah is seen again in her new retconned voice and personality, but is in the original character design in a guest appearance. In one of the unaired "storylines" leaked in the episode "Lisa the Boy Scout", Clancy confronts Sarah for cheating on him with Eddie the cop, who is revealed to be the actual father of Ralph. In this appearance, she acted like her old self when it comes to her mannerisms.

Scott Christian

Scott Christian (voiced by Dan Castellaneta) is a newsreader from the early seasons of the show. Christian and Kent Brockman shared the anchor desk equally, but eventually Brockman started to become the more commonly used anchor. In his final appearances, Christian was used mostly when Kent was in the field and an introduction was needed. His final speaking appearance was "The Boy Who Knew Too Much", save for one syllable in "Radioactive Man".

Christian was supposed to be permanent anchor,[244] always filling in for an absent Brockman, but was quickly phased out as the show progressed. He briefly appeared (with red colored hair) with the other Springfield celebrities in the season 18 episode "Homerazzi" and made an appearance in "Guess Who's Coming to Criticize Dinner?".

He reappears, then dies in "Burger Kings".

Sea Captain

Captain Horatio McCallister[245] (voiced by Hank Azaria[51]), more commonly known as "The Sea Captain", created by Conan O'Brien.[88] His character is based on the stereotype of sailors and pirates, including the stereotypical pirate catchphrase, "Yarr!" He is a member of the Springfield Alcoholics Anonymous and has a peg leg in which he keeps liquor. In "The Bart of War" he uses his wooden leg to have a vicious sword fight with Sideshow Mel's bone.[246] He is commonly referred to simply as "the Sea Captain", though when he took the witness stand in "New Kid on the Block", Lionel Hutz clearly addresses him as "Captain McCallister".

The Sea Captain is always seen holding a corncob pipe and squinting (because he has at least one glass eye, though once he was seen tapping both of his eyes, stating he has two glass eyes). He also has an artificial leg. As an entrepreneur, McCallister is equally incompetent. On several occasions, he acknowledges his incompetence with a depressed: "Yarr, I don't know what I'm doin'." Although he once states under oath (in "New Kid on the Block") that he is not a real sea captain, at various occasions in later episodes he is indeed shown captaining a ship (even though "Bart's Girlfriend" revealed that he "...hate[s] the sea and everything in it" during the part where he watches ships crash). His restaurant, The Frying Dutchman, is a failing business venture that does not generate enough income to support its owner. During the episode "Mr. Plow", the Captain pitches his 90 track sea shanties CD set in a commercial, which aired on public-access television cable TV channel 92. In the episode "Lisa Gets an 'A'", the captain appears as a penniless bum. When seeing Homer and Marge walking Homer's pet lobster at the beach, he approaches them and claims that he runs a "small academy for lobsters". However, when Marge refuses to send the lobster away to "some snobby boarding school", McCallister asks her for spare change instead. It is implied that he may be bisexual; in the episode "A Star Is Born Again", he responds to what he believes as Ned Flanders showing interest in him with, "Are you hitting on me? Because I don't do that.....on land."

His only main roles were in episodes "New Kid on the Block" and in "The Wettest Stories Ever Told". In the former, Homer sues his restaurant, The Frying Dutchman, because they kicked him out at the restaurant's closing time before Homer had eaten all he could eat. In the latter, he cannot bring the Simpsons their food for numerous reasons like the "chef having problems with tonight's special", which was an octopus. He then ignores the family while playing pickup basketball games with the restaurant's staff.

Azaria modeled the voice on Robert Newton, who played pirates in several movies.[247] The writers' "love of sea talk" is what inspired them to invent the Sea Captain.[248]

Shauna Chalmers

Shauna Chalmers (voiced by Tress MacNeille) is a rebellious, promiscuous teenager who is Superintendent Chalmers' daughter. She is usually portrayed as Jimbo's girlfriend, but in "The D'oh-cial Network", she apparently sent a message to everybody promising to make out with them.

In "Beware My Cheating Bart", she has a relationship with Bart.

In "Girls Just Shauna Have Fun", she and Lisa discover that they have a shared passion of playing instruments.

Sherri and Terri

Sherri and Terri Mackleberry (both voiced by Russi Taylor from season 1 to 30, Tress MacNeille in "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Marge", Grey DeLisle since season 31)[189] are identical twin sisters with long purple hair and pale skin. They perpetually reinforce their identities as twins, with things such as making up their own "twin" language. They are in the same class as Bart at Springfield Elementary School. In "Homer's Odyssey" it is revealed that their father is Homer's supervisor at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant. He fires Homer for causing an accident while waving to Bart from a cart during a school tour of the plant. Homer, however, has the last laugh when he is promoted above the twins' father to safety inspector by his boss Mr. Burns. Their mother is shown in "Bart Sells His Soul" and looks just like her daughters. Sherri is two seconds older than Terri;[249] they share their birthday with Rod Flanders. In one episode when it seemed as if Springfield was going to be lost in a nuclear explosion, it was Sherri—rather than Terri—who was picked for survival by Principal Skinner.

The girls themselves dress identically, reinforcing their "twin-ness". They are quite rude and snobbish, and never miss an opportunity to berate Bart and make fun of Lisa. Bart appears to have a crush on one of them, as admitted in "Hungry, Hungry Homer". Sherri referred to Bart as an ugly, smelly dork, but was persuaded by Homer to go on a date with Bart after he told her that she could not do much better. Sherri stated that Terri had a crush on Bart in "Bart Star". Another time, in "Hello Gutter, Hello Fadder", Homer openly addressed Sherri as "the girl Bart has a crush on". In "The Way We Weren't", they introduce a cousin who has a crush on Bart. In "The Blue and the Gray", it was revealed that they were actually conjoined triplets, and that the third triplet is seeking revenge. The third triplet is seen by Marge in "The Daughter Also Rises", but they suggest that she may only be hallucinating. In "Lisa's Substitute", they nominate Bart as the class president.

