Lago di Ghirla

Lago di Ghirla is a lake at Valganna in the Province of Varese, Lombardy, Italy.


Ghirla Lake is at 442 metres above sea level. Its affluent is river Margorabbia which is a subterranean river coming from Lake Ganna. Its maximal depth is 14 m (46 ft). Its surface covers an area of 0,28 km2


The Ghirla Lake is located under comune of Valganna and the highway strada statale 233 varesina passes near his Eastern side. The Lake is also comprised in the Cinque Vette Park


The climate is continental because the lake is in a prealpine valley : temperatures go far below 0°C in winter and in summer the water temperature is about 20°C.


There are some important dates related to Lago di Ghirla: