International Association for Identification

The International Association for Identification (IAI) is the largest forensic organization in the world. It was originally formed as the "International Association for Criminal Identification" in October 1915. Through the years it has grown into an educational and certification body with over 6,000 members worldwide.


The International Association for Identification strives to be the primary professional association for those engaged in forensic identification, investigation, and scientific examination of physical evidence. To accomplish this mission, it has six goals:



John A. Dondero Memorial Award

The award is presented to an Active Member of the Association, who have made "the most significant and valuable contribution in the area of identification and allied sciences." The laureates are:

Dr Antonio A. Cantu Memorial Award for Early Career Research

The award is to be awarded at the discretion of the Board of Directors to a new forensic science practitioner and active member of this association, to highlight the creativity, originality, professionalism, and innovation of his research in the recovery and identification of forensic evidence, in the early stages of his career.

Good of the Association Award

This award recognize an individual who, "in the opinion and judgment of the IAI's Board of Directors, is deemed to have made an "outstanding contribution to the Association." The laureates are:

Distinguished members

Distinguished membership may be conferred only on a Member by a majority vote of the I.A.I. Board of Directors in recognition of the Member's superior efforts in the furtherance of the aims and purposes of the I.A.I. A Distinguished Member retains all the rights, privileges, and obligations of the class of membership he or she held prior to being designated as a Distinguished Member.

Dedication to Service Award

The Dedication to Service Award is awarded to individuals who have shown outstanding dedication over time to the Association and its objectives. The laureates are:


There are four means of obtaining training through the IAI:

Certification boards

There are eight (8) certifying boards:

The International Association for Identification also participates in Scientific Working Groups (SWGs).

The organization's monthly publication is the Journal of Forensic Identification.

See also


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External links