Language ombudsman (Ukraine)

In Ukraine, the State Language Protection Commissioner[1] (Ukrainian: Уповноважений Верховної Ради з захисту державної мови), informally Language Ombudsman[2] (Ukrainian: мовний омбудсман) is a state official in charge of the enforcement of the Law of Ukraine "On protecting the functioning of the Ukrainian language as the state language" (2019), as an element of derussification (minimization the influence of the Russian language in Ukraine) and increase the usage of the Ukrainian language (Ukrainianization), which is the only state language in the country.

Commissioner's duties

Commissioner's tasks are defined as follows:

In order to fulfill these tasks, the Commissioner:

Commissioner carries out his activities independently of other state bodies and officials, he is appointed by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine under a special procedure for the term of five years.

The activity of the State Language Protection Commissioner is also regulated by other legislative acts (legal and regulatory framework).

Office holders

See also


  1. ^ "Головна - State Language Protection Commissioner". State Language Protection Commissioner. Retrieved 20 August 2021.
  2. ^ "Cabinet Appoints Ukrainian-Language Teacher Kremin As Language Ombudsman". Ukranews_Com. Retrieved 20 August 2021.
  3. ^ "Уряд призначив мовним омбудсманом Тетяну Монахову, яка раніше не захищала українську - Новинарня". 27 November 2019.
  4. ^ "Українська може стати офіційною мовою Євросоюзу, – мовний омбудсмен Кремінь".