Sideshow Bob

Sideshow Mel

Melvin Van Horne, better known as Sideshow Mel (voiced by Dan Castellaneta), is Krusty the Clown's sidekick. He replaced Sideshow Bob after Bob was incarcerated for framing Krusty for armed robbery. Mel's hiring was never explicitly shown in the series and his full name was only revealed when he announced himself while trying to solve the mystery of who shot Mr. Burns in the episode "Who Shot Mr. Burns? (Part Two)" and in the episode "All About Lisa" on the portrait of Sideshow Mel in the past. He first appeared in "Itchy & Scratchy & Marge", shortly after Sideshow Bob was sent to prison, filling the exact role that Bob once did. Little is known about Mel. He is a Cornell University graduate, and a former Gulp 'n Blow employee (during the time that Krusty's show was cancelled, and Bart and Lisa set out to create a comeback special). Sideshow Mel is revealed, in the episode entitled "All About Lisa", to have been the winner of the prestigious Springfield Entertainer of the Year award. The intoxication of applause made him reduce himself to ridiculous behavior for laughter, which he compared to doing heroin and checking email. Sideshow Mel uses a slide whistle to communicate on camera, just like Bob. When not in character, Mel speaks in a grandiose English/Received Pronunciation accent (Castellaneta's play on Kelsey Grammer's character, Sideshow Bob) and owns poodles. When Springfield inhabitants form an angry mob, Mel often takes a leading role. Mel wears a bone in his hair that has been used as a weapon. In "22 Short Films About Springfield", Mel reveals that he got the bone stuck in his hair by trying to dig gum out with it. In "Homerazzi" it was revealed that Mel was in a bitter custody battle and that he has a son, who looks just like him except without a bone in his hair. In "I'm with Cupid", he reveals he has a wife named Barbara, who appears in "Realty Bites" where they are bowling in a house that Marge tries to sell to them. She is revealed to be giving birth in the episode "All About Lisa", suggesting that Mel has at least two children. She looks like a European woman, and has light hair. It has been suggested that Mel is very wealthy, able to afford betting thousands of dollars on football regularly.

Sideshow Mel is often subject to abuse by Krusty, just as Sideshow Bob was before him. Such occurrences include 'Krusty's Slide', where he is forced into a mixture of pudding, pickle brine and laundry detergent, a tub of rancid Béarnaise sauce and a tub of refried beans; another unseen one is in "Krusty Gets Kancelled" where he states that Krusty once poured liquid nitrogen down his pants and cracked his buttocks with a hammer. In the episode "Day of the Jackanapes", it is shown that Krusty can remember Sideshow Bob's name, but not Sideshow Mel's.


Chester Turley[250] or Albert Knickerbocker Aloysius Snake[251] (voiced by Hank Azaria[51]), better known as Snake[252] or Jailbird,[253] is a recurring character who is Springfield's resident recidivist felon, always getting arrested but rarely staying in jail.[254] He made his debut appearance in "The War of the Simpsons" in which he was not named but wore the prisoner ID 7F20, matching the episode's production code.[255]

His first name was first mentioned by his cellmate Sideshow Bob in the season 3 episode "Black Widower". In the script, the writers had simply mentioned a character named Snake and it had been the directors who had assigned that existing character design to the name.[256] Snake was named the 19th (out of 25) of IGN's Top 25 Simpsons Peripheral Characters.[66]

Snowball II

Snowball II is the Simpson family's pet cat. The first Snowball II debuted in "Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire", and died in the episode "I, (Annoyed Grunt)-Bot", where she was later replaced by a cat Lisa named with the same name.

Sophie Krustofsky

Sophie Krustofsky (voiced by Drew Barrymore in "Insane Clown Poppy", Natasha Lyonne in later appearances) is the illegitimate daughter of Krusty and a Gulf War veteran who debuts in "Insane Clown Poppy" when she meets her father for the first time and though he loses her trust by gambling away her violin, both Krusty and Homer work together to get it back. She makes a minor reappearance in "Marge Gamer".[257] Later she has major appearances in "The Nightmare After Krustmas" where she wants to spend Christmas with her father despite the fact the difference in their religious faiths (as she was raised a Christian unlike Krusty who was Jewish) to where Krusty almost converts to Christianity, and "E My Sports", where she participates in an esports game as a member of Bart's team. In "When Nelson Met Lisa", set in a possible future, she is shown in a relationship with Jimbo, with both ending up getting married.

Squeaky-Voiced Teen

Squeaky-Voiced Teen (voiced by Dan Castellaneta), a.k.a. Pimple-Faced Teen, real name Jeremy Friedman or Steve Friedman,[25] is one of few teenagers on the show and is perpetually trapped in a series of entry-level jobs, usually working at Krusty Burger (as a cashier, a cook, or, in the case of "Lisa vs. Malibu Stacy", a supervisor in charge of training new employees), the grocery store (as a bagboy as seen in "Selma's Choice" and "Simpson Safari"), or at a movie theater (as either a ticket master in "Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie", a concession stand clerk in "E-I-E-I-(Annoyed Grunt)", or an usher in "Jaws Wired Shut"; in the video game The Simpsons: Road Rage he also talks about cleaning out the urinals). The Squeaky Voiced Teen has acne, and his voice is in the process of breaking. While the Squeaky Voiced Teen's personality is seemingly shy and awkward, he does appear to have a notable degree of peer popularity, as he has been shown to score or at least get along with girls on several instances. He is often concerned about others and usually reports them to his boss; however, when he very rarely is the boss himself, he seizes opportunity and becomes stubborn and evil. Beginning with "Team Homer", it is revealed that the Squeaky-Voiced Teen's mother is Lunchlady Doris (who disowns him after he mentions that he cannot give a bowling lane to his own mother on League Night).

Castellaneta lifted his voice for the character from actor Richard Crenna's as Walter Denton in the sitcom Our Miss Brooks.[258] Several different models of Squeaky-Voiced Teen have been used throughout the series, featuring counterparts in Mexico, Australia, and England. Steven Dean Moore uses them all as waiters at the ice cream parlor the Simpsons eat at in "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Marge".[259] Matt Groening called Squeaky-Voiced Teen his second favorite "unnamed" character after Comic Book Guy, whose name was finally revealed to be "Jeff Albertson" in the episode "Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass".[260] He is also seen in the pre-show of The Simpsons Ride as one of the ride operators.


Stampy is a male African elephant first appearing in the episode "Bart Gets an Elephant". Bart wins the elephant in a radio contest called "KBBL Is Gonna Gimme Something Stupid". As a prize, Bart was offered either an elephant or $10,000 in cash, with the elephant option as a joke. Bill and Marty had anticipated all winners would opt for the cash and were caught off guard when Bart chose the elephant. With the prospect of being fired looming, they eventually get Bart an elephant. Bart decides to name the elephant Stampy, who soon starts to cause trouble and costs a large amount of money in upkeep. Anxious to escape this, Homer offers Stampy to a wildlife reserve. However, on his realization that he will get nothing in return, he elects to sell Stampy to local poacher and ivory dealer, Mr. Blackheart. Homer later changes his mind after Stampy rescues him from a tar pit. Stampy likes peanuts and putting people in his mouth. He does not like other elephants, as can be seen when he is first introduced to the wildlife reserve.

Stampy is alluded to in other episodes. At Apu's wedding, Bart sees Apu riding an elephant. Bart comments that he wishes that he had an elephant. Lisa responds, "You did. His name was Stampy. You loved him." Bart simply replies, "Oh, yeah." Stampy also appears in "Miracle on Evergreen Terrace" in Bart's water dream, and made a second (and more important) appearance on season 14's "Large Marge", where he was involved in an attempt to restore the public opinion of Krusty the Clown. Stampy also attacks a bear in the final scene of "The Fat and the Furriest", but then the bear fights back by hitting Stampy on the head with a club several times, much to Stampy's dismay. Stampy also appears in The Simpsons Movie, where he cracks the dome that covers Springfield, prompting the government's drastic decision to implement Option No. 4 as a solution to the Springfield Problem.

