Irina Klimovschi

Irina Klimovschi (née Nagy; Hungarian: Nagy Ilona; 1936 – 2 May 2001) was a Romanian handballer who played for the Romanian national team.[1] At club level, she played for SMTCF Târgu Mureș, Progresul Târgu Mureș, Știința București or Rapid București. Together with Luminița Dinu-Huțupan, she is regarded by Constantin Popescu–Pilică as the greatest Romanian goalkeeper of all time.[2]

International trophies

Individual awards

Personan life

According to Siebenbürgische Zeitung, her surname was "Klimowski".[3]


  1. ^ "COMUNICAT DE PRESĂ (11 iunie 2009) REF: Ceremonia de decorare a unor sportivi şi antrenori, campioni mondiali ai handbalului românesc" (PDF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2019-02-26. Retrieved 2019-09-29.
  2. ^ Cele mai bune din istorie
  3. ^ "Deutsche Weltmeister unter rumänischer Fahne".