Konštrukta – Defence

KONŠTRUKTA – Defence is a state-owned arms designer and manufacturer in Slovakia.


KONŠTRUKTA Trenčín was founded in 1953, in the town of Trenčín. During the communist era, national economic policy was much more focused on defence; as the economy weakened in the 1980s, Konštrukta diversified into other branches of machine-building and manufacturing. In 1993, the government of Slovakia split the company into two parts; KONŠTRUKTA – Defence and KONŠTRUKTA – Industry. In 2004, KONŠTRUKTA – Defence was absorbed into the state-owned holding company "DMD Group"[2] alongside ZTS – ŠPECIÁL, a manufacturing and engineering business.


Zuzana 2

Self-propelled artillery 152mm

Self-propelled artillery 155mm

Other products


  1. ^ a b c d e "KONŠTRUKTA - Defence, a.s. - historický názov: KONŠTRUKTA - Defence, akciová spoločnosť - zisk, tržby, hospodárske výsledky a účtovné závierky".
  2. ^ "About us – KONŠTRUKTA – Defence".
  3. ^ "Zuzana 2 môže uspieť v zákazke pre brazílsku armádu – DMD group".
  4. ^ "SVK - BIA (155mm samohybná kanónová houfnice) : Československo / ČR / SR (CZK/CZE/SVK)". September 12, 2023.
  5. ^ "Další houfnice ze Slovenska: BIA kombinuje EVU a ZUZANU 2 s poznatky z války, zájem by mohly mít země NATO a Ukrajina". September 18, 2023.
  6. ^ "SVK - Zuzana MV : Československo / ČR / SR (CZK/CZE/SVK)". February 8, 2004.
  7. ^ "TATRAPAN Armoured Multipurpose Vehicle".