State Comptroller Atkins

State Comptroller Atkins (voiced by Hank Azaria in later appearances, Karl Wiedergott in "We’re on the Road to D’ohwhere") is the comptroller of Springfield's state. In "Lisa Gets an 'A'" he is sent to deliver the basic assistance grant to Springfield Elementary after Lisa cheats on a test and raises the school's GPA up to the state's minimum requirement. Otto's impersonation of Atkins suggests that he is of Canadian origin. He appears later in "Saddlesore Galactica", where he moderates the elementary school band competition at the state fair. He plans to give Lisa the unusually large good sportsmanship award until he hears her brand the first-place band "cheaters" for using glow-sticks in their performance.

Atkins' most recent appearance was in "Bart Stops to Smell the Roosevelts" where he gives Chalmers his job back.

He is also on Lisa's list of "interesting adults" in "Moe'N'a Lisa".

Steve Mobbs

Steve Mobbs (voiced by Hank Azaria) was the founder of Mapple and is a parody of Steve Jobs. He appeared in "Mypods and Broomsticks". When Mobbs was giving an announcement, Bart played a prank and made it look like he was insulting his customers.

He also appears in "A Tree Grows in Springfield" where he is dead and shows off the MyPad in heaven. Steve Mobbs' death is a reference to when Steve Jobs died.

Superintendent Chalmers

Superintendent Garibaldi "Gary" Chalmers[261] (voiced by Hank Azaria) is the superintendent of Springfield's school district. He first appears in the episode "Whacking Day". Chalmers is strict and humorless, with a short temper and low tolerance for disorder or rule-breaking. He is also the father of Shauna Chalmers.

Whenever Chalmers visits Springfield Elementary, some sort of disaster strikes. He produces extreme anxiety in Principal Skinner, who offers increasingly improbable excuses for the problems. As a running gag, despite his antipathy towards Skinner and his initial skepticism, Chalmers will still wind up accepting Skinner's desperate explanations. Chalmers is known for throwing open the doors to the room and bellowing "SEYMOUR!!!" or "SKINNER!!!", to which Skinner stammers "S-Superintendent Chalmers!" His catchphrase has caused some paranoia in Skinner (as seen in "Lisa's Date with Density"). On a few occasions, he says Skinner's name this way when absolutely nothing has gone wrong, implying that he either pronounces Skinner's name this way by habit, or does it on purpose to scare him. In "Homer and Lisa Exchange Cross Words", he even pronounces the words "skimmer" and "dinner" in a similar manner to Skinner's name, who mistakes it as Chalmers wanting his attention.

However, Chalmers does on at least two occasions show a fondness for Skinner. In "The Debarted", both Skinner and Chalmers are lost in the foam of a massive explosion resulting from the mixture of Mentos and Diet Coke, he screams Skinner's name and upon not receiving an answer, says it again in a softer manner. Skinner then replies to which Chalmers tells him in a frightened voice, "Don't ever scare me like that again." In "How Munched is That Birdie in the Window?", when Edna uses a pigeon to taunt Skinner about how much better her life is without him, Chalmers shows compassion for Skinner until Edna reveals that she had an affair with Chalmers, leaving Skinner angry and forcing Chalmers to flee. In "Lisa Simpson, This Isn't Your Life", it is revealed that Chalmers has nothing personal against Skinner and that he is aware that the antics within the school are a result of the students' reckless nature and the teachers' indifference, but scolds Skinner because he would have to face the ire of the parents or of the teachers' union otherwise, and because he likes Groundskeeper Willie.

Chalmers' own competence and dedication to his job are questionable. He lets Ned Flanders allow the school to descend into anarchy when Flanders is principal, freely admitting that he had fired Skinner for far less, explaining simply that "Skinner really bugged me." He seems disturbingly unconcerned with the school's decline, stating that American public schools are already on the decline and will most likely end up just like Springfield Elementary (or worse) and tells Bart to sit back and enjoy the ride (though Chalmers does ultimately fire Flanders for mentioning God in a public school). He also promotes people based on personal bias as opposed to actual competence, promoting Principal Holloway, described by Skinner as a "drunk" and by Chalmers as a "pill-popper", to assistant superintendent after getting run over by a tractor driven by Bart and blaming Skinner for letting it happen.

Chalmers' first name is revealed to be Gary in "Yokel Chords" and in "Wild Barts Can't Be Broken" it is revealed that he is a Spanish immigrant named "Señor Chalmers". In the episode "Replaceable You", it is implied that Chalmers wears a toupee (according to Dolph's science project, a toupee detector). In the episode "22 Short Films About Springfield", he mentions he is from Utica, New York, though in "The Old Man and the 'C' Student" he says that he was born in Queens, New York. He has also mentioned that he attended Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana, after which he moved to Intercourse, Pennsylvania. In several episodes, such as "Bart the Fink", Chalmers is seen dating Agnes Skinner (much to Seymour's chagrin), although in other episodes, he mentions he is married. In "Pranksta Rap", he takes a job as a bodyguard for rapper Alcatraaz, but only because his wife is really sick. In "Bart Stops to Smell the Roosevelts", Chalmers mentions that he was once married and is now a widower, implying his wife died from her illness.

"Bart Stops to Smell the Roosevelts" is the first (and so far only) episode in which Superintendent Chalmers is given a protagonist role. In the episode, Chalmers is challenged by Principal Skinner to get Bart interested in learning, and finds it in the form of teaching him about Theodore Roosevelt. After an unauthorized school field trip, Chalmers is fired for letting Nelson fall off a cliff, but is re-hired and given the title of Super-Duper-Intendent. In The Simpsons Movie, in addition to appearances in crowd scenes Superintendent Chalmers is shown in attendance at an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting on Day 97 under the Dome. He is one of those who panics when a book thrown from outside the meeting room smashes through a window and knocks over the Bunn-type coffee maker, apparently destroying the last of AA's coffee supply in Springfield.

In the DVD commentaries to "22 Short Films About Springfield" and "Grade School Confidential", it is noted that Superintendent Chalmers seems to be one of the few "normal" characters on the show and is frequently alone in his awareness of the show's zaniness (much like one-shot character Frank Grimes from "Homer's Enemy").

Surly Duff

Surly Duff (voiced by Hank Azaria) is a mascot for Duff and one of the seven duffs. He first appears in "Selma's Choice" and has appeared multiple times since.

