Kumandin language

The Kumandin language is a Turkic language spoken in the Altai Republic in Russia.The Kumandins name themselves "Kumandi-Kiji".

Internal classification

Kumandin is classed in the Siberian Turkic branch of the Turkic languages. It is considered as a dialect of Northern Altai. The Kumandin subgroup of the Altai can understand Tubalar and Chelkan, aside from Kumandin.[2]







During the Latinisation period in the Soviet Union, a Latin-based script was developed for the Kumandin language. It was used from 1932 to 1939, when teaching in Kumandin was stopped.[4]

In recent years, the Kumandin language is being written again. The orthography below was created in 2005, when it was published for use by children.

Notes and references

  1. ^ Том 5. «Национальный состав и владение языками». Таблица 7. Население наиболее многочисленных национальностей по родному языку
  2. ^ Baskakov, 1966, p. 7.
  3. ^ a b "Кумандинский | Малые языки России". Retrieved 2024-06-11.
  4. ^ "Куманды буквар – Российская Национальная Библиотека – Vivaldi". Retrieved 2024-04-21.


External links