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Todd Flanders

Todd Homer Flanders[262] (voiced by Nancy Cartwright) is Ned Flanders' eight-year-old son, who according to the episode "Manger Things" was born six years ago. His middle name is Homer because Homer helped deliver him when Ned could not get there on time. His voice is based on Sherman's from Peabody and Sherman.[19] Todd is the most impressionable member of the Flanders family. When exposed to profanity, he himself starts to curse ("Hell, no" and "I said I don't want any damn vegetables"). When Moe Szyslak loses his temper at Uncle Moe's Family Feedbag, Todd responds with "Ow, my freaking ears!" prompting the Flanders to leave, after Ned comments that Moe's foul language is more at home at Denny's (in most international versions, "Denny's" is replaced with "McDonald's"). Whether due to immaturity or a means to break away from his parents' (his father's especially) relentless sheltering, whenever Todd comes into contact with anything outside his family and their pious ways, such as the time he was tricked into eating a Pixy Stix by Bart Simpson, he turns aggressive. Todd can play the violin quite well, and is a part of the Springfield Elementary School band (despite that later episodes do not show Rod or Todd Flanders as Springfield Elementary School students, before it was revealed that they attended a Christian school before their new step-mother Edna Krabappel enrolled them in Springfield Elementary[263]). "Dead Putting Society" reveals that Todd is good at mini-golf and capable (presumably unlike his brother) to defy his father. However, he is much less willing than Bart.

Troy McClure

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Üter Zörker

Üter Zörker (voiced by Russi Taylor) is an overweight German foreign exchange student with a sweet tooth, and strange habits such as offering his already-licked lollipops to others as a sign of friendship, and eating marzipan candies (called Joy Joy) fortified with iodine. He was left behind on the Civil War field trip, according to the season six episode "The PTA Disbands", but was back in school, playing in the band in the season eight episode "Lisa's Date with Density". His subsequent disappearance from the show for a significant period of time has become a running joke. In "Guess Who's Coming to Criticize Dinner?" his biological parents from Germany asked Skinner where their missing son was, and in "24 Minutes" he is seen stuck in a cobweb in the school air vents. It is revealed in the episode "Jazzy and the Pussycats" that he can play the trumpet quite well. He even makes a Charlie and the Chocolate Factory diorama, but eats it before it can be graded in "Lisa's Rival". During the school science fair in the season 23 episode "Replaceable You" Kearney has a human skull on display with a sign on it that reads, "Is This Üter?" In the German dub of the show, Üter is an exchange student from Switzerland.

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The Vanderbilts

The Vanderbilts (voiced by Harry Shearer in "Saddlesore Galactica", Hank Azaria in later appearances and Tress MacNeille) are an elderly rich couple who are frequently shocked by Homer Simpson's antics. They first appear in "Saddlesore Galactica" where Mr. Vanderbilt breaks his monocle after being shocked. This gag is reused in "A Tale of Two Springfields". In "Homer vs. Dignity", Mrs. Vanderbilt is shocked by Homer's antics twice. In "The Frying Game", Mrs. Vanderbilt is shown as friends with Mrs. Bellamy, Mrs. Glick, and Agnes Skinner. They are a parody of the actual Vanderbilt family.

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The Warden (voiced by Charles Napier) is the unnamed prison warden of both Springfield Prison and Springfield Juvenile Hall.

He first appears in the episode "Pokey Mom" as the announcer of the Springfield Prison rodeo, as well as sitting in on Jack Crowley's parole hearing. He is shown as a very strict bureaucrat, and has little compassion for the prisoners under his control. He releases Crowley into Marge's care after she vouches for him.

He reappears in "The Wandering Juvie", now in charge of the juvenile detention center, which he runs just like a prison.

A sign in his office reads "HIS JUDGEMENT COMETH AND THAT RIGHT SOON", which is a reference to the sign in Warden Norton's office from The Shawshank Redemption.

Waylon Smithers

The Weasels

The Weasels are fraternal twin bullies at Springfield Elementary School and Nelson's henchmen despite being in the 2nd grade with Lisa Simpson. They first appeared in "Bart the General". They are almost identical except for their skin colors (one is white and the other is black) and their outfits. The White Weasel (voiced by Susan Blu in "Bart the General" and Nancy Cartwright in later appearances) wears a red T-shirt, tan shorts, and red shoes and the Black Weasel (voiced by Jo Ann Harris in "Bart the General" and Pamela Hayden in later appearances) wears an orange T-shirt, tan shorts, and orange shoes with tan soles (although in his first appearance, his outfit was a yellow T-shirt, green shorts, and yellow shoes with green soles). While only continuing to serve Nelson on very rare instances after much earlier seasons, the Weasels still appear frequently throughout the series, sometimes in scenes involving the other bullies yet primarily as background characters, especially in Lisa's 2nd grade class. During the episode "The Winter of His Content", it is revealed that the Weasels now attend Shelbyville Elementary School. In following appearances however, they still occasionally appear among the children of Springfield.

Wendell Borton

Wendell Borton (alternatively voiced by Jo Ann Harris, Pamela Hayden, Nancy Cartwright, Russi Taylor and Grey DeLisle) is a perpetually nauseated and very pale boy with worried eyes and curly hair. He first appears in "Simpsons Roasting on an Open Fire", although his first speaking appearance is in "Homer's Odyssey". He becomes especially sick on field trips, with a tendency to become even paler than usual. He makes frequent appearances at the school nurse's office at Springfield Elementary School. A classmate of Bart Simpson, Wendell is most often seen with classmates Richard, Lewis, and Martin. He was the only kid to support Martin Prince, when the latter ran against Bart for class president. He is one of the few characters whose hair is the same color as his skin. In an episode error, he is called Wendell Queasly in "Yellow Subterfuge."

The Winfields

The Winfields are an elderly couple who live next door to the Simpson family early in the series and often complain about how crude and uncivilized the Simpsons are. Mr. Winfield's (voiced by Dan Castellaneta) first name is unknown and Mrs. Winfield's first name is Sylvia (voiced by Tracey Ullman in "Bart's Dog Gets an "F"", Maggie Roswell in later appearances). They first appear in the season one episode "Homer's Odyssey". The couple appear in the season two episodes "Simpson and Delilah" and "Bart's Dog Gets an "F"", as well as the season three episode "Separate Vocations". The couple eventually move to Florida in the season four episode "New Kid on the Block" and have not been seen since.[264]


Raphael (voiced by Hank Azaria,[199] Dan Castellaneta in "500 Keys"), a.k.a. Wiseguy, is the chauffeur hired to take Homer to the prom (despite that Marge was going with Artie Ziff) in the second season in "The Way We Was", but he has held numerous other jobs in the series.[265] Simpsons sound editor Bob Beecher commented on that, "He doesn't have one name. His character's name always fits the scene so he's gone by many names, 'Clerk', 'Shopkeeper', etc. But in the script the direction given to the voice is 'Wiseguy Voice'. So call him 'Wiseguy' if you want."[266]

Azaria does a Charles Bronson impression for the voice.[167] In "Simpsoncalifragilisticexpiala(Annoyed Grunt)cious", Al Jean and Mike Reiss had Azaria voice a Simpsonized Charles Bronson as a reference to this.[267] Like his profession, the character's hair and facial features varied widely for a number of years, with the voice being the only constant; eventually, he was standardized as a balding, greying man with a moustache. Wiseguy has been dubbed "The Sarcastic Middle-Aged Man" by the show's Internet fans.[268] In "Day of the Jackanapes", Sideshow Bob calls Wiseguy by the name "Raphael".[269]

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Yes Guy

The Frank Nelson Type (voiced by Dan Castellaneta),[270] also known as "The Yes Guy",[199] first appeared in season ten's episode "Mayored to the Mob" as the maître d'hôtel at the Springfield Dinner Theater. He is a character known for bellowing "Ye-e-e-s?!" in a falling, then rising intonation, and appears to be highly eccentric in both his speech and appearance. The Yes Guy is a tribute to Frank Nelson, a supporting actor in The Jack Benny Program, I Love Lucy, and Sanford and Son, whose trademark greeting in all his characters was a loud, drawn-out "Ye-e-e-s?!" Nelson was inexplicably found working behind the service counter of whatever shop Benny or Fred Sanford might be patronizing, and his Springfield counterpart is similar.

In the Yes Guy's first appearance, Homer asks why his voice is always stretched, and the Yes Guy replies by saying "I had a stro-o-o-oke".[271] He also appears in "Homer vs. Dignity". He works at Costington's department store,[272] as an executioner at Springfield Penitentiary,[273] and is juror number twelve of the Springfield jury.[274] Homer refers to him as "that jerk that goes 'Ye-e-e-es?'".[275] A Brazilian version of him was seen in "Blame It on Lisa", uttering "Si-i-i-m?!" ("Yes" in Portuguese).

In a deleted scene of "The Dad Who Knew Too Little", his surname is revealed to be Pettigrew, but this has not been confirmed in any canonical scene.

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See also


  1. ^ Rabin, Nathan (April 26, 2006). "Matt Groening: Interview". The A.V. Club. Archived from the original on October 25, 2006. Retrieved October 24, 2021.
  2. ^ Groening 2010, pp. 311, 1108, 1187.
  3. ^ a b Groening 2010, p. 1108. Cite error: The named reference "FOOTNOTEGroening20101108" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j Richmond & Coffman 1997, p. 179.
  5. ^ The Simpsons episode "The Crepes of Wrath"
  6. ^ The Simpsons episode "Special Edna"
  7. ^ The Simpsons episode "Midnight Towboy"
  8. ^ The Simpsons episode "The Principal and the Pauper"
  9. ^ Richmond & Coffman 1997, p. 196.
  10. ^ Richmond & Coffman 1997, pp. 16–17.
  11. ^ Jean, Al (2003). Easter egg commentary for "Separate Vocations", in The Simpsons: The Complete Third Season [DVD]. 20th Century Fox.
  12. ^ "Boy Meets Curl" first aired February 14, 2010.
  13. ^ @NellSco (January 25, 2020). "@dailysimpsons @AlJean @MikeReissWriter @kingsthings @GeorgeTakei Full name? Akira Kurosawa (the sushi waiter, not the director)" (Tweet) – via Twitter.
  14. ^ Jean, Al (2003). Commentary for "When Flanders Failed", in The Simpsons: The Complete Third Season [DVD]. 20th Century Fox.
  15. ^ Groening 2010, p. 254.
  16. ^ a b Groening 2010, pp. 1096. Cite error: The named reference "FOOTNOTEGroening20101096" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).
  17. ^ Groening 2010, p. 79.
  18. ^ Jean, Al. The Simpsons: The Complete Third Season DVD Video.
  19. ^ a b Larry Carroll (July 26, 2007). "'Simpsons' Trivia, From Swearing Lisa To 'Burns-Sexual' Smithers". MTV. Archived from the original on December 20, 2007. Retrieved July 29, 2007.
  20. ^ Richmond & Coffman 1997, p. 223.
  21. ^ Richmond & Coffman 1997, pp. 178–179.
  22. ^ a b Richmond & Coffman 1997, p. 122.
  23. ^ O'Brien, Conan (2004). Commentary for "Homer Goes to College", in The Simpsons: The Complete Fifth Season [DVD]. 20th Century Fox.
  24. ^ Reardon, Jim (2004). Commentary for "Homer Goes to College", in The Simpsons: The Complete Fifth Season [DVD]. 20th Century Fox.
  25. ^ a b c d e f g Gimple, p. 87
  26. ^ The Simpsons episode "Duffless"
  27. ^ The Simpsons episode "Dude, Where's My Ranch?"
  28. ^ The Simpsons episode "Marge and Homer Turn a Couple Play"
  29. ^ The Simpsons episode "Homer vs. the Eighteenth Amendment"
  30. ^ The Simpsons episode "Days of Wine and D'oh'ses"
  31. ^ a b Daryl L. Coley Archived August 4, 2009, at the Wayback Machine Retrieved December 7, 2006
  32. ^ a b c The Simpsons episode "'Round Springfield"
  33. ^ a b The Simpsons episode "Moaning Lisa"
  34. ^ 'Round Springfield The Retrieved December 14, 2006
  35. ^ Matt Groening, DVD commentary for the episode "'Round Springfield"
  36. ^ Dan Higgins Biography Dan Retrieved December 15, 2006
  37. ^ Opening Sequence Archived July 10, 2009, at the Portuguese Web Archive SNPP.
  38. ^ Reiss, Mike (2002). Commentary for "Bart Gets Hit by a Car", in The Simpsons: The Complete Second Season [DVD]. 20th Century Fox.
  39. ^ a b c d Gimple, p. 86
  40. ^ Richmond & Coffman 1997, p. 153.
  41. ^ Reardon, Jim (2005). Commentary for "Bart the Fink", in The Simpsons: The Complete Seventh Season [DVD]. 20th Century Fox.
  42. ^ "3 Scenes Plus a Tag from a Marriage". The Simpsons. Season 29. Episode 13. Event occurs at 13:32. Get me a good nightlife story, or I'm replacing you with someone with a nightlife, Barbara Rellalinsky!
  43. ^ The Simpsons episode "Alone Again, Natura-Diddily"
  44. ^ The Simpsons episode "There's Something About Marrying"
  45. ^ The Simpsons episode "The Italian Bob"
  46. ^ The Simpsons episode "Little Big Girl"
  47. ^ The Simpsons episode "Goo Goo Gai Pan"
  48. ^ The Simpsons episode "22 Short Films About Springfield"
  49. ^ a b The Simpsons episode "Yokel Chords"
  50. ^ The Simpsons episode "Simple Simpson"
  51. ^ a b c Groening 2010, p. 1100.
  52. ^ @AlJean (October 11, 2020). ".@TheSimpsons And a warm Simpsons welcome to Eric Lopez!" (Tweet). Retrieved October 11, 2020 – via Twitter.
  53. ^ Season 7 DVD Commentary – "22 Short Films About Springfield"
  54. ^ Reiss & Klickstein 2018, p. 101.
  55. ^ Reiss, Mike (2004). The Simpsons season 4 DVD commentary for the episode "Itchy & Scratchy: The Movie" (DVD). 20th Century Fox.
  56. ^ Joe Rhodes (October 21, 2000). "Flash! 24 Simpsons Stars Reveal Themselves". TV Guide.
  57. ^ "Primetime Emmy Awards Advanced Search". Archived from the original on April 3, 2009. Retrieved November 5, 2008.
  58. ^ France, Lisa Respers (September 28, 2020). "Alex Désert takes over for Hank Azaria voicing Carl on 'The Simpsons'". CNN. Retrieved September 28, 2020.
  59. ^ "Alex Desert debuts as Carl Carlson on The Simpsons". Indy 100. September 28, 2020. Retrieved September 28, 2020.
  60. ^ a b Jasyson (September 28, 2020). "'The Simpsons' debut voice actor for Carl Carlson after Hank Azaria steps down". The Armenian Reporter. Retrieved September 28, 2020.
  61. ^ Schneider, Michael (September 24, 2020). "'The Simpsons' Season Premiere: Here's Who Took Over Carl's Voice From Hank Azaria (EXCLUSIVE)". Variety. Retrieved September 24, 2020.
  62. ^ Martin, Annie (September 25, 2020). "'The Simpsons': Alex Desert to voice Carl in Season 32 premiere". UPI. Retrieved September 27, 2020.
  63. ^ a b Kevin Curran (writer) (May 1, 2005). "Don't Fear the Roofer". The Simpsons. Season 16. Episode 16. Fox Broadcasting Company.
  64. ^ a b "SNPP: Lenny = White, Carl = Black". Archived from the original on July 10, 2009. Retrieved April 16, 2014.
  65. ^ a b John Swartzwelder (writer) (March 18, 1990). "Life on the Fast Lane". The Simpsons. Season 1. Episode 09. Fox Broadcasting Company.
  66. ^ a b c d e "The Simpsons: Top 25 Peripheral Characters". IGN. February 16, 2012. Retrieved April 16, 2014.
  67. ^ The Simpsons episode "King-Size Homer"
  68. ^ The Simpsons episode "Homer Goes to College"
  69. ^ The Simpsons episode "Homer the Smithers"
  70. ^ The Simpsons episode "Homer at the Bat"
  71. ^ Castellaneta, Dan (2003). Commentary for "Homer at the Bat", in The Simpsons: The Complete Third Season [DVD]. 20th Century Fox.
  72. ^ a b John Swartzwelder (writer), Jim Reardon (director) (March 31, 1994). "Bart Gets an Elephant". The Simpsons. Season 5. Episode 17. Fox Broadcasting Company.
  73. ^ Rob LaZebnik (writer), Bob Anderson (director) (January 27, 2013). "The Changing of the Guardian". The Simpsons. Season 24. Episode 11. Fox Broadcasting Company.
  74. ^ Goertz, Allie; Prescott, Julia (August 8, 2016). "I Married Marge (with Jeff Martin)" (Podcast). Maximum Fun. Event occurs at 44:52. Retrieved April 4, 2018.
  75. ^ a b c The Simpsons episode "Realty Bites"
  76. ^ The Simpsons episode "A Star Is Born Again"
  77. ^ The Simpsons episode "She Used to Be My Girl"
  78. ^ a b The Simpsons episode "Large Marge"
  79. ^ The Simpsons episode "You Kent Always Say What You Want"
  80. ^ a b c The Simpsons episode "See Homer Run"
  81. ^ Groening 2010, pp. 823, 890, 1108 1120, 1132.
  82. ^ Groening 2010, pp. 823, 890, 1120, 1132.
  83. ^ The Simpsons episode "Girly Edition".
  84. ^ The Simpsons episode "I, (Annoyed Grunt)-Bot"
  85. ^ The Simpsons episode "Springfield Up"
  86. ^ The Simpsons episode "Homer and Ned's Hail Mary Pass"
  87. ^ The Simpsons episode "A Midsummer's Nice Dream"
  88. ^ a b Richmond & Coffman 1997, p. 178.
  89. ^ Groening, Matt (2005). Commentary for "Lemon of Troy", in The Simpsons: The Complete Sixth Season (DVD). 20th Century Fox.
  90. ^ Reiss, Mike (2002). Commentary for "Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish", in The Simpsons: The Complete Second Season [DVD]. 20th Century Fox.
  91. ^ The Simpsons episode "Who Shot Mr. Burns? (Part Two)"
  92. ^ The Simpsons episode "Three Men and a Comic Book"
  93. ^ The Simpsons episode "$pringfield"
  94. ^ a b c d Reiss, Mike; Klickstein, Mathew (2018). Springfield confidential: jokes, secrets, and outright lies from a lifetime writing for the Simpsons. New York City: Dey Street Books. p. 100. ISBN 978-0062748034.
  95. ^ The Simpsons episode "Homer Scissorhands"
  96. ^ a b The Simpsons episode "Two Bad Neighbors"
  97. ^ The Simpsons episode "How I Spent My Strummer Vacation"
  98. ^ The Simpsons episode "How I Wet Your Mother"
  99. ^ Oakley, Bill (2005). Commentary for "Two Bad Neighbors", in The Simpsons: The Complete Seventh Season [DVD]. 20th Century Fox.
  100. ^ "IGN: Top 25 Simpsons Peripheral Characters". February 16, 2012. Retrieved September 6, 2014.
  101. ^ a b c d "24 Minutes". The Simpsons. Season 18. Episode 21. Event occurs at 0:48.
  102. ^ a b c d Groening 2010, p. 39.
  103. ^ Season eighteen episode "24 Minutes".
  104. ^ a b c Jean, Al (2001). Commentary for "There's No Disgrace Like Home", in The Simpsons: The Complete First Season [DVD]. 20th Century Fox.
  105. ^ a b Vitti, Jon (2002). Commentary for "Bart vs. Thanksgiving", in The Simpsons: The Complete Second Season [DVD]. 20th Century Fox.
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  109. ^ a b c Scully, Mike (2006). Commentary for "Realty Bites", in The Simpsons: The Complete Ninth Season [DVD]. 20th Century Fox.
  110. ^ Weinstein, Josh (2006). Commentary for "The Twisted World of Marge Simpson", in The Simpsons: The Complete Eighth Season [DVD]. 20th Century Fox.
  111. ^ Scully, Mike (2006). He is seen working many different jobs in multiple episodes. Commentary for "Natural Born Kissers", in The Simpsons: The Complete Ninth Season [DVD]. 20th Century Fox.
  112. ^ Greaney, Dan (2006). Commentary for "Realty Bites", in The Simpsons: The Complete Ninth Season [DVD]. 20th Century Fox.
  113. ^ "2008 Writers Guild Awards Winners Announced". Writers Guild of America. February 9, 2008. Archived from the original on April 23, 2008. Retrieved September 20, 2008.
  114. ^ Turner, Chris (2005). Planet Simpson: How a Cartoon Masterpiece Defined a Generation (1st revised ed.). Cambridge: Da Capo Press. pp. 269. ISBN 978-0-306-81448-8. OCLC 670978714.
  115. ^ The Enigma of The Simpsons’ Hans Moleman
  116. ^ Groening 2010, p. 64.
  117. ^ Groening 2010, p. 988.
  118. ^ a b Groening 2010, p. 1111.
  119. ^ Sky Police:
    • Helen: Oh, Asphodel... Your corpse bride is getting cold.
    • Timothy: Uh, one second Belladonna... Helen and I have found that, er, these new personas have been quite liberating.
    • Helen: Was that a woman's voice? Send her in!
  120. ^ a b Groening, Matt (2001). Commentary for "Bart the General", in The Simpsons: The Complete First Season [DVD]. 20th Century Fox.
  121. ^ Groening, Matt (2006). Commentary for "Treehouse of Horror VIII", in The Simpsons: The Complete Ninth Season [DVD]. 20th Century Fox.
  122. ^ Groening 2010, p. 1177.
  123. ^ Groening 2010, p. 1105.
  124. ^ "Werking Mom". The Simpsons. Season 30. Episode 7. Event occurs at 1:09.
  125. ^ Groening 2010, p. 336.
  126. ^ "Lisa's Date With Density". The Simpsons. Season 8. Episode 7. Event occurs at 16:10. Hey, back off, James.
  127. ^ a b Jean, Al (2001). Commentary for "The Telltale Head", in The Simpsons: The Complete First Season [DVD]. 20th Century Fox.
  128. ^ Bill Morrison, Matt Groening (October 5, 2010). The Simpsons Library of Wisdom: Chief Wiggum's Book of Crime and Punishment. HarperCollins Publishers. p. 26. ISBN 978-0-06-178743-0.
  129. ^ The Simpsons episode "22 for 30"
  130. ^ "Insane Clown Poppy". The Simpsons Archive. Archived from the original on October 20, 2007. Retrieved April 12, 2008.
  131. ^ Stern, David (2004). The Simpsons The Complete Fourth Season DVD commentary for the episode "Selma's Choice" (DVD). 20th Century Fox.
  132. ^ The Simpsons "The Parent Rap" – November 4, 2001
  133. ^ The Simpsons "Brake My Wife, Please" – May 11, 2003
  134. ^ a b Oakley, Bill; Weinstein, Josh (2005). Commentary for "The Day the Violence Died", in The Simpsons: The Complete Seventh Season [DVD]. 20th Century Fox.
  135. ^ Jean, Al (2001). Commentary for "Krusty Gets Busted", in The Simpsons: The Complete First Season [DVD]. 20th Century Fox.
  136. ^ Perkins, Dennis (April 4, 2016). "The Simpsons handles Smithers' coming out with surprising subtlety". The A.V. Club.
  137. ^ Reiss & Klickstein 2018, p. 105.
  138. ^ "She of Little Faith". The Simpsons. Season 13. Episode 6. December 16, 2001.
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  141. ^ "Primetime Emmy Awards nominations for 2011 – Outstanding Voice-Over Performance". Retrieved October 23, 2011.
  142. ^ Groening 2010, p. 660.
  143. ^ Groening 2010, p. 1164.
  144. ^ Jon Vitti (writer) (November 21, 2004). "Sleeping with the Enemy". The Simpsons. Season 16. Episode 03. Fox Broadcasting Company.
  145. ^ Matt Selman (writer) (February 13, 2005). "Pranksta Rap". The Simpsons. Season 16. Episode 09. Fox Broadcasting Company.
  146. ^ John Swartzwelder (writer) (February 2, 1997). "Mountain of Madness". The Simpsons. Season 8. Episode 12. Fox Broadcasting Company.
  147. ^ Dan Greaney (writer) (December 7, 1997). "Realty Bites". The Simpsons. Season 9. Episode 9. Fox Broadcasting Company.
  148. ^ Greg Daniels (writer) (March 19, 1995). "Lisa's Wedding". The Simpsons. Season 6. Episode 19. Fox Broadcasting Company.
  149. ^ John Frink, Don Payne (writers) (March 28, 2004). "The Wandering Juvie". The Simpsons. Season 15. Episode 16. Fox Broadcasting Company.
  150. ^ Greg Daniels (writer) (May 19, 1994). "Secrets of a Successful Marriage". The Simpsons. Season 5. Episode 22. Fox Broadcasting Company.
  151. ^ John Swartzwelder (writer) (October 20, 1998). "The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace". The Simpsons. Season 10. Episode 02. Fox Broadcasting Company.
  152. ^ Cherry, James A. (July 21, 1996). "[1F18] Sweet Seymour Skinner's Baadasssss Song". Episode transcript. The Simpsons Archive ( Archived from the original on May 9, 2008. Retrieved March 1, 2008.
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  154. ^ a b McCann, p. 88
  155. ^ Gimple, p. 37
  156. ^ Weinstein, Josh (2006). Commentary for "The Itchy & Scratchy & Poochie Show", in The Simpsons: The Complete Eighth Season [DVD]. 20th Century Fox.
  157. ^ a b Selman, Matt (2007). Commentary for "They Saved Lisa's Brain", in The Simpsons: The Complete Tenth Season [DVD]. 20th Century Fox.
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  159. ^ Turner 2004, p. 167.
  160. ^ Turner 2004, p. 168.
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  163. ^ "Brother from Another Series"
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  166. ^ "The Dad Who Knew Too Little". The Simpsons.
  167. ^ a b Azaria, Hank (2004). Commentary for "Homer's Barbershop Quartet", in The Simpsons: The Complete Fifth Season [DVD]. 20th Century Fox.
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  176. ^ Groening, Matt (2001). Commentary for "Some Enchanted Evening", in The Simpsons: The Complete First Season [DVD]. 20th Century Fox.
  177. ^ Groening, Matt (2001). Commentary for "There's No Disgrace Like Home", in The Simpsons: The Complete First Season [DVD]. 20th Century Fox.
  178. ^ Jean, Al (2001). Commentary for "Some Enchanted Evening", in The Simpsons: The Complete First Season [DVD]. 20th Century Fox.
  179. ^ Groening, Matt (2003). Commentary for "Treehouse of Horror II", in The Simpsons: The Complete Third Season [DVD]. 20th Century Fox.
  180. ^ Oakley, Bill (2005). Commentary for "Who Shot Mr. Burns? (Part Two)", in The Simpsons: The Complete Seventh Season [DVD]. 20th Century Fox.
  181. ^ Groening 2010, p. 1171.
  182. ^ Gimple, p. 64
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  199. ^ a b c McCann, p. 116
  200. ^ Gimple, p. 38
  201. ^ a b c The Simpsons season 23, episode 4: "Replaceable You"
  202. ^ Richmond & Coffman 1997, p. 57.
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  204. ^ Silverman, David (2003). Commentary for the episode "Saturdays of Thunder", in The Simpsons: The Complete Third Season [DVD]. Twentieth Century Fox.
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  209. ^ Groening 2010, p. 534.
  210. ^ McCann, p. 86
  211. ^ McCann, p. 87
  212. ^ Silverman, David (2003). Commentary for "Homer Defined", in The Simpsons: The Complete Third Season [DVD]. 20th Century Fox
  213. ^ Castellaneta, Dan (2003). Commentary for "Homer Defined", in The Simpsons: The Complete Third Season [DVD]. 20th Century Fox
  214. ^ Reardon, Jim; Silverman, David (2005). Commentary for "22 Short Films About Springfield", in The Simpsons: The Complete Seventh Season [DVD]. 20th Century Fox
  215. ^ Groening 2010, p. 1167.
  216. ^ Bates, James W.; Gimple, Scott M.; McCann, Jesse L; Richmond, Ray; Seghers, Christine, eds. (2010). Simpsons World The Ultimate Episode Guide: Seasons 1–20 (1st ed.). Harper Collins Publishers. pp. 1105–1107. ISBN 978-0-00-738815-8.
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  220. ^ Omine, Carolyn; Kirkland, Mark (January 14, 2000). "Little Big Mom". The Simpsons. Season 9. Episode 10. Fox.
  221. ^ Richmond & Coffman 1997, p. 103.
  222. ^ Wolodarsky, Wallace. The Simpsons The Complete Third Season DVD commentary for the episode "Like Father, Like Clown" (DVD). 20th Century Fox.
  223. ^ Kogen, Jay. The Simpsons The Complete Third Season DVD commentary for the episode "Like Father, Like Clown" (DVD). 20th Century Fox.
  224. ^ "Briefing–'Simpsons' score big in Prime-Time Emmys". Daily News of Los Angeles. August 3, 1992. p. L20.
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  227. ^ "Moms I'd Like to Forget"
  228. ^ "Three Men and a Comic Book", The Simpsons
  229. ^ Season seven episode "Radioactive Man".
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  232. ^ Mirkin, David (2004). Commentary for "The Boy Who Knew Too Much", in The Simpsons: The Complete Fifth Season [DVD]. Twentieth Century Fox.
  233. ^ Weinstein, Josh (2006). Commentary for "My Sister, My Sitter". The Simpsons: The Complete Eighth Season (DVD). 20th Century Fox.
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  236. ^ Groening, Matt; Martin, Jeff; Jean, Al; Reiss, Mike (2002). Commentary for "Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?", in The Simpsons: The Complete Second Season [DVD]. 20th Century Fox.
  237. ^ Groening, Matt; Brooks, James L.; Jean, Al; Reiss, Mike; Silverman, David (2002). Commentary for "The Way We Was", in The Simpsons: The Complete Second Season [DVD]. 20th Century Fox.
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  243. ^ Groening, Matt (2004). Commentary for "Duffless", in The Simpsons: The Complete Fourth Season [DVD]. 20th Century Fox.
  244. ^ Season 1 DVD Commentary – "Krusty Gets Busted"
  245. ^ Groening 2010, pp. 220, 1100, 1167.
  246. ^ The Simpsons episode "The Bart of War"
  247. ^ Azaria, Hank (2004). Commentary for "New Kid on the Block", in The Simpsons: The Complete Fourth Season [DVD]. 20th Century Fox.
  248. ^ Martin, Jeff (2003). Commentary for "I Married Marge", in The Simpsons: The Complete Third Season [DVD]. 20th Century Fox.
  249. ^ The Simpsons Game
  250. ^ "The Fool Monty". The Simpsons. Season 22. Episode 6. November 21, 2010. Event occurs at 14:44. Fox.
  251. ^ "Luca$". The Simpsons. Season 25. Episode 17. Event occurs at 12:28. Albert Knickerbocker Aloysius Snake
  252. ^ Groening 2010, pp. 436, 1100, 1188.
  253. ^ Groening 2010, pp. 1100, 1188.
  254. ^ "Archived copy". Archived from the original on March 30, 2014. Retrieved December 11, 2019.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  255. ^ Groening 2010, pp. 97, 436.
  256. ^ Mentioned in the DVD commentary for "Black Widower"
  257. ^ McCann 2002, pp. 68–69
  258. ^ Castellaneta, Dan (2004). Commentary for "Boy-Scoutz N the Hood", in The Simpsons: The Complete Fifth Season [DVD]. 20th Century Fox.
  259. ^ Moore, Steven Dean (2008). Commentary for "It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Marge", in The Simpsons: The Eleventh Season [DVD]. 20th Century Fox.
  260. ^ Groening, Matt (2004). Commentary for "Boy-Scoutz n the Hood", in The Simpsons: The Complete Fifth Season [DVD]. 20th Century Fox.
  261. ^ Jeff Westbrook (writer) & Matthew Nastuk (director) (November 29, 2020). "The Road to Cincinnati". The Simpsons. Season 32. Episode 8. Event occurs at 17:26. Fox. s32e08 - The Road to Cincinnati - The Simpsons Transcripts - TvT. Our keynote speaker, Superintendent Garibaldi Chalmers.
  262. ^ "Manger Things". The Simpsons. Season 32. Episode 16. March 21, 2021. Event occurs at 19:38. Fox. s32e16 - Manger Things - The Simpsons Transcripts - TvT. Todd Homer Flanders.
  263. ^ Ned 'n Edna's Blend
  264. ^ Groening, Matt (2002). Commentary for "The War of the Simpsons", in The Simpsons: The Complete Second Season [DVD]. 20th Century Fox.
  265. ^ Silverman, David (2002). Commentary for "Old Money", in The Simpsons: The Complete Second Season [DVD]. 20th Century Fox.
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  268. ^ Turner 2004, p. 165.
  269. ^ McCann, p.
  270. ^ McCann, p. 54
  271. ^ The Simpsons episode "Mayored to the Mob"
  272. ^ The Simpsons episode "Milhouse Doesn't Live Here Anymore"
  273. ^ The Simpsons episode "The Frying Game"
  274. ^ The Simpsons episode: "The Monkey Suit"
  275. ^ The Simpsons episode: "Marge vs. Singles, Seniors, Childless Couples and Teens, and Gays"
